Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opal ❯ Love ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thanks to all those who reviewed ch 9 and ch 10! I appreciate you guys taking the time to tell me what you think of my story. ^^
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yu-gi-oh or its respective characters and I make no profit from this story.
If you're mature (as in, your parents wouldn't freak out if they found you reading this and have my story deleted), enjoy!
Ch 10
Nauseous and weak in the knees, Ryou sat heavily in one of the control chairs and started up his ship, readying it for the journey back to the Morhir. The images of what he had just done were fresh in his mind, just as Nibori's heart was still freshly wrapped in the discarded garbage bag in his hands.
Ryou couldn't believe that he had successfully completed his first mission. His friends had been right in believing in his skills, and now he understood what Bakura meant when he had said Ryou was a born thief. He had been able to sneak into the hotel overlooked, murder Nibori unheard, and carry the body away without a single word from anyone present, all with only two days worth of training.
He knew that after returning with the evidence of his accomplishment, even the most stubborn Kaitsune would have to acknowledge that Ryou was an essential player in the continuous war they waged against humanity, even if he happened to be from the enemy lines.
The boy jerked in his seat as he felt vibrations tear through the ship as it exited Mar's atmosphere, the movements shifting and shaking the equipment on his ship. Holding his package tightly to his chest, he rode out the tremors and only when the booming of the sound waves and the movement under his feet halted did he stand and go back into the kitchen quarters to place the covered heart in the freezer.
Opening the door and squinting at the burst of cold air that flowed into his face, he set the bag gently near the far corner of the compartment, making sure it was situated and would not be jostled during the trip, before he closed and latched the door. The freezer may have been a crude way to keep the organ fresh until he reached the Kaitsune's ship, but it would just have to do, seeing as how Ryou had nowhere better to put it.
Ryou was on his way back to the control chair when he passed the bedroom chambers. He halted and glanced inside, wondering if he would be able to catch a bit of sleep while heading back to the Kaitsunes.
He tapped his chin in thought. “Well, I guess it couldn't hurt. I already set the ship to autopilot, so it should be alright on its own. It'll be slower going than before, but I'm in no hurry, not anymore.” He stepped into the dark room and over to the hammock like bed, glancing at its underside. Would he be able to scramble into it on his own? He'd always had Bakura to lift him into the one back on the Morhir. Shrugging, he decided he could at the very least try.
Toeing off his shoes and leaving them haphazardly strewn on the floor, he bent his knees and sprung into the air, flinging his arms up and grabbing wildly for the edge of the netting. His first attempt ended in failure, with his fingers just barely skimming his target.
Landing on his feet with a thump, he swung his arms back and crouched down, ready to try again. This time, he had been able to catch one of the gaps in the material with his index and middle fingers. Quickly, he snagged another portion in his other hand, tightened his grip and kicked his legs, heaving himself up and into the bed with a grunt.
Crawling awkwardly along till he reached the head of the bed, he rolled over onto his back, getting comfortable. Breathing deeply and trying to relax his frazzled nerves, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Yami yawned, laying his arm around the back of the viewing room's sofa as his eyes tracked Bakura's incessant pacing. He, Yugi, Malik, and Marik had all been keeping the white haired Kaitsune company while they awaited Ryou's return and all four of them kept meeting each other's gaze and silently agreeing that Bakura was being far too obvious in his worry. It was almost to the point of being pathetic, but none of them wanted to point this out to their friend for fear of being mauled.
Yugi scooted closer to his mate's side, encircling Yami's tail with his own. The taller Kaitsune smiled down at him and pulled him close. “I hope Ryou gets back soon. Bakura's going to wear a hole in the floor at this rate.”
Yugi chuckled. “You're right about that. I wish those two would just realize they were interested in each other. Of course, I'm not really sure how the council would react if they found out Bakura was interested in a human.” He frowned and nuzzled into Yami's neck. “You don't think they'd do anything to Ryou, do you?”
Yami gave him a quick kiss to the forehead. “I'm not really sure, Yugi. All I can say is it would be a good idea for Bakura to wait until Ryou has proven himself to the council and the rest of our race before he goes any further.”
“If Ryou comes back from his mission successful, do you think that would be enough to appease the council?”
“I hope so, for all our sanity's sake.” Yami leaned into the soft cushions, bringing Yugi into his lap and holding him tightly. The two tri-color haired Kaitsunes rested peacefully, ignoring Bakura's mutters from across the room.
