Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opal ❯ War ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

x.x Wow, this chapter is late. It was a bitch to write, too.
I'm really sorry for the wait you guys had to endure, plus it's not as long as the last chapter. *sighs*
Thanks to all those who reviewed last chapter and waited patiently for this one. ^^
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yu-gi-oh or its related characters and I make no profit from this story.
Ch 12
Life with Bakura was exceptionally laid back. When he wasn't attending meetings or reporting to his superior officers, the Kaitsune was inherently lazy. Ryou wanted to scold him for such behavior, but the lull of relaxation had seized him as well. The boy enjoyed napping in either the living room while tuning in to the television or under the crisp warm covers of Bakura's large hanging bed, much like the one he had used on the Morhir. When he was rested, Ryou would make his way up to the top floor of his Kaitsune lover's home, spending hours playing games in the activity room, taking a hot shower or bath in the spacious bathroom, or continuing his strength and endurance training in the exercise room.

In fact, in the days following the Morhir's docking in the Port of Nivirret, the young researcher had thought back to the long hours of study and experiments he had endured while on the Opal, of taking orders and running meaningless errands almost hourly, and found himself wondering how he had ever lived under such conditions. He believed this new way of life suited his calm demeanor greater than the one before Bakura stumbled into the scene, and Ryou soon landed into a routine.

In the mornings (which were always bitingly cold and misty), Ryou would force himself out of bed, making sure to prod Bakura awake in the process, usually only receiving a grunt of protest followed by a light snore in answer. Then, dressed in his rumpled night clothes, he would go down the hall and into the kitchen to cook breakfast, usually consisting of some sort of meat, a bread product known as Sugie that resembled pancakes except thinner and contained an assortment of seeds, Cestul eggs, a gritty plant meal known as Littoru, and a glass of juice from the Toshe fruit.

The smell permeating from the kitchen once Ryou had finished was what always brought Bakura out of the bedroom, dressed in only a pair of pants and scratching his head tiredly. The Kaitsune would wander into the room and plop down at the steel table, his elbows coming to rest on its top.
Once Ryou laid his plate down in front of him, Bakura would eat quietly, his eyes half-lidded from sleep.

Eventually, they
'd both be awake enough to get properly dressed and leave the house. Since the white haired Kaitsune lacked a hovercraft, the two walked wherever they needed to go, whether it be the market or a friend's house. Ryou didn't mind, and was now beginning to get used to the dirty looks directed his way from the other inhabitants of the city. He knew as long as the government found him useful and he was by Bakura's side, he should be alright. However, no matter how unlikely it was, the human hoped one day at least a fraction of the Kaitsune population would accept him as an ally.

Ryou was also enjoying asking Bakura every question he could think of about Mor, one of the first being how the planet could contain so much foliage when it was located so far from the sun's warming rays. The Kaitsune had been patient with him, explaining that every plant species growing on Mor thrived in cool, dark, and moist areas. The human had bitten his lip, embarrassed, wondering why he hadn't thought of that answer himself. He had, a
fter all, aided his father in quite a few research studies back on The Opal having to deal with such things.

Once he had exhausted himself with the topic of Mor, Ryou tried to discover more about the two newest additions to his circle of friends, a tall blonde named Jou and his brunette mate, Seto. Both men had their quirks, but Seto encompassed enough of them for a whole town, in the human's modest opinion.

When Ryou had seen the older man before, he had suspected he was stern and extremely serious. Now that they were better acqua
inted, the boy knew he was dead-on in his observation. Seto detested laziness, sloppiness, stupidity, and above all else, insubordination. To him, an order was an order and it was to be followed, no matter how inane or menial it may be. This was the reason Ryou had no clue as to why the brunette was mated to someone like Jou. The blonde could be immature, hot-headed, and downright dense, yet their relationship continued to flourish.

