Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Way Street ❯ Chapter4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Way Street

by Dragondreamer and Yami Dragon

Disclaimer: We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! DUH! If we did, the show wouldn't be fit for kids, that's for sure!

Warning: This story contains shouenen-ai (guy/guy relationships) and yaoi (guys having sex with guys). It also contains coarse language and violence. If you don't like it, or become offended by such things, what are you doing here? Haven't you figured out by now that all our writing contains this stuff?

Note: /…/ Tristan's thoughts

[…] Seto's thoughts



DD: *squeals* Look! Look what Keysha gave us! *snuggles Tristan plushie*

YD: Hey! I wanted the Tristan one!

DD: Can't have it. *tosses the Seto plushie*

YD: *hugs plushie* Mmmm…Seto plushie…

Tristan: *smirks at Seto* I guess they like me better than you.

Seto: Today maybe.

Seto: *scrolls through the story* What the hell..!

Tristan: What?

YD: *smacks Seto's hand off the mouse* Nothing!

DD: Just shut up and let the people read it.


"May I join you?"

Tristan looked up to see Seto standing next to the table where they were all having lunch.

"Get bent Kaiba." Joey said.

Seto just stared at him coldly.

"Sure Kaiba." Yugi smiled at him, digging an elbow into Joey's side. "Grab a seat."

Seto sat down in the only empty chair, between Tristan and Kendra. "Thank you."

"That was a great presentation you and Tristan did." Kendra said. "Quite an interesting take on the American Civil War."

Seto inclined his head towards Tristan. "Tristan did most of the work."

"But if it wasn't for that kick ass library of yours, I never would have found what I needed."

Seto smiled, just a slight curving of the lips, remembering that particular day in the library of his mansion. It had ended up with him being pinned up against one of the massive bookcases with Tristan ravishing his neck. He tugged on his shirt collar, an unconscious gesture to hide the still visible mark that had been left from that episode.

Joey was fuming. His best friend had spent just about every day of the last two weeks with Kaiba. He just couldn't see what Tristan saw in that asshole.

"So," Joey said. "I guess that now that you're done with that project we'll get to see more of you, huh Tristan?"

"Actually," Seto cut in, turning to the other brunette. "I was wondering if now that we are done you'd like to come over so we can take the bikes out."

"Tristan said you have quite an impressive collection of motorcycles." Ryou said.

Seto shrugged. "I don't get to ride as much as I'd like. I haven't had the racing bikes out in ages."

"Sure. I'll come over after practice, okay?"

"Sounds good." Seto stood, nodding to the others and walked quickly from the cafeteria.

Tristan sat for a minute, avoiding Joey's glare. He had seen the look in Seto's eyes. He wanted to be alone with him. And he didn't want to wait until this afternoon.

"I gotta go grab some stuff out of my locker guys." Tristan got up, tossing his trash into the garbage bin behind him. "I'll see you next class."

Ryou looked questioningly at Yugi as Tristan left. Yugi shook his head minutely, hoping he and the white haired boy were the only ones to notice that there seemed to be something more going on between their friend and Seto Kaiba.


Tristan reached the empty hallway in time to see Seto duck through the door leading to the stairwell of the fire exit. He quickly followed, wrenching the door closed behind him. Seto was leaning against the wall, smiling.

"I knew you'd follow."

Tristan didn't reply, just walked up to him, grabbing him and kissing him hard.

As usual, it was a fight for dominance, and it ended as it always did as Tristan shoved Seto against the wall and took complete control.

Tristan broke the kiss and yanked Seto's collar open, kissing and sucking on the mark he had left on the other's neck.

"Tristan…" Seto moaned. "Gods, Tristan…wait…not here."

Tristan backed off, breathing hard. He was becoming increasingly frustrated with the physical side of their relationship. It hadn't gone beyond heated kisses and next to chaste touches and Seto was constantly fighting him for control. It wasn't something he was used to and he was having a hard time fighting the need to take the other and dominate him with a vengeance.


"I'm sorry." Tristan reached out and kissed Seto, gently this time. "I'm sorry Seto."

"It's okay." Seto pushed away from the wall, putting his arms around the shorter teen. "We just don't want anyone seeing us like that."

"No, we don't." Tristan sighed, pulling away. "I'll leave. Don't follow me too soon."

Seto let out a sigh of his own as the door closed behind the other. It had only been a couple of weeks, but he was beginning to wonder how much longer they could go on like this. The constant power struggle was becoming draining and until they resolved it, they couldn't move forward.

