Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opal ❯ Training ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

EDITED: This chapter has been edited slightly. If any new (or old) readers see any mistakes, please email me and tell me about them so they can be fixed. Thanks.
Ah, another day another chapter for you all.
Thanks to all those who have reviewed thus far! As always your effort is appreciated.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yu-gi-oh or any of its related characters and I make no profit from this story.
Chapter 7 Ahoy!
Bakura's grin grew ten fold as he ushered Ryou to the maze's opening. `This is going to be amusing.' he thought, excitedly.
“Alright little human, let me explain how this is going to work. This training course,” he gestured toward the inside of the maze, “is to help strengthen and hone your skills of stealth and sharpen your mind.”
He paused, mentally chuckling as Ryou listened with rapt attention, and continued. “You see, a thief with soft steps may get far, but his mission is sure to fail if he can't think when in a tight spot. A thief will also not get far if all he has going for him is cunning. Understand?”
Ryou nodded and faced the darkness before him. It was almost impossible to see within the gloom, but he guessed this to be a good thing. Without his eyes hindering him, he would have the chance to use his other senses to their best ability.
Bakura moved behind him, catching his attention. “I'll give you a bit of a head start, Ryou. Let's see how far you can get before I reach you.” With that, he pushed Ryou across the threshold and disappeared out of sight around the wall's edge.
Heart thumping and body filled with adrenaline, Ryou began finding his way through the maze. His bare feet pattered lightly against the floor, though they sounded like stomps to his ears.
`If this maze has an entrance, it must have an exit. Bakura is probably going to enter from there and try to head me off.' He concentrated on silencing his steps and breathing, not wishing to be caught easily.
Crouching low, Ryou continued through the winding passages, listening intently for any signs of movement around him. `I must pay attention at all times. I know Bakura is out there, but where?'
If this was the type of training he'd be receiving, he didn't believe he'd have too much trouble. He already had the intelligence needed to be a thief, and his stealth wasn't too shabby, either. `Though, I've never seen first hand just how crafty a Kaitsune can be. Just how quietly could a seven foot tall creature with clawed feet and tail move, anyway?' Mentally shrugging, he figured he'd find out soon enough.
The minutes dragged on and Ryou grew nervous. He kept getting lost and finding himself in the same dead end more than once. After backtracking for what had to be the seventh time, he thought about climbing up and over the walls only to shake the idea from his head soon after. The walls were far too high and the noise he was liable to make would be too risky. No, he'd just have to keep going forward and hope he somehow made it out before coming across Bakura.
The space around him suddenly widened and with a start Ryou realized he must be in the heart of the maze. The area was about twenty feet wide, with paths leading to his right and left, and two leading forward. He stood, trying to decide which way to go, when a dull scraping caught his attention.
Spinning around, Ryou listened intently trying to judge which direction the sound had originated. Anxiety washing over him, he moved to the far wall to his left, pressing against it tightly. `Was that Bakura? Why hasn't he shown himself yet?'
The boy held his breath and remained still, looking blindly around him, his imagination feeding him images of large black objects moving in the distance. He was sure if whatever made the sound couldn't hear his breathing, it could easily hear his heart pounding wildly in his chest.
“This is insane. Just come out already and stop trying to scare me!” No sooner had the words passed through his lips that he saw something emerge from the path he had just been taking. Sure this one wasn't just a trick of his mind, he backed away, feeling his way along the walls to another pathway. The shape growled and charged forward, its teeth and claws glinting in the dull light from above as it jumped.
Ryou yelped, ducking, and watched what he knew to be a Kaitsune sail over his head and smash into the floor with a grunt. Heart in his throat, he was about to turn and flee, when he felt its tail wrap around his waist and squeeze roughly. Winded, he thought back to something he had learned from Nibori. `The scales of a Kaitsune's tail are tough, but their physical make up are that of any other type of reptile scale.'
With this in mind, Ryou reached down and took hold of one of the Kaitsune's scales, pulling back with all his might. The Kaitsune screamed in agony as the scale was torn out of place, leaving a patch of flesh in its wake. It unwound its tail, freeing Ryou and giving him a chance to flee.
He turned and raced down one of the side paths, his feet slapping against the ground. He could hear the Kaitsune cursing somewhere behind him and begin to give chase. It spoke, and Ryou recognized the masculine voice as that of the Kaitsune who had killed his father and crewmates.
“That's it little human, run for your life! Bakura isn't here to protect your pathetic hide and I'll make good use of the opportunity!”
Pushing himself faster, Ryou turned corners aimlessly, hoping and praying he didn't reach any dead ends. His legs screamed and he panted for air, fear and self preservation the only things keeping him running.
He began down another path, catching sight of a dark object up ahead. From its height and posture, it looked like another Kaitsune, and as it faced him, Ryou almost cried in relief. `I'd recognize that hair anywhere!'
“Bakura!” he yelled, skidding to a halt in front of him, coughing and puffing.
“Ryou! There you are! I heard a scream earlier and was on my way to investigate. What happened to you?”
