Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Way Street ❯ Chapter3 ( Chapter 3 )
One Way Street
by Dragondreamer and Yami Dragon
Disclaimer: We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! DUH! If we did, the show wouldn't be fit for kids, that's for sure!
Warning: This story contains shouenen-ai (guy/guy relationships) and yaoi (guys having sex with guys). It also contains coarse language and violence. If you don't like it, or become offended by such things, what are you doing here? Haven't you figured out by now that all our writing contains this stuff?
Note: /…/ Tristan's thoughts
[…] Seto's thoughts
YD: Another chapter!
Seto: Oh joy.
DD: You don't sound too happy with the prospect.
Seto: Gee, how could you tell?
Tristan: I think the sarcastic tone gave it away.
"You're to pick one event in American history and prepare a report on it." The teacher said. "And I'd like you to work in pairs."
The noise level in the classroom rose instantly.
"But!" The teacher had to practically yell to be heard. "But, I want you to work with someone you haven't been paired with before. I'll leave it up to you. You have the rest of the class to find a partner and begin discussion on your topic."
Yugi immediately turned to Kendra, a huge smile on his face. Ryou rolled his eyes and went off to find someone to work with. Joey's attention was already on Denice, the exchange student he was going out with. Tristan just sat there, not really interested in finding a partner. He hated this class and he figured that no matter who he ended up working with, he just do most of the work to get it over with.
He looked up as a shadow fell across his desk.
"Do you have a partner?" Seto asked.
"Not yet. You?"
Seto shrugged, leaning on the desk behind him and shoving his hands into his pockets. "Maybe we could work together."
"Sounds good." Tristan fought to keep his expression neutral.
"Well, if you want to come over after school, we could get started."
"Sure. Any ideas on what we should do?"
"A few." Seto looked at his watch. "I have to get to the office. I have a meeting. Want me to pick you up here?"
"Um, sure." Tristan was a little hesitant. "I didn't bring the bike today."
"Okay." Seto smiled at him. "I'll see you after school."
Tristan stared after him as he left. /Man, what is going on? This isn't the Kaiba I know./
"Tristan?" Yugi tugged on his sleeve. "What was all that about?"
"Hmm? What?" Tristan turned to Yugi. "Oh, nothing. We're going to work together."
Yugi looked at his friend skeptically, intuitively knowing there was more to it than that. "If you say so."
Tristan slammed his locker shut and shouldered his backpack.
"Hey Tristan!" Joey yelled. "Want to go to the arcade?"
"Can't pal. I have to get started on that American history project."
"But it's not due for two weeks!" Joey leaned against the lockers. "Who ya working with?"
"What?!" Joey scowled. "You're pulling my leg!"
"No, I'm not." Tristan rolled his eyes. "We're suppose to work with someone we haven't before, remember?"
"So? What's it to you?"
"Geeze man. Don't get all hyper." Joey punched him in the arm. "I just don't see why you want to hang around that guy."
"He's not that bad."
"We're talking about the same guy, right? Rich, stuck up, complete asshole. That Kaiba."
"Get off it Joey." Tristan growled. "If you'd just give him a chance…"
"No way."
"Whatever." Tristan was getting seriously irritated with the blonde. "I've gotta go."
He left without looking back, heading out the front doors of the school. Seto was waiting for him, leaning against his limo, ignoring the other students around him. Something lit up in his eyes when he saw the other brunette approaching. Something he quickly masked before the other could see it.
"Ready to go?" Seto asked, holding open the door.
"Yep. Let's get going." Tristan climbed into the car, settling himself on the comfortable leather seat.
Seto got in after him, sitting opposite with his back to the driver. He tapped on the glass separating them from the front and the limo pulled away.
"So Kaiba. You said you had some ideas for the project?"
"Why is it so hard for people to call me by my name?" Seto asked quietly.
"Well, wouldn't you get sick of it if people called you Taylor all the time?"
"I…I suppose." /Okaaay. Where did this come from?/
Seto shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Mokuba seems to think I need some friends…"
"No offence man, but I agree with him." Tristan looked at the other teen seriously. "You spend too much time by yourself."
