Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The circle of seven ❯ Prelude ( Prologue )

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Author's note:

First off this is my very first try at doing a Yu-Gi-Oh fic. I've only seen the north american version. Seasons 1 through to 3 and some of 4. Most of the characters will go by their american names, others I use their japanese name. Alright! (This fic takes place sometime after that, when Yami fights Marik's dark side)

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of the character. (so far) My characters will appear later on in the fic!

Warning: This fic will have some slash, M/M relationship. I tried to avoid that, but it's hard to do. heh.


With some help from Bakura, Yami is able to bring Malik down and claim the millennium ring and rod. The group then flies to Egypt and all the item's are placed back, and everyone say's goodbye to the two yami's. Almost a year later, all the items but three are stolen. And the yami' of the ring, rod, and puzzle are brought back to get the others. But unlike last time, they don't need host, because they are in there own bodies now, where a shocking surprise is learned about the king of thief's or should I say queen...


Even thought the hikari's and yami's no longer share the same bodies in my story, the mind link is somehow still there.



/Yugi to Yami/

//Yami to Yugi//

///Bakura to Yugi and Yami/// (for those who don't get this, and never saw the ep where Bakura put a part of his soul into the puzzle. Well, he's in the puzzle now)

\Ryou to Bakur(bakura)\

\\Bakur to Ryou\\

[Marik to Malik]

[[Malik to Marik]]

In phone calls 'blah' tells what the other one is saying!

Alright, now let's get on with the fic, r & r please ^_^



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~A year ago a fight for the world took place. One side fighted to gain control over the world while the other tried to save it. It just so happened that the battle took place between two acient spirts, from Egypt. One a Pharaoh the other a tomb guardien. This same battle took place 5000 year's ago, between the Pharaoh and another. Now, once again the Pharaoh is battling to save the world, but this time he does not stand alone.~


"You cannot win Pharaoh. For I posses two millennium item's, and combined together they are stronger then your puzzle."

"That's where your wrong Malik. For I also posses two millennium item's." Yami smirked, holding the millennium necklace up. "So you see, we are quite even."

"Damn you Ishizu." Malik growled, before placing a grin back on his face. "It doesn't really matter Pharaoh, even if our power's are tied, I will easily beat you."

"Oh, I really doubt that."

"Believe what you will."


//Yes Yugi?// Yami asked, closing his eye's.

/Are you sure we can beat him? I mean, the millennium ring and rod are very powerful. I mean, Malik is stronger./ Yugi asked.

//I know Hikari, But we must believe that we can win.// Yami reminded him.

/I know Yami/ Yugi nodded.

///Maybe I can be of some assistance Pharaoh.///

//Tomb robber! How did you get here?!// Yami said shocked.

///When I lost the shadow game to Malik, I was sent to the puzzle./// Bakura told them.

//How?// Yami asked.

///There is no time to explain it. Here, take this./// Bakura said, placing something in Yami's hand.

/It's the millennium eye!/ Yugi said, when Bakura removed his hand.

//Your right Yugi! How did you get this?// Yami asked, looking up at Bakura.

///I won It./// Bakura shrugged.

/Oh. Wait! Where's Ryou?/ Yugi asked.

///Malik sent him to the shadow realm./// Bakura said sadly. ///Yami, you must beat Malik so I can use the ring to get Ryou back.///

//I will tomb robber. But for Ryou's sake not yours.// Yami said, re-opening his eye's.

"Where have you been Pharaoh? Chatting to that useless light of yours?" Malik asked.

"Yugi isn't useless Malik!" Yami shouted. "But I did receive a gift that will add to your down fall!"

"Oh really? And what is that?" Malik asked.

"This." Yami said, opening up his left hand.

"The millennium eye!" Malik gasped. "How and where did you get that?"

"That doesn't really matter, now does it? But, if you must know I got it from him." Yami said, pointing to a spot beside him.

"There's nobody there." Malik pointed out.

"What is Yugi doing?" Joey asked.

"I have no idea." Tristan answered.

"And just who is he talking about?" Duke asked.

"The tomb robber." Marik said, talking through Tea.

The group that stood at the side watching duel watched with amazment as, Marik appeared beside the girl.

"When Bakura, the spirt of the ring lost the shadow duel to my yami, I was sent to Tea's body, Ryou was sent to the shadow realm, and somehow the spirt was sent to Yugi's puzzle."

"So, your saying that Bakura gave him the eye?" Joey asked.

"Yes." Marik nodded.

"How would he do that?" Joey asked.

"All he would need was a piece of the puzzle, and then he can transfer a part of his soul into it." Marik told them. "And that's most likely what he did."

"He must have gotten it from Pegasus." Tristan said. "But, how did he get to him before we did?"

Uhh, hello. Tomb robber here." Bakura annouced, appearing beside Yami.

Malik had a surprise look on his face for a second. Then it disapeared. "Even with the help of him, you still can't beat me."

Yami just smirked at this. "We'll see."


Everyone watched as Malik's body dissapeared into the rod.

"Yes! Yami did it!" Tea cheered.

"Marik!" Ishizu called out. "Marik! Where are you!"

"Look!" Duke said, pointing to where Malik had once stand.

"Brother?" Ishizu said, slowly heading towards it.

Marik fell down to he's knee's grasping the rod and breathing heavily.

"Marik!" Both Ishizu and Odion said, running toward's the boy.

"Marik, are you alright?" Ishizu asked, helping him up.

"I'm fine." Marik said, looking down at the rod. Seeing the millennium ring he picked it up. "Here, get your light back."

Bakura smiled slightly, walking toward's Marik he disappeared back into the ring.

As Yugi and Yami switched, Ryou appeared with the ring around his neck.

"Ryou! How do you feel?" Yugi asked. Running toward's the other boy.

"Yugi? I feel fine, but what happened?" Ryou asked.

"It's all my fault. I should have never let this happen. I'm so sorry everyone for everything that happen." Marik said. Walking toward's Yugi, he handed him the millennium rod. "Here, take this."

"Thanks Marik." Yugi smiled.

"Now, the item's should be placed back into there spots on the Pharaoh's tomb." Shadi annouced, appearing behind Marik and Ishizu.

"They must." Marik nodded. "And I must guard them now."

"Come on brother, let's go."


All the millennium item's have been placed in there slots, escept the ring and puzzle. Both Ryou and Yugi called out there Yami's.

"Hello Yugi." Yami smiled.

"Hey Ryou." Bakura said.

The two hikaris' smiled at each other, then ran and gave their yami's a hug.

"I'm going to miss you Yami." Yugi said, tear's coming to his eye's.

"I'm going to miss you too Yugi. Take care of yourself."

Nodding, Yugi stepped back, and everyone turned to look at Ryou and Bakura.

"I'm going to really miss you hikari." Bakura said, smiling sadly.

"Bakura." Ryou said, tear's in his eye's. "You actually care about me?"

"Of course, your my light."

"Thank you Bakura."

"Bye Ryou."



"Yes Yami?"

"Thanks for your help."

"It was no biggy." Bakura shrugged. "Let's just get this over with."

With that the two spirts dissapeared into their item's and the ring and puzzle were placed down. And the tomb was left alone.

To be continued...

That's the first chapter! I hope everyone like's it, it took me awhile to do it! So now you can review if you liked it. ^_^ Thanks.