Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opal ❯ Discovery ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wow, this chapter took me a week to type up. Though, it was mostly just because I was lazy and didn't really feel like typing. ^^;;
All well, it's a good eight pages, so that should make up for the time it took to update.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yu-gi-oh or any of its characters and I make no profit from this story.
Hope you enjoy!
Ch 8
As with the previous morning, Bakura was the first to pull himself from the throws of sleep. Yawning hugely, he sat up and stretched out his tail and toes, jaws closing with a slight click. Relaxing, he scratched his head and looked across the room sleepily.
Ryou was still in bed, his back no longer to the Kaitsune. At some point in the night he had gotten his legs tangled in his blankets, the fabric wrapping tightly around them and leaving his upper body exposed. The boy's arms held tight to his pillow, his face mashed into it and his hair splaying across the sheets behind him.
Bakura smiled, his eyes still drooping. The sight was actually kind of…cute.
Giving another yawn he jumped from his mesh bed, landing smoothly and noiselessly below. He crossed the room to Ryou and leaned down, staring into the smaller boy's face. He looked so serene, laying there asleep. Lifting his hand, the Kaitsune poked his claw gently into Ryou's arm. The boy mumbled incoherently, tucking his arm under his chest.
Bakura tried again, but didn't have much luck in rousing Ryou. Frustrated, he was about to just shake him roughly awake, when he thought of a better idea. Leaning closer, he blew a puff of air into the human's face.
Ryou frowned and twitched, irritated, but didn't wake up. Smirking, Bakura repeated the action. Ryou frowned again, this time attempting to swat away whatever it was that was trying to disturb him, nearly smacking Bakura in the nose. One final breath and Ryou opened his eyes groggily.
Before Bakura knew what hit him, the boy bolted upright, screamed and raised a hand, slapping him clear across the face. As Bakura stumbled back, Ryou (whose mind was still fuzzy) rolled over and off the other side of the bed with a thump.
“Ouch!” he cried, sitting up. Rubbing his back, he sat up and looked over the bed, his gaze resting on Bakura and the rather large red mark on his cheek. “What happened to you?” he asked, pulling himself to his feet gradually.
“What happened to me!?” Bakura yelled, rubbing the mark gently, hissing. “You woke up, screamed as if you had seen death itself and hit me right across the face!”
“I did?” Puzzled, he checked his hand. From the violent shade of crimson now running across his palm and fingers and the numb feeling seeping into them, he believed it.
“Oh. Well, I'm sorry I hurt you, but you should know better than to ogle me while I'm asleep. You must have surprised me when I woke up.”
Bakura thrashed his tail angrily. “Surprised or not, you didn't have to hit me like that. What will those idiots say when they see this?”
By `idiots' Ryou assumed he was speaking about Malik, Marik, Yami, and Yugi. He didn't really know what they would say (one or more of them would probably make a crack about it), but one thing he did know. There was absolutely no way in hell Bakura would ever give them the real explanation. `He'll probably try to pass it off as a rash or something.' Chewing his lip, Ryou attempted to hide his amusement.
This proved hard to do, especially when Bakura spent the rest of the morning throwing what Ryou had christened the `Kaitsune Tantrum.' It was basically the same as a human child's tantrum, except with less crying and more bitching.
The situation was made worse when (of course) Bakura was questioned about the mark on his cheek. Like Ryou had suspected, he gave every reason under the sun except the truth about just how he had come to acquire it. The idea of word spreading that he had been slapped around by a human must have been too much for Bakura to stand.
After a hurried breakfast, Ryou was dragged down to the training room where, after Bakura made sure they were alone and the doors were locked, he spent several agonizing hours running laps and testing his mind and body. During this time, the ugly mark on the Kaitsune's face faded and he was dramatically easier on Ryou.
Lunch time soon rolled around, bringing with it a much needed break. Ryou spent an hour eating with his new companions and replenishing his energy, and once finished found that Marik, Yami, and Bakura were needed in some sort of soldiers meeting. “What do you do during these meetings?” he asked, curious.
Yami hesitated. “Well, we mostly just discuss military tactics, new policies, and general news about our home planet's condition. Commander Loki likes to keep us up to date on everything that's going on. Keep us on our toes, as you human's say.”
“Yes, that makes sense. How long do they last?” He couldn't help but ask questions. Ryou blamed it on the researcher in him.