The young billionaire was at a loss for what to do. He was so used to being in control that it only seemed natural that he should be when it came to Tristan. But Tristan wouldn't give in. He had to be dominating; it was part of his personality.

Something had to give, and soon.


"Gods Tristan! I was sure you were going to wipe out on that last turn!"

Tristan smirked. "I needed revenge for the basketball wager."

Seto tossed his helmet on the shelf at the back of the garage. "Just don't do it again. You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"And here I thought you were only worried about the bike." Tristan came up behind the taller teen, putting his arms around the slender waist and resting his chin on his shoulder.

"Don't be stupid." Seto removed his arms and turned around to face him. "Of course I was worried about the bike."

"You ass!" Tristan laughed, making a lunge for Seto.

Seto smirked, dodging out of the way and taking off, running for the house. He let Tristan catch him when he reached the back door.

"You are so in trouble!" Tristan grabbed Seto and pulled him into a kiss.

This time Seto didn't fight him. He parted his lips, allowing Tristan entrance and was surprised when it wasn't taken harshly. He pulled back, looking questioningly at the other brunette.

"Why didn't you fight me that time?" Tristan asked first.

"I don't know." Seto shrugged. "I guess…maybe I just wanted to see what it would be like."

"You say that like it'll never happen again."

"It probably won't."

"Very funny." /He'd damn well better not mean that./

"It wasn't meant to be." [He doesn't think I'm serious.]

Seto turned and opened the door, leading the way into the kitchen. Going to the fridge, he took out two cans of soda, tossing one to Tristan. "Want to check out the new voice command software I installed?"

"Sure. Sounds neat."

The discussion was over. For now.


"Damn I hate these English papers. I'm glad I've got the weekend to work on it." Tristan shrugged out of his uniform jacket, slinging it over the back of the chair.

Seto rolled his eyes and picked it up, hanging it on a hook on the back of his bedroom door with his own. He went back to leaning on the wall next to his desk where Tristan was typing his paper.

Tristan rolled his shoulders and then tilted his head to one side, the vertebrae in his neck cracking. Seto shuddered at the sound and went to stand behind the other teen, pulling down the collar of his shirt and rubbing his shoulders and neck.

Tristan unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt to keep from choking and leaned back into Seto's touch. "Mmmm…thanks."

Seto didn't reply as he dug his fingers into the base of the other's neck. After a few minutes, he heard Tristan sigh and his hands fell from the keyboard.

"You're going to put me to sleep." His head fell back against Seto's stomach.

The taller one's only response to this was to slip his hand into the front of Tristan's shirt, lightly caressing his collar bone. Tristan reacted by pulling Seto around in front of him and into his lap, wrapping his arms around him.

The kissed hungrily, fighting over it as usual, until they had to break apart for air. Tristan leaned his head against Seto's chest, breathing raggedly.

Seto leaned back; acutely aware of the other's arousal pressing against him. "Tristan?"

Tristan raised his head, the hunger in his hazel eyes making Seto's entire blood supply head south. "I want you." His voice was strained, husky with suppressed desire.

Seto stood up, backing away slightly and chewing his bottom lip nervously.

Tristan misread the apprehension in the sapphire eyes and turned away. "You don't want me."

"No!" Seto reached out, putting a hand on the other's shoulder. "It's not that." [Damn! Why did this have to come up so soon? I'm not ready to tell him.]

"What is it then?"

"It's…it's just that…"

Tristan stood, walking around Seto and heading for the door. "You don't have to lie to me."

[Oh gods! No. I can't let him leave. Not like this.]

"Tristan, please." Seto grabbed him by the shoulder, spinning him around.

"What?!" The anger on his face was almost enough to make Seto let him go.


Seto's hands closed over Tristan's arms and he pulled him against his body, crashing their lips together. Tristan instinctively sought control and Seto gave it to him. The taller teen ran his hands over the other's back, settling on his hips and pulling him closer, letting him feel his arousal.

He broke the kiss and looked into the clouded hazel eyes. "I want you Tristan. I do."

"Oh gods. Seto…" Tristan groaned, threading his fingers into Seto's hair, kissing him again. He tried desperately to be gentle, not to take complete control away from the other, but he couldn't do it.

Seto responded with equal fervor, fighting not to give ground. The kiss disintegrated and he threw his head back, moaning, as Tristan ripped open his shirt and began to kiss his chest.


Mokuba was walking past his brother's room when he heard a sound like cloth ripping followed by a deep, husky moan.

