Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opal ❯ The Meeting ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yu-gi-oh or its characters and I make no profit from this story.
Now, on to chapter 2. Enjoy!
Ryou's words were met with complete silence. Nibori seemed to have even stopped breathing as he blinked slowly and stared at Ryou with his glossy blue eyes.
“That's…that's impossible. A-are you absolutely sure it's a Kaitsune?”
The men behind Nibori seemed just as stunned and nervous, watching Ryou closely, waiting with bated breath for his answer.
“Yes,” the boy said shakily, “I'm positive.”
Nibori visibly swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and turned to see the other men, desperately hoping they would start laughing and patting him on the back, explaining that it was all some horribly cruel joke.
When he was simply met with four equally frightened faces, he understood that this was no joke.
“If…if it's true, then where is it?” All eyes looked pointedly at Ryou, and he quietly explained the unwanted visitor was currently being taken to the holding bay and it was unconscious, as far as he knew.
With this new information under his belt, Nibori whipped around and ran past the four men behind him to a small communicator on the opposite wall of the lab where he quickly punched in a code and yelled into the voice receiver for his colleagues to join him in Lab 1. After his order was acknowledged by the other (rather startled) researchers of the ship, he turned from the communicator and strode up to Ryou purposefully.
“Alright, boy, once the others reach the Lab, I want you to take us to t-the Kaitsune.” The waver in the man's voice was now the only clear sign of just how anxious he really was. Now, Ryou had to give credit where credit was due. The fact that Nibori hadn't wet himself right then and there was an amazing feat within itself and he silently applauded the man for leaving him pleasantly surprised.
Soon after the communication was sent out, the other five researchers of Nibori's group filed into the room, listening as the older man filled them in as to what was going on and what the great emergency was. Of course, the news of a deadly and vicious alien species on the ship was met with fear and panic, forcing Nibori to shout over the others as they immediately began asking questions at once.
“Silence!” Nibori roared, bringing everything to a halt. Standing straight and pulling his pants higher under his lab coat, he stepped past the others and turned around, facing them with a look of absolute authority. Ryou could tell it was taking all his concentration just to keep such a straight face, but he'd let Nibori have his moment of glory. He was a patient person, he could wait a few weeks or so to poke fun at the old man.
Clearing his throat, Nibori let his eyes rest on the four businessmen in the room, pointed them toward the door, and forcefully told them to leave The Opal and stay away until the danger had passed. This may have seemed like an act of heroism and courage, trying to save others instead of himself, but everyone in the room understood that Nibori was just trying to save his business deal. You couldn't strike a deal with a company if the representatives it sent you wound up mutilated, now could you?
Heroism or not, the suited men were just happy to have a reason to leave the ship. They quickly filed out of the room and headed toward the port, far away from the holding bay and the danger that lay within.
Finally alone, the researchers turned to Ryou, who walked through Lab 1's door and began leading them through the ship's halls and deep into its heart. The holding bay was located below Lab 4, safely tucked away between several feet of steel and concrete. It was the perfect place to house something you did NOT want escaping.
As their steps echoed off the walls of the hall, Ryou began to imagine what they'd find once they reached their destination. Even with all the stories he had heard, he still didn't actually know what a Kaitsune looked like. After years of imagination and fear took hold of the hands holding the pens, a strange alien race became a group of unthinkable monsters.
His mind began showering him with images of a bloody eyed beast snapping its fangs, slashing him with its claws and strangling him with its immense strength and Ryou felt his steps faltering.
What if the Kaitsune actually escaped imprisonment? How would he deal with such a thing? It didn't take a genius to figure out that a seven foot tall beast could easily outrun such a puny human as himself. Ryou shivered as he felt imaginary claws and teeth tear into his skin. No, he didn't think he could deal with something like that. He'd never stand a chance.
Groaning softly, Bakura shifted and tried to bring himself back to consciousness. What had happened to him? All he remembered was being caught in a battle between several war ships near the Po Galaxy and his ship slamming into something hard, jostling him and its other interior objects cruelly. Details after that were fuzzy at best and finally his memories faded to black.
