Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Way Street ❯ chapter16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Way Street

by Dragondreamer and Yami Dragon

Disclaimer: We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! DUH! If we did, the show wouldn't be fit for kids, that's for sure!

Warning: This story contains shouenen-ai (guy/guy relationships) and yaoi (guys having sex with guys). It also contains coarse language and violence. If you don't like it, or become offended by such things, what are you doing here? Haven't you figured out by now that all our writing contains this stuff?

Note: /…/ Tristan's thoughts

[…] Seto's thoughts


YD: Sorry this chapter took so long.

DD: We're getting ready to open our shop and things have been crazy.

YD: But we've already started on the next chapter of Stronger Than Before, so it should be out soon.

Joey: Damn! I thought you forgot about it.

YD: *rolls eyes*


Tristan got out of the limo behind Seto, John following. He stared up at the school, fighting not to turn and bolt.

"It's okay, baby." Seto slipped his hand into Tristan's. "John won't leave your side."

Tristan nodded, squeezing Seto's hand, and smiled at John as the bodyguard came up on his other side.

"You're only to leave him if he says so."

"Yes, sir."

Seto turned so he was facing Tristan, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a silver KC lapel pin, fastening it to the collar of Tristan's uniform. "It's a communicator. If you need me, just press it."

Tristan's eyes went to the matching one on Seto's jacket. "Thanks."

"Tristan! You came!"

Tristan suddenly found himself with a spiky-haired leech attached to his waist. He looked down to see Yugi smiling up at him, amethyst eyes bright, his chin resting on Tristan's stomach.

"Yeah, I'm here." He ruffled Yugi's hair.

Joey walked up to them, Ryou and Kendra with him. "Glad you showed, bud."

Tristan just smiled. He was beginning to think about peeling Yugi off him when the first bell rang. He breathed a sigh of relief as Yugi loosened his grip, letting go and turning to bounce up the stairs.

Joey and the others followed, and Seto put an arm around Tristan's shoulders, ignoring the curious looks from their fellow students, and kissed his forehead. "Ready?"

"I guess so." Tristan looked around nervously, calming somewhat when he met John's steady stare. "Yeah. Let's go."

Seto took his lover's hand again and lead the way inside the building, John a step behind.


"You can't have an armed bodyguard on school property."

"He's not armed." Seto said coolly. "How many times must I repeat myself?"

He and Tristan were standing in the principal's office. They had been summoned there after their Math teacher had complained about John's presence and Seto had refused to answer the woman's questions.

"You never needed a bodyguard here before." The principal stared up at them. "Oh, sit down."

The two teens sat, Tristan reaching out for Seto's hand, begging him with his eyes not to say anything.

"Why he's here is none of your business." Seto's eyes narrowed. "It's not against school policy and all you need to know is that wherever Tristan is, John will be."

"Now listen here..!"

"Do you like your job?" Seto interrupted.

"Are you threatening me?"

Seto shrugged. "A simple question. Take it as you will."

The man sputtered, unable to come up with a reply. If truth be known, he was scared of Seto Kaiba. The young man had power. It was totally conceivable that crossing him could cost him his job.

"Very well. You're dismissed." He said lamely.

"Thank you." Seto smirked as he stood, pulling Tristan up with him and nodding to John to open the door.

As they walked through the empty halls, Seto could feel how tense Tristan was. He stopped, pushing open the door to the men's room, and turned to John. "No one gets in here."

"No problem."

Seto pulled Tristan in, locking the door behind them.

Without a word, he took Tristan in his arms, holding him close until the other's shaking stopped.

"Sorry." Tristan mumbled against Seto's shoulder.

"It's okay, love." Seto pulled back so he could see Tristan's face. "Talk to me."

"I thought he was going to make John leave."

"Well, he's not." Seto smiled. "Having him here is making you feel safer, isn't it?"

Tristan nodded.

"Then he stays." Seto reached out to cup Tristan's chin, only to have him flinch away. "Shh…I just want to kiss you."

Tristan took Seto's hand in his, placing it against his cheek, and leaned in. Seto kissed him gently until Tristan parted his lips, allowing the taller brunet in.

Tristan felt Seto slip his hand beneath his jacket and caress his back as they kissed hungrily. A flash of heat shot through Tristan's body and he gasped, pulling away.

