Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opal ❯ Introduction ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

EDITED: This chapter has been edited slightly. If any new (or old) readers see any mistakes, please email me and tell me about them so they can be fixed. Thanks.
Thank you to all those who reviewed the last chapter. I appreciate you taking the time to comment on the story thus far. I also appreciate those yelling at me to update, since it motivates me to do so.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yu-gi-oh or its related characters and I make no profit from this story.
Now, chapter 6!
Bakura shifted in his sleep, feeling himself slowly begin to drift into consciousness. He breathed deeply and his nose twitched at a strange yet familiar scent encasing his room. His groggy mind attempted feebly to grasp who or what owned the scent, giving up quickly and choosing instead to remain in the throws of blissful sleep.
He tried to roll over, confused when his actions were impeded. He tried again, and it was then that he became aware of a light weight on his chest and the sound of gentle breathing near his ear.
Forcing himself awake, Bakura propped himself up on his elbows to the best of his ability and looked down, slightly surprised to see a tuft of white hair beneath his chin and a small body covering his chest and upper thighs.
He blinked dumbly. `Wow, what the hell happened last night?' Glancing at the ceiling, he waited as memories of the night before poured into his mind. `The kid had washed up and… exited the bathroom in tears. That's when I-'
“Ah, hell.” he groaned, slapping a hand to his face. `Why did I have to comfort him? If Marik knew about this, I'd never hear the end of it! He'd say I've gone soft, for a human no less.' Sighing, he lowered his hand and glanced down at the human on his chest and couldn't help but smirk.
Ryou's head was nuzzled into the crook of the Kaitsune's neck, his dainty breathes stirring his and Bakura's hair as he slept. His small hands were curled up and under his chin, resting against his own throat and his legs were entangled with Bakura's. All in all, Ryou seemed quite comfortable where he was.
Shaking his head, he sat up and pried the boy from him. “Time to wake up, little one.” Ryou grumbled, his eyes remaining shut and he tried to cling tighter to Bakura's shirt. Chuckling, the Kaitsune caught his roaming hands. “I'll have to find you a bed of your own today. Perhaps I can find something resembling a human bed on the ship.” Ryou's eyes opened slightly and he nodded his approval, still looking rumpled and sleep ridden.
Bakura gave him a slight smile. `Sorry, kid. As cute as you are, I can't have you sleeping on my chest every night. I need to be able to get up in case of an emergency.' He paused as his bladder sent him urgent signals. `Or if I have to piss during the middle of the night.'
His tail once again wrapping around Ryou's waist, he lifted the boy up and off him, making his way out of his bed and onto the floor. He set the still sleepy eyed human on his feet and headed into the bathroom to take care of his early morning business.
Ryou rubbed his eyes and plopped down onto the cool tile, watching Bakura enter the bathroom and shut the door. He yawned and turned his head back toward the hammock in the corner, the thought of climbing back in and going to sleep sounding wonderful to his tired mind and body. Ryou never had been a morning person.
He shook his head of the idea, knowing he'd never be able to climb back up, even if he was fully awake. `Damn Kaitsunes. Why do they have to be so tall?'
Yawning widely and stretching, Ryou lay back on the floor and curled into a ball, immediately drifting back to sleep.
This is how Bakura found him when he came back into the room. “Jeez human, how much sleep do you need?” He stepped closer and stooped, picking up the younger boy. Ryou gave a soft snore at the movement, but didn't stir.
Bakura let out a breath of frustration. `I can already tell this is going to be a long day.'
Several minutes of irritated grunts, cursing, and slurred retorts later, Bakura and Ryou left the bedroom dressed in matching brown shirts and white jeans, the Kaitsune's ending just below the knee while Ryou's scraped along the floor.
“We really need to get you your own clothes, little one. I can't have you ruining all of mine.” Bakura said, walking down the hall.
Ryou glared as he reached down and rolled up the jeans to just above his bare feet. He still had no shoes and he couldn't borrow any of Bakura's seeing as how the Kaitsune didn't wear any. `How could he with those huge feet of his?' he thought, snickering, running to catch up with the other's long strides.
Sidestepping Bakura's swishing tail, Ryou slowed to a light trot by his side. “Where are we going?” he asked curiously. He hadn't expected to be allowed out of Bakura's bedroom since he was considered by the entire ship a prisoner.
“To get breakfast.” was the simple answer. Bakura hadn't even looked at him, instead remaining focused on their path. Ryou lowered his eyes to the floor, observing the other's clawed feet as he moved. The scales clinked with each step Bakura took, the ship's weak light reflecting off their surface.
Ryou's attention was drawn away from his escort, however, when voices began to rise steadily in the air around him. He looked ahead to see the opening to a large room filled to the brim with chattering Kaitsunes.
