Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Way Street ❯ Chapter6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Way Street

by Dragondreamer and Yami Dragon

Disclaimer: We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! DUH! If we did, the show wouldn't be fit for kids, that's for sure!

Warning: This story contains shouenen-ai (guy/guy relationships) and yaoi (guys having sex with guys). It also contains coarse language and violence. If you don't like it, or become offended by such things, what are you doing here? Haven't you figured out by now that all our writing contains this stuff?

Note: /…/ Tristan's thoughts

[…] Seto's thoughts



DD: I can't believe all the reviews we're getting for this story!

YD: *hugs reviewers* Reviews are great!

Tristan: Done this story yet?

DD: *smacks Tristan* No! We're no where NEAR done torturing you two.

Seto: Wonderful. *insert sarcastic tone*


Joey bolted through the door of the Game Shop, collapsing against the card case.

"Joey? Are you alright?" Solomon asked the panting blond.

"Yeah…" Joey struggled to catch his breath. "Need to…talk to Yugi."

"He's upstairs with Yami."

"Thanks Gramps." Joey tore up over the stairs, colliding with Yugi at the top.

"Joey! What's going on?" Yugi pulled his friend into the living room, calling out to Yami through the link.

Yami came into the room as Joey fell onto the couch, his breath still ragged from his run. "What's wrong?"

"Tristan…" Joey gasped out.

Yugi shot a look at Yami. "What's wrong with Tristan?"

"He's…he's…oh gods! I saw him…and he was…oh shit…with Kaiba…sick!"

"Joey, you're not making any sense." Yami said.

"Oh fuck! Tristan's a fag! I saw him kissing Kaiba!"

"And that bothers you?"

"Gods Yami! It's disgusting! Bad enough he's a fruit, but…Kaiba?!" Joey shuddered.

Yugi didn't need the link to know Yami didn't want him to say anything to Joey about their relationship. It was written all over his face, along with the shock that Joey would react to finding out about Tristan with such venom.

"Joey, why should it matter to you that Tristan's gay?" Yugi asked.

Joey looked at his small friend like he had three heads. "This is Tristan we're talking about! There's no way in hell he can really be "that way". Kaiba musta done something to him."

"Don't be ridiculous!" Yugi was losing patience with the blond's ranting. "Kaiba wouldn't do anything to Tristan."

"How do you know?" Joey demanded. "He had to've done something!"

"Joey." Yami said calmly. "That's not true and you know it. And Tristan being gay doesn't change who he is. He's still our friend."

"No way man." Joey shook his head vehemently. "I ain't being friends with no queer."

"Joey Wheeler!" Yugi yelled. "How dare you! Tristan has always been a good friend! He was gay when you met him! He was gay when he stood by you through everything! He's your best friend! If you turn your back on him now, I'll never forgive you!"

Joey drew back at Yugi's outburst. "Yugi…"

"I think you'd better leave Joey." Yami put a restraining hand on Yugi's shoulder to keep him from attacking the blond, which he looked on the verge of doing. "When you've calmed down, we can talk about this again."

Joey looked from Yami to Yugi, who was trembling with suppressed anger. "Fine." He spat out, getting up from the couch and stalking from the room.

As soon as he was gone, Yami pulled Yugi to him, kissing his forehead. Yugi wrapped his arms around his lover's waist and sighed.

"It's okay Aibou. He just needs some time to come to terms with it. I would expect it was quite a shock for him to see his best friend kissing his hated enemy." Yami finished with a chuckle.

"I didn't think he'd be so closed minded Yami." Yugi's voice was muffled as he snuggled into Yami's chest. "Poor Tristan."

"Tristan can handle Joey, Aibou. Don't worry." Yami cupped Yugi's chin, tipping his face up and placing a soft kiss on his lips. "Now, I was about to get in the shower before I was interrupted. Care to join me?"

Yugi never got a chance to answer as Yami swept him up in his arms and carried him, laughing, to the bathroom.


Seto held Tristan close, rubbing the back of his neck. "Tristan, why do you think I'm going to leave you?"

"He did. I told him I loved him…and he left."

