Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Way Street ❯ chapter15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Way Street

by Dragondreamer and Yami Dragon

Disclaimer: We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! DUH! If we did, the show wouldn't be fit for kids, that's for sure!

Warning: This story contains shouenen-ai (guy/guy relationships) and yaoi (guys having sex with guys). It also contains coarse language and violence. If you don't like it, or become offended by such things, what are you doing here? Haven't you figured out by now that all our writing contains this stuff?


Note: /…/ Tristan's thoughts

[…] Seto's thoughts


DD: *yawns*

YD: *yawns*

DD: I'm SO not awake!

YD: Yeah, let's just get on with the chappie.

Tristan: Wait! You have to hand out plushies!

DD: *yawns again* You do it.

Tristan: Okay *hands plushies to Katmon, Silver Saber, sourastherain, Lady Elfskye, lupusdragon, Yue, kira, Ykarzel, IwakanIwakan* MJ, you don't get one! *sticks out tongue*

YD: I wouldn't do that if I were you.


"Tristan, you HAVE to go to school!" Seto shouted.

"No, I don't! And I'm not!" Tristan yelled back.

They had been arguing for over a half hour.

Last night Tristan had finally broken down and told Seto, in minute detail, what had happened the night Brad raped him. He had gotten up that morning before Seto woke and locked himself in his den, refusing to come out.

Seto had finally picked the lock. He had found Tristan curled up on the couch, crying. Having to relive it while telling Seto had been too much for him. He had clung to Seto, apologizing for pushing him away, saying that he knew he had hurt him and begging Seto to let him make it up to him.

Seto had just held him until he stopped, and trying to think of a way to take his mind off it, he had suggested they go out and get what they needed for school, which was starting in a week. Tristan had lost it and started yelling at him, saying that until he knew for sure what happened to Brad, he wasn't leaving the house.

"Would you listen to reason for once?! He's DEAD! He has to be!"

"You don't know that, Seto! He was still alive when you left! How do you know for sure Bakura killed him?!"

Seto ran a hand over his face, reigning in his temper. "Love, please listen to me. There's no way he would have survived even if Bakura didn't kill him. I crushed the man's throat. He was choking to death when I left."

"You don't know…"

"Tristan…" Seto reached out to him.

Tristan backed against the wall, his hands up in front of him. "No. Don't touch me. Don't come near me. I'm too pissed off right now. Just leave me alone."

"No, I won't." Seto grabbed him by the arms, pulling him away from the wall and against his body.

"Let go." Tristan stiffened as Seto's arms came around him.

"You need to stop this." Seto didn't let go. "Tristan, you need help. This isn't right. When I can get you to go outside, you refuse to leave the patio. Are you going to stay locked up in here forever?"

"If I have to."

"Come on. Don't be foolish. What happened to the brash, self confident guy I fell in love with?"

Tristan looked Seto right in the eye, his voice emotionless. "He died that night."

"Oh, Tristan," Seto tightened his grip on his lover. "Please, you have to try. You promised Joey, remember?"

"I know, but…I'm scared, Seto. I know that he can't be alive, but deep down I'm terrified that he's going to come back."

"I'll make you a deal, love. If you agree to go to school, I'll assign John to you, okay?"

"Really? A bodyguard?"

"If it wouldn't make you feel safe, yes." Seto pulled Tristan closer and kissed his forehead. "I'll do anything to make you feel safe, baby."

Tristan finally relaxed into Seto's embrace. He reached up and buried his hands in Seto's hair, drawing him down and kissing him, gently at first, then with more force.

Seto moaned as he felt Tristan's tongue slide past his lips, caressing. He felt his body respond to it and pulled Tristan tightly against him, his hands slipping up Tristan's shirt to rub his back. It was the first time they had kissed like this since that night.

When they broke apart, Seto stared into Tristan's eyes, searching for some sign that he had felt something. Tristan shook his head, smiling a little sadly.

Seto leaned in and kissed him briefly on the lips. "It's alright. We'll figure it out."

