Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opal ❯ Yami/Yugi Interlude ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The YamiYugi lemon interlude is here and it only took me like 3 weeks! :D YAY, I SUCK!!!
This lemon takes place at the point in the epilogue where it speaks about Yami getting injured during the war. :o You'd think he wouldn't have sex in that condition…
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yu-gi-oh or any of its characters and I make no profit from this story.
YamiYugi Lemon Interlude
Yugi worried his lip as he and Ryou paced the perimeter of the Veufrien's port, their hands clasped in front of them and both silent as their minds wandered aimlessly. Both had only just heard the news of Yami's brush with death at the hands of their enemy (along with Bakura's rescue of the ill-fated Kaitsune) and, after thanking Yugi's commanding officer profusely for allowing him to abandon his post, together had raced down to the dock to wait impatiently for their lovers' impending arrival. Two hours had already passed by, and with each moment lost their unease increased. What was taking the medical ship so long to return?
Grasping his shirt roughly, Yugi's steps faltered and he closed his eyes, exhaling steadily. He sensed Ryou do the same nearby, but ignored the other in light of his own discomfort. `I have to calm down.' He told himself, easing over to the nearby wall and pushing his back against the cool metal surface. `Yami would be frustrated with me if he knew I was acting so hysterical.' Forcing himself to relax, he leaned his head back and took several deep, even breaths. Ryou moved next to him and copied his movements, his whimpers and soft, frightened sobs doing little to ease Yugi's worries.
Even with the human's constant vocalized despair, the small Kaitsune found himself to be moderately composed a few minutes later. What little progress the short session of stillness had brought him was dashed, however, as the sounds of a ship entering the port reached Yugi's ears.
Springing to his feet and whipping his head around in the direction of the noise, he sprinted forward at full speed, heart nestled in his throat and hardly aware of Ryou close behind him. Their feet slapping harshly against the floor as they went, the boys passed several empty docking bays and a few scattered supply ships here and there during their run, before coming across the small medical ship currently docking near the end of the port.
Gasping for breath, he skid to a stop and stood anxiously at the edge of the walkway with Ryou in tow, who was bouncing in place in his anticipation. Yugi, too, could hardly wait to catch sight of his lover as he was escorted through the ship's hatch, though he didn't know how he would react if he were to find his mate covered in blood or gaping wounds.
When the vessel came to a complete standstill, the door slid open and Yugi caught the first glance of Yami's head as he emerged, arm slung over Bakura's shoulders for support. The white-haired male helped his fellow Kaitsune over the threshold and into the awaiting arms of his younger lover, who cried out happily at the added weight of the other, then practically fell against Ryou, smiling tiredly when he was assaulted with a barrage of kisses over his cheeks, forehead, and lips.
Yugi, too, planted numerous tender kisses to Yami's face and neck, hugging the injured man gently to his own body. He looked to the side and his eyes met Ryou's, both boys grinning tearfully and nodding in understanding, pulling their respective partners away and toward the port's exit where they would part ways and return to the privacy of their rooms.
The journey from the port to their bedroom was long and tedious, but Yugi drove himself onward, calling upon all his strength to haul Yami through the halls and around corners, his mind set on the single task of getting his mate safely into bed. It was extremely tough keeping his cool, as the other man had taken to gasping in pain whenever he was shifted, the wounds covering his arms, back, and legs twitching beneath their bandages, but Yugi persevered, and eventually the two reached the door leading into their room.
“Don't worry, Yami.” He whispered, a bit out of breath. “You're almost in bed.” Typing in the key code quickly, he waited for the door to slide open, then helped his mate hobble inside and over to the large, rounded, overhanging bed in the center of the room. “Careful, Yami.” Yugi said through clenched teeth as he lifted himself onto the netting and heaved his lover up with him. “Don't hurt your wounds further.” He added, placing a hand on the other's back as the taller Kaitsune collapsed onto his stomach, hands coming to rest at his sides on the fresh blankets.
Wiping his tears away with his free hand, Yugi leaned down and laid to the side of his mate, resting his weight lightly on the other and planting a kiss at the nape of the elder's neck when they were both settled. “You'll be alright now, Yami.” He whispered, using the man's shoulders as a makeshift pillow and massaging the taught muscles beneath his hands soothingly. “I'll make sure no one bothers you until you're feeling better.”