"What?" Seto asked, afraid he had done something wrong.

"I…I felt something." Tristan pressed against him, tipping his face up. "Kiss me again."

Seto complied, claiming his lips in a heated kiss, plunging his tongue into Tristan's mouth and pressing their bodies flush. Tristan kissed him back with equal force, his hands roaming Seto's body.

He finally broke it with a sigh, leaning his head back on Seto's shoulder. "Nothing. I'm sorry, Seto."

"It's fine." Seto held him tightly. "You felt something the first time. It's a start, love. Don't get so discouraged."

"Yeah, you're right." Tristan untangled himself and stepped back, a small smile on his face. "We should get back to class before we get in even more shit with the principal."

Seto rolled his eyes. "Hmm…right."

Tristan unlocked the door, turning back to drop a quick kiss on Seto's lips before he opened it and stepped into the hall.


Tristan was having a hard time concentrating on what the teacher was saying.

He was in Native American Studies, the last subject of the day and the only class he had without Seto or one of the others with him. He sat at the back of the class, John's comforting presence an arm's length away.

He met yet another curious stare from a student blandly. He was beginning to feel a bit like a zoo exhibit. It was only a matter of time before someone got up the guts to ask him why he felt he needed a bodyguard. He had no clue what he was going to say when it happened.

Regardless of his nonchalant attitude, he was beginning to feel stressed under the constant scrutiny of the teachers and other students.

Someone dropped a book and Tristan jumped, his heart pounding. He had been getting progressively more nervous as the day went on. As stupid as it was, he kept expecting to turn around and find Brad staring at him. As safe as John made him feel, he was getting more panicky by the minute. All he wanted was for the day to be over so he could leave and retreat behind the safety of the mansion's gates.

The last bell finally rang, scaring the hell out of him, and he quickly stood, gathering his books.

"Okay, Tristan?" John asked, coming up beside him.

"Just a little jumpy." Tristan tried to smile at the older man. "I need to get out of here."

John made him wait until the room cleared before allowing him to leave the classroom. He pointedly ignored the teacher, who had glared at him every time he moved. His only concern was getting Tristan out of the building and home before the boy snapped.

He watched his young charge as they walked down the hall. He was shaking ever so slightly, his eyes darting around like he expected someone to jump out of no where and grab him.

They made it to his locker without incident.

Tristan opened his locker and threw his books in, thankful they had no homework. He didn't think he could concentrate on school work tonight. He slammed the door shut and looked at John, who was standing next to him, staring down a couple of girls who were looking at them, giggling.

Tristan rolled his eyes and was about to speak when a hand clamped on his shoulder and he was spun around.

"Hey, Tris! How ya been?" A deep voice asked.

All Tristan saw was brown hair and deep blue eyes before he panicked completely. He jerked away, pressing up against the bank of lockers whimpering, his eyes clenched shut.

"What the…" The brown haired teen pulled back, only to find himself being grabbed by the guy who had been following Tristan around and pinned to the wall, a muscled forearm across his throat.

"John!" Seto came running up the hallway, shouldering his way through the small crowd that had quickly gathered. "It's okay. Let him go."

The bodyguard immediately released the boy, placing himself squarely between him and Tristan.

"Kaiba…what the fuck..?"

"Not now, Josh." Seto turned to Tristan. "Tristan, it's okay. Look at me."

"Get out of my way!" Joey was pushing people aside, trying to get to Tristan. "What happened?"

"Joey…" Tristan's breaths came in ragged gasps as he struggled to control himself.

"S'okay, pal." Joey put his arms around Tristan, glaring at the people surrounding them. "Get lost, why don't you?!"

A few people hurried away, the rest taking off at the cold glare bent on them by one Seto Kaiba. Two remained. Tall boys, both, they approached warily.

"What's wrong?" One of them asked, looking from Tristan to Josh.

"All I did was talk to him and he freaked." Josh said. "I just wanted to know if he was coming to practice tomorrow."

"John, back down." Seto said as the bodyguard tensed defensively. "It's okay. They're friends of Tristan's from the basketball team."

Tristan was still trying to calm himself down, his face buried in Joey's hair. Seto was rubbing his back, speaking quietly to him.

