Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Way Street ❯ chapter19 ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Way Street

by Dragondreamer and Yami Dragon

Disclaimer: We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! DUH! If we did, the show wouldn't be fit for kids, that's for sure!

Warning: This story contains shouenen-ai (guy/guy relationships) and yaoi (guys having sex with guys). It also contains coarse language and violence. If you don't like it, or become offended by such things, what are you doing here? Haven't you figured out by now that all our writing contains this stuff?


Note: /…/ Tristan's thoughts

[…] Seto's thoughts


DD: This is the LAST chappie!

YD: Except for the epilogue.

Seto: Which you don't have done yet.

DD: Hush, you! It's almost done.

YD: It should be up tomorrow.

Tristan: Did I hear the word `sequel' come up today?

YD: You did.

DD: But not for a while. We want to finish Stronger Than Before first.

YD: Enjoy this chapter…it's lemony good!


Joey leaned against the wall, shoving his hands into the pockets of his dress pants. He couldn't help the twinge of jealousy that gnawed at his stomach as he watched his friends on the dance floor.

It was their senior prom and Joey was the only one without a date.

Bakura had refused to come with him, stating that he had better things to do than mingle with a bunch of petty mortals.

Even after eight months dating, Joey still found that Bakura's words could sting. Even when they weren't meant to.

Joey sighed, watching Tristan and Seto dancing to the slow music. He had to admit they looked good together. They were both dressed in black silk suits, their silk shirts, Seto in white and Tristan in red, open at the neck. Tristan was wearing his Blue Eyes pendant and a ruby stud in his ear.

Yeah, Joey had to admit it…now that he had admitted to himself that he was bi…he could see what Tristan saw in Seto. He was tall, dark and handsome; classic. But he wasn't Bakura.

Amber eyes drifted to the rest of his friends. Yami and Yugi had rented tuxes, looking more like identical twins than lovers. They were definitely getting some attention.

A smile flitted across his face at the sight of Ryou and Kendra. Kendra had managed, after a lot of arguing, to get Ryou into a tux. Kendra, herself, was dressed in a strapless emerald satin gown that Seto had insisted on buying for her when he saw her practically drooling over it in a magazine.

The song came to an end, and his friends approached him.

He quickly plastered on a smile and greeted them as if he didn't have a care in the world.

"Kendra, you really look good in that dress." Joey said.

"I know," The girl grinned. "You've told me ten times already."

"How many times have I told you?" Seto asked, smiling down at her as he put his arm around her shoulders.


"You look really good, Kennie." Seto grinned at the nickname he had given her.

"Okay, thirteen."

Another slow song started up and Seto took Kendra's hand. "You don't mind, do you, Ryou?"

"Of course not." Ryou smiled. "She'd probably kill me if I didn't let her."

"Got that right!" Kendra dragged Seto out onto the dance floor.

Yami and Yugi left to go get drinks and Ryou decided to go with them.

Finding himself alone with the blond, Tristan smirked wickedly. "Wanna dance?"

"Very funny!" Joey punched him in the arm. "You're not my type."

"Speaking of your type, how come Bakura's not here?"

Joey shrugged, propping his foot against the wall and shoving his hands back into his pockets. "Didn't want to come."

"I'm sorry, Joey. I didn't mean…"

"S'no big." Joey shrugged again.

"Don't lie to me, man. I know you're upset."

Joey's attention was caught by Seto's laughter; something he didn't hear very often. He looked out at his best friend's boyfriend to see him smiling down at Kendra, both of them laughing at something the girl had said.

"Good thing you and Ryou aren't the jealous type." Joey commented.

"Don't try to change the subject." Tristan said, not taking his eyes off the blond. "Talk to me, Joey."

"I love him." Joey said quietly, looking at the floor.

"Well, duh! You guys have been together, what, nine months?"

"But I've never told him."

"You're kidding me!" Tristan put a hand on Joey's shoulder, causing the blond to look up. "Why not?"

"I wasn't really sure until a few weeks ago." Joey shook his head. "When Seto told me he rented the four suites on the top floor and gave me a key this morning, I was kinda planning on…well…we haven't…and, um…I was gonna…"

"Whoa, wait a minute. You two haven't slept together yet?"

"No." Joey met Tristan's eyes. "I just…I wasn't ready. And I kept thinking about you, you know, how you had been with all those guys and you didn't have any feelings for them. I wanted to be sure."

"Hey, buddy, don't worry about it. That's not a bad thing. How does Bakura feel about it?"

Joey's eyes lit up. "Gods, Tris…you wouldn't believe it. He's a totally different person with me. He's…gentle. And he's never pressured me or anything."

