Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opal ❯ New Home ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thanks to all those who reviewed ch 10! I'm happy so many people liked the lemon.
For those of you who thought it came a bit too fast, sorreh. I'm trying to move this story along and get it done. I've managed to trap myself in a plot that could go on for eternity, and I want it to end as soon as possible so I can start some of my other stories. So, the lemon came in ch 10 instead of later on.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yu-gi-oh or any of its characters and I make no profit from this story.
Ch 11
Marik pressed his ear against the cold metal door, straining to hear into the room beyond for any signs of life. He frowned, disappointed, when all that reached his ear was light snoring and the occasional rustle of bed sheets.
`Damn,' he thought, `I was hoping to catch some of the action.' He, along with Yami, Malik, and Yugi, had figured something was going to happen between Bakura and Ryou. They all agreed it was only a matter of time.
“All well.” He said, typing in Bakura's lock code, something he had been forced to memorize ever since his fellow Kaitsune slept straight through an important meeting, leaving Marik to take the blame for his friend's absence. The blonde hated that everyone treated him as Bakura's keeper. The job was tough and had absolutely no benefits.
In fact, other than the chance to catch Bakura in an embarrassing situation with his human (which he knew the odds were high of such a thing happening), he had no idea why he had agreed to come to the barracks and collect the white haired Kaitsune.
“Why was I volunteered anyway?” he asked no one in particular as he hesitated outside the door, his clawed finger hanging idly over the final number key to the lock. “Yami could have easily done this, he's just too lazy.”
Pitching his voice into an unrealistically high tone, he imitated Yami. “I've already done enough today, I want to spend time with Yugi. You'll be able to handle something so simple, Marik.”
Returning to his natural voice, he snarled. “He acts like I just sit around all day with my thumb up my ass. I want to spend time with Malik, too, but no, instead I'm on the other side of the ship getting Bakura.” His shoulders slumped. “This is completely unfair.”
Tapping the final code key, the door opened with a faint gust of air, blowing Marik's bangs gently. Stepping over the threshold, he raised his head and choked. His initial surprise dissolved to amusement as he came closer to the suspended bed in the middle of the room, getting a clear view of what lay within it.
Bakura, oh mighty warrior of Kaitsunes, was cuddling his human as though he was a toy, a soft teddy bear of sorts. His arms held Ryou close to his side, his tail firmly placed around the other's thighs while his nose was buried in the younger one's hair, allowing him to take in Ryou's scent with each intake of breath.
Ryou, meanwhile, had his head nuzzled into the crook of Bakura's neck, his own breath moving the strands of white hair that pooled over his lover's tanned shoulders. The boy's arms grasped the body beneath him, one splayed over Bakura's chest and the other disappeared under the Kaitsune's back.
Though the sheets were rumpled around both of their waists, Marik could see their legs were entangled. He also didn't miss that they were bereft of clothing.
Suppressing his laughter, he walked over to stand beside Bakura and placed his hands on the bed, bending down to speak into his friend's ear. “It's time to wake up, lover boy.” he cooed, poking his tail into his fellow Kaitsune's unoccupied side.
Bakura grumbled incoherently, still very much asleep, and raised a hand, swatting at Marik's face. The blonde dodged the feeble blow, returning to his spot once Bakura's hand was lowered back to the bed.
Practically bouncing with glee, he lifted his tail, aimed, and brought it crashing down on his friend, `accidentally' smashing him in the crotch. Bakura yelped, jumping awake and rolling into a ball, holding his groin and cursing up a storm.
Ryou, who had been knocked away when his pillow sat up so unexpectedly, was wide-eyed and confused until he noticed Bakura's distress and Marik's howls of laughter and tears of mirth as he watched the other Kaitsune gasp through his gritted teeth.
Moving over the blankets and wincing at the pain this caused to race up his spine, Ryou put his hands on Bakura's shoulders, trying to comfort him while he glared daggers at Marik.
“Marik, you bastard!” Bakura shouted, his voice slightly higher than it should have been. “What the hell was that for?!”
“Why, it was just a friendly wake up call.” the blonde answered, shrugging indifferently. “You refused to get up when I used the kind method, so I figured you needed something a little more forceful.”
“You didn't have to crush my manhood, you psycho!”
“That was just an added bonus for me.” Marik smiled smugly. “Anyway, you need to get dressed and come down to the cafeteria to get something to eat. You've already slept through most of the day.”
Bakura scowled and opened his mouth to reply, but Marik cut him off.