"Guys," Joey turned to the three teens. "Just leave it alone for now. I'm sure he'll talk to you when he can."

They took in Joey's meaningful look, looking again between their team captain and Seto.

"Um…yeah. Okay, Joey." Josh said. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Josh. Just don't sneak up on him like that again."

"Sure." Josh motioned to his companions and hurried off, wanting to get away from Tristan, totally confused as to why he was acting so strange.

Finally, they were standing alone in the hall and John turned to Seto. "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know."

"It's alright." Seto replied, slipping his arms around Tristan from behind. "You did your job."

The bodyguard stepped back discreetly, giving them some privacy.

"Tristan, baby, what happened?"

"He grabbed me from behind." Tristan began to relax, cradled between Seto and Joey. "I thought…I thought it was Brad."

"If it had have been, he wouldn't have gotten his hands on you." Seto said. "John was here."

"I know." Tristan pulled from the dual embrace, leaning back against the lockers. "Shit! Now I'm going to have to explain this to Josh and the others."

"No, you're not." Seto stated. "It's none of their business."

"Seto, they're my teammates."

Joey shook his head. "Forget about it for now, Tris. Go home. You look like you've been through the ringer."

"He's right." Seto took Tristan's hand. "Let's get home. Are you coming over, Joey?"

"Can't. I've gotta get home before my dad does. I have to cook dinner."

"We'll give you a lift." Seto turned, nodding to John to precede them out to the waiting limo.

The only words Tristan said on the way home were to say goodbye to Joey as they dropped the blond off in front of his apartment building. He sat close to Seto, his head on his lover's shoulder, staring into space.

Seto held his peace until they were inside the mansion. "Come on. Let's go change before Mokuba gets home."

Tristan followed him upstairs and into their bedroom. He quickly shed his clothes, as if finding them suddenly restricting, and headed for the bathroom.

"I'm going to take a shower." He closed the door behind him before Seto could comment.

Seto stared at the closed door for a moment before going and picking up Tristan's clothes from the floor. [That didn't go as well as I had hoped. Maybe I'm pushing him too hard. Maybe he should have stayed off school for a while.]

There was a knock at the door and Mokuba stuck his head in. He smiled at his brother and stepped into the room, still dressed in his school uniform.

"Where's Tristan?" The boy asked as he came to give Seto a hug.

"He's in the shower." Seto hugged him back. "How was school?"

Mokuba shrugged. "Okay, I guess. How did Tristan do?"

"Not really well." A sigh escaped the elder Kaiba. "Listen, little brother; why don't you go find something to do and we'll meet you at the dinner table?"

"Okay." Mokuba scowled as Seto ruffled his hair.

Seto chuckled at the look Mokuba gave him and led him to the door, closing it behind him. He changed out of his uniform and into some more comfortable clothes before sitting down at his desk and turning on the computer. He was about half way through checking his email when he heard Tristan curse, followed by the sound of something breaking. He bolted from his chair and ran into the bathroom.


Tristan stepped into the shower, his muscles relaxing the minute the hot water hit him.

/I can't believe I lost it like that! Damn it…I saw Josh looking at me like I had lost my mind. Maybe I have. There's no way Brad would show up at school…even if he IS still alive. Seto's so certain he isn't. I don't know. How the hell am I going to face the guys at practice tomorrow? What am I going to say? And they must know by now that I'm with Seto. Not that I care what they think about that, but what am I supposed to tell them? How do I explain away the fact that John's following me around?/

Anger boiled up in Tristan's chest, red hot, making his vision blur at the edges.

"FUCK!" Tristan's fist shot out, making contact with the shower wall, cracking the tiles.

He slumped against the wall, sliding down to sit on the floor. He wrapped his arms around his upraised legs, resting his head on his knees. He was so mad at himself he couldn't even think straight.

"Tristan?" Seto stood outside the shower, looking in. "Are you okay?"

"Just leave me alone." Tristan's voice was muffled.

Seto rolled his eyes, shutting off the water and stepping in, getting down on his knees next to the shorter teen and putting his arms around him. "You already know the answer to that."

"I'm such an idiot!" Tristan leaned against Seto, soaking his shirt. "Gods! I made such an ASS of myself today!"

"Tristan…who cares? A bunch of jocks from the basketball team?"