Malik and Marik, on the other hand, were having a hard time keeping their attention on anything but their fellow Kaitsune. Bakura was beginning to get on both their nerves and his behavior was completely outrageous, even for him. Marik was to the point of grinding his teeth while Malik, who was pressed close to his mate's side, continuously twitched.
The older blonde pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. “If this idiot doesn't stop walking in circles I'll have to do something drastic.”
Malik, wishing to calm his lover down, drew Marik's hand away from his face and wrapped his arms around the other's large bicep, rubbing his cheek against it gently and purring deep in his throat. Yes, he thought Bakura needed a good thrashing, but he didn't think Marik was the right one to do it. All it would cause is a huge uproar, leaving him with a bloodied and bruised mate later that night. He'd rather have Marik whole and healthy then hurt and moody.
At Malik's touch, the taller blonde unwound slowly. `Bah, forget Bakura. Let him work himself into a fit for all I care.' Marik gave the white haired Kaitsune one final glare, then turned his attention to his mate, running a clawed finger down Malik's cheek.
The five Kaitsunes were interrupted when a sixth stepped into the room, catching everyone but Bakura's interest. She was very beautiful, with long blonde hair, deep violet eyes, and indigo scales covering every inch of her tail and feet. When she spoke she had a commanding voice which demanded everyone within the vicinity to shut up and listen to whatever it is she had to say.
“Hey, you all need to go visit the port. A ship just came in and I'm pretty sure it's someone you've been waiting to see.”
Bakura's head snapped up at her words, his body instantly going rigid. “R-The Human?” he caught himself. “The human is here, Mai?”
“Yes, the human. Go collect the little pest, his ship is taking up port space.” Mai flicked a bothersome piece of hair from her face and placed a hand on her hip.
Bakura raced past her and out into the hall, heading toward the Morhir's port and Ryou. He had been hoping to hear news of the younger boy for what felt like ages and now that he knew his human was back nothing would stand in his way of reaching him.
He could hear the other's skidding and yelling behind him, but he didn't care what they had to say and he refused to slow his pace. They'd catch up eventually.
Pushing his way through the crowds, he finally reached the small oval ship Ryou had used to travel to Mars and (hopefully) complete his mission. Wondering why the human wasn't outside to greet him, Bakura pounded in the key code and squeezed through the door before it had a chance to fully open.
A few quick strides and he was in the control room. His eyes scanned the area quickly for signs of Ryou. Not finding any, he went into the back hallway, moving from room to room before finally coming upon the bedroom. Bakura caught sight of the occupant inside and rushed to the bed in the corner.
Ryou's scent, which was a few hours old throughout the rest of the ship, was strong and fresh in here. It, along with the human's presence, calmed the Kaitsune considerably.
Taking hold of one of the netting's sides, Bakura pulled himself up and into the bed. He crawled over Ryou until they were face to face and leaned down, staring intently at the other's passive face.
He seemed alright, his breathing deep and steady. Bakura still couldn't help but be concerned, seeing as how Ryou had been forced to become a murderer on his first assignment. The boy may appear fine physically, but mentally and emotionally, that might be another story.
“Ryou?” he whispered, running a claw along the gentle pulse at the boy's throat. “Little one?” Ryou shifted slightly, unknowingly offering more of his neck to the Kaitsune.
Bakura took in a breath, eyes raking over the expanse of the pale, supple skin. Unable to control himself, he unconsciously licked his lips and bent his head forward, hesitantly nuzzling the soft flesh.
Ryou stirred at the touch and his eyes fluttered open. He blinked groggily at the ceiling and the strands of white hair in his face. Then the feeling of something rubbing against his throat registered in his mind, causing him to stiffen and scramble away from whatever it was.
Bakura raised his head at the sudden movement, his crimson eyes meeting Ryou's own chocolate brown. He could feel his cheeks heating and noticed a blush spread across the boy's cheeks as well.
“Uh, B-Bakura. What are you, uh, doing in my bed?” Ryou stuttered, trying to look anywhere but at the other man's face.
The white haired Kaitsune coughed into his hand and sat up, his knees on either side of Ryou's thighs. “I was worried when you weren't waiting for me outside of the ship. I came in to see if you were alright.”
