Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The mistake ❯ chappie 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I don't own yu-gi-oh! In anyway, so plz don't sue!!!! I only have $25.00 and a stock of livewire!!

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I drew in a shaky breath as I massaged my fingers. ` Why the hell is it so freaking cold out?' I thought pulling another blanket onto the many already layered on my body. ` No way in hell am I going to sleep tonight…' I reached over to find the remote, making my arm go numb as I switched on the T.V. I smiled as I saw one of our favorite comedies was on so late. Bringing my hands to my spiky multi-colored hair, I could of sworn they where frozen solid.

/ Yami? /


/ yami wake up…/


/ crap/

//NO!!…I LOST TO KAIBA!!!! *snort…sure I'll have some ice-cream…//

I rolled my eyes.


" WHAT IS IT?!" he shot up taking my shoulders in his hands.

"…Do you want to watch T.V. with me?" I asked quickly.

"Aww, hikari, you woke me up for that?" he whined shaking his head.

I sighed. "Well sor-REY, I thought you like this show!" I spoke irritably.

"well its just so lat…" his head slammed into my shoulder before snoring was heard.

" Damn lazy pharaoh…" I mumbled, eyeing him carefully. ` He's so cute when he sleeps…'

"I'm here in down town domino, where there was a report of a shooting…"

I snapped my head to the T.V. to see a women of about 20 years old on the screen, looking a little pissed of what time it was.

" 45 year old (*1.) Dan Wheeler has died in his home by 2 bullets in the head. Time of death is around 12:35."

I gasped, getting onto my knees letting the cold air meet my body.

" Oh my gods Yami wake up!!"

"…yugi…I'm not going to watch t.v…"


"Hikari, `friends' will be on tomorrow. Go to bed like normal people."

I growled turning my attention back to the screen.

" There was one witness, who has revealed the shooter as Joey wheeler, of domino high school. The witness has decided not to release her name."

In an instant, the icy air was gone and replaced with a horrible scorching feeling starting at my stomach. I felt myself fall to the floor with a bang, not bothering to move.

"Yugi??" he yelled, looking over the bed with concern. " What happened?"

I averted my gaze to the t.v. As he gasped.

His mind wasn't on the women or whatever the hell was bothering Yugi so, but who was behind her. A flash of brown hair…

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Sliding down the brick wall I cupped my face in my hands. I killed my father. I must have. I…i… just remember waking up in my room with a gun in my hand, my clothes, soaked in blood. On the other side of the room, my father was…

I let out a sob at the memory of my father lying motionless came to my mind again. Sure, he hurt me sometimes, but would he do it so much that I actually killed him? ` I don't remember anything…except…brown… what the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING!!' I slammed my fist into the ground as the dirt from the allay way rose up sticking to the tears on my face.

Standing up shakily I slowly walked over to a garbage can to see if there was any left over food. I let out a long breath, seeing it before my eyes before disappearing into thin air. Touching the lid, my fingers were overcome by a violent numbness.

" huh?" I spun around hearing something moving in back of me, taking a defensive stance expecting to see a cop. Nothing. ` Joey your get tin a little paranoid here…' turning around I gasped. ` Where the hells the lid?'

" Hey bitch!"

"What?" a sudden wave of pain shot thru my head as I stumbled back falling into somebody's arms. Leaning down to my ear, my body went numb. She chuckled before all went dark.

" I'm back…"

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Emily: "Ok. I know this wasn't great, but I just wanted to post something up!! I also know it went a little fast, and I should have done better, but I'm not very good at serious stories. I'm trying thou! PLZ R+R!!

1.) I don't know his actual name, Dan's just the name I gave him!