“Be quiet. Ryou has a reason to sleep in since he had a hectic morning,” he paused, cracking a smile, “Not to mention a rough afternoon by the looks of him and the heavy smell of sex in here.” Ryou blushed hotly, still scowling, and Marik turned his attention back to the other Kaitsune. “You, on the other hand, have no excuse to be lazy.”
With one last snigger and wave, Marik left the room, intent on telling the others what he had seen.
Bakura, who was still in a great amount of pain, struggled to his knees, taking deep breaths to steady himself. He turned and lightly pushed Ryou back to the bed, careful not to hurt him.
“You stay here, Ryou. That idiot is right about you needing rest. I'll go to the cafeteria and get you something for a late lunch. Would you like to have what you ate yesterday?”
“Yes, that would be fine. Thank you, Bakura.” Ryou lay back, covering himself with a blanket and getting comfortable. He was incredibly grateful for the chance to relax today, especially since he doubted he'd be able to walk around without help. Maybe tomorrow he would feel well enough to move about on his own.
Standing slowly, Bakura steeled himself. He was still hurting, but refused to let a human see him in a weakened state, even if it was Ryou. Hobbling slightly, he went over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of navy blue pants and a white shirt. Deciding he needed a bit more time to recover before going among his kin, he headed into the bathroom to take a shower.
Ryou watched him go, eyes drooping tiredly. He bit his lip as he rolled onto his side, a sharp sting in his backside reminding him of his and Bakura's earlier actions. `At least we did it on a day that I don't have to be wandering around running errands and doing the council's bidding. That would be torture.'
He heard the shower water begin to hit the tiled walls in the bathroom and snuggled further into the bed, the last thing he pictured in his mind's eye before he fell asleep was a very naked Bakura under a cascade of hot, steaming water.
Ryou's wide smile refused to fade from his lips, staying until long after he had woken up.
Bakura exited the bathroom, dressed with a towel hung over his shoulders and his hair wet against his scalp. He paused, watching Ryou's slow, deep breathing. So, the boy had already fallen asleep.
Rolling his eyes good naturedly, he gave his hair one last rub down and threw the towel on the floor near the human's bed. He'd pick it up later. Now, though, he needed to get something to eat. Ryou may be able to wait for his meal, but Bakura sure wasn't.
Kicking away the sneakers that had been haphazardly strewn across the floor in front of the door earlier, he left the room, tail twitching idly with each step he took.
`I'll go get some food, eat quickly because I just know Marik will have told his mate and those physically-stunted morons about Ryou and I, then I'll get my human and we'll visit one of the viewing rooms to watch a bit of Mars television.'
He licked his fangs. `I wonder if Nibori's body has been found yet.'
Reaching the cafeteria, he was happy that he didn't receive any more looks from the few Kaitsunes currently in the room than he usually did, which meant Marik didn't go completely insane and tell the whole ship. This would have been a disaster, both for his social life (or lack thereof) and Ryou's health. The boy was sure to be killed if the council got wind of his and the human's relationship.
Bakura didn't believe anyone else on the Morhir, aside from his friends, was ready to accept a Kaitsune and human couple. He was worried his or Ryou's actions or motives would be questioned, something he was afraid to hear. Bakura was new to this whole concept of love and didn't want it ruined by allowing doubt and suspicion to leak into his psyche.
Keeping his eyes forward, he continued to the back of the room, sitting down at his regular seat. His friends immediately ended their hushed conversation and turned to him, each wearing their own look of amusement.
“I can tell by your faces that Marik has already told you about what he found when he came to collect me.” Bakura said, his voice deadpanned. He had already braced himself for the jeering and jokes.
His friends didn't disappoint.
“Look who it is, Yugi! Bakura, the great and fearsome Kaitsune with a heart of stone, the one who finally got some last night.” Malik said, waving his arms in a wide, grand arc, making the smaller Kaitsune snicker behind his hand.
“From a human, no less.” Marik cut in, keeping his voice to a minimum so as to not be overheard. “Glad to see you've found someone, Bakura. Now, are you going to admit to us, your friends, that you love him or would you like to wait a bit longer and make my victory all the more sweeter?”
“What victory are you talking about, Marik?” Bakura asked, his voice viciously low.
“Oh, it's nothing much. Yami and I just had a little bet going ever since Ryou stumbled into our lives and you began acting strangely. I waged six-hundred Luri that it would take you less than a month to make a move like this, and Yami, poor schmuck that he is, said it would take you three months.”
Bakura's eye twitched. So, they had gambled over his private life, eh? Bastards.
