Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The 8th Millenium Item ❯ Attraction and Insanity ( Chapter 7 )

[ A - All Readers ]

YG710: I'm sooooo sorry about the delay. I have major writer's block and the holidays are getting to me.

Yami: Yeasturday she wore two different socks.

YG710: *blushes* Yami do you want to be added to the list of people i want to torture.

Yami: *stays quiet and backs away a little*

YG710: Thought so. Anyways i wouls like to thank PingPong, her Yami, and ChocalateEclar for staying ever so faithful to me and my story.

Yami: Yes she talks nonstop about you.

YG710: Shut it Yami. Well as for my torture poll here are the results:

Kaiba: 1
Joey: 3
YBakura: 1

*Joey pops out of nowhere*

Joey: uh...O.O...why am I here?

YG710: You won!!!

Joey: What exactly have I won?

Yami: A beating.

Joey: Oh crap. *turns around to see our beautiful authoress in a leather outfit*

YG710: Thanks for the lend Yami.

Yami: Anything for you. Plus it's alluring.

YG710: Yami's being naughty! Anyways where was I... *cracks a whip*

Joey: God no...

YG710: Now what to do...I know! *grins wickedly*

*one hour later*

YG710: All done! *steps aside to show a bald Joey with whip matks all over singing Barney's 'I love you' song*

Yami: O.O

YG710: Ok well please vote for my next torturee. Either Kaiba or Ybakura. *whispers* Preferably Kaiba.

Kaiba: I heard that!

YG710: How'd you get here?

Kaiba: I really don't know but I got my camera. *starts taping the dazed and humiliated Joey*

YG710: ^_^; Um, sorry but this chapter is mad short so I would be extremely grateful if someone will give me ideas. Ok Yami disclaimers!

Yami: Yam's Girl does not own Yugioh but she does own Makarri, Makarra, and Mark.

Yugi snored away during math Makarri watched him from the corner of her eye. She tried her best to stifle a giggle at the sleeping Yugi.
's going to get in trouble, Karri.//
was startled by her Yami's interruption.
come on Karra. He's cute when he sleeps/
I see.//
could already see her Yami smirking at her. She realized what she had said and blushed.
How could you think that?! I don't like Yugi like that!/
with that their mental link was closed.
couldn't help but wonder exactly what she felt for the violet eyed boy she had met just yesterday.
unknown to her brown haired green eyed student was watching them carefully.
'Perfect. I get the items and watch the pharaoh see his love suffer at the same time,' he thought maliciously. blushed once more before turning her attention back to the teacher.
"You will die like you should have Makarra. And your pharaoh will too." he muttered quietly.

YG710: Cliffey!!! ^_^

Yami: She's sugar high again.

YG710: Vote!

Yami: Vote for the next victim.

YG710: Review!!!!

Yami: Review or die.

YG710: Smooch!! *kisses Yami*

Yami: *blushing red*

YG710: Bye, Bye!!!