Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opal ❯ Marik/Malik Interlude ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mm, here's what (I'm sure) some of you have been waiting for, the Marik/Malik lemon!
Malik yawned and stretched, back and shoulders popping pleasantly. It had been a terribly hard day on the Morhir, what with all the extra workload that had been dumped on him along with his several attempts to get Ryou and Bakura together. The human seemed prepared for a more intimate relationship, but the boy's desired lover was a stubborn one.
“That Kaitsune is far too thick headed.” the blonde sighed, arms swinging at his sides as he walked through the ship's corridors. He wanted to get back to his and Marik's room for some well deserved rest and relaxation.
Reaching his quarters, Malik typed in the key code and stepped through the door as it opened to allow him in. Nose wrinkling at the mess spread out before him, he maneuvered his way around the piles of clothing, games, and plain old junk that had piled up do to his taxing schedule.
Figuring he'd better tidy up their living space if they hoped to walk around without falling and breaking their necks, the blonde gathered the clothes first and set them into groups to carry down to the wash room. Next came the games, which Malik stacked cleanly against the far wall, and finally the trash littering the room ended up in the garbage near the door. `I'll have Marik take it to the waste facilities once he gets back from training.'
Finished, Malik wiped his forehead and made a note to himself to do a few loads of laundry later. He straightened, back aching worse than before, and went over to the dresser to find a shirt and pair of shorts to wear to bed. The blonde changed hurriedly, smoothing down the material as he climbed onto the large bed and cocooned himself in the sheets.
He had only been asleep for an hour or so, when he was woken by the sound of the door to the room opening and Marik coming in, the older blonde casting a glance around and blinking at the clean floor. It was then Marik noticed the other, and he smiled at the smaller Kaitsune, walking over to lie next to him.
“Hey there, Vuyh. Did you do this?” he asked, motioning toward the numerous stacks of items near the front of the room. Malik rolled onto his belly, giving his lover an irritated look. He folded his arms on his pillow, resting his chin upon them. “Yes, I did. I wouldn't have had to if someone hadn't been so lazy these past few days.”
Marik scratched his head, offering an apologetic grin. “I know I've let certain things go unchecked for quite a long time now. I'm sorry, Malik.” He bent down, planting a sloppy (not to mention sweaty) kiss on the other blonde's forehead. “Can you forgive your neglectful mate?”
“You mean like every other time you've done something like this?” He asked, wiping his forehead exasperatedly. Why did his mate have to act loving when he was so hot and sweaty from working out? Yes, the image of Marik's strong, glistening body near him sent a sort of shiver down his spine, but the mood quickly ended when he was covered in said sweat.
His stern scowl slowly melted away at the pathetic quiver forming in Marik's lower lip. “Ugh, fine, I forgive you. Just, please, leave me alone right now. I'm tired, sore, and I need a break from all the stresses of my duties. You have no idea how much I'm being forced to do for Commander Loki and his lackeys.”
“Mmm, if you let me I can help ease your tension.” Marik purred, lowering himself onto his lover until he lay completely atop Malik, the younger boy's back flush against his tanned chest. He chuckled at the short intake of breath from the other Kaitsune and moved to nip gently at the delicate curve of Malik's ear, delighted as this brought a similar reaction.
Malik wiggled under his mate, smirking at the groan that sounded in his ear, and slid his arms under his belly, trying to get comfortable. Marik's tail coiled around his, squeezing suggestively, and the younger picked himself up and turned onto his back, arms circling the other's shoulders and neck while his legs enclosed Marik's waist. `I guess I can deal with a little sweat.' He reasoned, playing with a strand of his lover's hair.
“Oh? You think you can make me feel better?” he asked, tongue darting out to lap at his mate's throat. Marik growled as his hips rocked against Malik's rhythmically, grabbing the other's hair and yanking him away from his neck to attack his cheeks and lips with hungry kisses. The younger blonde arched his back, a moan escaping him only to be swallowed by his lover.