“I see. I guess my only consolation to all this is seeing Yami lose six-hundred Luri. Though, I also have to see you gain that money.” Bakura narrowed his eyes, moving them from a silently fuming Yami to Marik, who was smirking victoriously. “Don't look too proud of yourself, Marik. I suppose, since it's my doing that you got that money, it's only fair that you spend a portion of it buying me some new items when we reach home.”
Yami's lips twitched upward at the look of shock passing over Marik's face. `Bakura will clean him out of almost all his winnings. Perfect.' The tri-color haired Kaitsune perked up immensely after this thought, giving Bakura a quick thumbs up behind Marik's back.
The blonde leaned heavily on the table, grumbling. All well, it was still a victory. A bit of a Pyrrhic victory, but a victory none the less. His eyes traveled to Yami, who appeared to be getting over his own sour attitude. Shaking his head, Marik took a sip of his drink, a delicious concoction of juice from the Nyser plant and blood of a Puy beast. He felt a little better and as the time at the table passed, his mood heightened.
It was over an hour later that Bakura finished his meal and conversation, getting up and making a short trip to the counter to drop off his dishes and fetch Ryou a tray of food. He passed the table, waving to the other four.
“Meet you guys in viewing room two, alright? I'll bring Ryou.” They nodded, and cleaned up their own areas as Bakura went back to his room.
Ryou woke up when he felt something tugging on his arm. He turned his head and found Bakura mere inches away holding out a tray of meat.
He sat up slowly, rubbing his lower back gingerly. “God, I can't wait till we get to your home planet. Maybe I can find someone selling some fruits or vegetables. I'm tired of eating this military food.” He thanked Bakura as the Kaitsune laid the platter on the bed in front of him, taking a small portion of its contents and popping it into his mouth.
Bakura ran a clawed hand through the boy's hair, marveling at the soft texture under his fingers. He brought a piece to his nose, sniffing quietly. Ryou grunted, pushing the other man's face away. “Would you stop smelling my hair? I haven't even showered today.”
“Mm, I can help you with that.” the Kaitsune whispered, licking a trail up the human's neck.
Ryou squeaked and blushed. “Not while I'm eating!” he said, holding back a moan as Bakura continued to attack his face and throat with his lips and tongue.
Finishing at lightning speed, Ryou set the tray to the side, scooting closer to the Kaitsune and allowing himself to be scooped up and carried to the bathroom. He was set down on the toilet (not too different than the human's version, just without a back to create room for the user's tail) and told to wait as Bakura went out to grab an outfit from the dresser along with the boy's shoes from next to the door, coming back a few moments later to lay them on the counter. Ryou was stripped quickly and plunked into the narrow tub, followed soon after by Bakura.
“Alright, I'll help hold you up while you shower.” the older man said, reaching down to help Ryou stand.
“Can't I just take a bath?”
“It's either I hold you up while you clean yourself or I give you a bath. Which would you rather do?”
Cringing at the embarrassment of being bathed like a child and the thoughts of what Bakura might do to him in such a position, Ryou chose to let Bakura help him take a shower.
Once the boy had made it clear they were only to be washing, the operation went relatively smoothly. Ryou was clean in no time flat and made it out of the bathroom un-aroused and suffered only minor amounts of groping.
Dressed and ready to go, Bakura took Ryou into his arms and left, heading toward the viewing room he had told the other's to wait in. The human made sure to keep his head lowered as they passed other Kaitsune in the halls, and when they reached their destination, he breathed a sigh of relief.
Bakura placed him on one of the soft cushions of the couch where he made himself comfortable and waved in greeting to his friends who already had the television on. He felt Bakura sit next to him and poked the other in the side with his toe, receiving a half-smile from the Kaitsune.
“How are you feeling, Ryou?” Yugi asked, leaving his mate and the two blondes behind and sitting in the chair to the side of the white haired couple.
“I'm guessing Marik told you about Bakura and I.” Ryou shook his head and rubbed his temples.
Malik turned toward him. “Yeah, he told us about it at lunch. So, how did it go?” he waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“That's none of your business, Malik.” Bakura growled, glaring at the small blonde and his tan mate on the couch to their other side.
“Wow, are you really that bad, Bakura?” Yami asked, causing the others, aside from Bakura and Ryou, to snicker.
Ryou blushed furiously and tried to lose himself in the couch while Bakura's eyes narrowed dangerously.
“I know I'm a hell of a lot better than you, Yami. Frankly, I don't see why Yugi stays with you. There can't be much in it for him.”