"Hey, guys!" Joey walked in and threw himself down on the couch, breathing hard, like he had run all the way from his house. "Tristan…your parents…"

"What's wrong?" Tristan moved away from Seto and sat down next to the blond. "What about my parents?"

Joey took a deep breath. "They're back in town."

"Both of them?!" Tristan looked surprised. "Dad's not due back for a couple more months."

"Your mom called me. She was all freaked `cause your room was stripped out…new carpet and stuff."

Seto sat down next to Tristan. "I had my people refurbish the room."

"I know," Joey said. "But she thinks Tristan's gone or something."

"Did you tell her where I was?" Tristan asked.

"Nope." Joey shook his head. "I only told her that you were with a friend and that I was going to see you today."

"Shit." Tristan muttered.

"You've got to go over to your parent's house, Tristan." Seto looked at him seriously. "You can't leave them worrying about you."

"Why should I?" Tristan asked angrily. "They don't care."

"You don't know that, buddy." Joey grasped his arm. "You mom was crying and everything."

Tristan started chewing on his lip, staring at the floor.

"Tristan?" Seto took his hand. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"I…I don't want to go alone."

"I'd come with you too, but I have to go over to Ryou's." Joey said.

"It's okay, Joey." Tristan looked up at Seto. "You'll come?"

"Of course I will. Do you want to take John too?"

Tristan shook his head. "No. That's okay. Just…stay with me, okay?"

"I won't leave your side. I promise."

Tristan stood up and held out his hand to Seto. When the taller brunet took it and stood as well, Tristan pressed close to him. "Don't let go."

"I won't."


The limo pulled up in front of the Taylor's house and Tristan anxiously scanned the street. It was empty, but he was still nervous about getting out of the car. He was beginning to regret not bringing John.

"Come on, love. It's going to be fine."

The driver opened the door and Seto got out first. Tristan got out behind him, immediately grabbing his hand and jumping at the sound of the limo door being closed.

"It's okay, Tristan." Seto squeezed his hand. "Let's go."

He led the way to the front door, allowing Tristan to open it and lead them inside. They walked into the living room, unannounced, to see Tristan mother sitting on the couch, twisting her hands in her lap.


Mrs. Taylor jumped up at the sound of Tristan's voice. "Tristan! Oh, gods! Where have you been?!"

Before he could answer, his father came in from the kitchen. "Where the hell have you been, boy?! I was on the phone with the police!"

"Dad, I was just…"

"You've had your mother worried to death!" He suddenly noticed Tristan wasn't alone. "Who the hell is this?"

"This is…"

"Shut up!" Mr. Taylor bellowed. "I know who he is! What I want to know is, what is he doing here?"

"If you'd let Tristan finish a sentence, he'd tell you." Seto said coolly, bristling at the man's attack on his lover.

"I wasn't talking to you, Seto Kaiba!"

"You WILL NOT speak to me that way." Seto's voice was pure ice; the hand not holding Tristan's clenched into a fist as his whole body tensed. "And I will not stand here and let you yell at your son, either."

"Please, Doug," Mrs. Taylor laid a hand on her husband's arm. "Sit down."

He visibly calmed himself and sat down in a chair, his wife sitting in the matching chair next to it. Seto sat down on the couch, drawing Tristan down next to him. Tristan was shaking, but whether it was from fear or anger, Seto couldn't tell.

"Tristan," His mother began. "Please…tell me what's going on. Why is everything in your room different? And where are all your things? I've been trying to get in touch with you for weeks, but you didn't return my calls."

"I've been staying with Seto." Tristan began. "My room…"

Seto looked at Tristan as he trailed off, able to tell by his eyes that he didn't want his parents to know what happened. He nodded slightly and turned to Tristan's mother.

"Someone broke into your house." He lied smoothly. "He didn't take anything, but he did attack Tristan. He stabbed him. Tristan managed to call Joey, who called me."