Ryou pulled his legs out from under Bakura and brought them to his chest shyly. “Oh. Well, I'm okay. Can we…go back to your room now?” the Kaitsune jerked and his eyes shot to Ryou's face, a look of surprise on his face.
Realizing how that may have sounded (especially in their position), Ryou saved himself. “I'm still a little tired from the trip and my bed on the Morhir is more comfortable than this one.”
“Ah.” Bakura turned his head, embarrassed that he had reacted in such a way. He should have realized Ryou didn't mean…whatever he had thought the boy meant.
Jumping back to the floor, he held his arms up, silently telling Ryou to come to him. The boy obeyed, hopping from the netting and into Bakura's awaiting arms, giving out a small “Oomph!” as he hit the other's strong chest.
Giving Ryou a moment to put on his shoes, Bakura picked him up and proceeded to carry the boy outside, but not before stopping in the kitchen to retrieve Nibori's heart from the freezer and then in the control room to grab the bag of tools.
With heart and bag in hand, they met the other four outside along with a slew of curious onlookers wanting to see if the human had failed.
“Ryou!” Malik yelled happily, running up to see them as they walked through the doors. “How are you? Did everything go well?”
Ryou nodded and smiled tiredly at his friends, giving the bundled heart in his arms a halfhearted shake. “Yes, I completed my mission.”
Yami stepped forward. “In that case, you need to go to the council room. They wish to speak with you.”
Bakura growled. “I haven't heard anything about the council wanting a meeting with Ryou.”
“That's because you were in such a hurry to get here and see your human that you left before Mai could tell us. We were trying to tell you as you ran, but you didn't listen.” Marik said, chuckling.
“Oh, shut up, Marik.” Bakura bared his fangs at the other. He lingered near the ship, giving Ryou time to hand the bag of tools to Yugi, before getting a better grip on the human and starting the trek down to the council chambers. He hoped this wouldn't take too long, he wanted Ryou to himself.
The two were subdued during the ride in the elevators, the only sound being Bakura's nails against the floor as they made their way through the halls. The Kaitsune could tell Ryou was frightened, his body shaking slightly. Bakura held him close, offering what little comfort he dared.
After what felt like hours to Ryou, they found themselves standing in front of the council chamber's doors. Ryou was placed on his feet and he listened as Bakura typed in a key code, following the other into the room a moment later.
The council was already present, each of the seven Kaitsunes seated behind their tall bench at the front of the chamber. Their faces were in shadow, making them just as mysterious as the first time Ryou had stood before them.
“Human,” the head council member spoke, his deep voice echoing off the walls and bringing silence to the few Kaitsunes around him. “It has been your mission, handed down to you by this council, to kill Umo Nibori and retrieve any data the man may have owned which told the location of one of our bases. Have you completed this mission?”
Ryou bowed his head respectfully. “Yes, head council.” He held out the garbage bag containing Nibori's heart. “I have brought back the heart of my victim as proof of my success. Also, upon a search of the man's possessions, I was unable to find any saved documentation of the Kaitsune base's coordinates.”
Ryou cringed. He hadn't done a very thorough search of Nibori's hotel quarters, merely giving it a quick glance. Though, knowing Nibori, he probably didn't have any of the information saved. He wouldn't want anyone else to stumble upon it and be able to take credit for his findings. Ryou hoped he was right in thinking this.
A guard came up to Ryou and snatched the bag from his hands, bringing it over to the council to be inspected. The seven passed the heart around to one another, murmuring.
The head councilman ended the conversation, getting to his feet. “We will need to test the DNA of this organ to be sure it is from the correct target. Until then, you may remain in Bakura's custody. If we find that this is in fact the heart of Umo Nibori, you will be kept alive and taken with us to our home planet. We will be able to use a thief such as yourself in the future.”
Bowing again, Ryou hid his glee. He was going to the Kaitsune's home planet! What an amazing opportunity! He was sure to be the only human ever allowed to do such a thing. He was sure to learn many things during his stay. Straightening, he cast Bakura a beautiful smile, delighted when it was returned.
The two left after being dismissed, Ryou practically skipping and Bakura keeping his grin to an acceptable size. They rode the elevators back up to the first level, meeting their friends halfway back to Bakura's room.
“How was it?” Yugi asked, his eyes filled with worry.