Yami groaned in reply, readjusting himself under the gentle ministrations of his mate. After a moment of blissful silence, he spoke, “Thank you, Yugi. I appreciate all you're doing for me.” Pausing to take in an unsteady breath, he continued in a low tone, “I'm sorry I let this happen.”
Yugi's eyes widened and he sat up, the movement catching the other Kaitsune's attention. “Yami! Don't say that! None of this is your fault!” His mate gave an answering sigh and his eyelids slid closed once more, causing a surge of anger to rise in Yugi. “Don't ignore me, Yami! I mean it, please don't blame this on yourself! You're one of the greatest warriors on this ship and quite possibly in our entire race. Just because you were injured doesn't make that any less true - to me or our friends.”
When he received nothing but a snort for his effort, his brows furrowed and he shoved his hands under Yami's waist, attempting to roll him over. He ignored his mate's yelp at the treatment, demanding the man stop lying there as though he were dead weight and move. “Roll over, Yami!” he growled, a frown forming on his lips.
With one last grunt from the both of them (Yami from pain and Yugi from the effort of flipping him over), the older Kaitsune was successfully turned on his back, where he had a superb view of the look of irritation on his small lover's face. Blinking stupidly at the completely uncharacteristic expression, he lay there quietly, patiently awaiting the rest of his lover's speech. He needn't wait long, as Yugi immediately began verbally berating him once again.
“Don't you understand, Yami?” he yelled, tears welling in the corners of his eyes as he straddled the elder's waist and hovered above him, using his arms for support. “No matter what happens, as long as you're safe and healthy, the others and I will be satisfied! It doesn't matter if you complete your mission or if you move up in rank, as long as you're here, we'll be proud and grateful to have you with us.” He bit his lip, glancing away from Yami's face and dropping his lover's shirtless and heavily bandaged chest, interlacing their tails and fingers in the process. “Please don't speak as though our respect for you is unfounded. You're so much greater than you believe.” He whimpered, nuzzling into the warm flesh beneath his cheek.
Yami lay still for several moments, listening to the soft sounds of Yugi's sorrow as it slowly began to fill the room. Exhaling quietly, he turned his head to the side and winced as he untangled his fingers from his mate's and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy's back. He heard the scraping of cloth against his chest, signaling the boy had raised his head, but refused to look down into the undoubtedly tear-streaked face, as his heart was already clenched tight in remorse. He hated when Yugi cried, especially when he was the cause.
“I'm sorry for upsetting you, Vuyh. I didn't mean to do such a thing. Please, forgive me for my depression and unguarded words. Closing his eyes wearily, he didn't move when Yugi sniffled once more and moved to nuzzle his chin, the smaller Kaitsune's hot breath running over his skin with each of his uneven whimpers. Yami tightened his grip and rested his cheek atop his lover's head, watching the boy's hair sway in the breeze caused by the ship's air conditioning system above.
“Just please don't talk like that again, okay?” Yugi whispered, smiling through his tears at the added weight from Yami's affectionate gesture. Wiping his cheeks haphazardly with his hands, he planted a kiss to one of the uncovered patches of skin on the elder Kaitsune's collar and upper chest, chuckling when the tail coiled around his constricted and a gasp escaped the other's lips.
Yami instructed himself to calm down, shifting and grimacing at the slight pain that raced throughout his shoulders. Those humans had done a number on him, and Yugi's actions weren't helping him relax and recover, they were just arousing his need. Stretching his muscles as inconspicuously as possible, he desperately attempted to work out the kinks, but it was to no avail. Snorting in irritation, he was about to let his mind wander to more pleasant thoughts of murdering the soldiers who had put him in this state, when he was interrupted by yet another of Yugi's kisses to his exposed skin, followed by a gentle nip.
“Yugi,” he muttered, sucking in a quick breath when the smaller male continued his ministrations, “Though I'd love for this to go further, I don't think I'm in good enough shape right now to have sex. I'd probably throw out my back, as humiliating as that sounds.” He looked down as Yugi sat up, and almost gulped at the expression on the younger one's face.
“Don't worry, Yami. I would never let you do something so stressful in your condition.” Yugi smiled pleasantly, but Yami was sure he saw an underlying smirk that told of devious intentions.
