Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Way Street ❯ Chapter10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Way Street

by Dragondreamer and Yami Dragon

Disclaimer: We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! DUH! If we did, the show wouldn't be fit for kids, that's for sure!

Warning: This story contains shouenen-ai (guy/guy relationships) and yaoi (guys having sex with guys). It also contains coarse language and violence. If you don't like it, or become offended by such things, what are you doing here? Haven't you figured out by now that all our writing contains this stuff?

Note: /…/ Tristan's thoughts

[…] Seto's thoughts


YD: Sorry it took us so long to update.

DD: And the next chapter of Stronger Than Before is on the way.

YD: We had company.

Seto: Considering the nature of the company, I'm surprised ANYTHING got done.

YD: You're just jealous!


[Last night…something happened.] Seto lay quietly next to Tristan, watching him sleep.

It had been three weeks since his birthday and he was finally starting to come around. It hadn't been easy, but Seto had been patient, giving the other his space when his mood turned. He had learned the hard way that Tristan preferred sometimes to be left alone when he was upset.

That was a little over a week after he had found out about Michael. They had ended up yelling at each other and almost coming to blows, until Seto realized that he needed to back off. Later, he had found Tristan sitting out behind the garage in tears. He had thrown himself at Seto, apologizing for his behavior and swearing not to let it happen again. After that, Seto just waited for Tristan to come to him whenever he got into one of those moods. Most of the time, he would find his lover with Mokuba after an episode like that. The younger Kaiba seemed to calm him.

But last night, something happened. They had connected on a level that Seto never thought was possible. Tristan had given himself completely. Not in a submissive way, but rather, he hadn't sought control. And he had pleaded with Seto to take him, his voice low and rough with a desire he hadn't shown before.

"You were right." Tristan turned over on his side and cuddled as close to Seto as he could get.

"Right about what, love?"

"About how you'd teach me to trust you." Tristan stroked his hand down Seto's chest and then kissed the hollow of his throat. "You showed me that you really, truly love me. You put up with all my emotional shit and didn't leave."

"I'm never going to leave you."

Tristan smiled at him, the brightest, most genuine smile Seto had seen on him in a month. With a laugh that rang with pure happiness, he pulled Seto on top of him and kissed him deeply.


"Thank you, amante." Tristan slid his arm around Seto's waist and leaned up to kiss him.

"You're welcome." Seto sighed, shaking his head, as he watched the mutt chase his brother across the yard.

All of Tristan's friends had come over for the afternoon. They had spent most of that time chasing around like a bunch of five year olds. Seto had turned down Yami's offer of a duel, but offered the use of a small, outside arena for anyone who wanted to use it. Currently, Bakura was getting his butt kicked by Yugi. He laughed at Bakura's yelp of surprise when Ryou picked up a pinecone from the ground and beaned his yami in the head, admonishing him for his use of such language in front of Mokuba.

"Have I told you lately just how strange your friends are?"

"Not lately." Tristan grinned, giving the taller brunet another quick kiss before leaving to speak to Kendra who was calling to him.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like to duel, Kaiba?"

Seto looked down at Yami, who was standing at his side. "No."

"Afraid I'm going to beat you again, are you?"

"Listen, Yami…"

"I'm only joking." Yami laughed. "Loosen up, Kaiba! You're going to give yourself an ulcer."

Seto rolled his eyes before allowing a small smile grace his lips. Since that first conversation in the park, he and Yami had managed to bury the hatchet somewhat, if only for Tristan's sake, and whenever they were together as a group, Seto found himself falling into conversation with the spirit. Though Tristan was their common ground, they both discovered a grudging respect for each other.

"Things are going well?" Yami asked.

"Yes." Seto sat down on a bench and motioned for Yami to sit next to him. "He's starting to come around."

"I can see that." Yami took the offered seat. "And I can see he's beginning to trust you. That's good."

"He is. The mutt's change of attitude has helped him a lot." Seto narrowed his eyes at Yami. "But don't you dare tell him I said that."

Yami chuckled. "Your secret's safe with me. I know it's not easy for you to get along with Joey, or he with you, but I'm pleased that you're both trying...somewhat."