They soon pulled apart, out of breath and panting for air. Marik nuzzled into his mate's neck, nipping gently at the flesh and chuckling as Malik gasped into his hair. He tightened his grip on the smaller blonde's tail, moving his knee to rub against the growing bulge in the other's pants.
“Still tired?” Marik asked, hands moving to remove Malik's shirt. The material was thrown aside, landing with a soft thud on the floor, and he skimmed his tongue along the expanse of newly revealed tanned flesh, nipping randomly and bringing mewls of pleasure from the Kaitsune beneath him. He felt Malik's fingers slip fully into his hair, holding him in place while his hips bucked to meet Marik's.
“Not really. I think I can handle a little more time before I get some rest.” The smaller blonde answered, his tender caresses of his mate's scalp becoming sharp tugs as a particularly well placed scrape of Marik's teeth sent him reeling. The constant stroking of the other's knee against his erection was driving him insane with lust as well, and he knew he wouldn't last much longer with all of Marik's teasing.
“Would you stop leading me along and just hurry up?” he ground out, body shivering with each pass of his lover's mouth and tongue on his chest, neck, and belly.
“Pushy, aren't we?” the older man snickered, slithering up Malik's body to bring him into another heated kiss, making sure to brush against the other's nipples as he passed. They fought for dominance, Marik winning easily, and through his half-lidded eyes he saw the ebony lashes of his lover flutter closed, and a blush forming on his mate's cheeks, the pink hue almost unnoticeable over the dark complexion.
Halting his knee, he broke away from his mate and propped himself up, elbows coming to rest on either side of the other's head. He watched Malik slowly open his eyes, the younger boy's breathing heavy from their activities and the idea of what was to come. The legs around his waist tensed, their lower bodies pressing together roughly.
Marik unraveled their tails, amused when the smaller blonde's found its way around his thigh and lower leg instead. The older male sat back on his knees, his toes used for support, and hauled his silken shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor near Malik's own. His pants soon followed (the fight to strip them from his legs being a tough one with the other's tail as an obstacle), leaving him bare above his lover (for most Kaitsune's didn't require nor agree with wearing undergarments).
Malik's clawed hands reached to feel the tanned flesh spread out for him, nails gliding sensuously across sensitive nipples and toward Marik's lower abdomen. He squeaked when his mate reciprocated the touch, adding a few painless pinches here and there.
When the hands began tugging at his pants, the smaller Kaitsune draped his arms around the other's shoulders and raised his hips, allowing Marik more room. His zipper was quickly undone and the material peeled from his toned legs, left forgotten on the edge of the bed as the man lowered himself to Malik's level, drawing him into yet another round of kisses and caresses, the pleasure only intensifying with the additional stimulation of their bodies coming together without the hindrance of clothing.
Marik's callused fingers fisted around the younger boy's manhood, bringing a cry from the blonde. He bucked desperately as his mate pumped him brazenly, his breath escaping in short pants. Malik clutched the covers beneath him until his knuckles turned white, teeth biting his lower lip to keep his moans at bay, the muscles in his tail constricting and loosening in time with the pace of his mate's hand.
The older man released him when Malik's movements became erratic, not wanting him to climax just yet. The blonde lay gasping on the sheets, hardly noticing as Marik crawled away from him and over to the edge of the bed, dragging the smaller of the two a few feet with him, seeing as how Malik's tail was still wrapped snugly around the older blonde's thigh.
Opening the drawer of the side table near the bed, Marik rummaged around loudly, removing a bottle of lubrication a moment later. He glanced at the bottle, an eager grin almost splitting his face in two, and returned to his earlier position atop his mate. The younger boy smiled lazily up at him, his hands sliding up the bed toward the pillow and grasping what cloth he could find. His legs widened, giving his lover more room, and he settled back into the soft blankets, waiting patiently.
Marik flicked open the bottle cap and poured a generous amount of the clear liquid into his palm. Laying the tube to the side, he shifted between Malik's thighs, motioning for the other to lift his lower body. The boy complied, and Marik slid one clawed finger cautiously past the ring of muscle protecting his mate's entrance, careful not to knick the sensitive skin around the area.
