Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Onegai Dame ❯ Irresistible... ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ryou: Hey minna-san. Well, I'm not getting a lot of reviews but thanks to all of you who are!! ^_^ Please review more! I got like 80 hits but not everybody reviewed...Makes me feel bad...=( Please review more!!! This chapter is kinda short so bare with me!!

**************Last Time***********************

"I asked you not to look at that..." he says, voice betraying so much. "I...I asked you...not to look...Now...Now you know how much I hurt...Now you know...How badly you've hurt me...Seto..."


Jou says gathering his stuff, ripping the book out of my hand and running from the room in a hurried rush. Gods no...The sensei looks at me in suspicion.

"Well? Are you just going to let him go?" she asks. I pack my stuff up and dart out of the classroom in a speed to rival even Jou's. The sun was beginning to set...It getting to be that same time...One year ago...I then see him in the parking lot, he doesn't have his backpack so that tells me he went to his locker...Good thing all I had was a pencil and I just put that in my pocket...I run towards him. Now I am about 30 feet from him.

"Jou!" I call to him. He stops abruptly and turns to me.

~*~Normal POV~*~

Jou turned around quickly, facing Seto.

"What?" he asked out, saying it as if it were nothing. Seto approached him, walking forward so they were mere feet apart.

"I..." Seto didn't know what to say, what could he say?! He had lied to him, basically, anyway. He had looked at what was his only without his permission...had looked right after Jou had told him not to. He couldn't just say sorry and expect it to be all right. Jou's eyes filled with anger, a pure raw desire to scream...

"You what? C'mon Seto this should be good. What? 'I didn't mean to'? Or, you're sorry? Hm, what will it be this time? Oh sorry for looking, it called to me! Oh, sorry for invading your space after I left! Oh, sorry for insulting you and making you feel like shit! Oh, sorry for leaving you one year ago, leaving with only your heart and your kiss! Breaking it in an instant with my constant need to harass you!" Seto growls in anger at Jou mock of him.

"You know that wasn't my fault! I had to leave! It wasn't my choice! If I had any say in what was to be done I would have never left you!" Seto said desperately.

"You think I should believe what you say?! How can I! If you meant any of what you just said you would have tried to contact me! Gods know you've done that much for Mokuba! If you really cared about me, you would have tried harder! Would have tried to be with me...Would have tried to make it matter...You never even called me...Never sent me a letter...Never did anything..." Jou voice broke down to a soft whisper by the end of his speech. "I hate you, yet, I love you. I want to hurt you, but I also want to kiss you. I want to make you cry and I want to force you to be strong. None of this makes sense. Thin line between love and hate. My anger out rides my love though." Jou said as he punched Seto in the gut, effectively making him grunt in pain and hunch over slightly.

"You're right...You're right. I should have called you...I should have cared about what we could have had...I should have done something. But I'm not about to let you walk all over me." Seto said, sneering in anger and lust.

"Of course, that would be too painful for your pride to handle." Jou taunted. He withdrew his right fist and aimed it for Seto's chest. Seto saw it and grabbed his fist with his left hand, squeezing his knuckles painfully, he grinned as he felt then pop under the pressure he had applied. Jou growled menacingly and went to punch him with his other hand although that one was intercepted as well, by Seto's other hand. Seto smirked; he now had the puppy rendered helpless. Or that's what he had thought. Jou smirked and pulled Seto's hands down a bit causing his whole body to bend slightly. Jou's smirk widened as he swiftly slammed his knee into Seto's stomach. He gave a strangled cry as his body flew forward even farther. Blood trickled down the corner of his mouth. He tasted the metallic substance and grimaced.

"And yet you have...That was the past...I'm willing to forget, how bout you? We don't have to ever speak of it again...It can be like a bad dream...I'm willing to forget it all..." Jou murmured into Seto's ear seductively.

"Even Hiroto?" Seto questioned. Jou brushed his lips against Seto's cheek tenderly. He eyed the blood on his lips hungrily. Jou slowly closed his eyes and licked up the side of his face, from his chin to the corner of his mouth just barely touching Seto's lips with his tongue. Jou swallowed the blood and licked his lips, wetting them with his blood. Seto moaned lightly.

"Especially Hiroto." Jou replied. Seto turned his head to face his beloved. Jou now had the slightest bit of blood on his lips from his tongue.