He stopped for a minute, confused, and then understanding dawned in the not-so-innocent grey eyes and a huge smile lit up his face.

"Alright!" He whispered to himself, skipping down the hall to make sure the day staff didn't go into the hallway where his brother's room was.


Tristan slipped Seto's shirt off his shoulders and kissed the hollow of his throat before stepping back just long enough to get rid of his own shirt. He pulled Seto against him, hissing at the feel of the hot, smooth skin against his own. Claiming his lips again, he maneuvered them so that they were standing next to the bed.

Compliments of Tristan's quick hands, the rest of their clothes soon went the way of their shirts and Tristan pushed Seto down on the bed.

/Little gods and demons…/ Tristan let his eyes wander slowly over Seto's body. He never would have guessed that the meticulously tailored clothes hid such a perfect body. His muscles were smooth and lightly defined, like a runner's, and his skin was tanned and flawless. /He's gorgeous./

[Gods! I feel so inadequate.] The glimpse that he had gotten of Tristan at the park that day hadn't prepared him for the reality. Sculpted was the first word that came to mind. Every muscle firm and defined, slim waist and hips, it was obvious who was the stronger of the pair. [He must outweigh me by twenty pounds.]

"Seto." Tristan's voice trembled as he lay down next to the other. "You're so beautiful."

Seto felt his face flush as Tristan leaned down to kiss him lingeringly. He poured all the want, need and love; yes, love; he felt into it and was thrilled when Seto responded in kind. He broke the kiss, turning Seto's head to the side and biting down gently on his neck as he let his hands roam over Seto's body, memorizing every inch.

Seto moaned softly and arched under the touch. Tristan's hands were surprisingly soft, if not completely gentle, and Seto was losing himself to the sensation. He raised his hands to touch the other, only to have Tristan grab his wrists and pin them to the bed as he left the taller boy's neck for his chest.

Tristan didn't think he could wait much longer. He was burning to have Seto submit completely to him. He wasn't going to let it happen any other way. He let go of the other's wrists and moved down his body.

Seto cried out sharply as he felt a moist heat enclose his throbbing erection. His fingers dug painfully into the mattress as he instinctively thrust upwards.

Tristan pinned his hips down and deep throated him, working him hard. He felt a spike of arousal overlaid with the quasi-sexual rush of being in total control.

"Oh gods…Tristan!" Seto's entire being exploded in a burst of light as he came hard into Tristan's mouth. After what seemed like forever, he slowly opened his eyes to find Tristan staring down at him.

Tristan stared into those beautiful blue eyes, seeing something there that for some reason reminded him of Yugi. Something almost…innocent.

He pushed the feeling aside and smirked at the other teen. "See how much better things are when you're not fighting me?"

Anger flashed across Seto's features and he grabbed Tristan and kissed him harshly. Tristan chuckled low in his throat and fought back, at the same time letting his hands wander over the other's body.

Seto moaned as he felt himself losing control under the skilled touch of the other brunette. He gave into it momentarily, swearing that he'd pick up the battle again. Just not right now.

Tristan smiled inwardly as he felt Seto relax under his hands. Breaking the kiss, he spied a bottle of cream on the bedside table and snatched it. He distracted Seto with another burning kiss as he coated his fingers with it and gently slipped two of them into the other's tight passage.

Seto's eyes flew open as he jerked away from Tristan's lips with a gasp. The pain in his eyes sent a stab of guilt through the shorter teen.

/Damn. I should have been more careful. I don't know how long it's been for him./ "Shh, Seto. It's okay." He forced back his own raging need to concentrate on the other. "I'm sorry. Do you want me to stop?"

White hot desire flashed through Seto as Tristan's fingers made contact with a certain bundle of nerves. It was like nothing he had ever felt before…and he wanted more of it. "No, no don't. I want this. I want you. Please."

Tristan carefully added the third and final finger, bending to capture Seto's mouth with his own, effectively stifling his groan of pained pleasure. He continued to kiss Seto's face and neck as the other began to writhe beneath him.

Tristan felt his own desire flare out of control as Seto moaned his name. /Mine…all mine. Oh gods…Seto…I love you./

"Tristan." Seto moaned. "Please…gods please…just…just take me…please…"

Tristan positioned himself and looked deeply into Seto's eyes. "Are you sure about this?" /Don't let him turn back now./

"Yes damn it! Please…Tristan…I lo-…" He was cut off as Tristan thrust carefully into him, the twin sensations of pain and pleasure making his head spin.

