Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opal ❯ The Choice ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thanks so much to everyone who has reviewed this story. I truly appreciate your feedback.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yu-gi-oh or any of its characters and I make no profit from this story.
Ch 13
Ryou gnawed at his nails anxiously. Here he was in a vehicle full of Kaitsunes (whom he cared for deeply), on his way to a military meeting which would address the threat of the Human-Kaitsune war, a conflict he himself had created through his murder of Nibori. As far as remorse went, the human was sure his classified as one of the worst cases in history.
Marik and his mate were silent the entire ride toward the building housing their superior officer, and even Bakura kept his mouth shut. The white haired Kaitsune hardly glanced at Ryou and on the rare occasions he did, he would tear his eyes away once the human turned to him. The boy lowered his gaze, his heart aching. He couldn't help but feel it was his fault for what his lover and his friends were going through. He may have been following orders, and Nibori's death may have saved hundreds of Kaitsunes at the training base, but this war brought on by his actions would cost thousands of others (innocents in the matter) their lives.
The hovercraft jolted slightly under his feet, and Ryou looked out the window, seeing that the crafts around them were also coming to a slow halt. `We must have reached our destination.' he thought as he swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. Ryou squeezed his eyes shut for a moment and grit his teeth, forcing his anguish back into the pit of his stomach. He took a few steadying breaths and scooted closer to Bakura, running his fingers comfortingly down the Kaitsune's arm to gain his attention. His lover smiled weakly down at him, returning the gesture.
“Don't worry yourself sick over us, Ryou.” The older man whispered, wrapping an arm around the human's shoulders and pulling him to his chest, resting his chin atop the boy's head. “We're powerful Kaitsune soldiers. We're too prideful and brave to allow ourselves to be killed in such a battle.” Ryou's hands gripped Bakura's shirt tightly and he buried his face in the material. His lover's other arm and strong tail encircled him protectively, and though he knew his world would soon be thrown into chaos, he felt safe.
Dirt and gravel flew up around them as the craft lowered to the ground, the engine dying once Marik clicked off the ignition. He shifted in his seat, motioning for all of them to get out. Malik followed his mate, clicking open his door and climbing outside, but Ryou and Bakura stayed a second longer, sharing a deep and searing kiss. The two blondes waited, watching mutely as their fellow Kaitsune ran his fingers through the human's mop of soft white hair before pulling away and exiting the craft, Ryou on his heels.
The boy tilted his head, studying the structure in front of him. It was tall, but not the same as one of the high rise business buildings in the area, with a smooth metallic outer wall and steps leading up to its wooden entrance doors. Like everywhere else on Mor, foliage grew near and around it, adding beauty to what otherwise would have been a dreary modern picture. He jumped faintly at the touch of a hand at his lower back, tearing himself away from the vision in front of him and turning around, finding it was only Bakura.
The Kaitsune pushed at him gently, Ryou giving in to his lover's insistence and allowing Bakura to lead him through the mob of soldiers and civilians who stood in the silhouette of the building. The group met up with Yami, Yugi, Seto, and Jou on the trek up the building's steps, each giving a short salute in greeting. The soldiers, along with Ryou, filed into the main entryway, coming to a halt when a muscular Kaitsune in uniform stood up on the welcome desk, hands raised, ordering everyone to hush.
“Warriors! Protectors of our race and our home! This is the time you will prove yourself worthy of the name Kaitsune!” The man's voice rang out, echoing off the walls, only to be drowned out in the accompanying din of screams and yells of the soldiers. The hall was full of energy and noise, the intensity of it making Ryou's throat vibrate and his heart flutter with excitement.
The man continued, barely audible over his subordinates. “You will all go back into the meeting rooms and speak with your commanders who will provide your orders and fighting strategies. Go now, fight with honor and leave your mercy behind!” The Kaitsunes below him threw their fists into the air, lashed their tails and stomped their massive feet. Men and woman alike were preparing to look death in the face, and none of them seemed as concerned as Ryou.