"Gods you're beautiful." Seto said releasing one of his fists to caress his face. Jou pushed forward and captured Seto's lips in a ferocious kiss. Pent up emotion and unleashed love was put into the kiss making it even more passionate. Seto licked Jou's bottom lips, asking for entrance to his sacred mouth. Jou opened his mouth, tasting the blood on Seto's tongue as he pushed it into Jou's. Jou moaned at the feeling. He pushed his tongue into that of his former rival's thus ensuing battle, one of which no one would win. Seto's hand moved from Jou's face to his waist where he made quick work of getting his hand under the shirt. Jou's free hand found its way to Seto's chest, fingers spread and roughly pressing and sliding up and down the smooth clothed surface before finding a comfortable spot on the back of Seto's neck, effectively undoing many buttons to Seto's white shirt. (He had put his blue overcoat in his locker before detention.) Seto's left hand worked Jou's right hand out of its fist and intertwined their fingers lovingly. Seto pushed his fist into Jou's lower back harshly yet with enough force to cause the small boy to arch into him. Seto smirked against his mouth as Jou almost broke their kiss to gasp and moan, of course, who's to say he still couldn't do that from his vantage point? Jou writhed against his body, causing old and foreign thoughts and feelings to grow in the pit of Seto's stomach. Effectively erecting another part of his body. Suddenly Seto was very aware of the presence that surrounded them. He slowly parted from Jou, releasing his lips with a strangled cry of some sorts. Jou fell limp against Seto's sturdy body, gasping and panting for the breath that he lad lost during Seto's kiss. Seto looked over to his right and glared. It was his limo. The driver smiled sheepishly at them.

"Uh...Should I round the block, Kaiba-sama?" he asked. Seto looked as if he were about to scream at the poor man but Jou pulled him into another kiss that was all too soon broken off. Seto whimpered at Jou, bowing his head into his soft golden hair and breathing in deeply.

"No, he'll be going now." Jou said as he began to push Seto away half-heartedly. The driver opened the door for him. Seto looked at Jou and smirked.

"If I have to leave now, that means you're comin' with me!!" Seto said pulling Jou in with him and slamming the door.

"Jeez, I'm glad Chibi Kaiba isn't like this..." the driver said with a sweatdrop.

~*~Honda's POV~*~

It's okay...Really, it is okay...I knew once Kaiba came back that he would eventually take Jou from me. I'm glad that Jou was able to find love within Kaiba again. After everything he's said to me, I'm glad he's still strong enough to show him who's boss and be seductive towards him. I smirk as I watch the two, fighting...then kissing...I can tell there was blood...Plus I can hear what they're saying too. You better take good care of him Kaiba or your head will be on a silver platter for me. Oh well I should probably get back to Mokuba's party...Oh shit...Mokuba was throwing a party for Kaiba's welcoming home...I look up and see Kaiba and Jou get into the limo. Shit! I have to make it back before they do or...or...Mokuba's going to be a very surprised little brother!

~*~Normal POV @ Kaiba mansion~*~

"Mokuba!! When is the guest of honor going to arrive?!" many wealthy businessmen asked the small Kaiba. Mokuba shrugged. He had planned this party to be a small friends only 'welcome home Seto' party but that's not what it turned out to be...Every business man or women Seto had ever met was there and even some Seto had never met!

"Man, but Kaiba sure was acting like a bit fat ass today..." Hikari said. Mokuba turned to her.

"What do you mean, 'Kari?" Mokuba asked smiling at her. Hikari patted his head affectionately.

"Nothing much, he was just being his old cocky self. You know, the whole 'I'm better than you and you know it' attitude. It wasn't like we were listening to him. He's just that way. He caught Jou and Honda together, though, a couple of times." Hikari said sighing. Mokuba's eyes widened.

"Oh no! Poor Seto!" Mokuba said. Hikari smiled reassuringly at him.

"Don't worry, I doubt that Seto's hurt. If anything that will only make him try harder to get Jou back." Hikari said smiling. She looked over to her right and caught a glance of strawberry blond hair. She smirked. "Hey, Mokuba, look over there. I'll leave you alone so you can talk to her..." Hikari said walking away winking at the small Kaiba.