"Gods Seto." Tristan groaned. "You're…so tight." Every muscle in his body was locked against the need to start thrusting into the incredibly tight heat surrounding him.

Seto shifted beneath him and it was his undoing. Tristan started a slow rhythm, trying to give the other time to adjust. Just as Seto began to move with him, his control snapped and he began to pound into the hot body below him.

"Give in to me Seto. Just give in."

Tristan's words sank in to Seto's pleasure fogged brain. [NO! I won't! I don't give in to anyone…I can't! But…I asked for this…no…I begged! Damn you Tristan! Damn you! I don't beg!] He began to struggle silently against the other, trying to force him over on to his back, trying to gain control.

"Don't fight me damn it!" Tristan growled. He grabbed Seto's hands and pinned his arms over his head with one hand, wrapping the other around Seto's arousal, stroking in time to his thrusts. "For once stop trying to gain control!"

"Never." Seto grated out, trying to fight off his climax, which was swiftly rushing toward him.

/Don't do this. Seto please…/ Tristan struggled against his own release, wanting Seto to reach his first.

Seto clenched his teeth, refusing to voice the pleasure that slammed into him, hating himself for giving in to his traitorous body, giving in to Tristan.

Tristan hissed as he felt the tightness surrounding him become impossibly tighter and Seto's hot seed spilled over his hand. His head swam as he let go, releasing deep inside the taller brunette.

His arms trembled as he tried not to collapse, instead pulling away slowly, lowering himself onto his side next to Seto and closing his eyes. As his breathing returned to normal, he reached out and laid a hand on Seto's stomach.

"Don't touch me."

"What?!" Tristan opened his eyes to see that Seto's entire body was tense, his arms still above his head and his face turned away. "Seto…"

"Leave." His voice was icy, a tone that Tristan hadn't heard him use in a very long time.

"What the hell..? Why?"

"Get out. Now."

"Seto, please look at me."

"Don't make me call security."

Tristan rose slowly from the bed, numb. "Tell me what's wrong."

Seto finally looked at him…and Tristan wished he hadn't. His eyes were totally cold, colder than Tristan had ever seen them. "Get. The. FUCK. Out of my house!"

Tristan averted his eyes from the glacial gaze and pulled his clothes on quickly, unsure of what else to do. "Seto, please…talk to me."

Sapphire eyes filled with ice regarded him stonily. It was like a slap to the face, and Tristan retreated, backing towards the door. With one last look into the eyes he didn't know anymore, he fled.


"Tristan?" Mokuba caught up to him just as Tristan made it to the bottom of the stairs. "What's wrong? Where's Seto?"

Tristan shook his head. "Nothing Mokuba. Don't worry about it."

"You're lying."

"Mokuba…it's not your concern."

"That's bull and you know it!" Slate grey eyes flashed. "I know what you guys were doing! Why are you leaving?"


"That's cold Tristan! How would you like it if it was your first time and then the guy got up and left?!" The youngest Kaiba was standing with his hands on his hips, indignant.

The boy's words slammed into him and everything went grey. He grabbed the banister to steady himself and stared at Mokuba, wide-eyed. "His first..?"

The raven hair boy slapped a hand to his mouth. "Oh gods!" He whispered. "He…he didn't tell you?"

Tristan shoved Mokuba aside and ran up the stairs, pounding down the hall to Seto's room. He tried the door, but it was locked. He pounded on the wood, yelling to Seto to let him in. There was no answer. He considered breaking the door down, but realized that there was now way he'd get through the solid wood. He was just about to call out again when he felt a hand on his arm.

Mokuba looked up at him with sad eyes, shaking his head. He took Tristan's hand and pulled him away from the door. "Go home Tristan. There's no way you'll get him to talk to you when he's like this."

"Mokuba…please…I have to see him."

"I want to help you, but he's impossible when he gets into one of these moods. Just go home. I'll call you, I promise."

Defeated, Tristan left the mansion, heading home to wait to hear from Mokuba.


YD: Gods! Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to write a lemon when BOTH guys have control issues?

DD: *rubs her yami's shoulders* Well, you're done now.

Seto: I can't believe you DID that!

Tristan: Me neither!

Seto: So what happens next?

YD: It gets put on hold until we finish the next chapter of Stronger Than Before.

Tristan: NO WAY!

DD: Don't worry, we should get back to this before the weekend's out.

YD: Keep the reviews coming! And extra Seto and Tristan plushies are always welcome. *steals Tristan plushie*

DD: Come back with that! *chases her yami from the room*