"Stabbed him?" Mr. Taylor interrupted. "How did he get in the house? Did you forget to lock the door again?!"

"He came through the bedroom window." Seto interjected. "Tristan was asleep when he was attacked. He never saw who did it."

"Did you call the police, Tristan?" His mother asked.

"No." Tristan replied, catching on to where Seto was headed. "Seto has his people out looking."

"They're a lot more competent than the police." Seto put in, thinking to himself that Tristan's parents were extremely shallow people to not even ask if their son was okay.

"And just WHAT have you been doing while you've been stay with him?" His father asked, his meaning plain.

Tristan's eyes narrowed. He'd had enough of his father's prejudice. "That's none of your business, Dad."

"You're my SON!"

"No, I'm not!" Tristan yelled. "You and Mom leave me alone so much I'm NO ONE'S son!"

"Enough!" Mrs. Taylor looked at her husband. "Doug. Leave. Come back when you've calmed down."

With a snort of irritation, the man got up and left the room.

"Tristan, please forgive your father."

"I can't do that, Mom." Tristan clenched Seto's hand tighter. "He'll never accept me for who I am. Just like you."

"That's not true!" Tears filled her eyes. "I admit, I was shocked when you told us about that man you met in Italy. But please understand…your father is my husband, and I love him. I don't want to take sides in this, but…"

"But you're choosing him over me." Tristan said quietly.

"Some day you're going to grow up and leave…"

"I already have, Mom. I can't come back. I can't live under the same roof with a man who can't love me for who I am, yet claims to be my father."

"So, you've been living with him?" She looked to Seto, who stayed silent, his face blank.

"I love him."

"You're too young to know what that is, Tristan."

"I grew up the day Michael died, Mom. I've been practically living on my own since then."

Seto slipped his hand from Tristan's, putting his arm around him. Tristan was pale, beads of sweat dotting his brow. He leaned against Seto, looking at his mother.

"Mom, please try to understand where I'm coming from. I'm not the kid you think I am. I deserve to live my life the way I want. I can't…I'm sorry." The light went from Tristan's eyes. "We have to go."

"You're not leaving here!" Tristan's father stood in the doorway of the kitchen. "I won't have my son living with another man."

"Mr. Taylor, it would be wise if you left this alone for now." Seto said, trying to control his temper. "Tristan is still recovering and I won't allow him to stay here with the kind of stress that's in this house. I'm taking him home with me. If you try to stop us, you'll regret it."

"Don't think your money will let you walk out of here with my son, Kaiba."

"Let them go." Mrs. Taylor said quietly. "He's right, Doug. We need to calm down and think about this. Will you come back tomorrow, Tristan?"

"I can't promise it." Tristan glared at his father. "I'll call you."

"That's fine." She forestalled her husband with an upraised hand. "We'll talk to you tomorrow."

Feeling like he'd been dismissed, Tristan stood, taking Seto's hand again, and led the way from the house. The minute the door shut behind them, they could hear Tristan's father shouting, and his mother matching him for volume.

Tristan didn't say anything until they were back in the limo. He moved into Seto's outstretched arms, getting as close as possible.

"He hates me." Tristan whispered. "My own father hates me."

"I don't think he hates you, love. I just think he needs some time to come to terms with it."

"No. I don't think he will. He's too stubborn." Tristan sighed. "I'm used to it."

"Are you going to be okay?" Seto pulled back a bit so he could look into Tristan's eyes.

"I will." Tristan tipped his face up. "So long as you're with me."

Seto leaned down and kissed him, parting his lips to allow Tristan control. It was a deep, comforting kiss, without heat, and it seemed to last forever.

Tristan broke it to lay his head against Seto's chest. Neither one said a word the rest of the way home, each mulling over the confrontation with Tristan's parents.

By the time the gates of the Kaiba Estate came into view, Seto had formed a plan. As soon as he got inside, he was going to put it into motion.

He wasn't going to allow bigotry to separate them.


"Tristan!" Mokuba met them in the hallway outside his bedroom. "Where have you been? The game's about to start!"

