Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oope's baby... ❯ The birthday ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Ness-Bakura broke Abetha's glass ring she got from her grandma by an ancient on her birthday. Now he gets her a new one this summer to make it up to her. But did he just screw it up even more?

Warning u- a lot of s-e-x hummer and cursing... like alwayz


It was unusable sunny and bright and hot on Abetha's 16th birthday. Since it was in December! And it was the 25th! Well.. No one seemed to mind.

"Woah! It's 96 degrees! In the winter? What the! Oh well! What a better time to have a winter pool party!" Abetha said turning to her friends and family members. All in the pool.

Abetha, about to race in the pool felt a tap on her back.

A old lady with a kind of purple tunic that people in Asia wears with long black hair and the color pale white skin tone walked up to her...

"*gasp* Grandmama Ismalolly!" Abetha yelled and raced up to her. *The names horrid! I know! I made it up. But it sounds funny.. With out the lolly.. It kind'a sounds like dismal! Get it! Ismal Dismal! Ohh screw the crap of me trying to make you laugh! Hey it kind'a rhymes! Let's get back to the fic! BakuraReMiX*

"My granddaughter! Oh.. You look just like your mother. With the tint of your fathers charm!" She said with tears filling her eyes. *tear tear* Abetha then said. "Grandmama! Why have you come here from Egypt?!" Abetha's heart raced to the sound of the country.

"I came to give you my darling... This!" She handed her a small indigo colored box. abetha had a hard time opening it. Then when she did a shine filled her eyes! "WOW!" Abetha yelled jumping up and down. "It's BEAUTIFUL!" It was a diamond glass ring that shined as the moon and the stars. And in the middle was shaped as a Egyptian eye. She loved it.

"All yours my Egyptian queen. I got it from the place were the first queen of the pharaoh was crowned. In the place in the center of the throne. What an honor it is to have it. Isn't it Abetha sweetheart?!" Ismalolly said laughing.

"Yes it is Grandmama. Very much." Abetha's voice trailed off as she hugged her grandmother. Her grandmother chucked and kissed her on the cheek and sent Abetha on her way. *finally! I thought that old coot would shut it! BakuraReMiXter*

Abetha then placed it in her room on the counter table next to her dresser.
After that it soon time for cake.

They all sang happy birthday. It was very crappy! But anyway! They all got cake and then dashed in the pool again.


"CANNON BALL!" Joey yelled going off the diving bored.

Then next was Yugi. Yugi wasn't a fan of diving off the diving board. He wadded to the diving board and stood there. All of a sudden Marik ran over to the diving board and knocked him into the diving board. Making his go flying to the side of the pool and hiding at the tree.

The was Marik. He did a freakish dive and didn't pop up for air. Witch worried the heck outta Ryou who was next. He dived in and swam quickly to the edge of the pool before you could say Dog chow.

Then it was Mai's. Lucky for her she did a half-twisted flip of the diving board. And got out with out Mairk popping up. Weird thing was he didn't pop up at any ponit.

Then it was Bakura's. He did a freakish dive and didn't come up for air.

Then it was Yami's. He did a freakish dive and vanished.

Then it was Angela's turn and she seemed to have interest to see were they went, she backed down and sat down with drenched Yugi waiting under the tree.

Tea showing off did a what she calls 'the friendship flip' did a rather a roll and got out very slowly.

Malik did a freakish dive and vanished too.

Serenity jumped in and got out.

Then it was Phil's turn. He did a freakish dive and vanished.

Abtina did a freakish jump to and made it and dashed to the others telling them something. Except Abbey.

Joey and Tristan did the freakish dive and vanished too.

Then as soon as the others went that I didn't say because I don't feel like naming. It was now Birthday girls turn.

She did a half-twisted flip and dived deep into the water. Then all the peps that "vanished" in the water appeared and lifted Abetha and threw her up in the air *pretty high UP* and swam outta the way as she landed smack in the water. They all laughed as Abetha swam up to Phil and smacked him. "PIHILP FRANCIS PEGASUS! IF I DIDN'T LAND IN THE WATER AND IN THE WATER ONLY AND ON THE CEMENT I SWEAR ON MY OWN BIRTHDAY THAT MOTHER WOULD CHOP YOU INTO MILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF PIECES AND COOK YOU AND BOIL YOU AND SERVE YOU FOR TO NIGHTS DINNER! AND YOU WOULD BE THE MAIN CORSE PHIL'S BODY SMOTHERED IN BLOOD AND SALIVA WITH A SIDE DISH OF PHIL’S GOOEY COPPED LIVER WITH ONIONS! TRIMMINGS AND ALL!" Abetha yelled.

