Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Ronald McDonald's End ❯ Ronald's Demise ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Okay, in the last chapter, Tristan was all paranoid because of a freakin clown. Moon Rose is now very pissed off, and Ronald is gonna get it! Please enjoy and review. ^.^
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or Ronald McDonald, or even the company at that.
Ronald's Demise
*Okay, so when everybody left McDonalds*
Duke: so what are we gonna do?
Serena: That's for the authoress to know and you to find out.
Joey: I just got an idea. What if we shot the bastard?
Moon Rose: I say we punch him to death.
Me/Yami: *still chompin on McDonald's fries*
All: O.O
Me: Hey is it okay if I invite a couple of homies?
Moon Rose: Why the hell are you askin us? It's your fuckin story
Me: Someone's a little cranky…
*Two more people come in*
Melody: Hey whazzup all?
Chezza: What the hell am I here for?
Melody: The destruction of Ronald McDonald.
Chezza: Ooh Fun!
Me: You guys can invite some people if you want.
Yami: I invite Bakura
Joey: hm…. Kaiba!
Tristan/Duke/Yami: What the Fuck?!
Melody: Yay!!! I love Seto!!
Joey: That's why
Yami: He better not cause any trouble.
Melody: He won't
*Seto and Bakura come in*
Seto: Who invited the dog boy?
Joey: Keep walkin', Money bags!
Melody: Seto, don't be so mean!
Me: This is a lot more interesting, but we have to kill the clown now.
Bakura: So. What's the plan?
Duke: Don't know yet. That's why we called you here.
Seto: Can't you bakas ever think for yourselves?
Me: Shut up before you're taken out of this mother fuckin story!!!
Seto: O.O
Tristan: Ok well first, we should graffiti McDonalds.
Chezza: I like the way he thinks.
Yami: *chomp* How are we gonna do that?
Joey: Toilet paper and lots of it.
Serena: And eggs.
Moon Rose: *laughs out loud*
Joey: What's so funny?
Seto: And who cares?
Melody: *smacks Seto* Hush up!
Moon Rose: I just imagined that dumb ass clown came outa this place and said: Eggs! Eggs everywhere!! My GOD there's EGGS!!!
All except Seto: *Laughs out loud.*
Melody: Hey Seto, don't be such a prune!!
Seto: Do I look like I would laugh at something so stupid?
Moon Rose: *Ultra Mega Evil Glare at Seto*
Seto: *Ultra Mega Evil Glare back at Moon Rose*
Melody: Okay stop with the glaring!!!!
Chezza: I agree! Let's just get on with the mother fuckin' story!!!
Duke: I agree. Anyways, what we were talking about is how we're gonna egg this place!! And if that's not enough excitement, then we're gonna tp it too!!
Joey: Sound like fun?
Me: You bet.
Serena: I can't wait!! Let's all meet back here when this place closes.
Bakura: And then they will never see so many eggs in their life!!! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!< /font>
Me/Yami: *Goes back into McDonald's and gets more fries*
Moon Rose: Will you two stop eatin' the fuckin' fries?!
Joey: Speakin' of fries… I want some too.
Moon Rose: Lay off the fatty foods!!
Joey: But I don't wanna…
-Anyway, that night when the whole town was asleep-
*Everybody met in front of McDonalds as promised hours earlier.*
Me: Okay. Got the tp?
All: check!!
Me: Got the eggs?
All: Check!!
Me: Okay, let's get this show on the road!
*They all sneak into the restaurant.*
Chezza: I see my first target!!!
Tristan: And what's that?
Chezza: The statue of Ronald McDonald!!! It's MINE!!!!!
Duke: I'll never understand women…
Me/Moon Rose/Serena/Melody/Chezza: >=P
Yami: Alright, troopers!!! Leave no object unrolled or unegged!!
-They all start tp'ing and rolling everything, but then they get caught-
Ronald: What the Hell are you doing in here?!
Moon Rose: We could ask you the very same thing!!
Me/Yami: *chomp, chomp, chomp*
Bakura: Y'all still got them fries?
Yami: Yup! ^_^
Tristan: S-stay back!!! Leave me alone!!!
*Ronald takes a step closer to him*
Tristan: You mother fuckin' bastard!!!! *Runs and hides in a corner and starts singin' `This Old Man'*
Me: XD
Ronald: What the Hell are you laughing at, whore!!
Me: Oh no you didn't!!!!
Ronald: Oh yes I did!!
Serena: Stop pissin' the authoress off!!
Seto: You guys are all serious bakas!!
Melody: *Punches Seto* I thought I told you to hush up!!!
Me: *Goes over and punches Ronald* And Now I did!!!
Chezza: *Still vandalizing Ronald's statue* Huh? What's goin' on?
Duke: Nothin, just keep doin' what you're doin
Bakura: And we'll get rid of the stupid clown.
Moon Rose: Eggs!!! Ready? Aim!! Fire!!!!
*Everybody throws eggs at Ronald.*
*Chezza then comes over and wraps him in tp.*
Yami: Everybody clear!!!
Me: He's got a grenade!!
Me/Melody: *Goes over and drags Tristan from the corner, safely outside.*
*Everybody else clears out except for Yami and Ronald*
Yami: *Evil Grin, tossing the grenade up and down in his hand*
Ronald: You wouldn't!!! If you do, then you die too!!!
Yami: It's a small price to pay! See you in Hell, Clown!!! *Pulls the pin out of the grenade*
-meanwhile outside-
*The elements combined power to pray for Yami's safety, all though they didn't know if it would work or not because they never tried to save some one from a grenade explosion, but I am the almighty authoress, so of course it will work!! I'll shut up now so you can read the rest of the chap.*
Melody-The power of Earth
Me-The power of Wind
Chezza-The power of Ice
Moon Rose-The power of Water
Serena-The power of Light
*And with their powers, they hoped for Yami's safety*
*There was a big explosion.*
Serena: O my god!!! What if he didn't make it out?! What if our powers didn't work?! He could've died!!! Or worse!!!
Moon Rose: Must you always assume the worst?
Melody: I think he'll be fine.
*Next thing you know, Yami comes out untouched by the flames!! Yay!!!*
Me: You okay, pal?
Yami: No…
Serena: See?! I told you!! He got hurt and it's all our fault!!!
Joey: You look alright to me…
Me: What happened to you?
Yami: My fries got burnt!
Me: What a crime!!
Bakura: And that, my friends is how Ronald met his demise!
Melody: thanks to all for of your time viewers!!
Me: Please Review!!
All: See ya!!
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Well please take some of your precious life to review!!! Thanx in advance!!!