"Sorry, little man. I had to run over to my parent's house."

Mokuba raised an eyebrow at his brother. Seto shook his head slightly, indicating that the younger Kaiba shouldn't ask.

"Well, you're home now. I've got popcorn and everything!" Mokuba grabbed Tristan's hand. "Come on! We don't want to miss anything."

Tristan looked at Seto and shrugged. "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it, love." Seto replied. "I've got some work to do anyway."

Seto watched his brother lead his lover off and then turned and headed for his home office. He needed to call his lawyer to see if it was even legal for him to do what he had in mind.

If all went well, everything would change before the sun rose tomorrow.


Seto hung up the phone with a smile on his face. It was going to work! There was only one thing left standing in their way…well, two.

He needed to convince Tristan's parents to do this.

He left his office, heading for Mokuba's bedroom to tell Tristan he had to leave for a while. He found both of them lying on their stomachs on Mokuba's bed, watching a basketball game, a bowl of popcorn and sodas on the floor in front of them.

"Tristan?" Mokuba turned on his side so he could look at the brunet. "Are you going to leave us?"

"What do you mean, little guy?" Tristan propped his chin in his hand, giving his full attention to the boy.

"You looked upset when you got back from seeing your parents. Are they going to make you go home?"

"I don't know, Mokuba. I don't want to, but…they're my parents, and I'm underage."

Mokuba suddenly threw himself at Tristan, almost knocking him from the bed. "You can't leave! I don't want you to!"

Tristan sat up, crossing his legs, and pulled Mokuba into his lap. "I don't want to leave you either, kiddo, but the choice isn't mine to make."

"But…" The raven haired boy burrowed into Tristan's chest. "They don't love you as much as Seto and I do."

"Oh, Mokuba…" Tristan hugged the boy tightly, his voice catching. "I love you too."

Seto decided it was time to make his presence known, before his little brother broke down completely. "Hey, you two."

Tristan looked up, smiling slightly. "Hey."

"I have to go into the office for a while." Seto sat down on the bed and ran his fingers through his brother's hair. "I'm not sure when I'll be back."

"Will you be back for dinner?" Mokuba asked.

"I don't think so. I probably won't be back until after you go to bed."

"It's okay." Tristan reached out and brushed Seto's hair from his eyes. "We're just going to watch the game and I'll make sure he eats. Do you want me to wait up for you?"

"You don't have to." Seto leaned down and kissed the top of Mokuba's head before brushing his lips against Tristan's. "I've got to get going."

"I'll see you when you get home."

"Don't stay up too late, Mokuba." Seto tousled the boy's hair.

"I won't." Mokuba's attention was already back on the TV.

"Love you, baby." Seto kissed Tristan one more time before standing.

"Love you too." Tristan smiled, but Seto could see it didn't reach his eyes.

[I hope I can change that for you, Tristan. I'll make them see.]


"Everything's in order?" Seto asked his lawyer as he quickly scanned the document. "All they have to do is sign it?"

"Yes, sir. They should get a copy, and you'll need to send a copy to Family Services right away. I suggest you keep the original in your safe."

"Good work."

Seto left the office building, opting to drive himself instead of taking a limo. He cranked up the Lamborghini; his mind already on what he was sure was going to be a nasty confrontation with Tristan's father.


Seto took a deep breath before reaching out to knock on the door. What happened here would seriously impact Tristan's happiness, one way or the other, and Seto hated to admit it, but he was nervous.

The door opened to reveal Tristan's mother, her eyes red rimmed and puffy. She glanced around Seto, and seeing he was alone, turned sad eyes on him. "Can I help you?"

"I need to speak to you and your husband." Seto had his game face on. No emotion showed to give the woman any idea what he was there about.

"Where's Tristan?"

"He felt it would be better if he and his father didn't see each other again today."

Mrs. Taylor stepped back, allowing Seto to enter the house. She led him into the living room, indicating he should seat himself before she spoke again.