The human had even gone to desperate lengths to understand the situation, seeking out the help of Yami, who had known the two the longest. The tri color haired Kaitsune just shrugged at his questioning, saying he didn't quite know how they stayed together, either. Patting Ryou's shoulder, he told the boy to forget his puzzlement and simply accept Seto and Jou's bond as one of the great mysteries of the universe.
Though the planet and his new friends were interesting topics, above all else, the human wanted to learn the economic ways of the Kaitsunes. Who did they share an open trade with? (`Will I be able to buy some real food while I'm here?') What is the value of their money system? (`Does Bakura have enough to buy the real food once I find it?') All very important questions, and Ryou was determined to discover the ins and outs of Mor and Kaitsune society.
The currency of Mor was easy enough to figure out. There were four different types of coins, each created from rocks or metals native to the planet. They were all different in size, color, and value, resembling some of the old human forms of coined money, a system which, Ryou said, had died out with Earth. (In this age, his people used bits of precious stone from Mar's surface to pay for materials. The amount and style of items you received varied depending on the rarity of the rock or mineral.)
According to Bakura, the largest Kaitsune coin is known as the Ratu. It's about the size of a human silver dollar, except it's a shadowy teal, roughened around the edges and worth nearly as much as a ten dollar bill, also one of the old human forms of money. Ratu held an image of a Kaitsune warrior on their surface and what Ryou guessed to be the Mor's pledge or anthem.
Next in line is the Tanji, a yellowish gold piece the size of a fifty-cent coin. These were smoothed out completely and carved with several intricate designs, none of which were discernable as anything of importance. There were two Tanji to every one Ratu and to the human they were by far the most beautiful of the lot, so he didn't quite know why they were worth less.
The Luri came after the Tanji in value and size. Luri were the size of a quarter, shaded grey with clearly defined edges and an image of a large city on its front and back. Ryou supposed this was the capitol of Mor, but he couldn't be sure since he'd never been outside of Bakura's home town. Each Tanji equaled four Luri.
Lastly, there were the Mansu. Pure white, they resembled a penny with a face and flipside covered in bumps and ridges, completely bereft of design except for the current Kaitsune leader's name etched into the thin sides. Six Mansu were equivalent to one Luri.
Bakura made a decent amount of money being a soldier. His housing was mostly paid for by the government, along with his utilities, which left his pay check to be spent on entertainment, clothing, and food. The Kaitsune refused to reveal just how much he possessed, saying one's finances weren't something you discussed, but did say he had enough to keep himself and Ryou happy and healthy for quite a long time. Especially once he got his hands on Marik's gambling earnings from the Morhir.
Yes, he and Ryou had had a great time shopping for food, clothing, new furniture, and anything else they could think of, and all of it was paid for using Marik's newly acquired six-hundred Luri. A trip to the market brought them fruits, vegetables, meats, breads, and sweets from all over the universe, a few of them Ryou hadn't eaten before. He and Bakura had brought the bags full of groceries home, where the human put them away, and then they were off again, this time to pick out new furniture for the home. Now that there were two people living there, it needed to be done.
They ended up ordering the couples hanging bed that they currently slept in (something that caused a few raised eyebrows from the store owners and moving men), a beautiful white leather sofa and matching recliner set for the living room, the oversized tub for the bathroom, and an upgraded television for the entertainment system. An array of cooking utensils found themselves in Ryou's possession as well.
Afterwards, it was time to find Ryou a wardrobe. The boy couldn't be expected to use Yugi's clothes for the rest of his time on the planet, after all. The hunt went very well, the two of them coming across a store with imported fabrics and designs where they special ordered twenty custom made shirts and pants, along with seven different pairs of shoes. Ryou was extremely happy to have his own outfits and thanked Bakura properly once they returned to their home.
Ryou sighed, content, as his thoughts of his first week of his life on Mor ended. So much had gone by in such a short time. His lips quirked into a smile as he watched his Kaitsune lover wrestle with the television in the living room, the task of hooking it up having fallen on his shoulders, and thought of all he had gained. He had friends, a house, free time, and Bakura. To him, that was all he needed.
“Bakura? Why don't you leave that for now and come with me to Marik's house? You could use a break.”
The Kaitsune growled and sat up, wiping his forehead and glaring daggers at the television in front of him. He glanced at Ryou who was sitting to his right in one of the white leather chairs they had bought, his chin in his hands and his eyes shining with humor. Bakura shook out his hair and stood, pulling his human up with him. “Alright, I'll go with you. I guess I'll get finish this when we get home.”
“Why did you wait so long to get it done, anyway?”
“I had other things to do.” Bakura grumbled, heading toward the door.