"Call him."


"Call him and tell him to get his ass over here, that you have to talk to him."

"He's probably out." Joey hung his head.

"Joey…come on!"

"I just don't…" The blond was cut off by a commotion at the door to the ballroom.

Everything ground to a halt, all eyes turning to see what was happening.

"Get out of my way, mortals." A deep, distinctive voice commanded loudly.

Before Joey or Tristan could react, Seto left the dance floor, Kendra in tow. They watched him speak to the hotel manager, who was trying to keep Bakura from entering. Tristan snickered as Seto crossed his arms over his chest, glaring down at the man. The infamous Kaiba Pose. Bakura would be in in no time.

The two friends watched as the manager caved in to Seto's demands and Bakura pushed past the stammering man, his deep brown eyes scanning the room. They lit on Joey and he smiled, his whole demeanor changing.

Joey watched his boyfriend stride confidently across the room and he felt his heartbeat pick up a notch. Bakura was clad in skin tight black leather pants and boots. He had on a white silk shirt that flowed around him, unbuttoned all the way and gathered at the wrists, the material falling to almost the tips of his fingers. (*authors pause to wipe the drool off the keyboard*)

Tristan saw his friend's amber eyes darken and wisely left, stopping the others from approaching the two.

"Bakura…I thought you weren't coming." Joey swore he could feel the heat from Bakura's body as the white haired man stopped just inches away from him.

"I didn't know how important this prom thing was." Bakura reached up and stroked cool fingers across Joey's cheek. "I'm sorry, ana sabi(my boy). When I found out, I came right away."

"How'd you find out?" Joey asked, blushing slightly at the pet name.

Bakura shrugged. "The internet."

Joey laughed, reaching out and tucking Bakura's hair behind his ear. He leaned down and kissed the pale cheek, pulling Bakura into his arms and holding him close. He knew he had made the right decision to wait until he was sure of his feelings, and tonight he was going to show Bakura that he truly did love him.


"Well," Tristan slipped his arm around Seto's waist, watching Joey and Bakura. "I guess Ryou's not the only one who's going to lose his virginity tonight."

Seto's eyes widened and he looked to where Ryou and Kendra were standing with Yami and Yugi, talking to one of the teachers. "You mean…Ryou and Kendra haven't been together?"

"Nope." Tristan shook his head. "Remember all those times that Bakura and Kendra would get into those arguments and Ryou would end up doing his impression of a tomato? Bakura seemed to think Ryou needed to, as he put it, just take her and get it over with."

"Sounds like Bakura." Seto snickered.

"Yeah. I know they wanted it to be special." Tristan's eyes darkened for a moment. "It's his first time, so it should be."

"Hush, baby." Seto put his arms around Tristan. "We're past that."

Tristan laid his head against Seto's chest with a sigh. He still felt guilty about Seto's first time. He just didn't know how to make it up to him.

"Let's get out of here, amante." Tristan moved from Seto's arms and took his hand. "Yami and Yugi are already gone."

Seto looked around, seeing Tristan was telling the truth. Joey and Bakura were on the dance floor, as were Ryou and Kendra.

"Let's go." Seto kissed Tristan gently.

Without saying goodbye to their friends, the two left the ballroom, heading for the elevator that would take them upstairs to their room.


The second Seto turned from closing the door, Tristan was on him, pushing his against the wooden portal, digging his hands into his hair and kissing him hungrily.

Seto fought back with equal force, trying to control the kiss and managing to move them away from the door.

Tristan growled deep in his throat, pinning Seto's hands behind his back, keeping them there with one hand around his wrists while the other hand sank back into his hair, gripping tightly to hold him still.

"You're so damn gorgeous." Tristan's voice was hoarse, his eyes darkened with desire. "I've been waiting all night to get you up here."

Seto was flushed and breathing hard. He moaned softly at the husky quality of the other's voice, squirming slightly in his lover's grasp.

Tristan let go of his death grip on the taller brunet, running his hands across Seto's chest and under the shoulders of his jacket. As the material hit the floor, there was a muted thud. Tristan opened his mouth to ask what had made the sound, only to be cut off by Seto's lips.

Seto wrapped his arms tightly around Tristan, pressing their bodies flush. He broke the kiss with a ragged gasp as he felt the evidence of Tristan's desire press against his hip.

"Tristan…baby, slow down." Seto pushed away. "We have all night."

"But I want you now." Tristan reached for him again.

Seto avoided his hands and bent to retrieve his jacket. "Let's have something to drink first."