"I'M a jock from the basketball team, Seto."

"Yeah…well…" Seto tried to cover his faux pas. "You're MY jock."

Tristan snickered, pulling back and kissing Seto, his anger dissipating. "You nut."

"I am not!" Seto looked at him, mock indignant. "I'm a genius!"

"MY genius." Tristan grinned, hauling himself to his feet.

As Seto stood, his eyes went to the cracked tile. "Let me see your hand."

Tristan held his hand out and let Seto inspect the slightly abraded knuckles. Seto looked at Tristan and sighed, shaking his head.

"You'll live." Seto kissed the injured hand. "Feel better?"

"Yeah." Tristan looked somewhat sheepish. "Sorry about the tiles."

"They can be replaced. You can't." He laced their fingers together and pulled Tristan from the shower. "I've got to change…again. Dry off and get dressed. Mokuba was looking for you."

"He's home already?"

"You've been in here a half hour, love." Seto grinned and threw him a towel. "And somehow I have this bad feeling that he wants you to cook dinner tonight."

"Very funny!" Tristan picked up a hairbrush and chucked it at Seto, who beat a hasty retreat, laughing.


"Holy shit, Tris!"

"What?" Tristan pulled his jersey over his head and tossed his dress shirt into his gym locker.

"What happened to your shoulder?" Josh's eyes were wide as he stared at the scar.

"Um," Tristan rubbed his shoulder self consciously. "Someone broke into my parent's house and stabbed me in my sleep."

"Is that why..?" Josh hooked a thumb over his shoulder at John, who was standing by the locker room door.

"Yeah." Tristan shifted uncomfortably. "They haven't caught him yet."

"Is that why you freaked on me yesterday?"

"I'm sorry about that, man. I'm just a little jumpy."

"So what's up with you and Kaiba anyway?" Another teen asked. "You going fag on us or something?"

Josh rounded on him. "Knock it off, Brian. What Tris does off the court is his business."

"Whatever." Brian rolled his eyes and left the locker room.

"Are you guys together?" Josh asked, nothing but curiosity showing in his honest blue eyes.

"We are. Have a problem with it?" Tristan's hands clenched into fists.

"Nah." Josh grinned. "So long as you're happy."

"Thanks, Josh." Tristan slapped him on the back. "That means a lot."

"So, he thinks you need a bodyguard? Is he THAT overprotective?"

"It's not that." Tristan avoided his eyes. /Shit. What do I say? Josh is a good guy, but I don't want anyone else to know./

"Oh, gods!" Josh whispered. "Tristan…you weren't…this guy…he didn't..?"

/Too fucking intuitive for his own good./ Tristan shook his head. "I really don't want to talk about it, Josh."

"I'm sorry, buddy." Sad blue eyes met Tristan's. "Hey, if you do need to talk about it…"

"Hit the court, you two!" The coach stuck his head in the door.

"We're coming!" Tristan yelled. "Josh…keep this to yourself…please?"

"Of course! I wouldn't dream of telling anyone."

"Thanks, pal." Tristan pulled open the door and led the way out, telling John to go sit on the bleachers.

Making his way to the center of the court, he barely caught a ball fired at him by Brian. He smirked as Tristan winced at the pain that shot through his shoulder at the impact.

"Ignore him." Josh said. "He wants your position on the first string."

"Well, he can't have it." Tristan replied, shooting a challenging look at the other teen.


Seto came into the gym half way through the warm-ups. He sat next to John and watched Tristan, taking in the tense look of pain on his lover's face.

[He shouldn't be here. His shoulder still isn't really healed.]

He sat through the practice, eyes glued to Tristan, wincing in sympathy every time the shorter brunet did.

As the practice came to an end, Seto rose, telling John to stay where he was, and followed the team into the locker room.

He found Tristan sitting alone on the bench in front of his locker, rubbing his shoulder, his face pale and pinched.


Tristan started, his head snapping up. "Oh…hi."

"You're in pain." Seto stated.

"It's not that bad." Tristan pulled his jersey off one handed.

"Mmhmm." Seto put his hand on Tristan's shoulder, eyes widening at the heat coming from the injured muscle. "Tristan…"

"Don't start, okay? Not here."