He could barely make out the tables and chairs that also occupied the room, along with a counter toward the far end and a door engrained in the wall behind it. Ryou was tempted to ask where it led, but thought better of it as they entered and all eyes rested on him.
He gazed back warily as they passed, moving closer to Bakura as some bared their fangs in warning. Nervous and without thinking, Ryou grasped Bakura's hand tightly in his.
Without warning, Bakura stopped. The boy stood beside him confused, before realizing what he had done and quickly releasing Bakura's hand. Once freed, the Kaitsune glared down at him in what appeared to be surprise and mortification, and then at the crowd. Most of them were gawking and laughing at the human's actions along with the blush on their fellow Kaitsune's cheeks, while others were frowning angrily at the spectacle.
Cheeks still burning in embarrassment and rage, Bakura tugged Ryou's arm and steered him toward the back of the room to a small table in the corner which was currently occupied by four other Kaitsunes with plates full of food, all of which were laughing along with the room.
Upon closer inspection, Ryou realized he had seen one of the Kaitsunes before. He recognized the tri-color haired man from the hallway back when he had fallen out of the air ducts of The Opal. He had a stern expression on his face and his eyes were still that intense shade of violet. The other three boys Ryou had never met before, but the resemblance between the two blondes at the table and the other tri-color haired boy to the first was immense. If it weren't for a few subtle differences, Ryou would have thought he was seeing double.
“Shut the hell up all of you before I make you shut up.” Bakura threatened, eyeing each of them in turn. He sat down with Ryou by his side and addressed the younger boy. “What was that all about, anyway?” he snarled.
“Sorry, I didn't even know I was doing it.” Ryou shrugged sheepishly. “If it makes you that uncomfortable, I'll try my best not to do it anymore.”
Bakura snorted. “Good. Once was embarrassing enough.”
“Aww, Bakura, you know you liked it.” One of the Kaitsunes, Marik, teased. He leaned over the table and pinched Bakura's cheek, the other blonde at the table trying to hold in his giggles.
“Piss off, Marik!” Bakura yelled, slapping his hand away. “You too, Malik. I swear, you're just as bad as your mate.” Malik blew him a kiss.
“Get over it Bakura, we're just having a little fun.” Marik sat back in his chair, winding his tail around Malik, pulling him closer. “So, aren't you going to introduce us to your human?” He asked, smiling at Ryou.
Bakura placed his arms on the table, relaxing. “Fine, I suppose I could. Ryou, that asshole over there is Marik.” Marik waved good-naturedly. “The idiot sitting next to him is his mate, Malik.” The smaller blonde huffed angrily. “The pompous prick beside you is Yami…” Yami growled. “…and the midget beside him is his mate, Yugi.” Yugi blushed. “Everyone, this is Ryou.” he said, gesturing toward the younger boy.
Ryou nodded toward each politely. “Nice to meet you all.”
“Oh, he's got manners!” Malik clapped.
“Yeah, that's more than we can say for you, Bakura.” Yami scowled.
“Go bite it, Yami.”
“Um.” Ryou interrupted, sensing a long and tedious argument approaching fast. “Aren't we going to eat breakfast?” This brought Bakura's attention back to the human.
“Ah yes, breakfast.” He stood, motioning for Ryou to remain seated. “I'll go get you something to eat, little one.”
He watched Bakura walk up to the counter and ring a small bell, waiting to be served.
“Ryou?” He was startled when a small voice spoke to him, tearing his gaze away from Bakura and looking to his left, only to be met with the biggest amethyst eyes he'd ever seen.
“What is it, Yugi?” he asked.
Yami leaned back out of the way, giving Yugi a better view of the human. Smiling in thanks, the little Kaitsune continued. “I was just wondering if you had a good sleep, what with being in the same room as Bakura. We all know how much of an ass he can be.”
Ryou blinked, not expecting the question. “Oh, I was fine. It was actually pretty comfortable, to tell you the truth. Bakura did say he's going to try and get me my own bed, though, which I guess is a good idea.”
Yami grinned. “Yes, it does sound like a good idea. Wouldn't want him jumping you in the middle of the night, now would we?”
Ryou blushed while Yugi elbowed his mate in the ribs, drawing a pained yelp from Yami and howls of mirth from Malik and Marik. While Yami rubbed his side, grumbling, Yugi apologized.
“Sorry, Ryou. Yami didn't mean it. He knows Bakura wouldn't do something like that to you.”
Ryou could have sworn he heard Yami mumble something akin to “My ass he wouldn't” under his breath. He clamped his mouth shut as Yugi sent him a glare.
At this point Bakura returned with a platter of food and set it down in front of Ryou with a clatter. Ryou stared at his plate, paling slightly.