Before Ryou could explain, the sounds of his pursuer coming closer reached his ears. He moved behind Bakura and glared as the other Kaitsune appeared down the path.
Bakura looked up and stiffened as the Kaitsune skidded to a halt mere feet in front of him. He growled and took a threatening step forward.
The other man, Alister as Ryou recalled, chuckled. “Going to protect your pathetic little human, Bakura? Is it really worth the trouble?”
“What trouble? You know you're weak compared to me.”
Ryou's eyebrows knitted and he squinted to catch a glimpse of the other Kaitsune. `Ugh, I can hardly see in this light!' he huffed to himself.
Alister's fangs shown in the faint light and a moment later he lunged toward Bakura, snarling savagely. Bakura charged as well, pushing Ryou back with his tail. The two Kaitsunes met in the air, a mess of claws, teeth, tails, and feet. Ryou had trouble distinguishing Bakura from Alister, and would grimace whenever a blow hit its mark and at each sound of nails scraping away flesh.
One of the Kaitsunes wrestled the other to the floor, one of its feet digging into the downed Kaitsune's throat while the other was nestled deep into its stomach. With one final powerful blow across the face, the trapped Kaitsune stopped flailing and lay still.
Stumbling slightly, the victor moved back toward Ryou, his voice filling the area around them. “Come on, little one, let's throw this piece of garbage outside and make sure there will be no more disruptions during our sessions.”
Letting out a breath Ryou followed Bakura to the body on the floor, watching as he knelt and heaved the other up over his shoulder. He turned back to the human, gesturing him closer.
“Climb on my back, Ryou. It will be faster if I just carry us back to the entrance.” Ryou agreed and did as Bakura said. Once he was situated, he held tight as they jumped into the air, easily scaling the maze's wall and running back the way they had come. He was amazed at the show of agility and just how quickly (not to mention silently) Bakura got them out of the maze, stopping outside the room's door and telling Ryou to get down.
Bakura then proceeded to toss Alister out into the hall, leaving him unconscious on the floor, and relocked the door. “I'll let this be a warning to anyone else on the ship who thinks they have the right to harm you, Ryou. Whenever the thought even crosses their mind, they'll have to remember Alister and what such actions brought him.” Bakura flicked his tail, reaching for Ryou and pushing him back against the wall next to the doorway. “Now, you stay here and let me look for any other stowaways.” Ryou watched as Bakura disappeared into the darkness without a sound and waited patiently for his return.
Minutes of silence later, the tan Kaitsune reappeared and reported that he had found no other signs of life in the room. Relieved, Ryou asked if they could continue the training session.
“Still wanting to prove yourself, little one?” Bakura asked, hiding his satisfaction behind his regular stoic expression. “Alright then, back to the maze with you.”
Uninterrupted, Ryou and Bakura spent the next several hours training.
From the maze they moved on to endurance, Ryou being forced to run the perimeter of the training room, barely able to dodge objects in his path and find his way around in the dull light, until he collapsed from exhaustion. Each trip around Bakura would keep track of his progress and as he lay panting on the floor trying to regain his breath Bakura would relay how well he did.
By the end of the session, Bakura was thoroughly impressed with the progress Ryou had made in such a short time. The human was still far behind the average Kaitsune, but with a little more work he'd shape up to be a fine thief.
Throwing Ryou a towel to wipe the sweat from his brow, he led the human out the door, past the now empty space where Alister had been thrown earlier, and back up toward the top level of the ship. “We spent so much time training that we've skipped right over lunch and gone straight to dinner. We'll head back up to the cafeteria and grab something to eat and then see how Yugi and Yami are coming along with their projects.” Ryou paled at the mention of food, remembering all too well the crime against humanity Bakura had attempted to pass off as his breakfast that morning.
Drawing closer to the Kaitsune, he asked, “Is there anyway I can go up to the counter with you and choose my own food?” Seeing the look on Bakura's face, he thought up a lie fast. “I'd like to see all that the ship has to offer.” Bakura was silent, mulling over his words, before he appeared satisfied with this explanation and agreed to bring Ryou with him to choose their dinner.
Upon entering the cafeteria, Ryou tried to ignore the glares that were sent his way, especially one that came from a certain Kaitsune who had had the misfortune of being on the wrong end of Bakura's former beating.
The tension dissipated as they reached the back table, finding Malik, Marik, Yugi, and Yami in their normal seats, digging into their meals. Bakura stopped next to the table and explained that he and Ryou were going up to the counter to get their dinners. The four Kaitsunes nodded, waving them off good-naturedly.
Following Bakura up to the counter, Ryou studied the different choices laid before him. Many looked unappetizing, but there were a few here and there that didn't look nor smell ungodly. One in particular just looked like regular ground red meat, cooked to a tasty finish. Piling this onto his plate, he returned to the table, choosing to sit next to Yugi. He figured the small Kaitsune would offer better company at the table than anyone else.
Bakura set his tray down and shoved Marik aside, positioning himself across from Ryou and next to the blonde. Marik grumbled under his breath but returned to his food after a few whispered words from Malik.
