Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Onegai Dame ❯ All's Good In Love And War ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ryou: I'M ALIVE!!!!!!! I LIVE!!!!!!! I am SO sorry for not updating in like....forever! It's not my fault!! This website wasn't working on my computer for the longest time!! Well, here's the long awaited chapter five that you've all been waiting for!! Please remember to review!! They make me a happy little camper!! If any of you want I have more stories over at FF>net that you can check out. They're the usual pairings and my name is Xiaolang's Ying Fa...my profile is good too, it has some stuff you might want to know and some useless stuff as well.

Disclaimer: It's sad but true...I don't own Yuugi-ou.

***********Last Time***************

"Or else you'll what?! You can't force me to say anything! To do anything I don't want to do!" Jou said as he wrenched his arms away again and ran out the door with a weak whimper. Seto's face held a look of complete shock.


He had never expected him to say that. This would probably have been the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to him if he wasn't too busy trying to comprehend what had just happened.

"Jou!" Hikari said as she went to run after him but she was stopped by Ryou. He shook his head at her and she wept into his shoulder. (The next story I write you'll understand the whole thing between Ryou and Hikari. Don't worry though, they're not like 'that') Shizuka let a few tears of anger fall before she stared hatefully at Seto.

"Seth, you know you're not allowed to have pleasure slaves in this millennia." Yami said coolly. Seto turned his shocked gaze onto the once mighty Pharaoh.

"He wasn't my...my..."

"Well you sure as hell treated him like one just now!" Shizuka screamed as she stalked up to Seto and slapped him clear across the face. She moved to run out the door but a hand on her shoulder held her back. She looked behind her, accusingly. Seto shook his head, tears welling in his eyes.

"Please...Let me." He said as he ran out the door in the direction Jou had recently fled.

~*~Seto's POV~*~

Gods...Why did I do that?! I just pushed him away again! Please don't hate me Jou...Please...I wouldn't be able to stand it...

' What do you want me to say, Seto? That I'm sorry? Well I won't...'Cause...I'm not. I'm not sorry for my actions. I won't lie to these nice people. I am sorry they saw it but I'm not sorry that it happened, Seto.'

His voice still echoes in my head...What did he mean? He...liked it? Jou...Where did you go? It seems I'm running around in circles. Wait...The park! The time is almost perfect! Of course that's where he would go!

~*~Jou's POV~*~

Gods how could he treat me like that?! I'm not his...I'm not just one of his servants he can boss around! I walk slowly over to the lake and look up at the sky. It's dark and cloudless. I can see the stars clearly, they're beautiful...My arms silently go around my waist...An insecurity I seem to have picked up upon. I shouldn't have run out of there like that...I may never get another chance to be with Seto...I don't know why I would still want to be with him after how he treated me...But...I love him still. I'll love him forever. No matter what...I've already made that promise to myself a long time ago...I can feel my eyes begin to tear again. I hate this...I hate being so weak...I don't want to be weak anymore...

"Koinu..." I don't even turn around. I know who it is...I mean who else calls me 'koinu'? I bet he's here to apologize. I sigh. I would always forgive him...No questions asked. Always and forever I will love him, and that means I will forgive him.

"What makes you think I won't?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" he asks in return. I feel his heat against my back and shudder.

"What makes you think I won't forgive you after you say sorry?" I ask. I can feel his nervousness. "I love you too much not to..." I whisper, my shoulders slouch.

"Jou...I...I don't want to hurt you anymore..." he says. I gasp. "I don't want to be the one that hurts you...So...I will ask of your forgiveness but I don't want you to grant me it. I don't want to do this..." Realization hits me hard. I gasp as the heat slowly begins to vanish off my back. I whirl around and grab his shirt.

"No! Don't you understand?! If you leave me now that will only cause me more pain! Please don't leave me Seto!" He turns around to face me and smiles.

"Don't you see? I have to or else I'll just hurt you again." He says. I tug at his shirt more so.

"I don't care. I love you too much to care." I whisper. "For once...Please let something go my way." I whisper and pull him in closer. He smirks and wraps his arms around my waist pulling my body flush against his.

"How's this for something?" he asks in a husky voice as his head dips into my neck kissing and lapping at my collarbone, biting every once in a while. Hot...His lips are so very hot against my skin...Everything about him is so hot...My body is set aflame everywhere he touches. My arms wrap around his neck in their own accord and I could really care less...He stops in a spot right above my collarbone and off to the right slightly, wrapping his lips over the skin there. I whimper and unconsciously squeeze his back. I feel his tongue sweep over the area of heated flesh...then teeth and more of his hot wet tongue...I moan lightly against his body. He begins to suck roughly on my neck and I moan louder. I tilt my head to the side to give him more room and he takes it without hesitation. After a couple of minutes of this treatment he moves back. I am limp in his arms...He's too wonderful. He eyes my neck and smirks, crushing my body against his. I moan loudly and his smirk widens.

"I've marked you. You're mine." He says, voice deep and husky. I try to smile but his hands are preventing me from doing anything more than just moan. But hell like I mind...

"Good, it's not like I'm complaining...Seth!" I cry as his hands slip under my shirt, drawing idle patterns on my warm skin. He stops suddenly and I give him a confused look. He smiles.

