Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opal ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ah, the epilogue. Some of you may be sad, but this day had to come. *comforts*
Thanks to those who enjoyed the last chapter and reviewed. I wuffles you so much.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yu-gi-oh or any of its characters and I make no profit from this story.
The second Human-Kaitsune war was one of the worst in either species' history. Both races of people fought for their beliefs and the safety of their loved ones and homes, and both suffered enormous casualties. In regards to facts and figures, the first war paled in comparison to the current battle which was raging on the planet Kait, but they also varied in one other aspect: The Kaitsunes now had one lone human ally aiding them in their cause. It was this human that was making all the difference.
Ryou thought it strange that though he was in constant danger of discovery by the humans and the threat of death loomed over his head at all times, he never once wished he had made a different choice. His resolve had never wavered, and now as the war pushed on into its eight month, it remained as strong as it had always been.
His missions were going exceptionally well, the humans still none the wiser. No one noticed nor recognized the foreign white-haired teen among them, and all overlooked his sudden absence once a distinguished leader was left dead in his bedroom or an important military facility burnt to ashes. His immense success and prowess had been well noted by his superiors and the respect this earned was more than he could have ever hoped for.
His friends, too, had been flourishing so far. To Ryou's relief, all were in good health and possession of their limbs. Malik and Yugi, who were ordered to break the human's secret codes used to send information throughout the troops, had risen swiftly in rank after solving one of the most puzzling codes any had ever seen. Their effort and hard work continued to astonish the Kaitsune government each and every day, something which brought them great pride.
Marik, Yami, Seto, and Jounouchi were all field fighters, like Bakura. They were the ones with the most perilous jobs, their missions sending them deep into human territory. Ryou's heart would stick in his throat whenever they were sent away, and it would remain there until all five of them returned safely. During all their assignments, only Yami had had a run in with death, narrowly escaping its icy grip with the help of Bakura. Yugi and Ryou, sick with nerves, had rushed them when they returned to the military ship (named Veufrien, the boy had come to find) and taken them back to the barracks for some well earned `down-time.'
In fact, the human and his Kaitsune lover had been spending every additional moment of spare time they had with one another. With the Kaitsune government's acceptance of him and his accomplishments, he and Bakura had been given the chance to truly join together as a mated couple.
Ryou remembered the mating ceremony vividly. He had been anxious and giddy the entire day leading up to the ritual, then once it arrived had to be carried from the barracks as his legs locked. He was taken to a deserted meeting room on the other side of the ship, and it was there he met an ancient looking Kaitsune with a kind face and hunched shoulders dressed in long flowing emerald robes, her hair billowing out behind her. She had nodded to him and Bakura upon their entrance and came to greet them.
After a short bow, the woman had gently led the two to the center of the room, where a makeshift altar had been set up. It was covered in candles and draped with a pure white piece of cloth that felt softer than silk as he dropped to his knees upon it. Bakura copied the human's movements, his tail coaxing Ryou to his side.
“Are you ready?” the woman had asked, her voice soft and soothing, a quality Ryou instantly liked. He was shocked that she seemed so content to perform such an ancient and honored ceremony for a human and a Kaitsune. He knew they made a strange couple in the eyes of the rest of the population, a point made obvious in the way he and Bakura were ogled constantly.
“Yes, we are.” The white haired Kaitsune had answered, bending his head and placing his hands palms down on the altar. Ryou hesitated a moment, unsure of what he was to do, but a glance from Bakura told him to follow his example. The two situated themselves, eager to move ahead.
The woman raised her arms, her sleeves sliding back to bunch at her elbows. She began a low chant, her eyelids sliding closed as her words swept over the two lovers and to the corners of the room. Bakura's tail tightened its hold, caressing Ryou's thighs and stomach. He smiled, bending to lay a kiss on one of the dark scales. He heard his lover exhale peacefully and he stole a glance at the other as he returned to his earlier position, catching the serene look passing over the man's face.
The chanting faded smoothly, the woman lowering her hands to their chins and lifting them tenderly. “Sit up, for it is time for the recitation.”
Slightly dazed, Ryou watched as she turned to him, instructing him to repeat what she said. He did so, not understanding what it was he was saying. The words were from some ancient tongue, possibly first conceived by the early civilizations of the Kaitsunes. He could have been signing away his rights as an individual (in a sense) for all he knew, but at the moment he didn't care. If this was what it took to be considered Bakura's mate, he would endure it.
Next it was Bakura's turn. His terms sounded different to Ryou - more demanding. There certainly seemed to be more to recite on the Kaitsune's part than his. These curious thoughts ended when the woman released their chins and his lover faced him, bringing him close.
“Bakura, what-”
“Shh. It's not over yet.” the Kaitsune replied, giving the boy's cheek a chaste kiss. He then closed his eyes, and waited. Ryou's eyebrows knitted in confusion. Was he supposed to do something?
He jumped, startled, when a flash of metal caught his eye, the woman having pulled a dagger from her robes. She offered the weapon to him, holding it out politely in front of her. He had just stared, mind racing. At his reluctance, she explained the next portion of the ceremony.
“You are to draw blood on your potential mate's chest over the region where his heart lies. You must then drink from his life essence and offer your own to him in return.”
Ryou imagined his jaw hitting the floor. He was expected to do what?! `Well…I did cut out a man's heart before. Can't get any worse than that, right?'
Biting his lip, he took the blade into his hand and positioned it over Bakura's heart. Wincing, he pushed into the warm flesh, drawing a line of blood. Feeling just a bit ill, he bent his head lower, lapping up the liquid. Drawing back, he made a face at the taste. Bakura chuckled at the reaction, his crimson gaze now on Ryou.
The older man grasped the knife, his free hand coming to rest on the boy's cheek. The Kaitsune slid the dagger across Ryou's porcelain skin, tongue running along the wound and bringing a hiss from his little lover's lips. Bakura then pulled away, licking the excess blood from his chin and offering Ryou a satisfied smirk as he gave the weapon back to the woman.
Tucking the item into her robes, she instructed them to seal the promise they had made. The white haired Kaitsune captured his lover in his arms, lips claiming the other's and groaning at the coppery flavor of blood as their tongue's clashed. Out of breath, he released Ryou, nuzzling into the boy's neck affectionately.
“It is done. You have united together as a mated pair.” She waved them off, blowing out the candles and gathering the materials, the delighted cries and whispered words of the two males drifting to her from the halls.
Ryou covered his mouth to stifle his laugh, filing those memories away for future nostalgia. He looked down at the sheets of their new couple's bed (graciously given to them by Seto and Jounouchi during one of their short trips to Mor to refuel and restock) to find Bakura sleeping peacefully beside him.
He brought the sheets further up their bodies and nestled against the Kaitsune's side, head resting on Bakura's tanned chest. He ran his fingers over the expanse of muscle, blushing delicately. The other groaned sleepily and Ryou stopped, hand coming to rest against his pale throat.
Sleep taking hold, his mind gave one final thought before falling into the oblivion.
`My mate.'
Ah, adorableness. Gotta love the lovey-dovey moments.
Anyway, this is technically the final chapter of Opal (since it's the epilogue), but I've had a thought you all might be interested in.
Seems as I was writing this, I realized I may have been a bit stingy on the lemons. All you Yami/Yugi, Marik/Malik, and Seto/Jou lovers got nothing in here. *shame* So, I have a proposal. If I receive enough requests for these lemons (along with an additional Bakura/Ryou lemon), I'll add on four extra chapters, each dedicated to one steamy interlude between these couples.
Any reviews for the vita? *lip quiver*