"He who?" Seto tipped Tristan's face up so he could look into his eyes.


"I don't understand. Who's Brad?"

"I met him in Italy." More tears escaped and Seto wiped them away before kissing Tristan tenderly.

"He was special, huh?"

"He was. I loved him Seto. He was my first."

"What happened?"

"I woke up one morning and he was gone. No note…nothing. I tried to find him, but I couldn't."

"So you think that because you told me you love me that I'm going to leave?"

"Yes." Tristan whispered, lowering his eyes.

"Well, I'm not. I love you Tristan. Nothing's going to make me leave you."

"Amante…" Tristan tangled his fingers in Seto's hair and kissed him deeply.

Seto responded eagerly, parting his lips and moaning as Tristan's tongue slipped into his mouth. Tristan ran his hands down Seto's body, breaking the kiss.

"I love you Seto."

"I love you too." Seto pulled him down for another kiss, allowing himself to be swept up in the tide of their rising desires.


Tristan dropped off the last of his text books before heading out to look for Seto. He was glad school was over for the summer. At least now he wouldn't have to put up with Joey every day. He never would have guessed his best friend would react the way he did.




After two weeks, Tristan finally managed to trap Joey alone long enough to talk to him.

"Joey, why have you been avoiding me?"

Joey didn't even try to lie. "I saw you."

"Saw me?"

"I saw you with Kaiba." Joey looked at the brunet, disgust written plainly on his face. "That's fucking disgusting man! I would have figured Kaiba was a faggot…but you…"

"What about me?" Tristan tried to hold back his anger.

"Sucking his face in the middle of the street! Gods! Couldn't you have a little consideration! Some of us have reps to protect you know."

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Some of us don't want to be associated with fruits like the two of you." Joey turned to leave.

"Joey wait! Let me explain." Tristan grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Get off of me!" Joey hissed. "I'm afraid I might catch something."

Tristan let go, staggering back in shock at his friend's words. He could only watch as Joey walked away, leaving Tristan, and their friendship behind.




Tristan shook his head, looking around the parking lot for Seto.

It had gotten to the point where Joey would leave if one of them showed up. Today at lunch time, when Tristan had sat down with everyone, Joey had shot him a dirty look, getting up and leaving. Then to top it off, Yugi's eyes had filled with tears and he had run from the cafeteria.

Tristan felt a twinge of guilt as he remembered his diminutive friend's reaction. Yugi was having a hard time with the fact Joey wouldn't speak to his one time best friend. And he was afraid that Joey would react the same way if he found out about him and Yami.

Seeing Seto's limo pull up, Tristan headed for it, seeing Seto exit the school from another door. Seto got there first, holding the door open for Tristan when he caught Joey, standing alone on the steps, glaring at them. Seto glared back, taking a step forward.

"I'll be back in a minute Tristan." Seto shut the door quickly so Tristan wouldn't follow.

Stalking up to Joey, he grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him around the side of the building. He shoved Joey up against the brick and pinned him with an arm across his chest.

"Let's get something straight mutt. You'd better adjust your attitude where Tristan is concerned."

Joey shoved Seto off. "Fuck you Kaiba."

Seto growled, his hands clenching into fists.

"Oh wait!" Joey said sarcastically. "Tristan's already doing that, isn't he?"

"You narrow minded bastard." Seto's fist shot out, catching Joey in the stomach.

Joey fell to his hands and knees, gasping for air.

Seto stepped over him. "If you can't put your bigotry aside then stay away from him."

He walked back to the limo, barely controlled rage crackling almost visibly around him. Approaching the waiting vehicle, he took a deep breath to calm his anger before opening the door and climbing in to sit opposite Tristan.

"What was that all about?"

"Nothing. I just had to talk to someone." Seto opened the intercom, telling the driver to drive until he was told otherwise.

Tristan looked at Seto skeptically for a moment before turning to look out the window. It had been over a month since he and Seto had been together. Joey's attitude hadn't softened a bit. He missed him, but he'd be damned if he was going to let the blond hurt his lover. He didn't notice Seto straddling his waist until the taller brunet was in his lap.