"We'd better stop...We don't want to repeat the past now do we?" He asks. I nod.

"I would very much like to repeat the past 30 minutes but I don't think your guest would approve." I answer. He smirks and kisses me again.

"Aishiteru..." he whispers against my lips. I lean forward and capture his lips once again.

"Aishiteru..." I say. He squeezes me tightly and then smiles lovingly.

"We should be getting back. Shizuka's worried about you. She slapped me." Seto says. I smirk and laugh loudly.

"You deserved it!" I say trying not to laugh to loud. Seto frowns.

"Stop laughing at me..." he pouts. I continue to laugh.

~*~Normal POV~*~

Seto growled when Jou didn't stop. He gripped his stomach tightly as a warning. Jou gasped and moaned against Seto's body.

"No fair..." Jou whispered, panting slightly. Seto smirked and kissed Jou quickly.

"You like pain with pleasure, don't you? So much so that you forget which is the pain and which is the pleasure...Ne?" Seto asked. When Jou didn't answer, Seto pulled Jou's bottom lips into his mouth and bit it while moving his hand up onto the middle of Jou's chest squeezing his hand along that area violently. Jou screamed against Seto.

"HAI!" Jou yelled. Seto released his brutal embraces and let Jou pant beside him.

~*~Back at the mansion~*~

"Kaiba, when is your brother going to be here? We have to discuss business propositions." A short fat man asked Mokuba. Mokuba glared.

"You were never invited, none of you were and this was supposed to be a relax, Seto, welcome home party, not a business party where he has to worry about everything right away. Why do you think he was treating Jou with so much disrespect when he loves him so much?" Mokuba asked accusingly. The fat man looked baffled. "Because of all you! You make him feel like he has to be perfect! You make him feel like if he does one thing wrong his whole company will be ruined!" Mokuba said angrily.

"That's not true, Kaiba Seto should not feel that way. We've molded him so he doesn't have any emotions." The man said. Mokuba actually growled.

"That's what I'm talking about!! Seto loves Jou but he's afraid of what you will say! I can't even believe you would do that to someone!"

"We wanted a good, hard CEO, not some pitiful emotion induced fool! We needed somebody just like your father to run the company! So we had a little fun with him." Mokuba stared at him, horrified.

"Y-you're sick!" A woman walked up to Mokuba.

"Its not true, Chibi Kaiba, that man wanted to mold Kaiba but we stopped him in time for him to still be human. He served in jail for 10 years. He just recently got out. I'm sorry, little one." She said to Mokuba.

"Get out." Mokuba said to the man. He sneered and left. "I can't believe people like that exist...It's horrible." Mokuba said. Shizuka set a comforting hand on Mokuba's shoulder.

"Don't worry, my brother is sure to fix him right up!" she said kindly.

"I just hope Onii-chan can find him right away."


"Are you sure, Seto?" Jou asked. Seto nodded and intertwined their hands.

"I love you, and that's all that matters to me." Seto said reassuringly. Jou smiles sheepishly. "Their loss if they don't accept you. I know our friends will though, that's one good thing to look forward to when we walk into that house." Seto said, smiling. Jou smiled back.

"Thank you. And, I love you too." He said. Seto nodded and opened the door. They both walked into the living room hand in hand.

"Minna," Seto announced. Everyone stopped what they were previously doing to face the head of Kaiba Corp. "In case there are some of you who didn't know, this is Katsuya Jounouchi, my koibito." Seto said. All eyes were on Jou now. His hand started to tremble in Seto grasp and he merely squeezed it for comfort. Jou blushed and released Seto's hand to bow respectfully at the elders.

"Konbon wa, minna-sama." Jou said, voice quivering. Seto noticed this and wrapped an arm around Jou, pulling him toward his warm, hard, body. A lady walked up to Jou and grabbed his open hand, shaking it. She was speaking in English so Jou could only understand a few words.

"Hello, Jou!! It is so nice to meet you! I have heard a lot about you from Mr. Kaiba." She said. But to Jou it sounded like 'Mow Jou!! I heard Kaiba nice, would rike tu eat yu!' Jou blushed and backed away slowly. Seto laughed.

"Seto! She just said she wants to eat me!" The whole room burst into laughter. Seto shook his head and the girl tilted her head to the side. She spoke little Japanese but she understood what he had said.

"No, Jou, she said it was nice to meet you and that she has heard a lot of you from me." Seto said grinning. Jou blushed in embarrassment.

"A-ano...Gomen...S-Sari." He said in English ('Sorry', that's the way they would spell it, or pronounce it.). She shook her head as if it was nothing. Seto chuckled, making Jou blush farther.

"Let's just enjoy the party, how does that sound, Pup?" Seto asked, smiling down at his beloved, fondly.

"Un!" Jou smiled, turning to Seto, nodding his head causing his hair to bounce cutely.

~*~Jou's POV~*~

I don't believe this...I can't believe this! Wow! I can't believe this all really happened...In only one day! But still, it seems like I'm forgetting something...A flash of brown hair catches my eye and I turn to the person. Honda. Oh no...I completely forgot about him...What's he going to say?! Will he...hate me? I hope not. Honda takes one last look into my eyes and then walks away. I break from Seto to go follow him but Seto grips my arm, preventing me from leaving. I turn to him, glaring.

