Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oope's baby... ❯ on job, maybe da next.. ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Ness-HI!-enjoy da story!



Ness-sigh, reaveiw

bakura- ON WIT DA FIC!


************Summer time

Abetha still couldn't forgive Bakura for what he did. And with summer now and everyone out side...He knew he would get the deep dark cold shoulder for Abetha.. He sat in his room pouting.

Ryou walked in Bakura's room seeing the poor boy sitting on his bed like he did since the incident and thought on what to say to her.

"Well. Bakura... I've been thinking on what to do in this problem.. Why can't you say up some money and buy her a new ring?" Ryou suggested.

Bakura turned to him with the daul eyes. Ryou knew Bakura was going to cruse him out. "AH..RYOU!*deep sigh* You know how much a damn diamond ring cost?! I am not going to spend OR save up nearly 79,000 dollars on a girl that already HAS that much! And what's the ponit! She won't forgive me!"

Ryou rolled his eyes and really wanted to cruse him too. "AH BAKURA! It's the thought that counts! And besides.. Not even if she was the queen of the world and you give her a diamond rings and she has them.. And you give it to her...She would care about yours because you spent your time and heart in getting her that one ring.. And that's what really matters. What's from the heart.."

"Woah..Ryou.. Don't get all emotional on me...I'm going to barf!" bakura said standing up.

"What are you going to do?" Ryou asked.

Bakura said. "Ryou.. I'm going to take your advice."
Ryou looked at him. Was his yami going to pay for a ring? For a girl. Because she was mad at him. He couldn't believe his ears. "Really?"

Bakura said. "Oh.. Yeah... I going to need the dough though." He thought about it. His head snapped up out of thought. "Ryou.."

Ryou backed up. "Oh no!"



"Just about $100?"


"Okay just $50?"

"No Bakura!" Ryou said getting mad. "You’re the one who got into this mess. Your gonna have to get yourself out of it!"

"Okay fine then!" Bakura said. "Then I'll get a job!"

"What!" Ryou didn't just hear this. "Aaaa Job?"

"Yeah.. What's it to yeah?! A job!" Bakura said.

"Your high aren’t you!?" Ryou said shocked. "Your not just getting a job cause of a girl?"

"A very hot sexy smooth girl with a sex bed, Think of it this way.1. I get her another damn ring..2. She forgives. And 3. Falls in love with me! And 4. I get a hot sexy bitch a hot sexy bed that vibrates and me in the bed makes 5. A lot of humpin’!" Bakura said.

"A lot of humpin’?" Ryou stunted with this yami's choice of vocabulary. "Um.. I can see 1. and 2. going on.. But 3 and up an't going to be happening in the mere future.."

"Nope! You don't know!" Bakura said marching off. "Now..Where's the damn news paper?"

~^~^~^~^~^~2 weeks later...

"Yeah and welcome to Burger World." Bakura said for the billionth time.

"Hey Bakura? I didn't know a guy like you worked at a greasy food resturant?" A voice said.
"Joey? Yugi? Guys?? What the hell are you doing here at what.. 8:00 here in the morning? It's the damn summer?" Bakura said.

"We awoke early... What's it to yeah?" Malik said laughing.

"Just came to get something' to eat.." Yami stated.

"Where's the girls?" Bakura asked.

"Gone on a little shopping spree." Phil said looking at the teen. "What's a good looking' teen like you doing in a dump like this bro?"

"Well Phil. See it's about Abbey...." Bakura started until stopped by Phil.

"Whoah! What does my little sister gotta do with you working at this dump?!" Phil said getting crossed.

"No. It's just..." Bakura started but was stopped again.

"What?! Are you trying to get with her or something? Well your going to be going out with Madam fist after I'm done with yeah!" Phil barked. Warning the others.

"Let him finish jack-ass!" Marik said. "Then get on the with beating!"

"As I was trying to say. I broke your sisters ring." Bakura stopped again.....*Let the HOTTIE TALK*

"Really?! You broke her ring?!" Joey said surprise.

"Which are you already know that dumbo ass hole!" Bakura barked. "You dumass you were fucking there!"


"Anyway, so Ryou told me some shit about girls and feelings and rings... I got a job to pay off the damage.."

The guys laughed there little assess off.

"Your kidding right?!" Yami said.

"Why the fuck would I be doing here if I was joking!" Bakura said.

"For a girl?!" Marik said.

"My little sis.. Who by far you have NO chance with." Phil said.

"Yeah, but I'm too sure your second sentence was a true fact." Bakura commented.

Some teen guy with the burger world uniform that had rich chocolate hair that was skater hair skinny as a bone and had zits on his face and very tall, some what muscular yelled to Bakura.. "Yo, Bleach blond! Get back to work!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Bakura screamed, making stuff shake and fall of the counter tops.

"Hey, I know how you can get more money." Joey said.

"Where bitch?" Bakura said. "I don't take in queer..."

"Yo!" Joey said. "I'm not gay! And I don't...."

"We get it!" The guys said.

"As I was saying, you could work for us!" Joey said as everyone but Phil did a little excited pose.

"I told you. I don't do gays!" Bakura said.

"Excuse me Mr!" This lady behind the guys said. "I have a little child right here and I have been standing here for 31 minutes! Your holding up the line! Get your food and move on!"

"Yeah! I want my food and I want it NOW!" the little girl (the lady's daughter) said.

"Look lady!" Marik said turning around. "How about you take your fat ass and the little brat over to Micky D's.."

"NO way!" The lady said. "The food there is a fat!" *I love Micky D's! fuck her!*

"Your not damndisin' my Md!" Joey hollered. "That's as good as here!"

"I'm not a brat Mr. big haired jerk!" The girl said.

"Damn, that girl is fresh, I like." Malik said.

"Watch your voice young man!" the lady said.

"How about you!" Joey said.

"No need to fight!" Phil said. "Just wait your turn lady."
"Don't smart mouthing my mother stupid jerk!" the little girl said.

Phil was stunted. "Do you know who your talking to!" Phil was mad. "I am Calford J. Pegasus's grandson!"

"Yeah right." The girl said.

"You wish." The lady said. "I heard the billionaire that's giving his youngest granddaughter's, Abigail or something like that, her hand to Seto Kaiba so that they can join there companies up so that they will be the biggest richest company in the world..."


"F bomb..." Joey said. "You dropped the F bomb..."

"Shut up Joey!" The guys said in unison.

"I got it from "Stars" magazine, under Company break out..." (Ness-Which I don't f***in' don't own...(Trying to min. the f bomb))

"WELL I'M GOING TO SUE THAT DAMN COMPANY AND RIP THE DIRECTOR FUCKING HEART OFF!" Phil's body turned so red, he looked like the red telletuby.(Ness-I can't stop! HAHAHA! FUCK FUCK FUCK!HAHAHA! Tea-That's not nice! Ness-YO! I'm a big black ass getto girl! And I will day what the fuck I want to! Tes-WAAA*crys and runs off.. Ness-Bakura.... Bakura-*clears voice* ON WITH THE FIC!)

"Well, that's enough, I'm leaving with my daughter. Come along Claire!" he mother demanded, as the little girl stuck her tongue out at them .

"Nana." Joey said sticking out his tongue at her, until he got bobbed in the head.

"now..." Bakura said, getting serious. "what's the job?"

Ness- gonna stop dere..


Ness-sry! bye hunni's

Alister- i love u!