Tristan grumbled, but gave in, letting Seto precede him into the room. He threw himself down on the couch while Seto headed for the kitchenette, and looked around at the suite where they would be staying the weekend.

The room they were in was huge, containing the kitchenette with a wet bar, a dining area and a sitting area.

Across the room from where he was sitting was a door that he knew led to the bedroom and bathroom, containing a king sized bed and a Jacuzzi, respectively.

Seto had booked all four suites and the private dining room. They and their friends would have the whole floor to themselves for the weekend. If Tristan had his way, they'd only meet the others for meals.

A sharp pop startled him from his thoughts and he turned to see Seto pouring two glasses of champagne from the frothing bottle in his hand.

He watched his lover with hungry eyes as Seto moved toward him, bending to kiss him briefly and handing him his glass before sitting down next to him.

"We celebrating something?" Tristan lifted his glass slightly.

Seto shrugged. "I know you're upset about not getting that scholarship."

"Upset doesn't begin to describe it, amante."

"Money's not an issue, love, you know that. If you want to continue school, I'll pay for it. If not…that's okay too."

"I know, but I wanted to EARN it."

"Well," Seto smirked suggestively. "I have a few ideas how you can pay me back."

"Very funny, you." Tristan smacked Seto playfully.

"I have something for you that'll make you feel better." Seto smiled.

"Oh, really?" Tristan raised an eyebrow as Seto took his glass and set it, along with his own, on the coffee table.

"Close your eyes." Seto reached for his jacket.

Tristan did so, grinning at the thought of how much Seto liked surprising him.

Just last week he had endured an hour long limo ride, blindfolded. When the car had stopped, Seto had led his lover into a building before removing the blindfold. Tristan had found himself in a Harley dealership, standing in front of a custom made bike, much like Seto's, with his name etched into the tail pipes. It was an early birthday present from his over-indulgent lover.

Tristan felt Seto take his left hand and something cool and heavy was slipped onto his ring finger.

"Open your eyes, love."

Tristan's heart skipped a beat as he opened his eyes, his gaze falling on the ring Seto had placed on his finger. It was heavy, white gold, with an open weave band. There was a large, square cut ruby in the center, flanked on either side by a small diamond.

"Amante," Tristan whispered. "It…it's beautiful."

Seto was silent until Tristan looked up and met his eyes. Sapphire and hazel locked and held.

Seto look both of Tristan's hands in his. "Marry me."

Tristan's eyes went impossibly wide and he was unable to find his voice. They had been together for over a year and the subject had never even come up.

"I…amante…you've never…" Tristan stammered.

"Tristan," Seto's demeanor was one of complete seriousness. "I love you. I want everyone to know I'm yours. I want us to be together forever."

"How long have you been planning this?" Tristan finally managed to pull his thoughts together.

"Well, I wanted to ask you just after school began but…I wasn't sure how you'd react."

"You mean…BEFORE Bakura took us to…before I could…" Tristan shook his head in disbelief.

Seto nodded. "Even if you had never been able to feel it again, I'd still want to be with you."

Tristan suddenly launched himself at Seto, pressing him back against the arm of the couch. "I love you, amante. I love you so much. Yes…my answer is yes." Tristan declared, pressing small, quick kisses over Seto's face and neck. "Whenever you want…however you want. I want the whole world to know I'm yours too."

"Tristan….gods, baby, I love you." Seto pressed his lips to Tristan's in a deep, passionate kiss.

Seto was just beginning to lose himself in the sensation when, suddenly, Tristan's comforting weight was gone. He opened his eyes to see Tristan standing next to the couch, removing his jacket, which he flung carelessly on a nearby chair.

With a smirk, Tristan reached down and picked Seto up, carrying him toward the bedroom. He knew now just how he was going to make it up to Seto.

"Put me down!" Seto protested loudly. "I don't need to be carried, Tristan!"

Tristan laughed at Seto's indignant tone, giving him a squeeze as he kicked open the bedroom door. He strode over to the bed and literally threw Seto onto it. He dropped down beside him, his hands going to the buttons of the white silk shirt as he plundered his lover's sweet mouth.

Slipping the last button free, he pushed Seto over onto his back, sitting up and straddling his hips. He could feel Seto's arousal pressing against him and he ground down on it, eliciting a sharp gasp from the blue eyed man.

"Tristan…" Seto moaned as Tristan's hands, cool against his heated skin, parted the material of his shirt to run over the smooth flesh of his chest and stomach.

"You're so beautiful like this." Tristan whispered. "Lying there…wanting me. I love hearing you moan, amante. So beautiful."