Yami frowned, his own eyes narrowing. “What did you say?” Bakura leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “You heard me.” Ryou and Yugi glanced at each other fearfully, before breaking up the impending fight.
“Come on, guys, let's turn the television to Mar's news. I want to know about Nibori.” Yugi broke in, getting up and going to sit in Yami's lap, successfully distracting him.
Marik switched through the channels, stopping when a popular Mars news network came up. It didn't take long for a story dealing with Nirobi to be addressed.
The young anchorwoman's voice filled the room. “In top news today, the body of a Mr. Umo Nibori was found a few miles outside the city of Monto after a large scale man hunt. Mr. Nibori, who was reported missing just hours before he was to meet with delegates of The Government of Mars, was brutally murdered and left in the middle of an uninhabited area.”
“Way to go, Ryou!” Malik cheered, giving his friend the thumbs up.
“The body was also found to have its heart removed and the symbol of the Kaitsune Liberation Front carved into its abdomen. A letter left within the chest cavity also revealed the killer as a member of the well known radical group. Government officials have taken control of the investigation and hope to find clues which will lead to the one responsible for this crime.”
Marik changed the channel, grinning. “Good luck with that! Those idiots will never figure out it was you, Ryou. They think you're dead!”
Bakura looked smug as he pulled Ryou closer with his tail. “Yes, you did very well. I also thought it was a good idea to pin the murder on a radical group.”
The boy ran his fingers over the black scales, petting them affectionately. “They seemed to be likely suspects. I didn't want my government coming after the Kaitsunes for the murder.”
Yami hugged Yugi closer to his chest, peering over his mate's hair to see Ryou. “Glad you thought your first mission through so thoroughly. The council will be most pleased.”
“Speaking of the council, what did they say about that heart?” Malik asked, crawling over to the edge of the couch. Ryou perked up at the question. He knew it was Nibori's heart, but would the council admit he had completed his mission?
“We were told earlier by one of their subordinates that the tests were positive for Nibori's DNA. Its definite proof that the man is dead and Ryou did as he was told.” Marik replied, sitting up and pulling Malik back by the scruff of his neck.
“So, that means I get to go with you to your home planet?” Ryou asked, excitement coursing through him.
“Yep.” Marik let the struggling Malik go, leaning back.
“Oh, Ryou, that's great!” Yugi gasped, jumping up and running to hug his friend around the neck. He didn't seem to care if he was seen being kind to a human and at the moment, none of them did.
Ryou's arms were wound tight around Bakura's neck, his heart pounding. He was only a few minutes away from his first look at the Kaitsune's new home planet, Mor.
Apparently, they had decided not to rename this new area after their old home. It just felt as though they were letting the human's win. No, the Kaitsunes believed they would one day reclaim their original planet, Kait. For now, Mor would do.
Yami had been telling the human everything about their home over the past few hours, Ryou making sure to soak up the information like a sponge. Mor was located in the Thoiz galaxy, quite a distance away from their sun. He was warned the climate was different than that of Earth or Mars, slightly damp and cool, overgrown with plants and other forms of life.
The seasons on Mor were hardly recognizable, and in fact the planet only had two. The wet season of the year and the dry season, the second of which barely changing the Mor's looks or atmosphere.
Being a ways away from the sun, the Kaitsune's home had a longer year, which was known as a Juyio. From a human perspective, it could be documented at lasting five-hundred and forty-six days, but in Kaitsune terms a year consisted of eighteen Uyio, or months.
The Morhir would be arriving at one of the Mor's most impressive cities, Nivirret, whose port was one of the main trading areas of the planet. Ryou had been ecstatic to hear this, since he would have the best chance of finding some decent food at the Port of Nivirret.
After the port, it was a quick hovercraft ride to Bakura's home. The council had already contacted the Kaitsune government officials about Ryou's stay, and the human was given permission to live under the white haired Kaitsune's watchful eye.
Ryou held his breath as Bakura walked out into the dim light of Mor, the group of Kaitsunes around them scattering in all directions to greet friends and family who had come to them off the ship. Ryou tried not to make eye contact with the crowd around him, most of whom were giving him hateful, shocked expressions. Maybe the government hadn't put much effort into telling the citizens a human would be visiting them.
While Bakura chatted quietly with Yami and Marik, Ryou paid attention to Malik and Yugi as they dropped their bags containing their personal items from the ship next to their mates and raced over to a tall blonde Kaitsune and the rather severe looking brunette beside him. When his friends pointed him out to the two, he turned his head sheepishly and instead took in the sights the Mor had to offer.