Ryou beamed at him. “It went great! The council said if the heart was shown to be Nibori's, they'd let me stay with Bakura and go back with you all to your home planet!”
Malik and Yugi cheered, hugging Ryou tightly, almost crushing the boy between them. Yami and Marik laughed at the scene, standing at Bakura's sides. They weren't going to show their friend as much affection as their mate's were currently showing Ryou, but still wanted him to know they were happy for him.
“Alright, guys, that's enough.” Bakura chuckled, pulling Ryou away from the two giddy Kaitsunes. “The boy's tired and wants to go back to our room.” The others gave each other knowing looks at the slip up, waving Bakura and his human off.
“Go ahead and rest up, you two. We'll see you later.” Marik called, eyes trained on the two white-haired boy's backs.
Smirking, the four went back to their own rooms, thankful all had gone well.
Ryou collapsed onto his bed. He was so glad to be back in Bakura's room, where it was safe and wonderfully warm. Sitting up, he yawned and stretched his arms high above his head. Rubbing his eyes, he noticed Bakura standing off to the side in the shadows, looking at him strangely.
“What's wrong, Bakura? Aren't you tired?” Ryou asked, scooting closer to the edge of his bed and Bakura, taking hold of one of the support ropes.
The Kaitsune didn't answer immediately. He just stayed where he was, eyes never leaving Ryou's. When the silence had begun to get uncomfortable, he spoke.
“No, I'm not tired. I'm quite awake, actually. To many things.” The last words were soft and Ryou had to strain to hear them. What did Bakura mean, `To many things?'
Ryou was shaken from his confused thoughts when the Kaitsune came closer, his steps hesitant. Bakura stopped in front of him, his face a mask. Thinking the other wanted something, Ryou moved back, giving him room to sit down on the sheets. Bakura did so, but instead of remaining on the edge, he slithered forward and pushed Ryou down onto the blankets with a flick of his tail.
The boy gasped, grabbing the scaly appendage and looking up into dark crimson eyes. Bakura was directly over him now, his hands on either side of Ryou's shoulders, effectively pinning him to the bed.
“Um, Bakura? What are you-”
“I was worried about you today, Ryou.” Bakura interrupted, his face mere inches above Ryou's. “I was actually afraid for you, for what you had to do. I was afraid that you would never return to me.”
“Y-You were?” Ryou hadn't been expecting such a statement.
“Yes. I wanted you back here, where I could see you.” he brought his face closer. “Touch you.” Ryou swallowed. “For the first time in my life, I have felt the need to protect someone else, to keep them happy, healthy, and safe from harm.”
“Ryou, I'm afraid that I have grown attached to you in a way that is frowned upon by my people. You see, a Kaitsune is not supposed to love a human.” He brought his lips to Ryou's, smothering the boy's startled gasp.
Ryou released Bakura's tail and squirmed under the added weight, completely taken aback at the other's behavior. Had he heard right? Had Bakura said that he loved him? Ryou looked into Bakura's face, but could see no malice or trickery in his features. The Kaitsune actually seemed…content.
Closing his eyes, Ryou kissed back shyly, his lips meeting Bakura's softly. The older man groaned low in his throat, moving his tail out of the way and pressing down on the body below him, covering the boy completely.
Ryou felt Bakura's tongue running over his lips and seeking entrance into his mouth, which he offered happily, deepening the kiss. The Kaitsune mumbled his approval, mapping out the human's mouth with each stroke of his moist tongue.
The boy tasted sweet and sour, a taste Bakura knew he could never get enough of. Breaking away to catch his breath, his eyes met Ryou's which were glazed over in passion. Bakura grinned, enjoying the sight. He lowered his head and began nipping and sucking at the skin of Ryou's throat, causing the human to moan appreciatively and wind his arms around the Kaitsune's shoulders.
Bakura moved down, dragging his tongue along the smooth skin, leaving a wet trail in its wake. Ryou was purring beneath him, the sound making his crimson eyes cloud over with lust. He was obstructed by the low collar of the boy's shirt but with a flick of his claws they were torn open, allowing him a view of Ryou's chest.
Ryou squeaked as he felt Bakura's lips surround one of his nipples, causing his back to arch without his consent, seeking more contact. He could feel himself getting aroused, and a blush jumped to his cheeks as he noticed a large bulge in Bakura's pants pressing against his inner thigh. Apparently he wasn't the only one enjoying himself.
