Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The mistake ❯ The start ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

T he sky was dark and the clouds swirling around above him became thicker.

"Man I can't go any further here. D*** I'm tired. Why did this have to happen?"

Joey look's down at his hands. His dirty hands. The blood driped down his arm and stained his shirt. His only shirt now.

"Aw, d*** it. People are gonna notice me now. I'm screwed. I gotta get out a here."

Joey slowly started to walk again, down the dangerous street.

Jou looked up at the clock at the clock by the old tower. "midnight" he whispered. "I got at least 5 more hours before people are gonna wake up."

He sighed. "Can't go anywhere. Not to my friends, not to my school, defiantly not family. Not now, not anymore. I killed him.

______________________________ ________________________________________

Joey: AHHH! What the hell! You made me kill somebody! What the hell!??!

Emily: YUP!

Joey: Thanx. Yeah. I could just hug `ya for putten me on the most wanted list.

Emily: Hug me?? SURE! <Emily opens up hug and waits for the cutie ^_^ >


Emily: O nice. -_-

Emily:WELL? WAS THE PROLOG GOOD? Or was it sucky? Please review and tell me the truth. 10 reviews please?

Over and out