"Well, get dressed and let's get home. You need to get some ice on that."

"I've gotta shower."

"Shower at home." Seto's tone brooked no argument.

Tristan rolled his eyes, but did as he was told. By the time he got his shirt on, his eyes were filled with tears of pain. He reached up to button his shirt, cursing as pain shot through his chest.

Seto shook his head, coming over and batting Tristan's hands away. He ignored the looks, some not so friendly, that they were getting and did up the buttons.

"I'm not an invalid, you know." Tristan said quietly.

"Could have fooled me." Seto took Tristan's uniform jacket from his locker and draped it over his arm. "Come on. Let's get going."

They left the locker room together, Tristan giving Josh a pointed look. Josh nodded and smiled at him in response.

When they got to the limo, John sat up front with the driver, intuitively understanding that Seto and Tristan wanted to be alone.

"What was that all about?" Seto asked as the car pulled away.


"With Josh."

"Oh." Tristan leaned against Seto, closing his eyes against the pain. "He knows."

"You told him?!"

"No. He guessed, pretty much. Don't worry. He won't tell anyone."

"Well, you know him better than I do." Seto didn't sound convinced.

"He's a good guy. He knows when to keep his mouth shut." Tristan bit his lip. The pain was so bad, his left arm was entirely numb and he felt like someone had punched him in the chest.

Seto noticed how tense Tristan was and took his hand. "Is it bad, love?"

"Yeah." Tristan whispered.

"There's some painkillers left."

"I don't want to take them. They make me all wiggy."

Seto didn't argue, he just held onto Tristan's hand until the limo pulled up in front of the mansion.


"How's that?" Seto asked, oil slick fingers gently massaging over the scar on Tristan's shoulder.


They were lying naked in their bed, Seto propped against the headboard, Tristan's back to his chest.

"I'm glad I let you hound me into taking the painkillers." Tristan let his head drop back on Seto's shoulder and he grinned up at him.

"I wouldn't have to hound you if you weren't so damn stubborn." Seto dropped a kiss on his forehead.

"Mmmm…" Tristan replied noncommittally as Seto's hands drifted over his chest, rubbing softly.

Seto was about to make a smart comment when Tristan hissed, arching his back. He began to pull away when the shorter brunet let out a wanton moan and shivered violently.

"Seto…" Tristan whimpered, the light pressure of his lovers fingers sending desire crashing into him like a tidal wave.

"Tristan…oh, baby…" Seto's voice was husky as he bent to tenderly brush Tristan's lips with his own.

Tristan sighed as he kissed the other back, his hands coming up to cover Seto's. He could feel the passion draining from his body, like water through cupped hands. Tears of frustration filled his eyes.

Seto pulled back as he felt Tristan tense in his arms. Tristan quickly looked away, but not before Seto saw a single tear track down his face.

That minute crystalline trail was nearly Seto's undoing. He had seen Tristan cry a lot of tears over the last couple of months, and if truth be told, he had as well…at least in the privacy of his office where no one could see them. This lone display was far more poignant than all their tears combined.

"I love you." Seto tried to reassure him.

"I know." Tristan turned so he could reach up and cup Seto's chin in his hand. "Really, I do."

Tristan moved from Seto's embrace to lie down and Seto slid under the covers to join him. Tristan took Seto in his arms, burying his face in the soft, brown locks.

"Tristan?" Seto said quietly. "Why do you think this is happening?"

"I don't know." Tristan sighed.

"Do you think it's because you're afraid Brad's going to come back?"

Tristan didn't answer and Seto moved back, looking him in the eye. "There's more to it than that, isn't there?"

"No…I don't think so." Tristan shook his head. "I don't know."

Seto reached out and laid his hand against Tristan's chest, sliding it up to cup his cheek. He found that if he did it this way, instead of just reaching out to touch his face, Tristan wouldn't flinch away. "You never did tell me what you were feeling when Brad…when he…hurt you."

"What do you THINK I was feeling, Seto?" Tristan choked out. "Fear, anger…humiliation."

"I'm sorry, love." Seto stroked his thumb across Tristan's cheek. "I'm just trying to figure it out, that's all."

"I don't see what THAT has to do with THIS."

"I think it could have a lot to do with it."