His eyes opened slowly, and the Kaitsune was momentarily confused. Where WAS he? This wasn't his ship, which meant he was somewhere unfamiliar, somewhere precarious. He was in a small room with four solid metallic walls surrounding him, covered in age-old grime and dirt, and it was excessively cold. A few seconds more pondering and rustling led him to the conclusion that he was also chained to the back wall, something he did not appreciate in the least. Who dared chain one of the great Kaitsune warriors to a wall?!
He pulled, testing the chains. They seemed sturdy, refusing to give way under his force. Bakura swore bitterly and his eyes shifted to a door across the room. It appeared to be the room's only exit. He gazed at it wordlessly and waited for his captives to show themselves.
`Fine, then. If they're arrogant enough to believe they can keep me captive here for long, I'll string them along. I'll be patient and when the time comes, I'll slaughter them with my bare hands.'
Smirking in the gloom, Bakura let his mind carry him beyond his prison and to the outside vastness of space.
Upon reaching the holding bay, the group of researches met with Mako and his men. Nibori stepped up to Mako attempting to look commanding, but fell a few inches short, seeing as how he barely reached Mako's chin.
“Well? Is it caged? Locked up? Restrained?”
`Is it safe for us to enter?' Ryou threw in for Nibori, mentally snickering.
Mako nodded his head. “The creature's arms, legs, and tail have been restrained, Sir. No reason to fear it, now.”
“Tail?” Ryou heard himself asking. “It has a tail?” His scientific side intrigued, Ryou felt his curiosity waxing. Of course, why hadn't he thought of it before? This may have been a dangerous species of alien, yes, but it was also an amazing opportunity for a study, something new for him to see and discover.
Excitement becoming evident on his face, Ryou unconsciously stepped closer to the doorway separating him from the anteroom of the holding bay. The others stepped behind him, eager as he was to see what lay beyond, but too frightened to take the initiative.
Anticipation rushing through his veins like a drug, he took a deep breath and crossed the boundary between the hall and the outer chamber of the holding bay. He could hear the researchers and Mako's men shuffling behind him, waiting for him to make the first move. `So much for courage' he thought, acidly.
Focusing on the next door, he carefully made his way over to it, stopping next to the key lock. This was it. This was the final object blocking himself from the Kaitsune that lay ahead. Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulled out his key card and slid it into the lock, watching as the door opened with a soft swish and revealed the creature ensnared within.
His breath suddenly catching in his throat, Ryou looked upon what had to be the most frightening yet handsome creature he had ever seen. It was obviously male, clothed in black pants and a tight short sleeved shirt. It had wonderfully tanned skin, rippling muscles, a devilishly spiked tail, and silver hair, much like Ryou's. His eyes wandering to the floor, he observed the creature's feet.
Different from human feet, they had jet black scales, deadly claws, extended toes and were perhaps fourteen inches long from toe to heel. From there, the bone seemed to slant and rise up, almost like a reptile of old. The armor plated skin ran from its toes and rose steadily up the leg, reaching the calves and finally dissolving into soft flesh at the knee.
Raising his eyes, Ryou locked gazes with the Kaitsune and found himself lost in two identical pools of blood.
This Kaitsune wasn't a monster. He was breathtaking.
Bakura gave a low growl as a large group of humans entered the room. Before they had even opened the door, he had realized what had ensnared him. He could recognize the foul stink of humans anywhere.
Most of the humans cowered together like sheep being led to the slaughter. Bakura smirked to himself. `What filth.'
Glancing to the human in front, Bakura gasped silently. Dressed in a lab coat and staring at him with equal surprise, was a young human boy with deep brown eyes, ghostly pale skin and hair, which was pulled haphazardly into an elastic band. The Kaitsune had to admit, this boy was attractive for a human.
Bearing his fangs, Bakura stood at his full height. Tightening his muscles for the spring, he leapt towards the humans and his eyes glinted with malice.