"Doug isn't here. He left shortly after you did."

"I had hoped to speak to both of you, but…" Seto set his briefcase on the coffee table, opening it. "Perhaps you could read this and tell me if it's worth my time even speaking to your husband."

He took out a file folder, closing his case and setting it back on the floor. He withdrew a single sheet of paper from the folder and placed it on the table, sliding it in front of Tristan's mother.

"What is this?" She picked it up and began to read it. "This is…"

"It gives Tristan all the rights of an adult and releases you and your husband from your parental obligations."

"Does…does Tristan want this?" Her look was incredulous.

"Yes. He does." Seto had no problem lying to this woman.

"Then why didn't he bring it to me himself?" This young man was making her nervous with his expressionless face and cold voice.

"As I said, he didn't want to see his father again so soon." He softened a little. "Mrs. Taylor, Tristan needs this. He's been through a lot in the past few months, and he feels he's had no support from his family."

"He's right." The woman sighed. "It's just…after Michael died…"

"I understand." Seto let the cold façade down even more. "I know what it's like to lose family."

"I understand it's just you and your younger brother."

"And Tristan. He's been with us all summer."

"And what does your brother think of your…relationship with Tristan?"

Seto allowed himself a small smile. "Tristan and Mokuba are fine. Mokuba loves him very much. Tristan is like another brother to him."

"That's good. I know he misses his brother."

"Mokuba's the same age that Michael would be. He really helped Tristan get through his birthday."

"My husband will never sign this." Tristan's mother said with perfect confidence. "He thinks Tristan will outgrow being…gay."

"You're an intelligent woman, Mrs. Taylor. You know that's not true."

"I do." She paused for a moment. "Answer one question for me."

"Of course."

"Do you love my son?"

"With everything I am." Seto replied without hesitation.

She looked into Seto's sapphire eyes, seeing sincerity there where there was nothing before. The cool business-like demeanor had slipped the moment he spoke Tristan's name and she knew he was telling the truth.

Without a word, she got up and left the room.

Seto stared after her, wondering what she was doing. [Maybe she's calling Tristan's father. I wish I knew what she was thinking. Somehow I don't see his father being as easy to deal with as her.]

His musings were cut short as she walked back into the room. She had a pen in her hand. She sat back down, pulling the document closer to her and reading it again.

A tear slipped down her face as she put her signature on it and then signed her husband's name, initialing that signature. She put the pen down with a sigh and handed the paper to Seto.

"As I said, Doug would never sign it. However, I have power of attorney so I'll sign for him."

"Mrs. Taylor, I don't want to cause any problems between you and your husband." Seto tried to keep the triumph from his voice.

"I'm doing this to save my marriage; and because I think Tristan deserves it. He was right. He's been pretty much living on his own since his brother died. And his father will never accept him for who he is."

Seto opened his briefcase again and put in the file containing Tristan's freedom. "Thank you. I appreciate that you love him enough to do this for him."

Mrs. Taylor stood, indicating to Seto that it was time to leave. She led him to the door, opening it and laying a hand on his arm to keep him from leaving right away.

"Tell Tristan that I'm proud of the man he's become. And tell him…no, ask him, not to cut his father and me from his life."

"I'll let him know. And thank you again."

Seto hurried to his car, anxious to get back to the office and finish this up, but also nervous that if he didn't leave now, she'd change her mind.

As he backed out of the driveway, he saw that she was still standing on the steps, tears running down her face. Seto's breath caught in his throat. She looked so much like Tristan when he was upset it was all he could do not to get out of the car and go put his arms around her.

Seto promised himself then and there that he'd see that Tristan mended bridges with her. She may not have been the perfect parent, but she did love her son, that much was obvious.

He headed toward Kaiba Corp., fighting to keep to the speed limit.


The grandfather clock in the den chimed eleven o'clock as Seto locked the front door behind him.