Anger flashed across Seto face for an instant before being replaced by an almost wistful look. "I wish it was that easy."
"It is. Look Kaiba…" He stopped at the look on the other's face. "Seto," He continued quietly. "All you have to do is let your guard down a little. Let people get to know you."
"I don't know how."
"Well, you could at least try."
"Maybe…I don't know."
Tristan was about to comment when the limo slowed, turning through the gates and coming to a stop in front of the mansion.
Seto quickly got out. [That was getting too close for comfort. Why the hell did I spill to him like that? He's just so…easy to talk to.] He waited until Tristan exited the car before turning and leading him into the house.
"Well, that's a good start." Seto got up from the desk, stretching.
"Yeah." Tristan looked at his watch. "We've only been at it an hour."
"Do you have to get home?"
"Nah. My parents are out of town for a month with their jobs, so I've pretty much got free rein."
"I don't know about you, but I could use a break. How about a little one on one?"
"Basketball?" Tristan's eyes lit up.
Seto rolled his eyes, grinning. "Of course basketball."
"Cool." Tristan jumped up from his chair. "Prepare to lose."
"Yeah, right." Seto led him outside, stopping at the garage to grab a ball before heading around back to the full size court.
"You do realize I've never been beaten in one on one." Tristan stated, arms crossed confidently over his chest.
"How about a little wager then?"
"Name it."
"Free throws from the foul line. Best out of ten."
"You're on." Tristan grabbed the ball out of Seto's hands and went to the top of the key. /This is going to be easy./
Twenty minutes later, Tristan was rethinking his previous assumption. They had gone through the best of ten for foul shots, three pointers and lay ups and they were tied.
"This is getting no where fast." Seto commented.
"Yeah." Tristan wiped the sweat from his face. "What are we wagering anyway? You never said."
"I don't know. How about…" Seto paused, thinking. "A favor."
"What? What kind of wager is that?"
"The only one I can think of right now."
"Fine. One last go. Best shot wins."
"You're on." Seto moved to stand next to Tristan at the foul line. "Give me some room."
Tristan stepped back, wondering what the taller teen was planning. He watched in confusion as Seto turned his back to the basket, glanced at his watch, looked at the ground for a moment and then looked up at Tristan with a grin. He tossed the ball over his shoulder and smirked as it sailed through the hoop, not even touching the rim.
"I believe the term is `nothing but net'."
Seto chuckled at the other's stupefied look. "It was simple really. A quick check of the time let me know exactly where the sun was. I already knew how far it was to the basket, and how high the basket is. I took a guess at the length of the shadow of the net compared to that. The rest was simple mathematics."
"Yeah sure." Tristan scratched his head as he went to retrieve the ball. "Simple mathematics."
He moved back to where they had started, shaking his head to clear it of Seto's explanation. "Alright wiz kid. If I were you, I'd stand well out of the way. You may know math, but I know basketball."
Seto raised an eyebrow and moved to stand at the end of the court, a few feet away from the basket, on the grass. Tristan moved back to the center line and made a few calculations of his own.
/Time to catch some serious air./
He locked eyes with Seto for a split second before giving his full attention to the space between him and his goal. He took off with a burst of speed, praying it would be enough, and left the ground at the foul line. As soon as he was in the air, he knew it was going to work. Two thirds of the way to the basket, he twisted in mid air, bringing up the ball and slamming it through the hoop from behind.
He hung from the rim for a minute, grinning down at Seto, who was looking somewhat impressed, before letting go.
His landing was less than graceful.
He hit the pavement, one leg locking instead of bending to absorb the impact and he stumbled forward, losing his balance. With a loud curse, he crashed into Seto.
Seto saw it coming and grabbed Tristan around the back, tucking his chin to avoid hitting his head and went with the fall. They hit the ground with a dull thud.
"Oh man!" Tristan groaned, pushing himself up on his forearms and looking down at Seto. "You okay?"
"I…I think so." [Oh holy shit!] Seto suddenly realized that he could feel every inch of the other teen pressed against him in what could be a very compromising situation if anyone was around to see it. He realized Tristan was staring him and he licked his lips nervously.
