Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opal ❯ Bakura/Ryou Interlude ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The Bakura/Ryou Lemon Interlude is FINALLY HERE! -rejoices- Yes, that's right, I got off my lazy ass (and out of my One Shot loop) long enough to type this little monkey up. So, here it is now for your viewing pleasure.
WARNING: This fic contains a lemon (sex scene) between two men. If this offends you (or if you're too young/immature to read something like this) please turn away now and find something more suitable for you on the site. Thanks.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yu-gi-oh or any of its characters and I make no profit from this story.
Bakura groaned as the load of bags and assorted items in his arms grew heavier with each new purchase. Ryou was going overboard on his spending, making sure not to miss a single necessity (or otherwise) and the Kaitsune could practically feel his savings being torn from him. `All well, at least he'll have his own wardrobe so he can stop stealing my shirts and cutting up my pants.'
Speaking of the human, Bakura realized the boy had slipped from his sight. Whipping his head around, he scanned the market place of the Port of Nivirret for signs of his little lover, the anxiety that had formed in his chest a moment ago dissipating when he spotted the boy a few yards away at yet another booth. Examining the prices marked on a board near the vender, he clicked his tongue irritably. This was going to cost him even more of his paycheck.
Hiking the bags higher in his grip, he steered through the crowd and came to a stop at Ryou's side, sending a glare in the merchant's direction. He hated these Kaitsunes, mostly because of their abhorrent behavior toward customers unwilling to pay inflated prices for their wares, and the fact that they enjoyed using their bargaining skills to swindle consumers out of as much money as possible. They merely saw Ryou as an easy target, and he would not put up with their attitudes.
“Finish up, Ryou. I want to get home as soon as possible.” He let his gaze travel to the pale human, who was currently stretching the seams of a shirt, and flicked his tail impatiently. The boy turned his attention to the taller man, shirt held limply in front of him. His face fell into a disappointed frown, but he relented, refolding the article of clothing and setting it gently in its place. Ryou then nodded politely to the vender and turned in the direction of Bakura's home, missing the angry snarl the seller directed at his back.
The white haired Kaitsune beat the front of the wooden booth with his tail, knocking a few items from its surface and catching the other Kaitsune's surprised eye. Raising his lip and flashing his fangs, he hissed a threat at the man, then trailed after his human. He was getting extremely tired of the stares, whispers, frowns, and gestures directed at him and Ryou whenever they left the house, and though he knew his treatment of the boy was the main reason for these actions (his people felt he shouldn't be spending him time or money on a lowly human), he didn't intend to stop anytime soon. Mor's government had appointed him Ryou's guardian, and damn it, he was going to do the job the way he saw fit.
The Kaitsune slowed his steps once he came alongside Ryou, tail discreetly moving to drape around the boy's thighs. The two maneuvered through the crowd in silence, the boy with a large smile on his face and Bakura looking just plain bored. Most of their time was taken at the port, but upon breaking away from the bustling salesman and customers, they had a moderately peaceful trip across town and to their home.
Halting at the front door, Ryou helped liberate Bakura from his load and place the bags on the doorstep, then waited for his lover to fish the keys from his pants pocket and open the door. With a few mumbled curses and growls, their path was unhindered and Ryou took back his items and carried them inside, setting them gently on the floor of the living room near the couch. He threw the white-haired Kaitsune a glare as the other man discarded the rest of the shopping bags haphazardly next to his and tramped into the kitchen to get something to eat.
`Damn Kaitsune appetite.' He muttered to himself as he began unpacking his new wardrobe. `Damn Kaitsune attitude, more like.' He added as an afterthought, furling his brows as the contents of a few of the bags spilled out onto the carpet. Ryou huffed, refolding the shirts and pants and piling them with the others, and when he had finished he gathered them all together and carried them, pile by pile, upstairs and put them away in their corresponding drawers. He then crushed the bags and threw them into the kitchen garbage can, turning his head to watch Bakura as he passed.
Stopping at the kitchen door, he rested his hand against the frame and leaned into it, eyes panning over the Kaitsune's muscular back. Smirking, he pushed away from the door and made his way to the man's side, sitting comfortably in the chair next to him. Leaning to the side, he planted a kiss on his lover's cheek, tongue darting out quickly to run over the expanse of skin. He felt Bakura jump at the contact and drew back as the man's head whipped around to stare at him with wide eyes.
