Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The circle of seven ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of the character. (so far) My characters will appear later on in the fic!

Warning: This fic will have some slash, M/M relationship. I tried to avoid that, but it's hard to do. heh. It start's in this chappie!


With some help from Bakura, Yami is able to bring Malik down and claim the millennium ring and rod. The group then flies to Egypt and all the item's are placed back, and everyone say's goodbye to the two yami's. Almost a year later, all the items but three are stolen. And the yami' of the ring, rod, and puzzle are brought back to get the others. But unlike last time, they don't need host, because they are in there own bodies now, where a shocking surprise is learned about the king of thief's or should I say queen...


Even thought the hikari's and yami's no longer share the same bodies in my story, the mind link is somehow still there.



/Yugi to Yami/

//Yami to Yugi//

///Bakura to Yugi and Yami/// (for those who don't get this, and never saw the ep where Bakura put a part of his soul into the puzzle. Well, he's in the puzzle now)

\Ryou to Bakur(bakura)\

\\Bakur to Ryou\\

[Marik to Malik]

[[Malik to Marik]]

In phone calls 'blah' tells what the other one is saying!

Alright, now let's get on with the fic, r & r please ^_^


One year later


"Hey Ryou." Yugi said, sitting down on the taller boy's lap.

"Hello love." Ryou said, kissing his boyfriend.

"Do you realise what day it is?" Yugi asked.

"Yes. The day are Yami's went back into their item's."

"Yugi was about to say something when the doorbell went. "Oh, that must be Joey and the other's. They said that they'd stop by later."

Ryou smiled, as he watched Yugi go to the door.

"Hello Joey, Trisitan, Tea. Oh Duke what a surprise."

Soon the six teen's where sitting around in the living room talking.

"So Duke, what brought you here?" Yugi asked.

"Oh, I ran into these three on their way over here so I decided to come along with them." Duke answered.

"Well were glad you did." Ryou smiled. "Hey Joey, where's Mai? She's usually with you."

"She's helping my sister pick something out for her huge date with Kaiba."

"Man, I still can't believe Serenity and Kaiba hooked up." Tristan sighed.

"Tell me about it. They way you and Duke faught over her, it was a surprise she didn't go for one of you." Tea said. "Not that I can blame her."

"What do you think about all this Joey?" Yugi asked. "I mean, your worse enemy is going out with your little sister."

"Yeah." Joey said, leaning back. "I freaked out at first. But Kaiba really make's my sister happy. So I can except it."

*Phone rings*

Leaning over Yugi, Ryou grabbed the phone. "Hello."

'Hey Ryou, It's Marik.'

"Marik! Wow, long time since we last heard from you. What's up?"

'I have some bad new's Ryou.'

"What? Bad new's?! What happened?" Ryou exclaimed, sitting up and getting the attention of the other five in the room.

'The Pharaoh's tomb was robbed last night. They managed to get all the item's, except three.'

"Let me guess, the three they didn't get was the puzzle, ring and rod."

'You got it. Do you think you and Yugi could fly down to Egypt right now?'

"Well yeah, I'm sure we can. Do you mind if a few other's come along with us?"

'No. Just make it quick.'

"Yes sir." Ryou said, hanging up the phone.

"What was that all about?" Yugi asked. "Why was Marik calling you?"

"It seem's someone has robbed the Pharaoh's tomb." Ryou said.

"Oh, and all the item's but the three you mentioned were stolen." Duke said.

"Yes. Now for some weird reason, Marik wan't is in Egypt, so let's go."

"All of us?" Tea asked. "Right now?"

"Yes." Ryou answered. "Unless you don't want to go. BUt if you do fine, then let's move it."


When Yugi, Ryou and the other's finally arrived in Egypt, they were greeted by Ishizu, and Odion.

"Welcome back to Egypt everyone." Ishizu smiled.

"Hello Ishizu." Yugi smiled. "Odion. It's good to see the two of you again."

