Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Unpeople ❯ Windows ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“It's just around this corner,” insisted the excited boy turning the corner as his partner looked nervously around them before following him down the tight passageway. It hadn't been long since they had been running from hunters in this region. Luckily enough for them the hunters had been rounded up by a near by action squadron.
Looking forward the small boy disappeared briefly from view before the friend also found them selves in the small clearing surrounded by the tall gray faceless buildings blocking off any other mode of exit then that they had came in by.
Looking past the short haired boy the decorated mirror came into view.
He was once again running his hand down the strange but finely decorated mirror, gazing at it wistfully.
“Isn't the mirror wonderful,” he commented breathlessly his eyes not being able to move to anything else.
“It can't be a mirror,” a came factual reply, “mirrors reflect what is infront of it, this is not reflecting us.”
The boy tore his eyes away from the frame and looked at the shimmering glassy image that was shining out from behind the thin layer of glass.
“If it isn't a mirror then what else could it be,” he asked confused and not being able to think of another answer to it.
“I do not know,” came the reply as his friend stroked their hand down the image of the wavering desert, “it might be an electronic image, though I can not think of any reason for such an image to be broa”
The rest of the sentence was stolen from the boy as his friend's hand seemed be swallowed by the glow that was being emitted by the mirror. He then watched shocked as it totally enveloped his friend before pulled into it's depths.
“Whyaah!” he exclaimed before putting his own hands onto where his partner had been pulled in through. As he tried to see where they had gone a white circle appeared infront of him with a design similar to that on the top and base of the mirror before all he saw was white.
Yami looked out over the city from a balcony of the palace considering different things. The priests and advisers had been acting strange whenever they were around him. He could feel that Mahado and Seth wanted to tell him something but weren't.
He looked down at the people wandering through the streets below. So many people in just the one city, he could hardly imagine how many people were scattered throughout the whole of Egypt, he had only ever been to 2 other cities besides the one he was in. How was he suppose to be a good Pharaoh as such.
Sighing he turned back going through the palace halls, and into the courtyard glancing at the pylons that stood grandly with the names and inscriptions of past triumphs of Pharaohs before him. He had reigned a short time and had only recently had work started on his burial chamber, and he had no idea what he wanted to accomplish before then. Past Pharaohs had fought enemies, protecting Egypt's great borders and conquering further lands. Others had made great buildings and cities, or even gone on expeditions bringing back plentiful bounties. But neither his nor his father's cartouches were under any of these accomplishments, and it didn't seem like there were going to be any great battles, new trading partners or building plans.
It was with this that he decided that he was going to make a stand and do something to set himself from the other Pharaohs. He then spun on his heels returning into the palace to start the orders for his tour around the country to begin.
Bakura wandered through the valley, his group behind him. They had chosen a time when the working parties had returned back to their home town. This was something they always did as it meant there was fewer people to have to try and dodge around. They were heading to one of the hidden away and forgotten tombs in the valley. They didn't know who the owner was, but they had accidentally tripped over it on their last visit and were hoping to be able to find it again.
After walking and looking for a good period of time they were not able to find it again, and settled on a near by tomb which looked just as forgotten. Standing back they let their tool users break a hole in the wall sealing them off from where the treasure should have been. Entering before the others Bakura lead by torch. Sweeping it around he was able to find first the sarcophagus, which to his surprise was slightly ajar. As more came in they found the tomb to have been striped, along with a collapsed in tunnel which obviously had before led outside giving those who had come before them an easy entrance and exit. Giving up for the night they left and started their journey back across the desert to their base.
The purple eyes blinked against the sudden bright light, where was he. The last thing he could remember was the symbol coming out of the mirror at him after seeing his friend disappear. Wait where was his friend, if the mirror took them to the same place they should be around there somewhere as well.
He spun around looking around worried. Everything was so much more brighter then he was use to, looking up he could actually see blue in the sky then the dull grey that he was use to, and the sun shone down without anything to dampen its light. The ground was like orange dirt, and that all there seemed to be around him for as far as he could see. Then it hit him, this was the place in the mirror.
Snapping out of his thoughts he was sure that he heard someone calling his name.
“Yugi,” came the call again and looking around he was able to spot his friend.
“Raye!” Yugi replied spotting her and started hurrying towards her, “where are we, why is everything so bright.”
“I do not know, none of this makes sense,” Raye replied looking around, “though I do believe it was your `mirror' that brought us here.”
“So it was a mirror,” Yugi exclaimed excited.
“It was not, but shall still be easier to refer to it as such as we have nothing else to call it.”
Yugi looked at his friend and rolled his eyes, she was always being so technical, “ so you have no idea where we are?”
“I do not know where we are, no.”
“Ok, so then we try and get back through the mirror,” Yugi replied deciding their actions.
“I do not believe we will be able to do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because the mirror is not here.”
Yugi looked around them and noticed that she was telling the truth.