It was very beautiful, albeit cold and dark. In the distance he could see huge hills and valleys covered in foliage, and a large moon loomed up out of the slight fog that settled over the land, shining its soft light over the city below.
The Kaitsune city looked much like those of the humans except smaller, with less crowds of people walking through the streets. There were what he thought to be training areas scattered through the high rise metallic buildings nearby, and further beyond the port were shorter, egg-shaped buildings. He'd have to ask Bakura what everything was later on, when he had the Kaitsune's full attention.
His mouth watered as he caught sight of the delectable looking foods being sold by the vendors on the outskirts of the port. Fruits, vegetables, meats, and sweets of all variety were up for sale and Ryou's stomach growled. Hopefully Bakura would take him shopping later to stock up on food.
He turned back to Bakura when he felt the Kaitsune's arms shift slightly beneath him. Once he had Ryou's eyes on him, Bakura spoke. “Ryou, Marik is going to give us a ride back to my house now. His sister, Isis, is here to pick him up.” He nodded past the port and toward the street beyond, where a large hovercraft waited, a tall and beautiful tanned Kaitsune woman with black hair and dark brown scales standing beside it. She must be Marik's sister.
Marik called Malik back over to him, waving a greeting to the blonde and brunette his mate had been speaking with. “Sorry we can't talk right now, Jou, Seto. We have to take the human back to Bakura's home and get him settled. We'll visit you tomorrow, so be ready.” The two men nodded and left the port, heading back to the city.
Joined again by Malik and Yugi, the group of six took their things and pushed their way to Isis, Bakura making sure to keep his human close to his chest. Upon reaching the hovercraft, they clamored in and got themselves situated, buckling their seatbelts in the process.
Ryou sat next to the window during the ride, his wide eyes taking in everything as it sped by. He could hear Bakura chuckling next to him, but paid no attention. He had every right to be awed, seeing as how he'd never been on the planet.
Yami and Yugi were the first to leave, gathering their luggage and getting out in front of one of the egg-shaped buildings he had seen earlier. It was about two stories tall, darkly painted with plants growing around the edges and a stoned path leading toward the door. It was hard to see, but Ryou suspected that was to help incase of an attack. You wouldn't want the enemy to spot you easily.
`Those buildings must be their homes.' He thought, saying his good-byes along with everyone else. The hovercraft started up again, on their way to Bakura's house, and he kept his eyes on his tri-color haired friends until they were inside their house.
It didn't take long before Isis stopped the vehicle again, Bakura telling Ryou to hop out and come inside. Opening the door, Ryou practically rolled out and landed on his feet, his back aching from the movement. Bakura came around the back of the craft, already carrying their bags over his shoulder, and picked the boy up, easing the strain on his body.
Hearing Isis, Marik and Malik call out for them to have a nice night, Ryou waved and watched them go, speeding down the street and back into traffic.
Breathing in the cool air deeply, the human turned his eyes to Bakura's home. It was the same size as Yami and Yugi's, with the same dark paint, though with less decoration. It looked too dreary to Ryou, and he knew that after a few days he would have it appearing satisfactory.
The two of them entered into the main hall and Ryou could see a living room off to one side, nicely furnished with a couch and two end tables, both of which held a lamp, two comfortable looking chairs to the sides of the couch, a coffee table and an entertainment center holding a television and other assorted technology.
Further down the hall he saw the kitchen (which was also nicely decorated) and a bedroom, followed by stairs that led up to the second floor. Ryou smiled to himself. Bakura didn't care about outward appearances, but he enjoyed living in comfort. His house may be the least appeasing on the outside, but it looked like the home of a rich man on the inside.
“So, Ryou.” Bakura said, placing Ryou on his feet and gesturing toward the inside of his house. “What do you think?”
Ryou smiled up at him, snaking his arms around the Kaitsune's waist and nuzzling into his chest.
“I love it.”
Wow, I'm glad to be done with this chapter. It's not really one of my favorites. O.o
Notes: Hrm. Well, as you read the Kaitsunes have a different calendar than the humans. They also have a different money system. I'll try to explain the money system next chapter, when Ryou and Bakura go shopping (with Marik's winnings).
I finally introduced Jou and Seto! Yay! They'll be making a bit of an appearance in the next few chapters, but seeing as how I still have my Seto training wheels on, it won't be anything big. I have to take slow, baby steps when writing Seto. Must…keep…him…in…character….!
Enjoyed this craptastic chapter? Review and tell me! I'll try harder so the next chapter doesn't suck, I promise.