"The same to you." Odion smiled.

"So, where's Marik?" Joey asked.

"Yeah, if he wanted us over here so badly, you'd think he could at least be here to greet us." Tristan added.

"Marik is back at the tomb with Shadi." Ishizu imformed them. "There trying to find way's to bring the Yami's back."

"So, they need host's again." Ryou said.

"Well no. You see, this time were going to try and get them back in there own bodies, but we need their memories that you still hold."

"Would it be wise to bring Malik back?" Tea asked.

"I wish we didn't have to, but Marik and Shadi believe they have a way to control him. You see, when these three come back, they are coming back as the Pharaoh, tomb robber and tomb keeper. And they alone will control the millennium item's." Ishizu explianed. "That's where you, Yugi, Ryou and Marik are needed. You must help the Yami's remember what happened."

"Will it be easy?" Yugi asked.

"It depends on them. Either they'll except what you tell them, or they won't."

"Well, you three will have fun." Duke grinned.

"I just hope we can do it." yugi sighed.

Ryou squeezed his boyfriend's hand and smiled. "We can and we will."

"Your right." Yugi said, smiling back.


When the group reached the tomb, Ishizu and Odion led them to where Marik and Shadi were. They found the two sitting on the ground surrounded by a circle of books.

Hearing them enter, Marik looked up. "Oh good. You made it. I'm assured that Ishizu filled you all in."

"Yes, she did." Yugi nodded. "But I still don't understand how they got the item's in the the first place. Weren't you guarding them?"

"Yeah." Marik said, lifting his shirt, to revele bandage's. Trace's of blood coming through. "But, they got me first."

"Oh Marik! Your still bleeding!" Ishizu cried out.

"It's nothing sister. I'm fine." Marik insisted.

"Alright. But we need to change those bandages soon."

"I know."

"I believe I've located what were looking for." Shadi annouced.

Looking over Shadi's shoulder, Marik nodded. "That's the one."

"Great. I'll go get the item's." Ishizu said, leaving the room.

"Alright." Marik said, standing up. "I'm not really sure how this is going to work, seeing I've never done this before. Let's just hope it works."

"Okay." Yugi said. Taking the millennium puzzle from Ishizu.

Nodding, Marik took hold of the rod. "Are you two ready?"

Squeezing Yugi's hand, Ryou nodded.

"Go ahead Shadi."

Soon Shadi started to chat the spell. When he was done the room was silent for a short time.

Soon, the entire tomb was filled with a bright light. Everyone shild their eye's until the light died down. Before them stood a tan young man. He wore royal robes, and the millennium puzzle hanged down from his neck. His tri-colored hair stood out like Yugi's. The young man opened his eye's to revel the reddish iris. His eye's locking with Yugi's.

"Yami?" Yugi asked, shocked.

"How do you know my name?" Yami asked.

"Well, It's a long story really." Yugi said.

Just then the tomb was once again filled with a bright light. Once again, everyone covered their eyes. This time when the light died down, there stood another tanned young man, he was taller then Yami. and also wore elagent robes. The millennium rod hung at the side of his hip. His blonde hair was spiking out of his head. His violet eye's held a curious look. "Your hurt." He said, looking at Marik's shirt.

"Oh. It's nothing really." Marik said.

Malik walked up to Marik and placed his hand on the wound. With a flash of light, the wound was healed.

"Malik. How did you do that?"

"The healer taught me." Malik said, tilting his head. "Have we meet before?"


"Then how do you know my name?"

"Well, i..."

Then the tomb once again filled up with the blinding bright light, making everyone cover their eye's once more till it faded away. But this time, what stood in front of them shocked them...

to be continued...

Alright I know what's going to happen next is like a huge 'duh'! But i had to put that there anyways! ^_^ Well hope u liked this chapter! I'd like to thank all my reviewers! It's ur reviews that make me update!