Now it was Seto's turn to chuckle. "I can't help it. He makes it too easy."

"Anyone want a soda?" Tristan yelled, receiving a chorus of affirmative answers.

"I'd better go give him a hand." Seto excused himself, standing and following Tristan into the mansion.

He arrived in the kitchen to see Tristan bent over with his head stuck in the fridge. Smirking, Seto stole up behind him, grabbing his hips and pressing up against him. Tristan yelped and straightened, banging his head.

"Damn!" Tristan pushed Seto away, rubbing his head. "That wasn't funny!"

"I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to scare you." Seto put his arms around Tristan and kissed the sore spot.

"Like hell you didn't." Tristan grumbled.

Seto snickered and shut him up by claiming his lips, immediately deepening it, running his tongue over the roof of the other's mouth. Tristan moaned slightly, bringing his hands up to clutch the back of Seto's shirt and draw him closer.

Seto broke off to press small kisses across Tristan's face before nipping at his jaw. "Gods, I want you!"

"Amante," Tristan protested weakly. "We have company."

"That's the only thing keeping me from taking you right here." Seto pressed his lover against the countertop.

"Who says I want to be taken?" Tristan grinned.

Seto growled against Tristan's neck, grinding into him, smiling to himself as he felt Tristan's body respond. Then he leaned back and relieved Tristan of his shirt, bending to capture a nipple between his lips. Tristan shivered as Seto's hands went to the button on his jeans and he undid them, pulling them down just enough to free his already weeping erection.

Tristan buried his hands in his lover's hair as Seto dropped to his knees.


"I'm going to see what's taking Tristan so long." Joey didn't bother waiting for an acknowledgement; everyone was too wrapped up in watching Yugi trash Bakura.

Joey made his way through the service enterance he had see Tristan disappear into, knowing that the kitchen was in that general vicinity. He was relived to find himself in a hallway with no doors and he followed it to the end, hoping it would open out where he wanted it to.

Unfortunately, it didn't.

Joey stood in the doorway of the kitchen, chin on the floor, staring with a sick fascination at the sight before him. Tristan was pressed back against the counter, hands in Kaiba's hair and his head thrown back, moaning. Kaiba was kneeling on the floor with his hands on Tristan's hips, licking at him like a popsicle.

"Amante…" Tristan's voice was husky in a way Joey had never heard it. "Gods! Just do it already!"

Kaiba groaned and took Tristan into his mouth.

Joey let out a soundless squeak as Tristan began to thrust against the other brunet, whimpering. The blond turned and ran.

He pounded down the hallway, stopping just short of the door to pull himself together. What he had seen was just wrong on so many levels. Especially the level where a certain part of his body had stood up and took notice of what he had been watching.

"No way. There's NO WAY that turned me on!"

A short, harsh cry filtered down the hallway and Joey shuddered. He leaned against the wall, pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes until he saw stars.

"Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong! Oh gods!"

Joey took a deep breath, and then another, willing his body under control. He was horrified that he had reacted the way he did. Why would that happen if he was straight? It just wasn't possible. It had to be some teenage hormone thing.

"Yeah, that's it. Just my hormones."

Feeling much better now that he had come up with a reason, Joey went back outside, trying to forget the image that had been burned into his brain.


Bakura smirked as he watched the blond leaning against the dueling platform. He had seen the look on Joey's flushed face when he came out of the mansion. He understood immediately when, several minutes later, Tristan and Seto also came out. Seto had a smug look about him and Tristan looked imminently satisfied.

It was all the white haired spirit could do not to laugh as Joey blushed every time Seto or Tristan made eye contact with him.

Bakura wasn't the only one to notice Joey's discomfiture.

[Looks like we had an audience. I just can't pass up an opportunity like this.]

Making sure Tristan was distracted, Seto casually made his way over to Joey, fighting to keep the grin off his face. When he got about a foot away, he stopped, letting his grin creep onto his lips.

"Everything okay? Can I get you another soda…to suck on?"