A small sob fell from Seto's lips as Tristan bent to kiss his neck, moving off him. He slowly began to undress the taller brunet, kissing every inch of flesh as it was exposed.

Seto felt tears sliding down his face at the other's loving actions and seeing them, Tristan moved up to tenderly kiss them away.

"Ti amo, amante." Tristan said softly as he rose from the bed and began to undress himself.

Seto hissed, feeling a stab of desire lance through his body as the other's muscled form was revealed to him. Even after a year, he never tired of seeing Tristan this way. He held out his hand and taking it, Tristan allowed himself to be drawn back down onto the bed.

He held Seto close, feeling the beat of his heart and his warm breath against his skin.

"Make love to me, Tristan." Seto's voice was choked with emotion. "Please…I need you to love me. I can't…"

Tristan watched his lover's eyes cloud over as he trailed off, his brow knotting in frustration. Seto wasn't used to not being able to express himself.

"It's alright, amante." Tristan placed a hand on Seto's chest. "I know what's in your heart."

Seto reached out, running his fingers over Tristan's pendant. "I'm glad you do. I just don't…have the words to tell you what I'm feeling right now."

Tristan smiled gently as he untangled himself from Seto, turning to grab the bottle of oil he had placed there when he and Seto had come up earlier to change.

"Come on…on your stomach." Tristan moved back to face Seto. "Let me give you a backrub."

Seto rolled over, anticipating the feeling of Tristan's strong hands working out the ever present knots in his muscles. That wasn't exactly what he got, though.

Tristan leaned over, kissing Seto's shoulder before moving down the far side of his back, worshiping the soft skin with small licks and kisses. He moved across the small of Seto's back, making the taller brunet shiver and moan.

"You're very sensitive tonight." Tristan commented as he moved up the other side of Seto's back.

Seto just moaned softly as Tristan pushed his hair off his neck and took his time kissing him there. Then, he trailed down Seto's spine, kissing each vertebra. Reaching his lower back again, he gently bit down on Seto's tailbone; causing Seto's to gasp loudly.

"I thought you were going to give me a massage." Seto said weakly.

"Changed my mind." Tristan smiled. "But I think you'll like this better."

A plan was quickly forming in Tristan's mind. As he saw it, he owed it to Seto to make it up to him for his first time. Never mind that Seto said it didn't matter…it mattered to Tristan. He was going to show Seto what it should have been like; doing things for him that he had never done for anyone else.

He gently nudged Seto's legs apart, moving between them as he opened the bottle of oil. He began to spread it over Seto's back, barely working it in, moving slowly down to his legs. Once he got there, he grasped Seto's hips, pulling him up onto his hands and knees.

Seto hung his head, shivering in anticipation. Tristan had never taken him like this. He had wanted him to, but didn't quite know how to ask. A few months ago, he had loved Tristan this way, but the shorter brunet hadn't really enjoyed it, feeling the position was too submissive.

He moaned, feeling Tristan tracing a single, slick digit over his enterance. At least, that's what he thought, until he felt something hot and wet probing the tight ring of muscle.

"Gods!" Seto groaned, as the realization of what his lover was doing hit him. "Tristan…"

"Do you like it?" Tristan whispered.

"Yes…oh, yes…" Seto tried to thrust back against the invasion only to have Tristan grasp his hips, holding him still as he continued the sweet torture.

His arms trembled, threatening to give out, as Tristan straightened, pushing two oil slick fingers into his body, preparing him for what came next.

Seto lost his grip on reality as he felt the other push slowly into him. His arms finally failed him and his face pressed into the pillow, muffling his moans as Tristan began a slow, gentle rhythm.

Tristan held tight to Seto's hips, fighting not to thrust roughly into him, his mind fuzzy with pleasure. Seto's muffled moans were driving him mad and he picked up the pace slightly.

Seto got his hands under him and lifted himself, looking back over his shoulder at Tristan. "Gods, baby…"

Tristan leaned down, pressing his lips to the nape of Seto's neck. "Love you."

"Please, Tristan…harder…."

Tristan's hands left Seto's hips, one going under and across his chest, gripping his shoulder, while the other wrapped around his straining erection.

Seto whimpered as Tristan's weight settled on him and he bucked back against him, fighting for more contact. "I'm so close, love…please…."

Tristan began slamming into him, fighting against his own need, not ready to give in just yet. The second he felt Seto's body start to spasm, he withdrew, but continued to pump his lover's arousal to bring him over the edge.

"Ti amo, amante." Tristan held him close. "Come on…come for me."

Seto groaned as he came, his whole body shuddering, barely registering Tristan's arms tightening around him, easing him down and turning him over onto his back.