Yami looked back at his food. “They can last quite a long time, depending on how much the Commander has to say. Hopefully this meeting will only be in session for around two to three hours.”
“Two to three hours?” Ryou asked, aghast. He had barely managed to work directly with Nibori and his crew for half that time!
Yugi sat up in his seat and looked past Yami to Ryou. “Yeah, amazing isn't it? I'm so glad Malik and I don't have to go to them.”
Ryou opened his mouth to ask an obvious question, but before he could utter a word Malik beat him to it. “Yugi and I don't attend the meetings with our mates since we are not military soldiers. Our main job is to collect and analyze data for the troops. We've been busy the last few days with a tough case, so that's why you haven't seen us around too often. Well, except for meal times. I'll be damned if I miss a meal for my job.” Yugi nodded. He agreed wholeheartedly with Malik, believing work to be important, but not to the point of denying yourself food and rest.
Ryou blushed at Malik's comment, slightly ashamed, and thought back to the days before he had met Bakura and just what he had put himself through for his research. He would go days with little food, practically starving to death, yet would continue to push his body to the brink of exhaustion. He was surprised he was still alive.
Mentally sighing, he turned his attention back to Malik. “What are you going to do while they're at the meeting today?”
Malik bit his lip in thought. “Yugi and I will probably go play a few games and then go to one of the viewing rooms to catch up on some news. We get a remarkable number of channels on the monitors there, you know. We could probably even see the latest reports on Mars.” He smiled warmly at Ryou. “Would you like to spend some time with us? It would be better than being holed up in Bakura's room until he gets back.”
Ryou glanced in Bakura's direction. The Kaitsune merely shrugged nonchalantly and lowered his eyes back to his food. The boy grinned, telling Malik he'd love to spend time with them.
The two smaller Kaitsunes cheered and collected their trays, hurrying to put them away and usher Ryou from the cafeteria.
“Hey!” Marik called indignantly. “You're just going to leave us here without even a measly `good-bye?'”
“Yep!” Malik yelled back, he and Yugi disappearing out the door and into the hallway with a frazzled looking Ryou between them.
Marik sighed and stabbed at his food half heartedly with a claw. “Sometimes I wonder why I'm still with that kid.”
“That's simple. He's an `animal in bed,' as you always say.” Bakura answered, clearing his plate and standing to take it and his platter back to the counter to be washed. Marik watched him leave, chuckling. Yami just rolled his eyes.
The three boys were currently sitting in a deserted viewing room, their laughter and voices carrying out into the empty halls. Ryou joked and chatted with the blonde and tri-color haired Kaitsunes, enjoying himself immensely. He was learning so many new things, even if it was mostly just ship gossip. `All well, at least it's entertaining.'
“Anyway,” Malik continued, “Want to see if there's anything worth watching on the human channels?”
“Alright. I'd be interested in hearing some current human news.” Ryou grabbed the remote and clicked on the monitor, flipping through the many universal channels. “I still can't believe the Morhir gets such great reception all the way out here.”
Yugi shrugged. “It's because of our expert hackers and programmers that we have them all. We're able to use the satellites and information systems of other planets to gain access to almost any channel we wish. The network we watch is humongous.”
Ryou absorbed this information intently. This was all just too amazing! The Kaitsune race, no matter how few of them existed, still bested practically every other species in the nearest galaxies when it came to technology.
Eyes back on the monitor, he stopped on one of the more popular news channels, pressing back into the cushions and focusing his attention on the news anchor. The man was going on and on about something and it only took a few seconds for Ryou to lose interest. `Just a pointless filler story.' He yawned, closing his eyes.
He had had a wonderful time with Malik and Yugi so far. First, they had gone back to Yugi's room where Ryou was astonished to see his impressive collection of games. Apparently, Yugi and Yami loved playing games of all sorts; Kaitsune versions of board games, card games, console games played on technology Ryou had never seen before, and many more. Their room was far more entertaining than Bakura's and Ryou couldn't wait to play.
It was clear after just a few minutes of gaming that Yugi and Yami not only enjoyed playing these games, they also enjoyed winning them. It had become frustrating for Ryou, who hadn't won any rounds the entire time they spent in Yugi's room. A look toward Malik would show the other was having the same problems. Though, Ryou had found out later that Malik (nor anyone for that matter) had ever bested the small Kaitsune or his mate.
“It's still fun to try.” He'd said, when Ryou asked. “I'm confident that one day I'll beat them, and that will be a glorious day, let me tell you.”
