Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The 8th Millenium Item ❯ Dreams ( Prologue )

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Authors Notes: The main character in the story belongs to me but the characters of Yu-Gi-Oh belong to their creators. This is my first Yugi fiction so take it easy on me. Enjoy!
dream or flashback
'' thoughts
"" Normal speech/ Aibou to their Yami// Yami to their Aibou

The 8th Millennium Item

She stared at the golden bracelet in the glass case along with a large amount of other golden jewelry. It had a strange design on it. It looked like a fancy eye

"Mother, Mother! I want that one!" the 5-year old girl asked as she pointed to the glistening bracelet.
"Nice choice little one. That one is strait from the pyramids of Egypt ," the salesman said as he took the bracelet out of it's place.
"Really?" the girl asked with stars in her eyes. The man nodded and then turned to the girls' mother to discuss the right price. The girl put the large bracelet on her small wrist. The eye shined a brilliant white light causing the girl to stare at it's beauty. The light stopped suddenly though making the girl blink at the bracelet curiously.
"Makarri! Come on we have to go!" her mom called from the exit.
"Coming!" the little girl replied forgetting the strange happening.

9 years later

A 14-year old girl stood on her balcony watching the sunset. In the background an identical looking girl with sharper eyes watched the TV screen attentively. On the news there was a picture of four people; a tall blonde haired boy with green eyes, another boy around the same height with unstylish brown hair and muddy brown eyes, a girl with short brown hair and sparkling blue eyes, and finally a short boy with tricolor hair and innocent violet eyes.

"Is that him Makarra?" the girl on the balcony asked.
"Yes it has to be. He looks exactly like him," the other girl replied softly.
"Then tomorrow we shall leave for Japan," the girl with softer eyes stated.
"Good Aibou. I shall retreat to my soul room now," the sharper eyed one stated before a flash of light filled the room. When the light disappeared the only person in the room was the soft eyed girl.
"Goodnight Yugi Mutou, I will be seeing you very soon," the girl whispered before falling asleep.

In Japan
's Dream~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Your Highness, a woman named Makarra is here to see you," a servant stated.
'Makarra? Who could that be?' he thought.
"Bring her in," he replied calmly.servant retreated and in came the most beautiful girl Yugi had ever seen. She had silky raven colored hair that reached her ankles with midnight black eyes. Her eyes were sharp like Yami's. She had beautifully tanned Egyptian skin. She wore a long white Egyptian robe with a golden waistband tied around the middle of her slim waist. Around her forehead was a thin golden headband with a shimmering ruby in the center. On her wrist she wore a glimmering golden bracelet with the Sennen Eye in it's center. He felt his cheeks go red in her presence.

"Yami, Are you ok?" the girl asked worriedly.
"UhYes I'm fine," he managed to say.
"That's good," she said hugging the king of games. blushed intensely. A beautiful girl who he didn't know was hugging him.
"Could I ask who are you?" he said pushing her away. girl looked hurt at first but then gained a look of confusion. "Yami, it's me Makarra. Your fiancé," she stated.
'Fiancé?' he thought. Suddenly a wave of memories flowed through his brain. A scene of him and Makarra as kids playing. Another scene of them playing duel monsters. And yet another showing them sharing their first kiss.
"I'm sorry Makarra. I'm just not myself today," he heard himself say.
"Let me see if I can snap you out of it" she replied. Yugi was surprised when he felt her mouth on his. It was a soft warm sensation. He didn't pull away .
"Better?" she asked when she pulled away.
"Much better," he said with a smile.

Later that night

"Makarra?" he asked quietly as he knocked on her door. answer. He tried again but to no avail. He turned the knob and found that it was open. What he saw inside destroyed him right there. On the floor next to Makarra's bed was a dead body; the blood stained white robe, the long raven colored hair, the shimmering bracelet. It was Makarra.
ran to her lifeless body and shook her slightly.
"Makarra, Makarra, please wake upplease!" he pleaded. He felt tears form behind his eyes but he did not cry. He ran a hand threw her silky hair. The coldness of her body seemed unnatural. Blood was flowing through the wound in her stomach.
"Makarra!" he screamed into the night. the shadows the murderer lurked watching happily.