Biting his lower lip, Malik willed his inner walls to loosen around the invading digit, his head tilting back onto the pillow and his grip on the blankets tightening. His lover withdrew his finger and added a second, both entering as gently as possible. The blonde arched his back, a slight pain racing up his spine as Marik began a slow rhythm. A few minutes of heated cries later, the older man slid a third finger within his mate, flinching at the pained whimper the action brought. He shook his head, continuing with the preparation, well aware that without it Malik would be in far more pain when the main act arrived.
When the walls around his probing digits slackened to a bearable level and the younger Kaistune seemed more or less comfortable, Marik withdrew completely and leaned back on his toes once again, tugging and prodding at the tail still firmly attached to him to indicate he needed Malik to move it.
The appendage was relocated lower on his calf and with it out of the way he moved to grab the lubrication, pouring more into his palm and tossing the bottle to the floor. Spreading the fluid over his engorged length, Marik hissed quietly at the contact, glad they had finally reached this part of their love making. He felt as though he was going to explode from sexual frustration if he wasn't offered some form of relief soon.
Finished, he positioned himself at Malik's entrance, hands supporting his weight at his mate's sides. In one fluid motion, he thrust forward, past the barrier between him and the other's delicious warmth. They both groaned deeply, their progress halting as Marik gave his lover time to adjust to his size. At Malik's shaky nod, he pulled out slowly until only the head of his erection remained, then thrust back in, eyes closing in bliss.
Malik wasn't much better off. After the initial ache, it was merely the pleasure residing within him, its presence bringing him to an almost euphoric state of mind and leading both his inner voice and body to scream for more. His cheeks burned as blood rushed to his face (not to mention several other areas), and he aided Marik in his thrusts, back arching to bring his mate deeper and allow him to find the bundle of nerves hidden within his depths.
It didn't take long before their movements and breathing became irregular, both knowing they were close. The older blonde dropped to his elbows, his face inches away from the other Kaitsune's and watched Malik through glazed eyes, the endless moans falling from those kiss swollen lips taking him further to the edge. As the boy's eyelids snapped open and he yelled his release, head falling back to reveal the silky flesh of his throat, Marik knew he had had enough. His hips jerked and a shudder traveled down his back as the channel around him clamped down harshly and he froze, spilling his seed deep within his mate.
Spent, Marik collapsed, landing with a wet smack on Malik's chest below. He could hear his lover's shallow gulps for air in his ear, his own breath fluttering the other blonde's hair near his face. Minutes passed them by, their sexual highs subsiding enough to allow Marik to lift himself off his mate and roll over to lie beside him.
“Okay,” Malik yawned, resting his head on the other's strong chest, “Now I'm really tired.”
Marik gave an exhausted chuckle. “I am, too. Why don't we catch up a bit on our sleep, take a shower, and go visit the others later?”
“Sounds good to me, but just so you know, you haven't gotten out of taking the trash down to waste management for me.” The younger Kaitsune mumbled, already falling asleep.
He heard Marik sigh, giving in, and the last thing that registered in his mind before sleep overtook him was the sensation of Marik's arms hugging him close and offering a sense of security and affection as he drifted into the abyss.
END of Marik/Malik lemon
This took the longest any lemon has ever taken to write in the history of human kind. @.@ I don't even know WHY it took me a week to get it done. Guess I was just being lazy. I hope the others don't take me the same amount of time, but by the looks of it they just might.
All well, atleast you guys got a 5 page lemon scene out of the wait. xD
For those of you who can't read my mind and therefore have no idea why I had Marik address Malik as `Vuyh,' here's the explanation: Vuyh is the old Kaitsune word for `lover.' Bam, I'm awesome.
Up next, Bakura/Ryou. Then, it's Yami/Yugi and finally (the hardest) Seto/Jou.
Look forward to em!
*Oh, and I'm working on ch 3 of Fate of the Damned, too. I haven't given up on that story. Just kinda forgot I hadn't updated it in two weeks. O.o