Leaning back, the elder man stared at his mate warily, becoming increasingly anxious as Yugi bent forward, lower arms lying flat on his chest and hips moving to meet Yami's, bringing a tantalizing curve to the younger's spine. The older Kaitsune started to tell his lover once again how he felt about the issue, but the words came to a strangled halt when the sensation of Yugi's tail rhythmically squeezing and releasing around his own registered in his already hazy mind.
Eyes widening at the contact, Yami couldn't help but release a groan as he felt his manhood twitch at the shameless proposal hidden within the action. Damn his inability to resist such a temptation! It couldn't be helped, though - it was hard to ignore the fact that Yugi could be quite tantalizing if he wished to be. Flopping back to the sheets, he permitted a small buck of his hips which brought him closer to his mate, giving the boy a dirty look that easily said, `I can't believe you'd put me in such an unfair position.'
Yugi just grinned innocently, moving his lower body in time with Yami's and closing the gap between them to share a searing kiss with the other. Opening his mouth suggestively, he smirked when his lover took the invitation, sliding his tongue into the wet cavern and quickly deepening the kiss. Yugi's eyes slid shut of their own accord, a small moan escaping his throat as he felt Yami's tongue slide along his, the taste it brought along with it resembling that of copper. Furrowing his brows, he realized the man must have either spat up blood after acquiring his injuries, or had licked his wounds before they were bandaged. In either case, it left a frown on the shorter Kaitsune's lips.
Pulling away, Yugi glanced into his mate's eyes, seeing the obvious lust behind the violet orbs, but also a hint of pain. Tearing his gaze away, he swore to himself that by the end of this little session, he would have wiped away the pain and left only pleasure in its wake.
Sealing his resolve, he sat up on his knees and slid his shirt up and over his head, tossing it to the side once it had cleared his hair. Taking a moment to straighten the mop of spikes, he proceeded to remove his pants, unbuckling the gaudy belt and peeling the heavy material from his thin legs, followed by his undergarments. Flinging those to the side as well, he righted himself atop Yami, completely bereft of clothing, thoroughly enjoying the hungry expression on the other's face.
“I thought you were completely against this, Yami?” he said, pressing his hips down into the noticeable bulge in his mate's pants.
Taking an unsteady breath, Yami propped himself up on his elbows, hissing in pain. Gaze traveling over the other Kaitsune's nude body, he had to fight to get the next few words past the lump forming in his throat. “I was, until you persuaded me to change my mind.”
“Glad to hear it.” Yugi murmured, teasing his lover with a few more sensual circles of his hips, before lifting himself and scooting back over Yami's legs, giving himself room to separate the older man from his pants. Unzipping them painfully slow, he paid little attention to the quickening of his mate's breaths, much too intent on completing the task at hand.
Slipping the fabric down Yami's toned legs, Yugi worked diligently to get the material over the man's large feet and away from his tail, the long appendage having to be freed from a hole in the bottom of the pants before they could be entirely removed. Finally, with pants in hand and a nude, bandage-laden Yami beneath him, Yugi threw the clothing to the floor and lowered himself until his face was mere inches from his lover's thigh, a sly grin taking hold of him once more.
The elder Kaitsune swallowed at the sight, mouth suddenly dry. He wasn't quite sure what had gotten into his little lover, but, even though his shoulders and assorted injuries were bothering him greatly, he couldn't honestly say he wanted the boy to stop. Yami tried once more to gather his wits and unglue his tongue from the roof of his mouth, but failed miserably when Yugi started crawling forward, skin appearing to glisten in the low light and stomach gliding pleasurably over his erection as it passed.
Collapsing back to the sheets, Yami took a moment to catch his breath, completely unaware he had been holding it to begin with. Eyes trained on the ceiling, he wasn't surprised when the vision of the support ropes above were suddenly blocked as Yugi's face came into view, one eyebrow raised.
“Are you alright, Yami? I hope this isn't too much for you.” Yugi stated, planting a chaste kiss to the other man's forehead as he rolled off him and set his feet on the tile floor of their room, gasping as cool air brushed over his own stiff member. Steadying himself, the small Kaitsune made his way to the open bathroom door across from the bed and entered the darkened area, tearing open one of the drawers underneath the counter and rummaging through its contents for a bottle of lubrication.