After the games, the three boys visited one of the ship's viewing rooms and now here they sat, watching human news and just enjoying the company.
Ryou flipped through the channels yet again, sighing. `I should have known better than to try the human networks. There's nothing on.' As he was about to return to the Kaitsune group of channels, something caught his attention.
On the final news station he passed, a familiar face jumped to the screen. Eyes widening, he leaned forward and turned up the volume, catching Malik and Yugi's attention.
“In other news a research ship named The Opal has been discovered today with the aid of one of its workers, Mr. Umo Nibori. Mr. Nibori is the only survivor of a Kaitsune attack which occurred on The Opal earlier this week. As far as detectives can tell, the entire crew has been annihilated. Though, we will not know for sure until each body has been identified.”
The camera moved to the other anchor. “Let's go to his press conference to hear his recount of the attack.” The still picture of Nibori on the screen was replaced with a live clip of him answering questions while standing behind a podium.
Nibori's voice came through the speakers. “Yes, it was horrific. The creatures came out of nowhere, tearing through the ship and killing anyone in their paths. This attack was completely unwarranted and we had no warning whatsoever.”
The camera switched back to the anchors, who explained Nibori would be heading off to see some government officials about the issue the next morning. Tonight, he would have time to rest from his ordeal.
As they switched to another story, Ryou bristled. “That's not how it happened!” he cried, outraged. He could hear Malik and Yugi growling at Nibori in annoyance.
“Who was that asshole?” Malik asked, glancing at Ryou. “Marik said you were the only surviving member of The Opal's crew.”
Yugi turned to Ryou, his brows knit in anger. “Ryou, do you know who this guy is? Did he escape along with you and just not get caught, or was he never on the ship?”
Ryou glared at a spot on the floor, fists clenched. “Oh, he was on the ship. I'm betting he figured out what was going on and ran for it, leaving the rest of us to die. That bastard, he doesn't deserve to live! How dare he not warn us? Not help us! We're his people, damn it!”
“Hmph, do you really want to claim him as part of your race, Ryou? If he was a Kaitsune, I'd never acknowledge him as such. What a disgrace!”
Ryou couldn't help but agree. His hatred for Nibori had grown abundantly in the last few seconds, to the point where he wanted to strangle the man with his bare hands. He was in the middle of imagining several colorful ways to get rid of Nibori, when a deep voice rang out behind them.
“There you three are! Have you had a good time while we were gone?”
Ryou whipped his head around, surprised to see Bakura, Marik, and Yami behind them. “Your meeting is over already?”
What do you mean `already?' We've been gone for hours!” Bakura burst out, aggravated.
Ryou tilted his head. “Wow, time flew for us. Guess the old saying is true.”
“Hmph.” Bakura walked over and plopped down heavily between Ryou and Malik, pushing the blonde away. Malik grumbled and moved to a new couch, kicking Bakura in the shin for good measure as he did. Marik pulled his mate down onto his lap and they both snuggled into the comfortable seat.
Yami, not trusting Bakura to treat Yugi any better, took him up into his arms and brought him to a new chair, copying Marik.
“So, what did you three do while we were gone?” Bakura asked, glancing at Ryou and raising an eyebrow at the furious look that had returned to the boy's face. “What's wrong?”
“Nibori, that's what!” Yami and Marik perked up along with Bakura. “Nibori?” Yami questioned. “How do you know Nibori?”
“He was my boss on The Opal. You remember him, don't you Bakura?” The white haired Kaitsune's mind went off into space for a moment, his eyes lighting as he remembered. “You mean that old fat human who was constantly yapping?”
Ryou frowned. “Yes, that's him. I just saw him on the news, explaining the Kaitsune attack of The Opal.”
Yugi interrupted. “Except he conveniently left out the part where they had you chained to the wall, Bakura. He said the attack was `completely unwarranted.'”
Bakura looked taken aback. “What!? Why that bastard! No wonder the Commander mentioned him during the meeting.”
Ryou blinked up at Bakura. “The Commander spoke about Nibori? What was he saying?”
The Kaitsune waved his arm. “Something about the information he has recently collected being a threat to us. Apparently he stuck around on your ship long enough to gather the data his research team had put together concerning our race.”
Marik broke in. “I suppose Nibori wasn't honest with you about all that he had discovered, Ryou.” At the boy's blank stare, he spoke again. “He wasn't just studying our eating habits or habitat, he was working along with the government to find our weaknesses and think up ways to destroy us.”