“Yami.” Bakura barked, taking a handful of his food (which was a dark black and Ryou could have sworn was still breathing) and shoved it into his mouth, not noticing the grimace on the human's face as he watched.
“What is it Bakura?” Yami asked, pointing a clawed finger in the white haired Kaitsune's direction. “If you're going to gripe at me about the bed let me cut you off at the pass right now. Yes, I found your human a bed and yes, it's been set up in your room.”
Yugi broke off his conversation with Ryou to address Bakura as well. “I also found him a few outfits to wear and I took the liberty of folding them and putting them away in your dresser.” Bakura gagged on his food.
“Why didn't you find him his own dresser?” He burst out, eyebrows knitting. “The kid's not my mate, we don't have to share the same furniture!”
Malik and Marik snickered behind their hands, the older blonde turning to face Bakura. “Heh, I doubt you minded sharing the same bed last night. Right, Bakura?” His smirk grew at the look of fury on the other's face.
“Shut the hell up, you obnoxious bastard! Keep your nose out of my business!”
“Oooh, someone sounds guilty, Marik.” Malik giggled, elbowing his mate in the side humorously, waving away the glare Bakura sent his way at the comment. “Lighten up, Bakura. I was just teasing you. We know you're a heartless bastard who doesn't love anyone.”
“Damn straight I am! I don't want to catch you spreading rumors that I'm not, either.” He took another bite of his food, chewing with vigor and staring down everyone at the table.
Yami rolled his eyes but stayed silent, finishing his meal and glancing toward the two blondes across from him as they continued to chatter quietly to one another. `I swear, those two were made for each other. Neither shuts up and neither knows when to let something go, even when that something is sitting right next to them and giving the evil eye.'
After a few more minutes of small talk and banter, Yami turned at the sound of a yawn next to him, amused to see Ryou's eyes drooping. “Did your training session really take that much out of you, Ryou?” he asked, catching the attention of the other Kaitsunes.
“Wow, you do look tired, Ryou. Maybe you should finish up and go back to your room.” Malik stated, pushing his tray aside and leaning his elbows on the table. Marik agreed with his mate, and stood, taking up their trays and carrying them back to the counter to be washed, Malik thanking him as he left.
“I suppose I should go to bed. I don't want to wake up tired tomorrow morning.” the human said, looking toward Bakura for approval. He probably would have gone back to the room anyway, no matter how Bakura felt about the situation, but it was best to at least act like he needed the Kaitsune's permission, especially when in a room full of his irate kin.
Bakura nodded his head and finished his food quickly, grabbing Ryou's platter along with his and setting them down on the counter by Marik and Malik's. He returned to Ryou and ushered him away from the others with his tail, saying his good byes over his shoulder.
The pair made their way back through the Morhir's corridors and to the small bedroom they shared. Ryou waited as Bakura unlocked the door and once the Kaitsune stepped to the side to let him in, he gawked at his new bed.
Yami had done a fine job in finding him a suitable new place to sleep. The bed was circular, with a thatched underside and countless ropes attaching it to the ceiling, suspending it a few feet above the floor. Blankets had been laid over the netted portion of the bed and a few more had been tied together to resemble pillows.
Ryou stepped up to it and ran his fingers over the material in awe, sensing Bakura near his back. “I didn't know you had these types of beds on your ship.” he said, facing the other man with a curious look on his face.
Bakura twitched slightly as he glared at the new addition to his room. `I can't believe that asshole.' he thought to himself. Ryou was still awaiting an answer, so he growled and explained. “These types of beds are mostly used by mates. It allows them to sleep together more comfortably.”
“I see. It's a very good idea.” the boy said, climbing through the ropes and onto the netting, bouncing experimentally. He noticed a glazed look emerge in Bakura's eyes as the Kaitsune watched him, but it disappeared quickly. Blinking, Ryou shrugged, believing it to have been his imagination.
“Well, I guess I'll get ready for bed now.” He crawled back down and set his bare feet to the cold floor. Ryou went to the dresser, finding a wide variety of shirts, pants, and sleep wear folded neatly inside. Glad to finally have clothing of his own, he pulled out a large shirt and pair of baggy pajama pants, going past Bakura and into the bathroom to brush his teeth, thankful the Kaitsunes were just as interested in proper dental care as humans were.
Dressing in his night clothes, he returned to his bed, tossing his day clothes into a small basket Bakura had set near the door on his way.
Bakura was already in his hammock in the corner, now clothed in only a pair of long pants, his chest bare. Hiding his blush, Ryou situated himself under the blankets and turned his back to the Kaitsune, the sounds Bakura's quiet breathing lulling him to sleep.
Whee! It's done:D I'm actually okay with this chapter. It's better than chapter 6, anyway.
Thanks so much to LadywolfTerri who gave me a few ideas for this chapter, including Ryou's bed. Yes, those types of beds actually DO exist.
If you're still interested in the story, please leave me a review and tell me so. If not…well…sorry. o.o;