The humans cried out and backed away as he rushed them, the chains around his wrists, ankles, and tail hindering him a moment before he reached the group. Laughing at the looks of fright, he backtracked a few paces and stood, smirking.
Trying to force his heart out of his throat and back into his chest, Ryou stood on shaky legs and listened as the Kaitsune laughed. `He only did that to scare us!' Ryou thought angrily, both at the creature before him and himself for falling for its tricks. He was soon shaken from his reverie as Nibori pushed him roughly to the side and stepped up before the Kaitsune. The man, now sure he wasn't about to be minced, spoke smugly.
“What are you doing here, Kaitsune? Why have you come to this part of the galaxy?”
Bakura shifted lazily and looked the man in the eye, satisfied as he seemed to lose a bit of his brash attitude under the bloody gaze.
“I'm not sure why I'm here.” The Kaitsune answered. “I was making my way home when I was caught up in some sort of battle between the Geij and the Breo. My ship was tossed about in the fighting, and I suppose it drifted here as I was unconscious.” He suddenly glared dangerously at Nibori. “What I'd like to know is why you've chained me to the wall and believe you can talk to me as though I am inferior. I am not one of your subordinates.” He spat, venomously.
Nibori took a step back and the look on his face proved his courage was leaving him. Ryou, still slightly indignant of Nibori shoving him out of the way earlier, pushed past him and looked up at the Kaitsune.
“We found your ship floating in space and decided to take it into our port,” He explained. “It looked pretty beaten up, so we went inside to have a look and found you. You were unconscious, so we brought you here to the holding bay. You're chained to the wall for our own safety.”
Crossing his arms and allowing his tail to drag its chains noisily across the floor, Bakura spoke. “Do you treat all your guests this way?” he asked sarcastically.
“Just the ones who could kill us.” Ryou smiled slyly and Bakura chuckled.
“Ah. I understand. Well, I'm not up to slaughtering you all right now, but I am rather hungry. Going to feed your guest anytime soon?”
Ryou shrugged and turned to Nibori who was gawking behind him. “Are we going to feed him?”
Nibori sputtered. “I suppose we could. First, however, I need to contact home. They'll be interested to hear we've caught ourselves a Kaitsune.”
Bakura frowned but remained silent. These idiots actually thought he'd be sticking around long enough for them to turn him over to The Government of Mars? Well, if that's what it took for them to drop their guard, he'd play along.
Returning to his spot by the wall, Bakura sat and folded his legs in front of him, his claws clicking audibly against the floor.
Nibori turned to his colleagues and ushered them out the door, ordering them to seal off this area of the ship, effectively keeping the other inhabitants of The Opal out and the holding bay's cargo in. After the researchers were taken care of, he turned to Mako and his men and told them to get back to work. Grumbling, the men shuffled out and Nibori followed them, leaving Ryou alone with the Kaitsune.
“What's your name, human?” Ryou jumped and turned back, facing the other man.
“My name is Ryou. I'm one of the researchers of this ship and I suppose since Nibori didn't give me any orders to seal off this corridor, by default I'm the one who has to feed you.” After a moment of hesitation, Ryou said, “So, I've told you my name, now you can tell me yours. What should I call you, Kaitsune?”
Adjusting himself, Bakura pressed his back into the wall and relaxed. This human obviously wouldn't (and couldn't) hurt him, so he could afford to let down his defenses, at least for a little while.
“The name's Bakura.”
“Bakura.” Ryou let the name roll off his tongue before he turned to the door. “I'll get you something to eat.”
The boy left and Bakura closed his eyes, sharp ears listening for Ryou's return.
Wowzers! Another chapter finished. ^^
Hope you all like this chapter as much as (if not more than) the last chapter.
I'm not really sure where this story is going to go from here. I have a vague idea of what I want to happen, but I haven't thought up an adequate ending yet. I'll work on it, though, don't worry.
If you enjoyed it, please review. Reviews are the only things motivating me to continue. ^^;