They left the house, turning left at the road and started walking. Bakura was subdued during the trip, Ryou noticed. Of course, he was always this way when they were out in public together. The boy knew it was just from a fear of appearing to care for a human more than a self-respecting Kaitsune should. Bakura was the cold-hearted master escorting his captive, not a man accompanying his lover. That's what he wanted everyone to believe, anyway.
An array of buildings, streets, and pedestrians passed them by, all the while Ryou taking in as much as possible while Bakura stayed silent. Upon reaching Marik's, they both were surprised to see an extra hovercraft in the yard, its navy paint appearing black in the low light. Ryou recognized it as Seto and Jou's and he gave Bakura a questioning look as he continued to the door, waiting briefly after he knocked for someone inside to answer and allow him in.
It was Malik who came to the door, smiling widely when he saw who it was. “Hey guys! We weren't expecting you over.” Ryou greeted Malik warmly and stepped past him into the entry hall, Bakura following close behind, offering the smaller Kaitsune a head tilt as he passed.
Ryou removed his shoes and laid them next to the door so he didn't track any dirt into the house. He straightened and studied the hall, remembering when he had first come here to visit. It had been during his second day on the planet, a few hours after he had woken up and had a chance to collect himself and get ready. He had been both nervous and excited, for this was the time when he would be introduced to the blonde and brunette couple from the port, both of whom were in Bakura's circle of friends.
Marik's house had been chosen because it was considered neutral ground for Ryou, Seto, and Jou and it was here that he witnessed the odd relationship between the two first hand. Not only did they fight almost constantly from when he set foot in the door to the time he left, but they also seemed like they couldn't be happier.
`Like Yami said, “One of the great mysteries of the universe.”' Ryou thought as he peered around. The house appeared just as it had that day, only messier. The basic setup was the same as Bakura's home, with a kitchen, living room, and bedroom on the bottom floor, along with stairs leading to the upper story where the entertainment room and work out room were located. There were a few key differences, one being the extra bathroom on the bottom floor, and another the guest bedroom upstairs.
Ryou was shaken from his reverie as his lover's mocking tone echoed down the hall.
“I see that Seto and his inept mate are here.” Bakura stated, not caring who heard. From Marik's living room came an answering snort and an indignant shout of, “Shut the hell up, Bakura!” Ryou shook his head and stifled his laughter. That voice could only belong to the `inept mate' in question.
Malik chuckled alongside Ryou. “Don't worry about it, Jou!” he called, “No one else thinks of you that way.” Another snort sounded, and this time Seto's voice spoke up. “I do.”
A resounding smack filled the air, like that of flesh meeting leather, and a moment later Jou appeared, face set in an angry scowl. His eyes narrowed at Bakura, who didn't seem phased, as he stalked by and headed across the hall and into the bathroom, his angry grumbles heard over the loud slam of the door.
“What's going on down there?” Marik asked, his scaled feet becoming visible on the staircase as he came down. “Bakura, are you starting fights in my house? I've already heard enough of Seto and Jou's bitching today, I don't need you causing more.” The blonde motioned them toward the living room, giving Bakura a warning look before following.
Ryou waved to Seto, who was relaxing on the sandy colored sofa in his white leather jacket (the slapping noise must have been Jou hitting him in the arm), and sat down beside him, Bakura scooting him over to make room for himself. Malik got comfortable in one of the brown chairs next to the couch, Marik doing the same after switching the television on.
“So, what are you two doing here, anyway?” Marik asked, leaning back. “First Seto and Jou show up unexpectedly, then you stumble in. Are your houses really that boring that you have to come to mine?”
“Marik, don't be rude.” Malik hissed. He apologized to the others, eyes daring Marik to say anything more. “Don't listen to him, we love having our friends over. Once Jou is finished fuming, we'll decide what everyone wants to do. We have plenty of movies to watch and games to play, if you're feeling up to it.”
“A movie sounds good to me.” Ryou said, climbing into Bakura's lap to get a better view of the television and feeling the Kaitsune's tail brush against his thigh. “I know Jou loves movies so he'll agree, so it's up to you guys what you want to do.” The others discussed, and in the end all decided to go with Ryou. Seto would have been up to a game, but without Yami or Yugi here, there wouldn't be much competition for him. Aside from the two tri-color haired Kaitsunes, he was the greatest of gamers.
Malik got up to grab a movie from the shelf next to the entertainment center while Seto called for Jou to come back. The pair argued back and forth, but Jou soon returned, the prospect of watching a movie drawing him from the bathroom, not to mention he was getting tired of being alone. Jou's `cool down' sessions never did take long.
The blonde sat in the armchair to the right of the couch, the one closest to Seto, while Malik popped the cartridge into the movie player (Much like the `DVDs' of old Earth, only more compact and cube shaped.) then hopped into his mate's lap, innocently asking what was wrong at the grunt of pain from Marik.