"Hey, Mokuba-kun!" Shizuka said walking over to the slightly shorter boy. She looked around worriedly. "Have you seen my brother?" she asked him. Mokuba blushed lightly, he was just happy to be allowed in her holy presence.

"Actually, I was wondering myself where Seto is..." he said. Simultaneously, a though crossed both of their minds.

"I hope their not killing each other..." Shizuka murmured. Yami walked over to the two young teens and set a hand on each of their shoulders, smiling.

"Doubt it! They're probably-" a loud shriek cut off Yami's speech. Honda raced into the living room.



Seto groaned as he sat upon Jou's waist, almost crushing the boy with his weight, but in a good pleasurable way. Jou was breathless, he lay beneath Seto panting with a slight flush in his cheeks. His eyes were closed and he gripped Seto's almost all the way unbuttoned shirt. Seto smirked down at his prey. Jou's eyes opened half way and he was met by the lustrous look in Seto's eyes. He shivered uncontrollably. Jou's hands slipped across Seto's well-toned stomach and up to his hard smooth chest. Seto shuddered.

"Seto..." Jou breathed out in a whisper. Seto leaned down so they were closer. Jou pulled him farther so his lips barely brush against Seto's ear. "I want you...I need you...Kiss me please..." Jou whispered throatily, pushing back slowly. Seto's eyes were glazed and heavy as he leaned in and captured Jou's lips for what seemed like the millionth time that night. It wasn't fast, or rushed...it was slow and passionate. Fire igniting throughout them both at the feeling of skin against skin as Jou pulled them closer than ever. The limo suddenly stopped and they almost flew off the seat. Seto looked up at the driver and glared.

"U-um...Kaiba-sama you're home..." the driver said in an apologetic tone. Seto got out and pulled Jou with him. Once they were standing up Seto took that chance to kiss the blond again. He roughly pulled their bodies together causing Jou to make some strangled noises swallowed eagerly by Seto. Seto and Jou staggered up to the door, clothes flying in every direction. Seto pressed Jou up against the door and secured him with his own body. Jou pushed the offending material half way off Seto's shoulders and groped that area next. Seto groaned against Jou, pealing off his shirt and throwing it down next to them.

"Gods...Beautiful Puppy..." Seto said huskily. Jou blushed slightly.

"Guess I'm uke, right?" Jou said smiling sheepishly. Seto looked shocked at first before he smirked possessively.

"You know it."

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Jou said as he pulled Seto in for another kiss. Seto grinned against his mouth as he finally found the door handle; turning it and still pressing Jou into the door caused them both to fall down with a grunt. Jou landed on his back with Seto on top of him and between his legs, grinding their hips together, producing excited moans from both teens. Jou wrapped one leg around Seto's waist and both his arms around his lower chest under his arms touching and squeezing every muscle he found. Seto's knees were slightly bent and helping him to repeatedly grind his hips into that of the writhing boy's beneath his. One of his hands was resting on Jou's shoulder and the other one was trailing down his smooth muscled torso. Jou had no shirt and Seto's had been pushed down far enough to say he didn't have one either. The top button to each of their pant was undone and the zippers were slowly sliding down with each movement they made.


"What is it Honda? And where's Jou and my brother?" Mokuba asked in worry. Honda shook his head quickly.

"They're on their way but I have to tell you something before they-" Honda was cut off by a rather loud thump followed by two grunts, that sounded like it had originated at he front door. Mokuba looked worried and went to see what had happened, unbeknownst to him, everyone followed in search of the older Kaiba. "Iie! Matte!" Honda screamed. Vigorous groans of pure pleasure lifted to the guests ears as they neared the door. Mokuba and the guests rounded the corner and gasped in shock.

"O-Onii-chan!" he yelled. Both Seto and Jou broke their passionate kiss to look up at the sudden sound. The ever so famous 'Oh shit' look crossed their faces. Seto sat up slightly against Jou and Jou leaned up on his elbows exposing his chest a little more than was necessary, the biggest embarrassment blush on his face.

"OH, MY RA!!!!" Yami and Bakura yelled together falling onto he ground laughing so hard tears came to their eyes as they held each other trying to stop laughing so powerfully. In their laughter, they somehow managed to realize they were holding onto each other and broke apart screaming but still laughing.(Is that possible? O-O) Yuugi was blushing as was Ryou, Malik and Marik were exchanging knowing looks while also trying not to crack up. Shizuka was watching with a small smile on her face and Mokuba was down right embarrassed. All of the wealthy businessmen and women puffed out their cheeks in anger.