“Just wondering how I could possibly repay you for all you've done for me. Giving me a home, buying me clothes and ordering new furniture - it was all very nice of you.” Resting his chin in his hand, he arched his back slightly, the curve of his spine becoming more noticeable. He saw Bakura shift slightly in his seat, the other's gaze traveling down his back as his mouth hung slack. “Have any ideas as to what I could do, Bakura?” he asked, spreading his legs and setting his feet atop the wooden bars of his chair suggestively.
The Kaitsune flicked his tail as a grin sprang to his lips and pushed back from the table, the seat scraping across the tile as he did. Food left forgotten, the man stood and grasped Ryou's arm, hauling him to his feet, and brought the human into a heated kiss. The boy moaned as Bakura's tongue delved into his mouth, battling with his own, and gripped the man's shirt as they pulled apart moments later to catch their breath.
Ryou panted delicately, head lying on the other's chest as he allowed himself to be taken into his lover's arms, still astounded that the Kaitsune was able to carry him so easily. Bakura planted small kisses along the smaller boy's forehead and hair as he took them through the kitchen and up the stairs to their bedroom, closing the door with his tail out of habit. He groaned as the human stretched to nip at his lower jaw, and picked up his pace, hurrying to deposit his little lover on the bed.
The boy situated himself as the Kaitsune went to a side table, tearing open the top drawer and rummaging for some type of lube. Clawed fingers enclosing a bottle of lotion, Bakura kicked the drawer shut and returned to Ryou, handing him the container to deposit on the sheets for future use.
“I like this new way of thanking me.” He said, licking his fangs hungrily. Climbing onto the blankets, he steadied himself as the bed swayed on its suspension ropes and slithered up Ryou's body until he hovered above him. “What brought this on, anyway? Not that I'm complaining, but a conventional `Thank you' would have sufficed.”
The younger boy snickered. “I'm sure it would have, but this way we can both enjoy the show of gratitude.” Raising his arms, he hooked them around the Kaitsune's neck and brought him down into another kiss, moaning when Bakura's weight settled on top of him. He rocked his hips in time with the passing of the other's tongue against his, a smile pulling at his lips when the man ground their lower bodies together and his fingers buried themselves in Ryou's hair.
They parted, and the boy stopped teasing his lover as his arms moved to lie atop his white hair splayed over the pillow. Bakura's claws raked through his hair and massaged his scalp, chasing away the boy's stress with a mere stroke of his hand. His eyes fluttered closed as the Kaitsune's lips descended on his neck, nipping and licking at the soft flesh, and he tilted his head back, offering the other more room.
“Bakura.” He giggled, squirming as those fangs traveled lower to nibble at his collarbone and nipples. The fingers left his hair, instead moving to settle around his upper arms as his grip on the boy tightened. Ryou moaned and arched his back at a particularly rough bite and spread his legs to allow Bakura to lie between then. The Kaitsune raised his head and their eyes met, the human giving him a knowing look as the pressure of the man's erection pressed against his inner thigh.
Ryou brushed his knuckles along the other's cheek, smiling when Bakura leaned into the touch and the older man's tail wound snugly around his leg. With a sharp tug, the human was pulled beneath the Kaitsune until they were face to face, the boy gripping Bakura's sleeves for support. Another deep kiss, and his shirt was quickly peeled from him and tossed to the side, landing in a crumpled heap next to the bed. It was soon followed by his shoes, socks, pants, and underwear, leaving him completely exposed to the other's hungry gaze.
Blushing self-consciously, Ryou fought to keep himself from covering his body, instead stretching out his limbs to give Bakura a better view. The lecherous grin this action brought him only made his face darken, and he turned his head to the side, giving the man a sidelong glance.
Bakura licked his lips and began undressing, flinging his clothes every which way, not caring where they ended up, whether it be on the dresser or the floor. Once he, too, was bare, he released Ryou's leg in favor of gripping a support rope behind him for support, and lowered himself, groaning as the human's heated flesh touched his equally flushed body. Their mouths met in a greedy kiss, Bakura's tongue easily gaining access to Ryou's, and as the boy beneath him began to buck against him, seeking contact, he reached for the bottle lying forgotten on the sheets.