Deciding Bakura could use a bit of teasing, Ryou lifted his leg and rubbed against Bakura's arousal, drawing a choked growl from the other. Bakura raised his head and glared playfully.
“What's wrong?” Ryou asked innocently, trying to keep the amusement out of his voice.
“You know what's wrong, little one. If you continue to do such things I won't be able to control myself.”
“Mmm, that would be bad.” Ryou answered slyly, continuing to rub against Bakura. “What brought this on, anyway?” Ryou asked, pressing harder.
Bakura let out a few pants, surprised at how little it took for Ryou to bring him to his knees (so to speak). “Well,” he breathed, running a claw over the human's nipple and drawing a moan, “Ever since you accosted me this morning, I've been thinking about how close we've grown over the time we've known each other.”
“I see.” Ryou gasped out, doubling his efforts on Bakura's arousal. “So, I'm the cause of all this pent up passion, huh?”
Bakura chuckled. “Of course you are, little Ryou. You may not realize it, but you are extremely alluring.” To prove his point, he grabbed Ryou's leg with his tail, forcing it back to the bed to allow him room to grind his hips roughly against the other's.
Ryou threw his head back, crying out at the contact. Taking advantage of the situation, Bakura repeated his assault on the boy's neck and throat, his hips continuing to rock against Ryou's. The younger one's panting and moans were getting to him, Bakura's body screaming for more. Forcing himself to calm down, he sat up on his knees, watching Ryou through half-lidded eyes.
The human's eyes were closed in pleasure, his arms lying on the pillow next to his head. He looked tantalizing in this position, and Bakura's pants, which were already painfully tight, constricted him to the point of pain.
Taking a breath, Bakura bent down and whispered into Ryou's ear. “Would you like me to take you completely, little one? I can't deny that I wish to, but I want you willing. I also must warn you that it will hurt, though I will take every precaution in order for it to be as low as possible.”
Ryou's eyes cracked open and remained fixed on the ceiling. Bakura's words were racing through his pleasure fogged mind. Should he? Should he allow his body to be possessed by a Kaitune? He wouldn't lie to himself and say that the offer didn't sound appealing, and he also wouldn't lie by saying he didn't feel for Bakura. In the end, he decided that he might as well, seeing as how Bakura already owned him emotionally.
“I would like that.” he said, pulling Bakura's face away from his ear and kissing him passionately. The Kaitsune groaned, breaking the kiss and giving Ryou a look of delight.
Lifting his body up to give himself room, he cut open the rest of Ryou's shirt and slid it from the boy, tossing it over the side of the bed and hearing it land with a soft thump on the floor. Reaching down, he unzipped Ryou's pants, peeling them off and throwing them away as well, his mouth watering at the sight of Ryou under him. Bakura then made quick work of his own clothing, grinning at Ryou's intake of breath.
Ryou couldn't take his eyes off Bakura's muscular body. A wide, chiseled chest, rock-hard abs, a narrow waist, (Ryou blushed) an extremely impressive...erm…package, strong thighs and calves, and ending with Bakura's reptilian feet.
The boy ran his hands up the expanse of tanned skin, marveling at the feeling of Bakura's toned body beneath them. His blush increased as Bakura lowered himself, their chests meeting as Ryou's arms once again found their way around his shoulders.
“I'm glad you agree to this, little one. I'm not sure I would have been able to stop myself if you hadn't.” Bakura said, moving closer.
Ryou tilted his head, ready to capture Bakura's lips in another heated kiss, when the Kaitsune sat up suddenly, eyes roving over the room.
“What wrong?” Ryou asked, propping himself up on his elbows.
“I've forgotten something important.” Bakura replied, getting up and making his way over to the bathroom. Ryou could hear him sifting through drawers and smiled as he returned, carrying a bottle of lotion.
“I understand now.” Ryou laughed, lying back on the blankets and resting his head against a pillow. He watched Bakura climb onto the bed, spreading his legs obediently as the Kaitsune drew near.
Balancing on his knees, Bakura poured a generous amount of lotion into his palm and coated his manhood, moaning at the touch. Once finished, he threw the bottle down to land on the pile of clothes next to the bed and grabbed Ryou, rolling them over and ending up with him on the bottom and the boy sitting on his hips.