"Can I help you?" Tristan asked him with a smirk.

"I don't want to hide it anymore." Seto replied, his face serious.

"What brought this on?"

Seto shrugged. "Your friends all know, so why bother?"

"But your company…"

"Doesn't matter." Seto interrupted. "If Kaiba Corp. folded tomorrow, there's enough money in my personal accounts for Mokuba and I to maintain our lifestyle for the rest of our lives and then some. Besides, I just found out my top competitor has been married for the last ten years to another man."

"Really?" Tristan grinned. "That changes things for you, doesn't it?"

"But it doesn't change things for you. I know you're upset about the mu-…Joey."

Tristan smiled at Seto's attempt at restraint. "It's okay amante. Joey's just being his usual pig headed self."

Seto didn't respond, leaning down to press his lips to Tristan's. He's fingers immediately went to the buttons on the smaller teen's shirt, deftly unbuttoning them. He parted the material, running his hands over the other's smooth, muscled chest, smiling as Tristan moaned into the kiss.

Breaking the kiss, he leaned back slightly, trialing his hands down to Tristan's stomach, lightly outlining the muscles with his fingertips.

Bright azure locked with warm hazel as Seto dragged a single finger into Tristan's lap. He palmed the growing bulge in the other's pants, smirking as Tristan growled and thrust against him.

Tristan grabbed Seto by the shoulders, pulling him forward and kissing him savagely. Seto responded with equal ferocity, his hand massaging the other's straining erection. Seto pulled away, thumbing open Tristan's pants and freeing his throbbing arousal.

Keeping his eyes locked with Tristan's, Seto slipped from his lap to kneel in front of him, pushing his legs apart and settling between them. He ran his hands up Tristan's thighs, wrapping one long fingered hand around him, stroking lightly.

Seto's eyes slid shut as he leaned forward and smoothed his tongue across the weeping tip. He moaned deeply, drowning out Tristan's gasp, as he tasted the other for the first time.

"Gods…" Tristan buried one hand in Seto's hair, the other clutching at his shoulder. "Seto, yes…"

Seto took him all the way in, shivering as a whimper was torn from Tristan's throat. He pinned Tristan down, keeping him from thrusting up and choking him as he began to bob his head.

"Amante...please…" Tristan moaned, clutching Seto tighter. "Please…don't stop…"

The taller teen had no intentions of stopping. All he wanted was to bring his lover the kind of pleasure he, himself, always received. He sucked hard, reveling in the hitching breath and ragged pants coming from above him.

Tristan felt the fire pooling in his gut and he knew he was close. "Please, Seto…baby…I'm gonna…oh gods!"

Seto felt Tristan's whole body jerk as the salty taste of his release flowed into his mouth. He swallowed eagerly, moaning in the back of his throat.

Tristan was barely conscious, only vaguely aware of Seto moving to sit next to him and pull him into his arms. When things finally began to clear, he found himself against Seto's chest, being held close with one arm, while Seto trailed the fingers of his other hand across his chest.

Looking up into those vivid blue eyes filled with such love, Tristan felt his heart overflow. "Seto, I…"

Seto place a finger over Tristan's lips, silencing him. "For you, love."

Tristan pulled Seto's head down, fusing their lips together and immediately parting his, allowing the other brunet enterance without a battle. Though he was surprised, Seto none the less took advantage of it, exploring gently.

When they parted, Seto looked questioningly at Tristan. "And that was for what?"

"It's…it's just…y-you've never…" Tristan stammered, unsure of how to say it. "No one's ever…I can't…oh shit! You know what I'm saying!"

Seto couldn't help but chuckle. "You're welcome."

"It's not funny." Tristan hit him in the chest, scowling.

"No one?"

Tristan shook his head. "Nope."

"Not even…him?"

Tristan shook his head again, not answering this time.

"Well, I'm glad I was the first then." Seto smirked. "Besides, it was nice to hear you do the begging for once."

Tristan sat up, turning to Seto and mock glaring at him. "You are SO dead!"

Seto laughed as Tristan launched himself at him, giving in and allowing Tristan to pin him to the seat, their lips meeting in a soul-searing kiss.