Tristan was mesmerized but the flushed face of the other boy and he couldn't take his eyes off the slightly parted lips. All rational thought fled his mind. /Fuck it! I've gotta know. To hell with what happens after!/
Seto's eyes widened in surprise as Tristan lowered his head and claimed his lips. He suppressed a moan as he felt the other's tongue enter his mouth, caressing.
Tristan lost himself in the taste of the taller brunette, the taste of coffee and spices. Cursing the need to breathe, he reluctantly broke the kiss, opening his eyes to Seto shocked sapphire ones. Then, what he had done hit him like a ton of bricks.
He scrambled up, backing away. /I am so dead./
Seto rose from the grass with an almost inhuman grace and started stalking towards Tristan. His longer legs brought him within inches of his quarry before he could retreat. He grabbed Tristan by the shirt and pulled him close enough that he could see the pupils of his hazel eyes dilate with fear.
"You fumbled the landing. I guess that makes me the winner." Seto's voice was low. "You owe me a favor."
Tristan swallowed hard. "Stand still while you beat me into the pavement?"
"Do it again." The other whispered.
"Do what again?" Tristan was beginning to panic, knowing there was no way he could outrun Seto, even if he could get loose from his grip.
"Kiss me."
"What?! Kaiba..!"
"I thought we agreed you were going to call me Seto." The azure eyed teen's look was smoldering. "Now pay up."
Seeing the look, Tristan trembled, reaching up to tangle his hands in the thick brown locks and pull him down. He brought their lips together gently, hesitantly. When the taller boy didn't respond, he deepened it, coaxing Seto's mouth open so he could slip his tongue in, stroking the roof of his mouth.
Seto moaned softly, his hands unclenching from the fabric of Tristan's shirt to settle on his hips. Pulling him closer, he began to kiss him back, pressing their bodies together.
By the time their lips parted, Seto's heart was pounding in his ears. "Tristan…"
"No." Tristan pressed a finger to the other's lips. "Don't say anything. Please."
Tristan stepped back, his eyes filled with pain. "I should go."
"But why?" Seto reached out to stop him, only to have Tristan step away again.
"Because I…we…we can't Seto." Tristan felt his heart crack. "There's no future in this. Neither one of us can afford for anyone to find out. Please. Let's…let's just forget it happened."
Seto reached out again as Tristan turned from him. "Tristan…don't do this."
"I have to." Tristan walked away, not looking back. "For both our sakes."
"Seto? Big brother! What's wrong?" Mokuba knelt down on the basketball court next to his brother, putting an arm around his shoulders.
It had been over two hours since Tristan had left, though the time had no meaning for Seto. He didn't even know how he had come to be sitting on the ground, idly bouncing the ball, his mind numb.
"Seto please! You're scaring me!"
"Mokuba…" Seto's eyes finally focused on his sibling's worried face.
"What happened?"
"Tristan…he…he left."
"I don't understand. You're not making any sense."
"I don't know what to do. I want to be with him, but he…" Seto trailed off, his voice breaking.
Mokuba's eyes went wide. "You guys didn't…you didn't have sex did you?"
Seto didn't even react to the younger boy's very personal question.
"Seto. Please tell me what happened?"
"He kissed me." The older Kaiba whispered.
"But why did he leave?"
"He said that…that there was no future in it."
"Bullshit!" Mokuba exploded. "That's not true! Seto, you can't let him go like that! Look me in the eye big brother and tell me you don't care about him!"
"How did you know?" Seto looked into the wide grey eyes.
Mokuba shrugged. "You talk in your sleep."
The brunette gave a watery chuckle. "I can't hide anything from you, can I?"
"Go after him Seto."
"Get in your car, go to his house and tell him how you feel!"
"Mokuba, don't be foolish…"
"You're the one being foolish Seto! Since when did you back down from anything? Get off your ass and go!"
"Do you think I should?"
Mokuba rolled his eyes. "If you don't, you'll never know."
Seto climbed to his feet, helping his brother to stand. He hugged Mokuba, burying his face in the shaggy black hair. "Sometimes you're so much wiser than I am little brother."