Joey's eyes went wide and he flushed ten shades of red. Seto chuckled and then he felt an arm slip around his waist. He looked to see Bakura standing next to him and was about to give him a piece of his mind for touching him without his permission when he saw the mischievous glint in the fiend's eyes.

He looked back at Joey, who was looking like he was wishing the ground would open up and swallow him. "What do you think, Bakura? The puppy looks really cute when he's scared."

"I don't know about scared," Bakura replied with an evil smile. "But he sure looks sexy all flustered….all HOT and flustered."

Seto snickered, throwing an arm around Bakura's shoulders. "Mmmm…I think you're right. Are you SURE you're straight, puppy?"

"Yes." Joey squeaked as Bakura stepped away from Seto and came within a hair's breath of the trembling blond.

Seto couldn't contain himself anymore and started laughing. His mirth attracted Tristan, who immediately realized he'd have to rescue his best friend from his lover and Ryou's yami.

"Amante…" Tristan voice held a note of warning. "What are you doing?"

"What?" Seto tried to look innocent. "I'm just playing with the puppy."

Bakura's laugh turned into a yelp as a hand tangled into his long hair and he was jerked away from Joey. He turned around to send the fool to the Shadow Realm only to see his hikari glaring at him.

"Apologize. Now." Ryou said in a no nonsense tone.

"I will not." Bakura growled.

"Now." Ryou fingered the Ring hanging around his neck.

"Fine." Bakura grumbled, turning to Joey. "Sorry, Joey."

"Your turn, amante." Tristan crossed his arms over his chest.

Seto rolled his eyes. "Sorry, mutt. I was just kidding around."

"Um, yeah. No problem." Joey caught the look Bakura was giving him and he didn't like it one bit. It was the same look he'd seen Yami give Yugi just before he hauled him off somewhere more private.

Tristan shook his head, trying not to laugh. He knew that both Seto and Bakura thought Joey was kidding himself. And he was completely aware of the hungry looks Bakura had been casting Joey's way lately. He also knew Bakura was seeing someone, but it was only about sex. Bakura wasn't one to go in for long term relationships. Not unless, of course, it involved a certain blond puppy.

He watched Ryou drag Bakura off and Joey quickly made an exit in the opposite direction, towards Yami and Yugi, who both looked like they were trying not to laugh at Joey's expense.

"Okay, explain yourself." Tristan turned to Seto, trying to look stern.

"He was asking for it."

"And how's that?"

"He was watching us."

"In the kitchen?!" Tristan looked horrified. "Oh gods!"

Seto laughed, pulling Tristan against him. "Come on, love. He liked what he saw. He hasn't been able to look at either of us since without blushing."

"Maybe he was embarrassed."

"Oh, please." Seto kissed Tristan lightly on the lips. "He's fighting it. I think he's attracted to Bakura."

Tristan looked skeptical.

"Trust me on this one, love. I enjoy teasing him, but if Bakura wants a chance, he's going to have to back off and let the mutt come to him."

"Somehow, I don't see that happening."

"We'll see."


"Where's Tristan?" Seto asked his brother as he walked into the den, dropping his briefcase.

Mokuba looked up from the book he was reading. "He said he had to go out, but that he'd be back before you got home."

"Well, I'm home, and he's not here."

"Yes, I am." Tristan walked into the room, holding a large, plastic bag.

"Holy shit." Seto whispered, feeling his entire blood supply take a detour.

"Wow, Tristan! You look great!" Mokuba smiled, more at the look on his big brother's face than anything else.

"Ah…Mokuba…go get yourself a soda or something." Seto commanded, not taking his eyes off his lover.

Mokuba snickered and quickly left the room.

Tristan dropped the bag to the floor and took a step back. "Like what you see?"

"Oh, hell yes." Seto let his eyes rake over the other's form, taking in the dark maroon silk shirt that was held together by just the two middle buttons, showing off Tristan's sculpted chest and abs. The sleeves were rolled back to the elbow, exposing tanned, corded forearms. Seto's eyes widened appreciatively as his gaze traveled down the rest of Tristan's body, wondering how in the name of all that was holy he managed to get into the skin tight brown leather pants. His feet were encased in soft brown leather boots and the only jewelry he was wearing was his Blue Eyes and a small diamond stud in his ear, making Seto wonder how he had missed the fact that Tristan had his ear pierced.