Bakura's tail rubbed against his human's thigh, causing Ryou to look to the Kaitsune, his eyes large and frightened. The older man furtively ran a clawed hand along the boy's cheek, mouthing the words “Be good.” Then he left, trailing his fellow fighters and leaving Ryou feeling alone, although he was among hundreds of others.
His eyes blurred with unwanted tears as the boy watched them go, and he wiped the crystalline trails away angrily. Crying wouldn't bring Bakura or his friends back safe, so he wouldn't waste the energy. Ryou's back straightened and his resolve hardened, the rough shoving of the Kaitsunes around him lost to his senses. He didn't care about that right now, he had something of much greater importance to do. He was going to collect all the information he could on this war and use it any way he could to stay by Bakura's side.
The room had emptied considerably since the military leader's speech, and Ryou studied the faces of those few around him, trying to locate someone who might know something about the situation. Spotting the blonde woman from the Morhir, Mai, he made his way over to her, waiting patiently for her conversation with a black haired Kaitsune to end. Noticing someone near her, Mai looked in Ryou's direction, surprised to see him. Her companion also turned and the boy was caught by his own surprise. It was Isis!
“Isis! I didn't know you would be here!” He remembered now that she hadn't been at Marik's house earlier when they received the news of the war. `She must stay somewhere else in town.' He thought. Mentally shaking himself, he gave Mai his full attention.
“Mai, I want to ask you about this battle. Can you tell me all you know?”
The woman blinked, startled with the question. “Why are you so interested, little human? Do you wish to go back and fight with your own people?” Her face hardened. “Do you wish to leave us in this dangerous hour?” He waved his arms in the negative, shaking his head. “No! I want to help, actually.”
“Help?” Isis cut in. “What do you mean? You want to stay with the Kaitsunes and aid us in our cause?” Ryou drew in a deep breath, his back going rigid. “Yes. I want to learn about what's going on and what is planned to happen, so I may be with Bakura and the others. I don't want them to die and I don't want to stay here when I know I could have done more for them.”
The two ladies gave each other sideway glances, each wondering the same thing. `Why?'
“Well,” Mai answered, “We don't know that much. We've been told to remain here and help guard home, not participate in any field work. You should ask some of the warriors in military uniforms, they're the ones who are being taken away along with Bakura and the others.”
“I see. Thank you.” Ryou bowed his head smoothly, moving away from the woman, past the welcome desk and down the hall. There were several Kaitsunes leaning against the white walls, but most of them ignored him or growled menacingly when he came close. Apparently they still thought of him as just another human. He soon became frustrated, until he stumbled upon a group of men who were willing to talk. His hope grew ten fold and he went with them to a secluded corner.
One of the Kaitsunes, a tall brunette whose hair came to a point above his forehead, spoke first. “Since you have saved our relatives and friends from death at the hands of the human government, we are willing to tell you what you want to know.” At Ryou's baffled expression, another stepped up, his waist length black hair pulled up into a ponytail and his military garb scraping quietly. “You are the one who killed Umo Nibori, the man that was going to give away the position of a Kaitsune training base. It is because of you our families are still whole.”
“Oh! Yes, I see. I'm glad I was able to save you grief. It's nice to see that some good has come from Nibori's death, instead of just this war.” Ryou said, backing into the wall and using it for support. That damn guilt was rising again.
The black haired Kaitsune offered a small grin, moving to stand beside the boy. “So, what is it you're curious about, little human?” he asked, the others becoming quiet in the wake of Ryou's answer.
“Can you tell me the location of the battle and how many troops are expected to be there? What are your chances of winning? Are they decent or minimal?”
The brunette spoke. “From what I have been told, we are being sent to the sector of our original home, Kait. The humans are mocking us by defiling the planet with their weapons and blood yet again. They are treating it as they did many years ago, during the first Human-Kaitsune wars.” He grit his teeth, eyes narrowing as he stared at a spot on the floor. His comrades came closer, whispering to him. The man regained his composure, eyes returning to Ryou's face. “The human troops should reach nearly three-hundred million, a number our people will struggle to counter. Though, the Kaitsune race is a strong one, and we have been faced with greater power differences in the past and still survived. I have hope for our victory.”