Tristan pulled Seto's legs over his shoulders and thrust back into him, pounding into the taller brunet's prostate, making him cry out weakly. He grabbed the oil again, dumping some onto Seto's body before spreading it over his limp member and beginning to bring it back to life.

"Gods…Seto. I love you…so much." Tristan whimpered as he let go, collapsing in a sweat-drenched heap on Seto's chest.

Seto lay beneath him, panting still, trying to recover enough to lift his head. Before he could do so, he felt Tristan move to straddle his hips once again, positioning himself and impaling himself on Seto's reawakened arousal.

Tristan cried out, pain and pleasure warring for possession of his body. The pleasure won out as he adjusted, his glazed eyes capturing Seto's hazy blues.

"You okay, baby?"

Tristan nodded, leaning back to brace his hands on Seto's thighs. He began to move; sharp, quick jerks, making Seto hiss with pleasure. Seto reached up and ran his hands up Tristan's body, pausing to tease his nipples to hardness before propping himself up on one elbow and bending to lick at the sculpted chest.

Tristan made a sound somewhere between a plea and a moan and Seto lay back down, grabbing Tristan's hips tightly and beginning to thrust up into him.

Tristan reached to grasp Seto's forearms, moving with him. He could feel his climax approaching already, just out of reach.

"Amante…please…I need…"

Seto took one of Tristan's hands in his, guiding him to wrap his fingers around his own weeping length. "Do it, baby…I want to see you do it."

Tristan's breath caught at Seto's husky demand. "Amante…"

"Come, Tristan…do it for me."

Tristan began stroking himself hard, feeling lust tear through him at Seto's almost predatory look. Seto thrust hard into him, watching him intently, feeling Tristan's body readying itself for release.

Tristan let out a wild scream as he came, falling forward as Seto wrapped his arms tightly around him, giving one more savage thrust as he filled his lover with the evidence of his passion.

Seto tried desperately to hold onto consciousness, but he failed, his arms slipping from around Tristan's back as everything went black.

Pushing himself up on one arm and shaking his head to clear it, Tristan looked down at Seto, finding the taller man unconscious. He smiled, kissing him gently before literally peeling his sticky body off Seto's. He got up off the bed, shaking, and headed for the bathroom, intent on getting a few towels to clean up the mess they had made.

His eyes lit on the huge Jacuzzi and he grinned, going over to it and turning on the taps, adjusting the water so it wasn't too hot. He leaned against the wall for a moment, still trying to catch his breath, watching the steaming water quickly fill the deep tub.

Pulling himself away from the hypnotizing, swirling water, he went back into the bedroom to find Seto still out cold. He went over to the bed and picked up his unconscious lover, carrying him to the bathroom.

He stepped into the tub, slowly sinking to his knees, shifting Seto so he could sit down with the other positioned between his legs, resting against his chest.

He wet a facecloth, stroking it across Seto's face. "Open your eyes, amante."

Seto's eyelids fluttered, and he groaned.

"Come on…wake up."

Seto cuddled closer to Tristan, lifting his hand to wrap it around the back of his lover's neck. "When did we get in the tub?"

Tristan grinned, leaning down to kiss Seto. "Leave it to you to swoon like a girl."

"Me?!" Seto slapped him in the chest. "If memory serves, you were the one SCREAMING like a girl!"

"Oh, shut up." Tristan stroked a wet hand through the soft brown locks and kissed Seto to silence him.

Seto snickered against Tristan's lips, turning so he was up on his knees. The kiss quickly turned passionate, igniting a flame they both thought had been extinguished by their earlier loving.

Seto pulled back and looked into Tristan's eyes. "It's never been like that before."

"That's what it should have been like the first time." Tristan leaned down and kissed Seto's forehead.

Seto smiled gently. "It's always like the first time with you, love."

Tristan smiled back, holding him tightly. There was nothing he could say in the face of that.

"So, when do I get to drag you to down aisle?" Seto asked, changing the subject.

"Whenever you want, amante."

"Well, let's wait for a while. At least until you decide if you want to go to college or not. And we need to talk to your parents before we make any plans."

Tristan rolled his eyes.

"Tristan…" Seto said, a tone of warning in his voice.

"Fine." Tristan sighed, giving in.

Seto pulled away from him, moving to the opposite end of the tub and holding out his arms. "I want you again, baby. Come here."

Tristan went willingly, being taken into the arms of the one he had learned to trust…body and soul.


DD: OK! Don't kill us! Bakura and Joey will get at it in the epilogue.

YD: Promise.

Bakura: FINALLY!!

Joey :*wimper*