Instead of replying, Tristan leaned in and kissed Seto deeply, as though trying to distract him.

[Oh, no you don't.] Seto pulled away, looking at Tristan seriously. "Tell me. Tell me what you felt."

"I tried to fight it!" A sob escaped Tristan, though his eyes were dry. "I fought it with every thing I had! Why, Seto? Why would I feel that?"

"Feel what, love?" Seto asked, though he had a pretty good idea what the other was talking about, he wanted to hear Tristan say it…make him face it.

Tristan's arms tightened almost painfully around Seto, as if he was afraid to let him go. Seto kissed his neck, whispering to him that it was okay, that he could tell him.

"I felt…under the pain…oh gods, Seto…I felt…pleasure." Tristan clung to him. "How could I feel that? Why with HIM? After what he did…what he was doing? And why can't I feel it with you? I love you! He RAPED me, for gods' sake! Why..?"

"Tristan…baby, listen to me." Seto grasped Tristan's shoulders gently and forced him to look at him. "What you felt…it doesn't mean anything."

"How can you say that?!"

"You can't control what your body feels. It was a physiological reaction. Do you remember our first time?"

"Gods! How could I forget?"

"I didn't want to feel it." Seto rubbed Tristan's arm, not letting him withdraw his gaze. "I fought against it too. But I still felt it. I couldn't control my body…and neither could you."


"No buts." Seto kissed Tristan on the forehead, slipping his arms around him. "I don't want you to feel ashamed of something you had no control over."

Tristan stared into those sapphire eyes he loved so much, searching for something, anything, that would tell him it was really alright.

"I mean it." Seto said, moving up so it was Tristan lying with his head against Seto's chest. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about…and I don't love you any less for it."

"Amante…" Tristan whispered brokenly against the lean chest of his lover. "Amante…ti amo…thank you."

Seto felt his heart clench. He hadn't realized how much the endearment meant to him until he hadn't heard it anymore. He choked back a sob.

Tristan looked up to see silent tears running down Seto's face. That was when he realized that Brad had hurt not only him, but Seto as well. And this is what his own fears were costing the most important person in his life.

"Please, don't cry." Tristan leaned up and kissed away his tears.

Seto shook his head, holding Tristan close. "I never thought I'd ever hear that from you again."

"I may not have said it, but you ARE my lover, Seto. Forever."

Tristan suddenly found himself on his back with Seto kissing him frantically. He relinquished all control to the other, letting him have what he needed.

When the kiss finally came to an end, Seto buried his face in Tristan's neck.

"I love you, Tristan. I love you so much."

Tristan put his arms around Seto, cradling him against his body. "I love you too, amante."

He lay there, stroking his fingers through Seto's hair, whispering that he loved him, over and over again, until the taller brunet finally fell into an exhausted sleep.


Bakura jolted awake, nearly falling out of the tree he was sleeping in.

It had been a long time since he'd had a nightmare. And somehow he knew there was more to it than a simple night terror.

Errant emotions had been leaking through his shields from Ryou all day. The most prevalent one was worry…for Tristan.

Bakura cursed himself for staying away for so long. He was still too far away to materialize inside the Ring. He didn't want to let down the mental blocks until he was. It would only cause his hikari more worry, he was sure.

He climbed down from the tree, shouldering the small pack he carried. The moon was full. He could cover more ground tonight. It would take three days of hard traveling before he was close enough.

As he began walking, he entertained himself with thoughts of how he was going to convince Joey that he wasn't straight.

A smirk crossed his face as he imagined the golden puppy writhing beneath him, begging, screaming…oh, Holy Isis…he couldn't wait.

But he was going to have to.

He suddenly found himself face down on the dew covered ground. He had tripped over a tree root.

Thanking the gods no one had been around to see it, he climbed back to his feet, cursing, and firmly put the lecherous thoughts from his mind.

He rather do it than imagine it anyway.


Joey: Just great!

Bakura: *evil grin*

YD: We figure we have two more chapters of this.

DD: And the epilogue, which we'll post the same time as the last chapter.

Tristan: Good, the torture is almost over.

YD: Now, Tris, you know better than that.

DD: *giggles*

YD: Please review. We have over 150 reviews for this story!

DD: I can't believe it! *glomps reviewers* You guys ROCK!!