He had been longer at the office than he had planned. He had sent a copy of the document off to Family Services via fax, but he had had a hard time finding a courier so late to deliver it to Tristan's parents. He had considered taking it over himself, but the last thing he wanted was to come face to face with Tristan's father, who was no doubt very pissed off by now.

He headed upstairs, stopping to check on Mokuba. Opening the door, he shook his head. All he could see of his brother was a pair of feet sticking out of the foot of the bed and a comforter covered lump in the middle. He closed the door softly behind him with a smile.

Reaching his own room, he found Tristan sitting up in bed, reading.

"You didn't have to wait up for me, love."

"It's okay. I wanted to get this book finished anyway." Tristan smiled at him. "You're late. I was beginning to feel like a neglected housewife or something."

Seto chuckled, going to the closet, taking off his clothes and hanging them up. His eyes lit on a pile of clothes on the floor.

"YOU'RE feeling like a housewife?" He quipped, picking up Tristan's dirty clothes and putting them in the hamper.

He heard Tristan laugh and turned to see he had put down his book and pulled back the covers on the bed. He went to his briefcase and pulled out the sheet of paper that Tristan's mother hand signed and went over to the bed, sitting down next to his lover.

"I have something for you." He handed the paper to the other brunet.

"What's this?" Tristan took it from him and began to read it.

His eyes widened as he scanned it, filling with tears as he reached the bottom. It fell from his hands and he looked up at Seto, the tears escaping to slide silently down his face.

Seto took the document and placed it on the bedside table before taking Tristan in his arms. "Love, what's wrong? I thought you would want this."

"I do. It's just…" Tristan pulled away, wiping his eyes. "I can't believe you did this for me."

Seto reached out to him again, drawing him back against his chest. "And why wouldn't I? For all intents and purposes, you've been an adult since your brother died. This just makes it official. Even your mother saw it."

"But…Dad didn't sign it." Tristan voice was muffled and he moved closer, putting his arms around Seto's waist.

"Well, he wasn't there," Seto shifted them so he was leaning against the headboard with Tristan cradled against him. "And you're mother knew he'd never sign it. She does love you, Tristan; regardless of what you may think right now. I think this is her way of showing you that. She said she didn't want to be cut from your life…and that she was proud of you."

"Really? She said she was proud of me?"

"She did. I really think you should give her another chance, baby. I don't know if your father will ever accept us, but I know she does already."

Tristan lifted his head from Seto chest and kissed his neck. "Thank you, Seto. Thank you for this…for everything. You don't know how good it feels to have a family again. You and Mokuba…you're my family. My life. I could try for the rest of my life and I'd never be able to show you how much this all means to me."

"I do know what it feels like. Before you came, I just existed. I didn't really live. And Mokuba…he was too mature for his age." Seto shook his head, biting his lip against the tears that threatened. "I work so hard so he can be a kid. So that he doesn't have to be like me. And I was failing…until you came. Now he's finally acting like the kid he's supposed to be. I'm the one who should be thanking you."

"I love him. He's my brother…as much as he is yours." Tristan moved up until his face was level with Seto's. "And you…you've given me everything I've ever wanted. A family of my own, a home and love."

Seto wrapped his arms around Tristan, bringing him close and kissing him gently. He moaned at the feeling of their bare skin touching and Tristan's tongue brushing his lips, looking for enterance.

He willingly complied and he felt Tristan drawing him down onto his back and moving to lay half on top of him.

"Will you let me show you, Seto?" Tristan whispered as the kiss broke. "I want to touch you. Please?"

"I won't take you." Seto looked seriously into his lover's eyes. "I won't let you do that to yourself again."

"No. I don't want that either. I just want to love you. Will you let me?"

"Yes." Seto whispered as Tristan moved to kiss him again.

They poured all their love for each other into that kiss, allowing their emotions to show through the caressing of their lips. It was as if they were kissing for the first time…or the last.

They were reluctant to end it, but they were both getting desperate for air.

Tristan moved down to pepper Seto's neck and chest with small, gentle kisses, his hands wandering, turning Seto's into a shuddering mass of need beneath him.