“It's nothing, Malik.” He said, bringing the other closer to his chest. He could have mentioned `gaining weight' to the point of `crushing his manhood,' but he doubted that would go over well. It was never a good idea to speak about Malik's weight, especially about how it was going up on the scales.
The room darkened to pitch black automatically as the movie played, the sound blasting through the speakers lining the walls. The show, which turned out to be of the action genre (something Kaitsune's loved more than anything), had only been on for about half an hour when a loud banging on the front door startled everyone in the living room out of their film induced trance.
Malik jumped out of his seat and raced to see who it was, only to have the door burst open the moment he turned the handle. Yami and Yugi ran inside, almost mowing the tanned blonde down in their haste. They were both out of breath and panic stricken, and the others immediately grew serious once they entered the hallway and saw their friends in such a state. Yugi may have been easily startled, but it took quite a bit to get Yami frightened.
“What's going on?” Seto asked, his tone becoming commanding. “Weren't you both downtown today?”
“Yes, we were.” Yami said, moving past them and into the living room, clicking off the movie and instead turning to one of the Kaitsune channels. “You all need to see this. We just got word of it a little while ago, and the government should be speaking about it soon.”
Everyone piled into the living room and watched the screen as the face of a severe looking Kaitsune was displayed, his outfit showing him to be of high rank in the military. Jou grabbed the remote and raised the volume, a hush falling over all in the room as the man began to speak.
“To all Kaitsunes on Mor, I have a message to share with you. We have just received word from The Government of Mars that war has been declared between our people and the humans.”
Ryou gasped. `No!' This couldn't be happening. The Kaitsune's numbers were already low from the other human attacks in years passed, there was no way they could afford to fight another war! What if their whole race perished? The boy gaped, eyes landing on Bakura who had a sober look on his face, and his heart clenched painfully. Would Bakura and all his friends be forced into battle?
The man on the television continued. “The death of a human by the name of Umo Nibori, the man who discovered the location of a Kaitsune training base and was ordered to be terminated, has been taken as an offensive act against the planet of Mars. The human government has already started gathering troops and will be arriving in our sector as soon as they are able. All soldiers of decent health are expected to participate in this war. We must protect our home and our people, and to do so we must defeat our enemy. Now, report to your military stations where further orders will be given by your commanding officers. That is all.”
Silence filled the room as the announcement died away, leaving the screen black. Then, Seto grabbed Jou's arm and lead him out into the hall and to the front door, his jaw set. “Come.” He yelled over his shoulder. “We have orders.” He and Jou jumped into their hovercraft and the engine roared to a start. Yami and Yugi followed suit, scrambling into the back seat behind the blonde and brunette as it lifted off the ground and pulled away from the yard, Seto's hands at the wheel.
Marik got behind the wheel of his own craft, Malik right by his side. The older blonde pressed the ignition key and vehicle rumbled to life. Bakura opened the door to the back and was just sitting down when Ryou grabbed his arm. He raised his head, red eyes meeting chocolate brown.
“Take me with you!” The boy shouted, tugging the Kaitsune's arm. “I'm not going to stay here and anguish over whether you're all going to live or die!” Ryou hated that he was weaker than the others and he hated that his race was at war with the Kaitsunes, but most of all, he hated that he was going to be left behind.
Bakura was deathly still after the human's request, his gaze slowly traveling to meet Marik's. The blonde nodded once and faced forward, taking hold of the wheel. Bakura closed his eyes, his muscles tense. He didn't want to. He didn't want to put Ryou in danger but -
“Alright Ryou, you may come with us.”
Heart pounding, Ryou went around to the other side of the hovercraft, yanking the door open and clambering in. “Thank you.” He breathed, chest tightening. “I promise I won't get in the way.”
“I'm sure you won't.” Marik spoke up as the craft rose into the air. He put it in gear and they were off toward the center of the city, others around them doing the same. `Everyone is heading to receive their orders.' Ryou thought, sending another fearful glance at Bakura. The Kaitsune offered him a weak smile that didn't reach his eyes. “I may be letting you come with us, Ryou, but I don't anticipate our commanding officer giving you any instructions. We're fighting humans, after all.”
“I know.” His voice wavered. “I'd rather be there and know for sure there is nothing I can do, then be left behind and wonder if I could have done something to help you.”
“I understand.” Bakura sighed. “Prepare yourself for a rough ride, then.
Gah, crappyness. So, humans want war now. Anyone see that one coming? Wow, we humans are assholes, aren't we?
Anyway, I'm on spring break, so I have a whole week free from school. I'm going to try and get Opal finished over this next week, seeing as how I only have two chapters to go. (Yes, that's right. Two chapters.) This is a good thing because I'm seriously losing interest in this fic. I'm really, really tired of writing it. X.x
Reviews are always appreciated, and if you want to take a stab at what's going to happen next, go ahead. xD