Yami spoke next. “Nibori has discovered one of our secret bases, Ryou. A place where our young grow, our soldiers train for battle, and those too old to fight remain safe. It would be a disaster if humans suddenly stormed in. The base wouldn't stand a chance.”
Ryou was silent. `So, Nibori had been up to something, had he? Right under my nose, too! How could I have not noticed something like that? Now, people are in danger because of him!' Ryou berated himself savagely.
“Ugh, if I ever get my hands on him…”
Yami smirked. “Funny you should say that, Ryou. We haven't told you yet what the council said about YOU.”
“Huh?” he looked to Bakura for further explanation. The Commander had named both him and Nibori in a meeting?
Bakura scratched his head in an edgy manner. “You see, you were mentioned as well. Since you also came from The Opal, the council has decided on your first mission.” He looked pointedly at Ryou. “You're going to have to get close enough to Nibori to steal back whatever information he has saved.” He paused, clearing his throat. “It's also your job to shut him up before he has time to speak with your government.”
“You-You mean they want me to kill Nibori?” Ryou glanced desperately at Marik and Yami, only to see them nod. “Oh God.” he breathed, leaning back heavily onto the arm of the couch. “I…I've never killed anyone before. I don't think I can do it.”
“You're going to have to, or else the council will have your head. They have no patience for those who don't follow orders.” Bakura sounded stern.
“But-but my training! I've barely been at it for more than two days!” Ryou didn't understand why the council thought him able to do such a mission. `Maybe they're setting me up to fail. Though, it's quite a gamble, what with the information being so important…'
Bakura's face softened. “Don't worry, Ryou. You've made amazing progress. You're a natural thief.” He smiled at Ryou's nervous blush.
“If you're so worried, Ryou, why not get some more practice in before bed?” Yugi offered. “Just don't practice too late into the night; you need your sleep for tomorrow. It's never a good idea to go on a mission when you're tired.”
The others agreed, so Bakura and Ryou said their good-byes and made their way down to the training area. Over the hours they lost track of time, working straight through dinner and into the night.
Panting and sweating, Ryou leaned over on his knees and tried to catch his breath. He and Bakura had hurried up to the cafeteria, catching the kitchen crew before they threw out the day's leftovers. The human and Kaitsune ate hungrily and trudged back to Bakura's room, both of them ready for bed.
-----------------------------------------------------< /div>
Butterflies fluttered in Ryou's stomach as he showered and brushed his teeth. `How am I going to do this?' he asked himself, worried. No matter what Bakura told him, he was completely unsure of just how he was going to pull off this mission.
Exiting the bathroom and pulling on his night clothes, his mind still buzzed with thoughts as he crawled into bed. Tugging the covers up and wrapping himself in a protective cocoon, he lay in bed trying to fall asleep.
Bakura, meanwhile, was also fretting over Ryou's mission the next day. It was an immense responsibility to rest on the boy's shoulders so early and his very life depended on how well he did. `Ryou, I wasn't lying before when I said the council has no use for those who can't follow orders.'
He didn't know why, but his stomach turned each time he imagined what would happen if Ryou failed, to both the boy and himself. `Ryou will be killed and I will be punished for wasting the council's time and insisting the boy be kept alive.' He sighed and rolled over, listening to the human's breaths from across the room.
Ryou didn't sound as though he were resting peacefully. He was tossing and turning, muttering to himself quietly. Bakura's eyes dilated, trying to focus on the figure in the other bed. He sat up and slid down, feet landing on the floor with a dull thump.
Stepping carefully, he crept across the room and stopped beside Ryou, watching the dark shape moving ceaselessly under the covers.
Mind screaming about how insane of an idea this was, he slid in next to Ryou, wrapping his arms around the small human and pulling him close. Bakura adjusted them until Ryou's head lay on his chest, the boy's legs wrapping around one of his. He heard Ryou sigh contentedly and stop fidgeting, finally falling into a deep slumber.
Bakura took a deep breath, his own body calming now that Ryou wasn't making any more noise. Wrapping his tail around the boy's waist, he tightened his grip and nuzzled into the white hair brushing against his cheek, and followed Ryou into the blackness of sleep.
I'll try to get chapter 9 typed up soon, so look forward to it. xP
If you're enjoying the story, please review and tell me so. I love the reviews!