Ryou bit his lip. The odds didn't sound like they were in the Kaitsunes' favor, but the brunette's optimism was comforting. He thanked them again, bowing low to show respect, then went back to the entrance, stopping as a meeting room door flew open and both men and women in armor filed out, their mere appearance causing fear to grip Ryou's heart. Perhaps the Kaitsunes did have a chance, if they used their intimidation to their advantage.
His breath caught when a flash of white hair came into view, only to disappear in the flurry of movement around it. Ryou focused on the spot, searching desperately for what could only be Bakura's mane of unruly hair. `Come on, Bakura!' he cried mentally, jumping out of the way as the group of soldiers marched by. `There!' It was him, located near the middle and situated in front of Jounouchi.
“Bakura!” he ran over, pushing his way past the other Kaitsunes, not caring when they grunted and snarled at him. His lover held out an arm to stop Ryou, who had been ready to charge up to him without a care. “Little one,” he hissed, keeping his voice low, “What are you doing? You can't come with us. This is our battle, not yours. You stay here with Isis and Mai, the rest of us will protect the planet.”
“Listen to him, Ryou.” Jou said, flicking his tail in agitation and glancing around the hall quickly for anyone who may have been watching. “Go back to Bakura's house. We'll be alright.”
“I can't just leave you here!” the human whispered back, jogging beside his lover and friend to keep up. “I want to come with you and help! I'm a thief, aren't I? I've been training all this time!” Bakura frowned at this and grasped Ryou's arm tightly, tugging him into the rank line. The boy rushed, afraid of being trampled, the clawed fingers around him tightening.
“I want you here where it's safe, Ryou.” Bakura growled, discreetly bringing the boy closer. “Don't make me order you to stay.” He released his little lover, shoving him back against the wall and out of the way. “Now, go home.”
Ryou's bangs fell into his face as he remained where he had connected with the wall, the curtain of white hiding the hurt reflected in his eyes and the tears gathering in the corners of his eyelids. He listened to the sounds of the Kaitsunes' feet stamping against the floor until they were merely an echo in the distance, body refusing to budge. It wasn't until all noise ceased that his mind screamed for his legs to do as they were told and take him to Bakura. His mental orders broke through the haze of anguish which had settled over him, bringing Ryou back to reality and the job at hand.
“I'm not giving up just because Bakura told me to. He doesn't understand that I have to do this in order to forgive myself.”
Springing forward, the human sprinted after the group, shoes skidding across the tiled floor at each turn, his pace only slowing to tear open a door or dodge Kaitsunes positioned throughout his path. He made his way to the exit and out into the dim light, the grass under him wet with dew from the night before. He caught sight of a fleet of oversized hovercrafts, all boarding the different battalions of the Kaitsune army.
`Bakura must be on one of those.' Ryou saw a young commander near the front of the procession, orchestrating who went where and sending the crafts off. Panting and sweating, the boy jogged over to him, planting himself in the man's way.
“What are you doing here?” the commander asked, staring down at the human. His arms were frozen in the air, caught in the middle of a command. “Aren't you Bakura's human?” he raised an eyebrow critically.
“Yes, I am. I'm trying to find him. Can you tell me which vehicle he's in?”
The commander glanced around him, waving a few more hovercrafts onward, then went back to Ryou. “He's probably already gone on to the main ship. What's so important that you've chased him all the way out here? A human such as yourself doesn't belong among the Kaitsune military, go back to Bakura's home and stay out of the way.”
Ryou's cheeks puffed out unconsciously, his irritation rising. ``A human such as myself,' eh?' he bit his tongue, holding back his angry retort and gave himself a moment to calm down.
Shifting his footing, he kept his tone polite. “I want to see Bakura off and wish the Kaitsune soldiers good luck in the upcoming battle. I was also looking forward to speaking with Commander Loki about joining the war effort.”
The Kaitsune gave a deep laugh, his fangs glinting. “Ah, wondering if you'll be allowed to carry our equipment and run errands, are you? Alright then, squeeze into this craft coming up, tell the driver I'm giving permission for you to ride with them.” He directed one of the large hovercrafts to stop nearby.