"What's the occasion?" Seto asked, a bit short of breath.

"We're going out." Tristan picked up the bag again and took Seto's hand. "Come on. You need to get changed."

"Where are we going?" Seto asked as Tristan hauled him upstairs and into their room.

"It's a surprise."

"But, Mokuba…"

"Already knows." Tristan threw the bag on the bed and turned to Seto, practically ripping his shirt from him. "I told Peggy too."

"Well, you've certainly got all the bases covered." Seto stood helplessly at Tristan continued to remove his clothes.

Once his lover was completely naked, Tristan stepped back with a wicked grin. "Now, as much as I'd like to take you out just like that…I couldn't vouch for your safety where we're going."

Seto's blush went unnoticed as Tristan turned and began rummaging in the bag.

"Here, put these on." Tristan tossed a pair of black leather pants over his shoulder.

Seto did as he was told, wincing as he buttoned them up. "They're a bit tight."

"Mmmm…are they ever." Tristan turned from the bed with a white silk shirt in his hands. "Don't worry, amante. You'll get used to them. Here."

Seto let Tristan slip the shirt over his shoulders. The shorter brunet buttoned up the three bottom buttons, leaving the rest of the shirt open. A pair of boots the same as Tristan's, only black, came out of the bag and Seto pulled them on.

Tristan stepped back. "Gods! You look fantastic! Remind me again why we're going out?"

"It was your idea, baby. Not mine." Seto grinned.

Tristan smiled back and went back into the bag for one last item. He pulled out a small, flat box and opened it up, revealing a thin gold chain with a small gold cube threaded on it. Putting his arms around Seto's neck, he fixed the clasp and stepped back.

"Perfect." He led Seto over to the mirrored closet doors.

Seto looked at his reflection. The white silk made his lightly tanned skin look darker and the chain was so thin as to be almost invisible, making the gold cube seem as if it was suspended, defying gravity, in the hollow of his throat. The pants molded to his lean hips and legs so tightly Seto was amazed he could move or breathe.

"You're beautiful, amante."

"You're not so bad yourself." Seto turned and pulled Tristan into his arms, kissing his forehead.

Tristan smiled up at him, his eyes twinkling. "We'd better go before I peel you out of those pants and my plans for the night are ruined. Let's take the Harley."


Bakura sat in a shadowed booth in a corner of the club, waiting for Brad.

A smirk crossed his lips when he looked to the booth next to his and saw a familiar face. Pegasus.

He hadn't changed much, except for the patch over his eye. Bakura took a moment to admire his handiwork before turning his attention to the man's companions.

Twin boys, about eighteen years of age, but looking closer to twelve. They were wrapped around Pegasus, looking like a couple of starved leeches.

The white haired spirit allowed himself a small chuckle. The entrepreneur would certainly have his hands full with those two; if their reputations were true. Bakura didn't know first hand, but rumor had it they could wear out the strongest man long before dawn.

"Sorry I'm late." Brad slid into the booth next to Bakura, placing a proprietorial hand on Bakura's leg.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"I was apartment hunting. It's getting too expensive to stay in a hotel." Brad pressed up against his lover. "And I had to finish filling out my university forms."

"Whatever." Bakura signaled a waiter and ordered drinks. "You look utterly fuckable."

"Thanks." The brunet grinned, sitting back slightly to let Bakura take in the royal blue tank top and tight black jeans, decorated with a pair of handcuffs hanging from the belt loops.

Bakura grabbed a handful of long brown hair and pulled Brad toward him, roughly kissing him.

"These should come in handy." He ran his free hand down to finger the handcuffs.

"Oh, I'm sure they will."


"That is SO the last time I let you drive!" Seto slid off the back of the bike and pulled off his helmet.

"What?! We're here in one piece, aren't we?" Tristan retorted after pulling off his own helmet.

Seto rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the other bikes parked along the side of the building. "Is it safe to leave it parked here?"