Taking the lube in hand, he pulled away from his lover and sat on his knees, unscrewing the small white cap and pouring some of the thick liquid on his fingers. Abandoning the cap on the bed, he bent between Ryou's legs and lifted the lean limbs over his shoulders, giving him room to prepare the boy.
He remembered back to the first time they had made love, recalling that he had been unwilling to prepare the human in fear of his claws harming the other's fragile body. Now, though, he knew Ryou was not as fragile as he had first imagined, and for the past few weeks had begun gently readying him for their sexual activities.
Directing his fingers to the younger one's entrance, he inserted one of the clear-coated digits carefully, pausing at the small intake of breath. Continuing, he pressed in as far as he could, then pulled out, beginning a slow pace until the human appeared completely comfortable. Adding a second finger, he again waited for Ryou to adjust, then came the third digit, all three rubbing against the boy's sensitive inner walls and stretching him as they went.
When Ryou's breaths became heavy and his eyes drooped in pleasure, the Kaitsune removed his fingers and leaned back, mouth watering at the sight of the human spread out before him, offering himself so willingly to Bakura's every desire. Taking the lubrication from the covers, he hurriedly filled his palm with the wet substance and applied it to his manhood, gasping at the touch, then recapped the bottle and left it lying nearby, waiting till later to put it away.
Positioning the head of his member at the boy's entrance, he lowered his lips to Ryou's ear, whispering huskily, “Are you ready, little one?” A nod and a whimper were his only answer, and with a quick sweep of his tongue over the delicate tip of the younger's ear, he forced himself through the tight ring of muscle and into the smooth, warm channel beyond.
Both of them groaned at the intrusion, Ryou in slight pain and Bakura in ecstasy. The Kaitsune held his body still, waiting for the other to give him a signal that he was ready. Time seemed to drag on, his erection pulsing within the boy, almost appearing to beg for attention, and when Ryou finally raised his hips in a silent show of approval, he barely contained a sigh of relief.
Arms circling the other's waist and bringing their chests close, Bakura began a steady rhythm of deep, even thrusts, listening to the human's cries of pleasure and moans for more, his thin limbs holding onto the elder as if he were a lifeline. Their foreheads touched and sweat dripped from their skin as they moved as one, Bakura plunging into Ryou and the other bucking his lower body upward, meeting his lover's actions easily.
The Kaitsune easily found Ryou's prostate (its location now almost burned within his mind) and chuckled breathlessly as he repeatedly rubbed against the sensitive nub, driving his lover to the point of passion-induced madness, his cries echoing through the room and only managing to excite Bakura further. The older man's movements grew rough, his self-control long lost as he planted his hands on the pillow to either side of the human's head and used them to steady himself. They shared one final kiss, its duration cut short when Ryou tore away from the other and came with a shout, his sleek back arching high off the bed and his stomach brushing the toned surface of the Kaitsune's.
Bakura released soon afterward, the exquisite feeling of the boy closing around him causing his muscles to stiffen and his seed to be emptied into Ryou's passage. Completely drained, he removed his softening member from the boy and collapsed atop the younger male, head resting heavily on the human's chest. He couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips when a pair of hands wove through his hair, smoothing out the white locks and helping to calm him.
“Thanks again, Bakura.” Ryou murmured, holding the man close. He shifted to kiss the top of the Kaitsune's hair lovingly, leaning his head back and out of the way when his lover sat up on his elbows, blood red eyes boring into his own chocolate brown.
“It was no problem, Ryou. I'm glad you're happy here with me.” Bakura answered, nibbling affectionately at his little human's throat. Ryou just held him tighter, and when the other freed himself from the younger's grip to start getting dressed and replace the bottle of lubrication, he stayed nestled in the covers, too relaxed to get up just yet.
Bakura laughed when he turned to see the human still lying in bed, and proceeded to cocoon the boy within the blankets and lift him into his strong arms, encouraging his lover to lay his head against his chest. “Come on, Ryou. Let's go downstairs and watch some television. You can sleep in my lap if you like.”
Ryou snuggled deeper into his embrace, nuzzling the material of the Kaitsune's shirt. “I'd like that.” He whispered, happiness seeping into him as they made their way downstairs and into the living room to spend the rest of the afternoon in each other's company.
Whee!! It's done! -jigs- Hope you all enjoy it, and if you do, please review! :D