"Yummy..Gooey liver!" Joey said dulling.

"Yuck!" Serenity said turning a pale blue.


A little later everyone was still in the pool.

"Wow! Damn it's only 1:30 and It's smoking hot in here!" Bakura yelled talking to Ryou and Abetha. "And my back is all itchy!"

"Uh.. Bakura!" Ryou yelled. "There's bug sores on your back!"

"AHH! WHAT THE!AH! AAAAAAAHHH!" Bakura jump up outta the pool and swarmed around trying to itch.

Abetha sighed and said. "Come along Bakura! I'll get you some bug spary!"


They got into Abetha's room Abetha went into her bathroom to get the med.. Bakura then got on her king size cozy warm bed and found the controller for the bed. He pressed bottons. Then the bed started to vibrate. "What the hell?!" he then pressed the + sign then it got more virbratey. then the Egyptian pressed it 8 more times, making him go up and down he turned around laying on the bed.

"Wow it's humping me! Hey Abbey! I didn't know a bed could give me sex motions?!?" Bakura yelled to Abetha.

She came out with the med. in her hand.

"The bed isn't having sex with you idiot! It's vibrating." Abetha said turning it lower and seeing Bakura's back.

"Wow.. The bugs love bitting your flesh! And they got your flesh good.. The better they get to you, which they did in this case.. The more this is gonna hurt!" Abetha put the damp coth wet with drugs making Bakura cruse loud.

"BAKURA!! STOP SWARMIN'!" Abetha said as Bakura moving around moaning in pain.

Abetha rolled her eyes and got on top of him to hold him down and gently and slowly rubbed all the bumps. "Abetha? On top of me? Are you trying to tell me something?!Cause if you are, I’m going to need a little more convincing.." Bakura said out loud.

Abetha rolled her eyes as she paced the meds on then got off when Bakura jumped up and look around her room.

"Wow what's this?" Bakura came to the table next to the table next to the dresser. Picked up the priceless diamond ring.

"Be carful Bakura with that! I got that from my grandmama Ismalolly. And what EVER you do don't put pace the ring near the sunlight! It may blind you for a second." Abetha went into her bathroom to but the meds away.

Ignoring her, only hearing “blind you for a second” he put it up to the sun light then the sun reflected the sun's rays on the glass. The rays of sun light went in his eyes. Burning his eyes in the process. "GOD DAMMIT!" He yelled as the ring went hurling in the air. Bakura then feeling his heart pump heavier and 2 times faster saw the ring hit the ground with a tiny squeak creak. He started sweating as he watched the door open. He stood in front of the ring and pretended (well tried to) pretend that nothing had happened.

"Hey Bakura? Why were you screaming?" Abetha asked as she stood face to face next to him.

"Uhh..Ha.Ha.. HA.. I saw out the window over at the tree.. Three birds.. Having tree some... HAHAHA!" He said sweat dropping.

Abetha shook her head. "Bakura all you think about is sex! Anyway.... *Abetha turned her head towards the table*... Bakura can I have my ring back? I wanted to show everyone it." Abetha asked.

"Um..." Bakura tried to hid it under the table with his feet as he said a lie. "Abetha! I gotta tell you something. I.. I... I love you Abetha!" he hugged her.

Then he put his leg down on the broken glass as screamed. "HOLY CRAP!"
"Bakura..." Abetha asked lifting one eye brow. "Stop joking and give me..." Just then Abetha, by the suns raise moved Bakura as he got pushed aside and watched Abetha's eyes go down.

Bakura came over to her not touching her and said in one breath. "Oops.."


Every single person heard it. The echo came along.. Sending them running to her room.

Bakura then all of a sudden got a mushy sad feeling as his eyes became moist. He wiped the tears and watched his friend cry.

Ness-i'm ontop of da world!