Huffing silently, Ryou thanked the man and climbed aboard, finding hardly any room among the twenty Kaitsunes shoved inside. Smiling nervously as all eyes turned to him and lips lifted in twenty collective snarls, Ryou sandwiched himself between two of the fighters, their spiked armor poking into his arms and sides. The driver gave him a questioning look, and the boy explained he had been told to come with them. The other passengers seemed surprised about this, but seeing as how it was a direct order from a superior, they let Ryou be.
Though he knew they were restricted from harming him, the human could have sworn they pushed in on him purposely, stealing his breath and causing him to struggle for space. At least the hellish circumstances of his ride kept him from thinking about Bakura and his friends.
Minutes later, the hovercraft landed near the port. Ryou was stepped on and driven out the door, almost falling flat on his face in the street in the process. Regaining his composure, he walked with the others through the Port of Nivirret toward a humongous black military ship, the Kaitsune warrior Ryou recognized from the Ratu coin painted on its side.
Gaping, he halted near its entry ramp, making sure to move out of the way of the oncoming troops. Clicking his mouth shut, he looked over the sea of heads for that of Commander Loki, hands clapping in excitement once he found him.
“Ah ha! There he is!” The man was off at the other end of the port, speaking to a vendor of some sort.
Loki ended his conversation with the older Kaitsune, waving him off to help stock supplies for the ship. He turned at a small cough, claws flexing instinctively when he noticed the human, Ryou, beside him. “What are you doing so far from home? You are not supposed to be here.” He narrowed his eyes. “The government shows you far too much leniency.”
“I'm here to make a request, Commander.” Ryou replied, bowing deeply and straightening. “Sir, will you allow me to come with your troops and aid you in the war against the humans?”
Loki appeared surprised for a split second, before his face returned to its usual stony façade. “How dare you make such a request, human. Our government is not keeping you alive in order to let you do as you please. How can we trust you not to return to your people and provide them with all the information you have acquired while living on our home planet? It would be a monumental risk to bring you along.” He snorted, walking past Ryou. “Get out of my sight. I refuse to listen to anymore of this nonsense.”
The human whipped around, muscles tensing as he yelled at Loki's back. “If I show even the slightest hint of betraying you, kill me!” The commander paused to look over his shoulder. Ryou was fuming, eyes wild and breath coming through clenched teeth. “I won't fight you, either! Just give me the chance to help Bakura! I want to prove myself an ally of the Kaitsunes! Do you understand? I renounce my ties with humanity right here and now!”
Commander Loki, along with many Kaitsunes in hearing range, stared at the human. Loki recovered first, ordering the others to move along. His attention back on Ryou, he spoke, his voice low and cool. “Renounce your ties? Why do such a thing, little human?”
The boy's hands balled into fists. “I do this because I care for my friends. It doesn't matter to me that they're Kaitsunes and we are supposed to be enemies, I care deeply for Malik, Marik, Yami, Yugi, Seto, Jounouchi, and…Bakura. Kaitsunes or not, I consider them family, something I thought I would never have again. I want to fight with them to protect Mor, this planet that has become my home, and because I detest what the humans have put your race through in the past and what they're putting you through here in the present.” His tone softened. “I renounce my people, because it makes me sick to think of myself as a part of such a species.”
Loki frowned, absorbing Ryou's words. Finally, he relented. “Fine. If you feel so strongly about this, wander blindly to your own death. I can tell you with confidence that the humans will not show you mercy once they find you've turned against them.”
“I do not fear their punishment.”
The Kaitsune chuckled dryly. “That attitude doesn't suit someone as weak as you. Now go. If anyone asks what you are doing on the ship, tell them I gave you my permission to come aboard.”
“Yes, sir.” Ryou passed him, waiting a polite amount of time before breaking into a run, maneuvering himself through the crowd and up the ramp into the ship, hurriedly asking around if anyone knew where Bakura had gone once he reached the main corridor of the military ship (He still didn't know its name, and didn't want to waste any time finding out). Kaitsunes left and right growled at him, most demanding to know why he was among them. Ryou would quickly explain that Commander Loki had ordered him onboard, then continue his search for his lover and friends.