Out of all the dishes and delicacies he studied during his time in Nibori's group, he had never seen or heard of something quite like this. In front of him was what appeared to be ground up meat, tinged a greenish color, which also contained portions of what he feared to be intestines.
Gulping, he pushed whatever it was around the plate and asked, “Um…w-what is this, exactly?”
Marik leaned in, sniffing Ryou's plate. “Smells like Jiope.” At the blank look he received he said, “It's Gurian beast mixed with the tender parts of the Ver fish. It's tasty, try it.”
Cautiously, Ryou reached forward and plucked a small piece of the meat from the dish before placing it slowly in his mouth. He immediately gagged, but forced himself to chew and swallow. He coughed, tears jumping to his eyes, and forced a painful smile. “Mmm, tasty.”
When Ryou didn't move to eat anymore, Malik piped up. “Are you going to eat the rest of it?” he asked.
“No thanks, I'm actually not all that hungry right now.” Malik tilted his head, before looking hopeful.
“Then can I have it?”
Ryou pushed the plate toward the blonde, watching him dig in hungrily. He turned to Bakura apologetically.
“Thank you for getting me breakfast Bakura, but I'd rather have a tour of the ship. If I'm going to be staying here, I need to know where to find everything.”
Bakura signed. “Alright, I'll show you around.” He then reached across Ryou and smacked Yami in the arm, getting his attention. “While I'm taking Ryou through the ship, I want you to find something on the ship he could use as a bed. Also, get that scrawny mate of yours to find Ryou some of his own clothes.” he paused. “Actually, Yugi is about Ryou's height, so I'm sure he could give him some of his. It's better than nothing.”
Yami was about to protest, when Yugi placed a hand on his arm to silence him. “It's okay, Yami. I have some spare clothing Ryou could have and I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding him a bed.”
“Good. Now that that's settled, we're leaving.”
Bakura got up and left the table, Ryou following close behind.
They left the cafeteria area and started down the hall, taking a right at the first side corridor.
“They seemed nice.” Ryou said softly.
“Yeah, they don't mind you being here, Yugi especially. He's never had much of a problem with humans, probably since he's never lost any family because of them.”
Ryou was silent for a moment, just content to walk at Bakura's side. Soon, he became curious about their tour of the ship and asked, “So, what are you going to show me?”
“Well, you've already seen the cafeteria and the ship's barracks for the lesser Kaitsunes, and I doubt they'd let me take you anywhere near the Commander's quarters or the control rooms, so I suppose that just leaves the leisure rooms and training area.”
The leisure rooms turned out to be large, well furnished entertainment rooms. There were nine of them in all, four on the first floor, three on the second, and two on the third and final level of the ship. Each contained several couches, chairs, and tables and were the only rooms that had huge gaping windows, giving a view of the blackness of space beyond the ship's walls. The five rooms located on the lower levels were used as libraries, while the other four on the first level were used as viewing areas, with large television monitors hung on their walls.
The Kaitsunes in these rooms were all too engrossed in what they were doing to care about the human and he was able to walk into the rooms and explore without incident. As Ryou moved through the rooms, Bakura stood by his side and made sure to keep an eye out for the first signs of trouble from any disgruntled Kaitsunes.
Finished with the leisure rooms, Bakura and Ryou took one of the ship's elevators back to level two, coming upon the training rooms soon after.
Ryou gasped as they entered and he was met with the sight of a gigantic maze which took up a good three quarters of the room, its metal walls towering above his head. In front of him was the entrance which arced up at least eight feet, and to his left he could see where the maze walls ended and an open exercise area began. There were also several doors which he guessed led to more training equipment.
Bakura smirked at Ryou's obvious awe and put a hand on the boy's shoulder. He bent and looked into the boy's face.
“Impressive, eh? This is where you're training will be held, little one. When I'm through with you, you'll be the greatest thief known to your people.”
“Oh? Are you really that good of a teacher?”
The Kaitsune smiled slyly. “Of course I am. Care for a glimpse of my skills?”
Ryou crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. “Sure, let's see it.”
Saving the actual training sessions for chapter 7. (Otherwise I'll have nothing to write about. o.O;)
I know not very much happened in this chapter, but I needed an informative chapter SOMEWHERE, and I figured this one was as good as any.
The next chapter might take me a few days to write, so please be patient.
EDIT NOTE: Apparently, in my haste to get this uploaded, I missed a HUGE mistake I had made during the breakfast scene. Thanks to Fallon pointing it out to me, it's been fixed.
I leave it to you guys to find whatever weird mistakes I make. Being my first fanfic, I appreciate any help my readers can offer me that will improve my writing skills and bring you all a bigger and better story.
If you're still enjoying this story, please leave a review and tell me so. :D