Seto felt Tristan's fingers ghosting over his hips and a sob escaped him. "Tristan…oh, gods, baby…I wish…"

"I know." Tristan silenced him by moving back up and kissing him briefly. "Just let me give you what I can."

A few tears ran down his face as Seto reached to run his hands over Tristan's back. "I need you. Please, baby. Whatever you can give…I need it."

"I love you." Tristan kissed away his tears. /I'm so sorry. I want to feel it…but I can't./

"Love me, Tristan." Seto arched his body against him.

Tristan moved back down again, letting his hands drift over Seto's hips before following the trail with lips and tongue. Seto cried out as Tristan's fingers barely brushed his erection before moving back up to his chest to tease at his nipples.

Tristan looked up from his spot at Seto's hip and pressed his fingers to Seto's lips. Seto opened his mouth and took them in, sucking on them hungrily. Tristan let him have his way for a few minutes before removing his hand and bringing his fingers between Seto's legs, pressing two of them into his body at the same time he took his arousal deep into his mouth.

He felt desire flow through his mind, if not his body, as Seto arched up, groaning. He worked to bring Seto to completion, massaging his prostate while taking him back into his throat, swallowing around him.

"Tristan! Oh, baby…please!" Seto was writhing with pleasure, but at the same time it hurt. The pain was emotional, rather than physical, and he choked back a sob. It felt so good, but it wasn't enough.

All the pain he had seen Tristan go through, and had been through with him, came crashing down. He needed so badly for Tristan to make love to him. To be one with him. It was tearing his heart to pieces.

"I love you, Tristan." Seto sobbed out as he came with a loud moan, going limp on the sweat soaked sheets.

Tristan moved back up, cradling Seto in his arms as he brushed back his lover's tangled hair from his face, kissing him softly. "I love you too."

Seto couldn't stop the tears. "I'm sorry, love…I just can't…I need you."

"Shhh…hush. It's okay." Tristan held him tighter. "You've been so strong through all this. I wouldn't be able to survive it without you, Seto."

"I had to be."

"Just let it go. Let me be the strong one for now. Let me take care of you…even if it's just for tonight."

For the first time since he was a small child, Seto put himself in the hands of another and cried himself to sleep.


Bakura sat on a hillside, watching the sun come up. It spilled golden across the horizon, reminding him of the one he had left to sort out his feelings about.

Joey haunted his thoughts, waking and sleeping. He made the white haired spirit feel things he never had before.

He wanted to hold Joey, protect him. And the most perplexing thing…to be gentle with him.

"Damn Ryou…and Kendra too. They're rubbing off on me with all this love stuff." Bakura grumbled to himself.

But there was definitely something about the blond puppy that brought out a side of him he didn't even know existed. A tender, loving side.

Bakura rolled his eyes. A lot of good all this soul searching was going to do him if Joey was still going around insisting he was straight.

He had spoken to Seto about it a while back and he decided to take the CEO's advice and pursue Joey very carefully…make him think it was his idea. He couldn't push him. No matter how much he wanted to throw Joey down and just take him.

"Ra damned, son of a bitch, Osiris-forsaken LOVE!!" Bakura yelled to the empty sky. "Why the FUCK did this have to happen to me?!?!"

He stood up with a sigh. He had felt Ryou picking at his shields for days now. This was the longest he had ever been away from his light.

He couldn't stay away any longer. It was time to go home.


YD: *smacks Seto* You weren't supposed to fall apart on me like that!

Seto: *sniffles* I couldn't help it.

DD: Leave him alone, yami.

YD: *rolls eyes* Anyway…we're getting to work on the next chappie of Stronger.

DD: Hopefully today.

Tristan: So, Bakura's coming back? *smirks at Joey*

Joey: I thought I was supposed to be straight in this one!

YD: *evil grin*

Joey: Well, just make up your mind already!

Tristan: Please review…and if I forgot your plushie, let me know.