"What the hell is going on here?!" they yelled mostly in unison. Bakura and Yami's laughter roared over the crowed even louder than before. They had made a temporary truce and were holding each other again while laughing their heads off, cheeks pressed together eyes closed.

"Kaiba's gettin' his groo~oove on!" Yami said causing a rather shrill forced laugh erupt from the tomb robber suddenly. Yami gripped him and they both began laughing all over again, falling to their knees in the process. It was quite cute to see them so friendly with each other that Yuugi and Ryou began to get embarrassed and jealous, fast. Yuugi and Ryou hit their yamis over the head and glared at them. Yami rubbed the side of his head and began bawling against Bakura, huge waterfall like tears spraying out of the corners of his closed eyes. Bakura then began to tear and he started to cry against the pharaoh in the same way. Ryou and Yuugi sweatdropped and walked away acting like they never knew the two drama induced spirits. (Sorry...lol...Going through a faze of mine...he he...lol...) Seto blushed bright red at the looks he was receiving from his superiors. Jou sat up and began buttoning Seto's shirt for him. Once it was completed he sat up and grabbed his shirt from the doorstep. He put it on in record time. He looked among the crowd in shame. His vision stopped at Hikari and she pointed downward. He looked confused so she grabbed the hem of her jeans and pointed to the button. His face got brighter as he looked down to see his pants coming open. When he securely fasten them she pointed to Seto's pants and Jou blushed again. He leaned up and whispered what was still wrong in Seto's ear. Seto turned red once again and fasten his pants as well. That only caused Yami and Bakura to laugh even more. Ryou and Yuugi looked at Seto and Jou apologetically.

"U...Um...G-Gomen...I-I'll be u-um leaving now..." Jou said as he slowly edged towards the door. Seto grabbed his arm and pulled him back against him almost making him fall he pulled so hard. Seto glared at Jou causes him to shrink under the intensity of the look his beloved gave him. 'Oh, gods, he can't be mad at me after that...' Jou thought, suddenly having second thoughts of going to the mansion with the billionaire. Seto stared into Jou's honey colored eyes with cold cobalt ones. Jou shrunk even more away. 'Please don't let him hate me...Please...' Jou thought desperately. The glare was broken when Seto looked away and at the crowd that had formed.

"What are you all doing here?" he asked in a cold voice, eyes hard and intense. Mokuba slowly took a step forward.

"Um...This was supposed to be a welcome home party for you, Seto." Mokuba said, fearing the look in his brothers eyes. Seto sighed.

"Minna, I apologize for my previous act of inappropriate behavior. It will not happen again. I also apologize for everyone seeing it." Seto turned to Jou, looking at him in a 'you better apologize too' kind of look. Jou's eyes filled with tears at Seto's words and his glare. He wrenched his arm away from Seto's grasp and stepped away. His hand, balled in a fist, moved up to his chest in a very feminine gesture the other one at his side. "Don't you have something to say as well, pup?" Seto growled out at Jou's disobedience. Yami immediately stopped laughing and stood up.

"Kaiba, don't you dare-" Yami managed to get out before Seto flashed him a look that said 'shut it or I'll kill you' not that he was afraid of the CEO he just didn't think it was his place any longer to say much of anything. Yami hissed silently as he watched Jou break under Seto's stare.

"Well, we're waiting, pup." Seto said cruelly, sneering at Jou.

"What do you want me to say, Seto? That I'm sorry? Well I won't...'Cause...I'm not. I'm not sorry for my actions. I won't lie to these nice people. I am sorry they saw it but I'm not sorry that it happened, Seto." Jou said with obvious tears present in his honey colored eyes. Seto growled in annoyance.

"Pup, you better say you're sorry or else I'll-" Seto said as he gripped Jou's arm painfully.

"Or else you'll what?! You can't force me to say anything! To do anything I don't want to do!" Jou said as he wrenched his arms away again and ran out the door with a weak whimper. Seto's face held a look of complete shock.


Ryou: Auhg...I hadn't planned this in the original...But if you guys want me to write a lemon tell me, other wise I won't. You guys have the power now!! He he. So if you want one then please be sure to tell me. Remember to review!!! ^_^ XD!!