Finding what he was searching for, Yugi closed the drawer with his hip and returned to his bedridden mate, clamoring back onto the netted surface and into Yami's lap. Depositing the bottle next to the older male's arm on the blankets, he lay so their chests and bellies met, face buried in his partner's neck and mouth working at the skin offered to him, sucking and nipping wherever possible.
Yami wrapped his arms and tail around Yugi, pulling him flush against his body and holding in his moan as their erections came together, creating a delicious friction. Relocating his hands to the other's slim hips, Yami ran his claws delicately over the sensitive flesh, chuckling as Yugi practically purred near his ear.
Abandoning Yami's neck, Yugi rose into a sitting position once again and straddled the larger man's hips as he reached for the bottle of lubrication, ready to move this intimate meeting along to the final act. Clicking open the container and pouring a large amount of the thick liquid into his palm, he dropped the lube to the side and rubbed his hands, slathering the substance over his skin before moving to give Yami's shaft the same treatment.
Once he was sure the other Kaitsune was prepared, he lifted himself and positioned his entrance above his mate's erection and hands on the man's chest for support, watching Yami out of the corner of his eye. It was quite amusing to see the warrior so disheveled and out of breath, though it probably had more to do with his treatment earlier that day than with what was happening now.
Keeping his whimpers to a minimum, Yugi lowered himself onto Yami's stiff member, listening to the man grunt in pleasure. Letting out his own gasp of pain, the young Kaitsune continued his descent until his mate was fully sheathed within him. Breathing deeply, he paused to allow his muscles time to relax and accept the intrusion as they had done many times in the past. This did not take long (to Yugi's intense gratitude), and soon the boy was pushing himself along Yami's length, back arching whenever the man brushed against his prostate.
Yami thrust up into his lover's tight heat, no longer caring about the soreness in his shoulders or the throbbing of his wounds. All that occupied his mind now was the intense lust flooding his senses and Yugi's scent as it surrounded him, making him feel light headed. Tail curling around the younger one's waist, he aided the boy in his increasingly hurried motions, intensifying the pleasure for both himself and his mate.
As the minutes began to build, so did the pressure in Yugi's stomach and groin, urging him faster along Yami's erection, the once deep and well-timed thrusts now becoming irregular and shallow. Panting with need, he dropped roughly onto the other, crying out as his prostrate was struck one last time, sending him into his climax.
The elder male growled and bucked his hips as Yugi's inner walls collapsed in around him and the boy's passion covered his chest. He was ready for his own release to arrive, and as his vision began to blacken he grew desperate, increasing his movements even as his lover flopped onto his chest and his shaky breaths skimmed across his skin. A few more seconds of stimulation, and Yami froze, filling Yugi with his warm seed, grateful his reprieve had finally arrived.
Falling back, Yami hit the sheets covered in sweat and out cold, body too overcome with the day's events to remain conscious any longer. Yugi, however, was quite awake and alert, and after picking himself up and freeing the other's manhood from his entrance with a hiss (along with removing the now slack tail from his waist), rolled away and went to put the bottle of lubrication away and collect a washcloth to clean up the new mess in their bed.
When the semen had been completely wiped from his and Yami's bodies, he tucked his lover into the somewhat damp covers and tossed the soiled cloth into the laundry basket near the door to their room. Locating his clothing, he dressed calmly, ignoring the slight sting racing up his spine as he did so, then collected the elder male's clothes and folded them neatly, setting them in a neat pile on the floor before walking to the door.
Throwing one last look over his shoulder at Yami, he smiled happily and decided to leave him alone for a few hours, feeling he deserved the peace for all he had gone through today. Straightening his hair to the best of his ability, he left and headed toward the cafeteria, the thought of food sounding wonderful to his empty stomach.
Public Message:
Remember kids - hot, steamy sex with Yugi is the only cure for feelings of inadequacy.
I'm not really happy with this lemon, but hey, I've thought my writing sucked before and then every else thought it kicked ass, so hopefully this is also one of those times.
Again, Vuyh means `lover' in the old Kaitsune language.
Seto/Jou is coming up next, and I also have to get ch 5 of Fate written. Hope those don't take me as long as this damn thing did. (They shouldn't, I'm on summer break. I have LOADS of free time now. xD)
If you enjoyed, please leave a review. I appreciate them greatly. :P