Seto parked the Porsche a few houses away and cut the engine. He sat a moment, gripping the steering wheel, trying to calm his rapidly beating heart. Taking a deep breath, he got out of the car, locking the doors.
He walked up the street and stood in front of Tristan's house. There was only one light on, on the upper floor.
Hoping against hope that Tristan was alone, Seto knocked on the door. He waited a few minutes and when no one answered, he looked for a doorbell and not finding one, knocked again. There was still no answer.
Without a second thought, Seto tried the doorknob, which turned easily in his hand. He stepped inside and shut the door softly behind him.
The house had the feel of deep night, when everyone was asleep; even though it was only shortly after eight o'clock.
His instincts told him Tristan was upstairs and he made his way through the house, guided by the soft streetlights filtering in through the windows. Coming to a staircase, he ascended slowly, nervous about what he might find.
Coming to the room with the light on, he looked inside to see Tristan lying on the bed, an arm thrown across his eyes, obviously asleep.
Seto stood in the doorway, watching him.
It wasn't an easy sleep. Tristan shifted and twitched, seemingly caught in a not so pleasant dream. He was mumbling something that Seto couldn't quite make out.
The taller teen crossed to the bed, kneeling next to it and reaching out to shake the other awake. Tristan bolted awake, sitting up abruptly and grabbing Seto by the throat, his other arm coming up to cock a fist behind his ear, ready to throw a punch.
Seto threw his hands up in a defensive gesture. "Tristan! It's me!"
"Shit!" Tristan immediately loosened his grip, his hands falling to the bed. "Seto, how did you get in here?"
"The door was open."
"Damn. Musta forgotten to lock it again." Tristan mumbled to himself, still not quite awake. /Wait a minute..!/ "What are you doing here?"
Seto stood up, looking down at the other teen for a minute before unceremoniously shoving him over and sitting down on the bed. "We need to talk."
"There's nothing to talk about."
"Isn't there?" Sapphire bored into hazel. "I think there is. That is…unless you really don't want this to go anywhere."
"I didn't say that. It's just…we can't."
"Why not?" Seto voice dropped to a whisper, even as he silently berated himself for the weakness. "Tristan, I want to be with you."
"You…you want to be with me?" Tristan reached out, gently touching Seto's face, as if to make sure he wasn't dreaming. /Please tell me you're talking about more than just sex./ "How?"
"I'm not sure." [Damn it! Why can't this be easy! I don't know what I want anymore!] Seto's hands clenched into fists as he fought for the right words. "I just know I want to be around you. I'd rather be with you than by myself. Beyond that…damn, I don't know…I just…"
"Hush." Tristan hooked his hand into Seto collar, pulling him close. "Come here."
Seto went eagerly, one arm going around the shorter teen as their mouths met in a scorching kiss. They fought for dominance, until Tristan yanked Seto down, pinning him to the bed with a low growl. His lips left Seto's to travel down his neck, lightly sucking on his collar bone.
Seto let out a deep moan, his hands clenching the back of Tristan's shirt. Suddenly he realized he was pinned beneath the other, completely under his control, something he wasn't so sure he liked.
"Stop…Tristan, stop."
Tristan lifted his head and looked at Seto with lust glazed eyes. Even through the fog, he could detect the uncertainty in the other's eyes. "Damn. Seto…I'm sorry."
"It's okay. But we need to talk about this. I don't want this to be a one time thing."
"I don't either." Tristan moved so the other brunette wasn't pinned to the bed anymore, lying next to him and putting his arms around him. "What are we going to do about it?"
Seto laid his head on Tristan's chest, sighing. "I'm not sure. Like you said, we can't afford for anyone to know."
The talked into the night, the only conclusions being reached was that they wanted to be together and that they needed to keep it a secret. Sometime in the middle of the night, they both fell asleep, wrapped in each others arms.
DD: Geeze Tristan!
Seto: Remind me not to wake him out of a dead sleep again.
YD: I see a problem here.
Tristan: And that would be?
YD: To normally dominant guys in a relationship.
DD: Oh yeah. Okay, who wants to be on top?
Tristan & Seto: *hands in the air* ME!
DD: I see what you mean yami.
YD: *insane chuckle* This is going to be fuuun!