"I'm fine, Seto, just let me fix some loose ends." I whisper. He sighs and nods, letting my arm go after a hesitant second. "Don't worry," I assure him. "You won't lose me." With that said, I turn and follow after Honda.

~*~Honda's POV~*~

Damn it...Jounichi...I wish Kaiba had never come back...Then we could still be together...We'd still be happy...Well, I would be happy. I sigh rather loudly. As long as he's happy, I am happy. It's fine. I'll get over him in good time. But it hurts so much...Maybe this is what Jou was feeling after Kaiba left...I've wandered off into a different room to get away from him. A hand on my shoulder snaps me out of my daze, I turn swiftly and stare into the honey golden eyes of Jou. My eyes widen in surprise.

"Jounichi..." I whisper out to him. He smiles.

"Honda." He answers. His eyes tell me he's sorry and that he feels bad. Before he can say anything I cut him off.

"It's okay. Don't be sorry for me. I don't deserve you, never did never will. I love you, but not as much as he does and will. Don't dwell on this. What we had was good. But now it's over. Kaiba's back. You should be spending this time being happy with him! I...I hope we can still be friends..." I say facing the ground when I finish.

~*~Jou's POV~*~

I smile. I knew Honda would understand! I'm so happy I jump onto him, hugging him tightly.

"Arigatou! Of course we're friends! We'll always be friends!" I scream, kissing him on the cheek fondly. He wraps his arms around me and then pushes me gently away.

"Now, go back to Kaiba." He says. I nod and walk away. I walk toward Seto and he smiles as me, moving towards me as well. Once we are but inches apart he wraps me in his strong embrace, arms around my waist, and buries his nose in my hair, breathing lightly but deeply. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and kiss his neck lightly, nuzzling the crook. His hands slip downward and rest on my hips gently. I try not to moan but he senses it and squeezes my skin, rubbing his thumbs just above the hem of my pants. Damn it I knew I shouldn't have worn my low riders today...

"Enjoying yourself?" he asks me. Is he stupid? Of course I am! Without warning his thumbs hook under the hem and begin to pull outward and down slightly. Did he just unbutton my pants? I quickly steal a glance down and see that he didn't. I know I'm blushing...I nod slowly against him and he chuckles.

~*~Seto's POV~*~

Gods, I love teasing my poor little koinu...I inwardly laugh as he blushes. I wonder if I'm making him as hot as he's already made me by squirming...I press our bodies together and find that my answer is a definite yes. His eyes close, he moans and grinds his hips against mine softly. His face holds a look of submission but also restraint. He's trying to suppress his urges. I chuckle lightly, grind my hips into his, and pull back abruptly. He whines rather loudly, gathering many people's attention. I blush, as does my puppy.

"Get a room, Seth!" Yami yells, Bakura bursts out laughing. Yuugi blushes and everyone else smiles. Yami tries to hold in his laughter but ends up failing miserably. They both end up holding each other in another attack of laughter.

"Ph-Pharaoh! What a-are we laughing a-at?!" Bakura tries to ask but he's to engrossed in his amusement to get the words out straight. Yami struggles against him.

"I dunno!"

"You two are too much." I say and chuckle lightly.

~*~Honda's POV~*~

"Go Back to Kaiba." I say sadly. I try to stay strong for him. I know how much this probably hurts him. I sigh as he walks away forever. I should get out of here. I slip into the shadows and leave unnoticed. I sigh again and let my shoulders slump unceremoniously. I'm on my way back to my house when a pair of hands begin to wrap around me. One hand on my stomach and the other covering my eyes.

"I don't have time for this whoever you are." I warn. Hopefully they'll go away...Whoever it is...

"Oh, but you want time for this Honda..." A man...Gods...I know that voice...I'm not insensitive...I'm not gonna get into a relationship right after Jou...That would be too hard on me...Unless this were Otogi...I've had my eyes on him longer than I've looked at Jounichi...I moan lightly as the boys hands slip around my torso...But no...This isn't who I want it to be...I jerk roughly out of his grasp and turn to look at him. Damn it...It's too dark...I can't see a thing...

"Who a-are you?" I ask trying to sound strong.

"Heard you weren't with the dog any more...So I thought you might want some comfort." I the boy slurs in a seductive voice. Fear builds in me...

"Who are you?!" I ask more confident but still slightly scared. Damn it why won't he tell me who he is!? He moves closer and wraps an arm around my neck, pulling my face closer to his. I gasp as his face goes into the light and he smirks.

"Ryuuji...Otogi." He says before he shoves my face forward and presses his lips to mine in a rough kiss.


Ryou: OK, some people wanted Honda top have just a little bit o lovin so...there ya go. Now don't expect the next chapter any time soon...I'm still trying to write a lemon for this fic and it is seeming a bit more difficult than I have imagined...Now please review! Thanks a bunch!! Oh and...This fic was deleted on FF.net so if you want the revised version, go there for it. Ja!