A rather beautiful Kaitsune woman with shoulder length brown hair and cerulean eyes heard his questions and edged over to him, drawing his attention. “You want to find Bakura?” she asked, crossing her arms loosely. The boy nodded, glad someone was willing to answer him. The girl grinned at him and said, “I recognize you as his little human. If you want to speak with him, he went to the barracks. I think I heard him say something about room 417.”
“Alright, thank you!” Ryou dashed by, panting for breath and just barely catching the girl yelling behind him, “Just keep heading that way, then make a left at the second hallway. Good luck!”
Her directions were correct, leading him to what could only be the barracks. He took a few minutes to bend over and fill his lungs with air, then started reading off the numbers painted on each door. “1, 2, 3, 4…”
He stumbled through the maze of hallways and corridors, finally entering the 400 hall. “401,402, 403….417!” He placed his ear to the metal door, straining to hear if there was any activity within the room. Bakura's mumbling reached him and he almost cried out with glee.
Knocking loudly, he stepped back, waiting with bated breath as Bakura's footsteps sounded close to the door. Sliding open, the steal moved out of his way, revealing his lover behind it, the older man's face going from aggravated to startled.
“Ryou!” he gasped, completely out of character. “What the hell do you think you're doing! What will the commander say when he sees you here?!”
“Probably nothing, since he's the one who let me on in the first place.”
Bakura blanched. “What? Why would he let you on?”
Swallowing, Ryou went around the Kaitsune and into the room, which seemed a bit larger than the bedroom back on the Morhir. He heard the door shut and sensed Bakura behind him, mere inches from his back. Twisting to face him, Ryou nuzzled against his lover's chest, entwining his fingers in the material.
“I told him I intend to fight alongside you and your people in the war with the humans.”
Bakura grabbed his chin, compelling him to raise his head. “I can't let you do that, little one. I don't want to see you hurt.”
The boy took hold of his hand, interlacing their fingers and offering a smile. “Whatever happens to me isn't important. I worry for you and the others, not myself. Commander Loki has already given me permission to board this ship and become one of his subordinates and I plan on doing just that. I won't leave your side, Bakura. Not now, not ever.”
The Kaitsune remained still, his silence causing Ryou's heart to thump wildly. He was ready to break into tears from agitation, when Bakura suddenly unlocked their hands. Ryou started to protest, but cut himself off when he felt the older man's hands trailing down his back and shifting to his waist, bringing his body flush to Bakura's while the Kaitsune's tail coiled around his thighs. “You're…going to risk everything to stay here? You want to be with me and the others more than your own people?”
“Yes.” His voice was stern and unwavering as they locked gazes. “With you, I'm happier than I ever remember feeling. If it takes murdering those of my own race to protect this joy, then so be it.”
Bakura smirked kindly, leaning closer. Their lips connected in a passionate kiss, one which stole Ryou's breath and left him hungry for more once it ended. Content, he laid his head on the other man's shoulder, standing on his toes to plant a gentle kiss on Bakura's neck.
The Kaitsune in turn kissed his forehead, his lips moving against the boy's skin as he spoke. “You'll be with me always, right, little Ryou?”
Ryou's arms enclosed Bakura's neck, fingers combing through the messy white locks. “Forever.”
`Tis the end! That last scene reads a bit shakily to me, but that might just be because I wrote it (and it's 2:42 AM).
So, little Ryou is going to fight in the war as well. How do you think he'll do? Really? Alrighty then.
Oh, and for people wondering why the number of human troops is so high, remember guys, it's the WHOLE human race they're fighting. 300 million sounded like a solid number, seeing as how there are currently like 6.5 billion people on earth. (If you think 300 million is a small number, please be aware that I'm counting out young kids, older adults, the men and women who don't wish to fight, etc.)
A short epilogue will be coming soon, so look for it.
Tell me what you think about the end in a review. I appreciate it. ^^