"Oh yeah. No one would dare touch it with Al around."

"Who's Al?"

"Come on, I'll introduce you." Tristan walked up to the door and pounded on it.

"Tristan!" Al greeted him as he opened the door to let them in. "I haven't seen you in ages!"

He turned to Seto and a smile lit up his face. "And I guess here's the reason why."

"Al, this is…"

"I know who he is." The bouncer interrupted. "Don't worry, the one rule we have here is anonymity."

"Tristan has already explained it to me." Seto replied.

"Oh, and Tristan? Watch your back. Pegasus is here tonight."

"Pegasus?" Seto tried to hold down his anger. "What would he want with Tristan?"

"Don't worry, amante. He won't come near us. Let's just say I was forced to show him I wasn't interested."

Al snickered. "Tristan broke his nose."

"What?" Seto raised an eyebrow.

"He was drunk and wouldn't take no for an answer." Tristan said blandly.

Seto shook his head with a grin.

"Keys?" Al asked.

"Oh, yeah!" Tristan tossed the keys to the Harley to the bouncer, who hung them up on a peg board next to the door.

"You don't get them back if you're drunk." Al explained to Seto.

"Let's go, amante." Tristan took Seto's hand and pulled him down the hall.


They had been there for about a half hour and Seto was getting sick of staring people down.

"I swear, if one more guy looks at you like that, he'll be going home minus a few teeth."

"Relax, amante. You're the only one I'm going home with." Tristan laughed. "Besides, you've gotten your share of predatory looks tonight."

"Right." Seto leaned back against the bar, took Tristan's beer from him and pulled him against his chest, tipping his face up. "You'd better be coming home with me tonight."

"Oh, you have plans, do you?" Tristan smirked.

"Yes, I do. Care for a little preview?" Not waiting for an answer, Seto claimed Tristan's lips in a heated kiss.

Tristan fought back, not giving in until Seto caved. "Good boy."

"Ass." Seto nipped at Tristan's bottom lip.

"Come dance with me."

"I don't dance."

"Oh, come on, amante." Tristan untangled himself from his lover's arms and took his hand. "Don't be such a killjoy."

"I don't dance." Seto repeated.

"Don't know how, you mean."

Seto rolled his eyes, but shook his head. "I never learned."

"Well, it's about time you did." Tristan yanked Seto away from the bar and led him onto the dance floor.

"Just let yourself feel the music." Tristan grabbed Seto and pulled their bodies flush, already moving with the beat. "Dancing is like great sex, you just have to find the rhythm."

"Keep rubbing against me like that and we're leaving now."

Tristan laughed, letting his eyes slip closed, enjoying the feeling of Seto's body moving with his own and feeling the beat pound through his blood. He felt Seto leaving a trail of hot, small kisses along his jaw.

"I love you, Tristan." Seto whispered into his ear. "They can look all they want, but you're mine."

Tristan opened his eyes to find himself lost in Seto's sapphire gaze. "Tou, amante…per sempre. Ti amo."

"I don't know half of what you just said, but it sounded good." Seto smiled softly.

"Yours…forever." Tristan whispered, closing the distance between them and kissing him again.

The moment was ruined by a voice that made Tristan's blood run cold.

"There's only one guy I know from this part of the world that dances like that and can speak Italian."

Tristan tore away from Seto, spinning around, his heart nearly stopping as he faced the familiar figure. A lull in the music allowed Seto to hear the last thing he wanted to hear.


"Tristan. I don't believe it." Brad pulled Tristan against him, one hand snaking around the back of his head and he leaned down to kiss him.

The last thing that Seto saw, the thing that broke his heart and made him run, was Tristan's arms coming up to clutch the man kissing him.


DD: *hides behind YD* Please don't kill us!

YD: We wanted to continue on, but it would have made the chapter WAY too long.

Tristan: You guys are SO dead.

Seto: To hell with the readers, I'm going to kill them myself!

YD: The next chapter is all mapped out and some of it written.

DD: Please review. We're hoping to have the next chapter of Stronger Than Before out in the next couple of days.