Joey skipped another stone across the still water of the pond before dropping down to sit at the edge.

He sighed, bored. School let out today and normally he and Tristan would be goofing around at the arcade together or the Game Shop with Yugi and the others. Normally.

Things weren't anywhere near normal anymore. Not since he's found out about Tristan and Kaiba. Ryou, Bakura and Kendra were constantly at him to talk to them and Yugi could barely stand to be in the same room with him. He'd end up either yelling at him, or bursting into tears. Yami kept trying to get him to talk about it, but he refused.

He felt guilty for Yugi's reaction in the cafeteria today. He knew it hurt the little guy to no end that he and Tristan weren't friends anymore. But it wasn't his fault. Tristan was the one to blame…wasn't he?

Joey rubbed his stomach, wincing at the bruise Kaiba had laid on him. Why had he done that? Kaiba had never hit him before. Nothing Joey had ever said or done, no insult was bad enough to make the cool CEO lose his temper enough to get physical.

He thought back to what Kaiba had said before laying him out. It was all about Tristan, nothing about them…just Tristan. Joey shook his head. It was wrong. Two guys together like that…Joey shuddered. It was just wrong.

"Hey Joey."

Joey looked up to see Ryou sitting down on the grass next to him. "Ryou."

"I thought you'd be here."

"How'd ya know that?"

"This is where you and Tristan always come on the last day of school."

Joey rolled his eyes. "Don't start Ryou."

The white hair boy looked him squarely in the eyes. "Why do you persist in this Joey?"

"I told you! It's wrong!"

"What makes it wrong? They love each other."

"Yeah right." Joey snorted. "Kaiba's not capable of loving anyone…except maybe his brother."

"He loves Tristan. All you have to do is watch him when he looks at him." Ryou smiled softly. "You can see it in his eyes."

"Ryou, that's ridic-…" He was cut off by the sound of someone calling to them.

Yami and Yugi were walking towards them from the other side of the pond.

"What's up guys?" Yugi dropped down next to Ryou as Yami sat next to Joey.

"We were just talking." Ryou said sweetly, eying the blond.

"Where are Kendra and the Tomb Robber?" Yami asked.

Ryou snickered. "She hauled him off to the mall to shop for Tristan's birthday present."

All four of them broke into peals of laughter at the thought of the white haired thief being forced to go to the mall.

Yugi was the first to stop laughing, the other half of Ryou's comment sinking in. "Tristan's birthday is in two weeks."

"Oh gods." Ryou whispered.

Everyone looked at Joey, who looked away.

"Joey," Yugi said. "You can't…you know how it is for him on his birthday. His father is out of the country for the next six months and his mother leaves next week for the rest of the summer. He's going to be alone. You've always been there for him…please Joey."

"Let Kaiba take care of him." The blond muttered.

"Ra damn you Joey!" Yami's crimson eyes blazed. "You know that day is hard for him! He's always needed you…not us...you!"

"He doesn't need me."

"You don't know if he's even told Kaiba." Ryou said.

"Why the hell wouldn't he?!"

"Because Joey, you know that it hurts him to talk about it." Yugi said, putting a hand on the blond's arm. "If it wasn't for the fact we've known him for so long, we probably wouldn't know either."

Joey shook his head, standing. "I can't."

Yami began to rise to go after the retreating boy when Yugi grabbed his hand.

"Let him go Yami."

"What are we going to do?" Ryou asked. "Tristan won't want to see any of us."

Yami sighed. "We can only hope he's told Kaiba. If not, we'll have to be there for him…whether he likes it or not."


Ryou: Was that a cliffhanger? *glares at YD*

YD: Nooooo…you're seeing things sweetie.

Joey: Why did you have to make me such an ass in this one?

YD: Well, we needed someone to cause a problem.

Seto: It's called an antagonist mutt.

Joey: *rolls eyes*

Tristan: When do we find out what everyone was talking about in that last scene?

DD: Mmmm…next chapter, or the one after that, I'm not sure yet.

Yugi: Please keep the reviews coming!

Yami: Flames will be totally ignored.