Ryou laid his palms against Bakura's chest to steady himself. He was confused with the new position, but after he felt the Kaitsune's tail wrap tightly around his waist, he realized what Bakura wanted him to do. He felt himself being lifted and held onto the scaled tail under his fingertips, preparing himself for what was to come.
The boy hissed as the head of Bakura's length pressed into him, pushing past the ring of muscle around his entrance. Ryou's grip tightened in his pain, his breath escaping through his clenched teeth. Even with the lube, the intrusion was almost unbearable. Maybe if Bakura had prepared him beforehand it wouldn't be so bad, but Ryou knew the Kaitsune was unable to do so with his sharp claws.
Bakura bit his lip, the sensation of Ryou's velvety heat around him almost sending him over the edge. God, he was so tight! Steadying himself, he continued to lower Ryou slowly onto his member, his body aching to just thrust up and take the boy roughly. Using all of his self control, he fought off the need to do so, groaning when he was sheathed fully into Ryou and waited impatiently for the other to adjust.
Willing his muscles to relax, Ryou remained still, his eyes shut firmly. Each movement tore a small cry from his chest, but after a few moments the pain began to recede, leaving pleasure and the sensation of being filled in its wake. He wiggled his hips to signal he was ready, and was immediately lifted by Bakura's tail, the other's arousal pulling out until only the head remained. He was lowered once again, his back arching as he was filled once again.
Bakura set a steady rhythm, hands gripping the sheets under him and sweat beginning to break out over his skin. Ryou had no idea how delicious he looked with his cheeks painted a dark pink and his hips swaying in time with Bakura's gentle thrusts.
One thrust in particular brought a scream from Ryou's lips, his small hips bucking against Bakura's. With a growl, Bakura thrust his hips as he brought Ryou down onto him, hearing an answering scream. Eyes narrowing and mouth opening in a lecherous smirk, he repeated his thrust, licking his lips as Ryou cried out again, throwing his head back.
`Looks like I've found something interesting.' Raising Ryou high above him, he brought the human down hard onto his shaft, aiming for the spot that had Ryou seeing stars. Another scream told him he had found it, and Bakura slammed into the boy relentlessly, eager to see him panting and moaning with need.
Ryou's body was on fire with passion, Bakura's manhood hitting his prostate with each upward thrust. The boy arched his back and pushed himself down as Bakura's hips came up, gasping loudly. He could feel himself getting close to the edge, the pressure building in his stomach as his body prepared itself for release.
Bakura wasn't fairing much better. His breathing had become erratic along with his movements, his body moving on its own accord, taking Ryou fully. He saw the human's own arousal weeping and realized they were both getting ready to come.
Raising his arms, he took hold of Ryou and rolled them over, unwinding his tail in the process. This left Ryou trapped beneath him, writhing and begging for more. Hands on either side of the younger one's head, he smashed his lips to Ryou's and swallowed the boy's sharp cries as he continued to pound into him, desperately seeking his release.
One of his hands closed around Ryou, pumping him in time with his thrusts and pushing Ryou over the edge. The boy's hips bucked convulsively and his body rubbed flush against Bakura's as he cried out and released his seed over both their stomachs and chests, his inner walls clamping almost painfully around Bakura.
The Kaitsune snarled, returning his hand to the side of Ryou's head for leverage, and gave a few more thrusts before he stiffened, filling Ryou to the core with his essence. Out of breath, Bakura caught himself before he could collapse on top of his lover. Pulling his limp penis from the dazed boy beneath him, he lay on Ryou's side, his chest heaving.
Still coming down from his sex induced high, Ryou curled up to Bakura's side, his soft breathes tickling the Kaitsune's chin. “Now I'm really tired.” he sighed, nuzzling the older man's throat and closing his eyes, already falling asleep.
“Same here, little one. I'm exhausted. You have a natural skill for pleasure.” He held Ryou close, kissing his forehead lovingly and relaxed into the blankets, listening to Ryou's soft snores.
Before he fell asleep, he promised himself that once they reached his home planet he and Ryou would be doing this quite often, indeed.
Opal has finally earned its M rating!! *giggles like an idiot* I'm so proud!
Hope everyone liked it, seeing as how it's only my second lemon I've ever actually written. o.o There will probably be at least one more to come, but that's not for another few chapters.
Still enjoying the story? Leave me a review and tell me so! :D