Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Dine with the Devil...I mean, Anzu ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Stwawbewwy: I feel bad for all of them.

Shadow of Light: *hands Malik plushie* there you go.

AMT: It won't be forever. Just enough.

Caro: Hope you enjoy it.

Alpha Slave: Hope you enjoyed your b-day!

Heather Chan: Joey only alluded that his father beat him. He didn't go into details. That may change when Joey finds out about Malik.

AngelicMouse Girl: Yeah, poor Ryou. *bashes anzu*

Hato chiisai: I know…I can be so bad.

Gralnak: I shit you not.

Falling Leaves: Bless you. *hands tissue*

Cyn: I know..it got a little emotional. But, this chappie will lighten the mood.

Lady Elfsyke: Sure…he can live with you..but I get Bakura. *hugs snarling Bakura*

Mystical Dragon: YES YES YES YES….!

Pharaoh Yamis Princess: Here's an anzu chappie to lighten the mood.

Ryous mistress: I know…Poor Ryou..

Lupusdragon: I know..I am so bad to do that to you guys and cliffie it like that.

Dine with the Devil...I mean, Anzu

The door opened and the epitome of brainlessness stood before Ryou and her father. Ryou jumped back to the corner farthest away from Ryou.

"Anzu, you weren't supposed to be home for another hour! Go back outside and wait for dinner."

Anzu folded her hands and jumped around. "I went to this fun place! I went to a library and my voice echoed because my voice is friendly! I stood in the middle of the library and screamed to the top of my lungs, "YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FRIENDSHIP!" and they threw me out of the library. I guess they thought the library was full of friendship, so I went to a cutsie-wootsie pet shop and I asked the friendly man if I could make friends with the cute snake he had in a cute wittle cage! This snake was so friendly! In fact, he showed me how friendly he was from the inside out!"

Anzu's father gave a pitiful sigh. "The snake ate you and you didn't die?"

"No, the snake was just trying to be my friend! The snake didn't like Fluffy!" Anzu pulled out her pet crab, Fluffy. "But Fluffy wanted to go into the snake's mouth! But friendly Mr. Snake wouldn't let him! YEAH FLUFFY! HORRAY FOR FRIENDLY SNAKES!"

Anzu's father rolled his eyes and he sighed heavily. "Ryou, Anzu is not human."

Ryou curled up in the corner looking up at her. "I know."

"Being human is like friendship! I wanna hug Fluffy!" Anzu took Fluffy out of her pocket and squeezed him. The crab's legs fluttered maniacally as it was held by its torture-driven owner. The crab pinched her and she giggled. "Being pinched by Fluffy is very friendly! He's trying to hug me! AWWWWWWW…..I love it when he's friendly like this!"

Ryou curled up wrapping his arms around his shoulder.

\\ Ryou, where are you? \\

/ At Anzu's home. /

A flash of fear struck through Ryou's mindlink. \\ ANZU'S HOUSE???!! WHAT IN THE NAME OF FUCKING HELL ARE YOU DOING IN THAT PIECE OF SHIT PLACE? \\

/ Yami……./

\\ What? \\

/ I don't need to hear that right now. Please. /

\\ Sorry, Ryou. \\

/ I….I…I want to go home./

\\ I know, my love. Just stay where you are. \\

Anzu sat on the bed. Ryou's eyes went wide as he realized….her ass is right where he was going to sleep!!!!! "I love bouncing on the bed! It's like friendship!"

Anzu's dad rolled his eyes and went to Ryou. "We'll be having dinner soon, Ryou."

"Do I have to eat under the table tonight?"

"Well….we do have a guest…..Maybe…if we feel like it."

"Mommy and Daddy let me eat under the table because they said it's the most friendliest place in the house to eat." Anzu's dad left the room scratching his head. She walked up to Ryou. "And…my mommy said that under the table….is a secret place where I can rejuvenate my friendly powers of friendship! Yeah! She says the more I stay under the table, the more friendly I become! So, I try to stay under the table as long as I can.."


"….so I can be at my friendliest!"

\\ I'm a block away from Anzu's house. \\

/ That was quick..How did you know where she lived? /

\\ I came here to torture her at night when Marik and I were out. We did it every now and then. \\


"Anzu, I need some time…umm…to be friendly."


Anzu skipped brainlessly out of the room and laughing as she was falling down the stairs saying how the stairs were giving her hugs as she crashed down step by step.

Ryou held his face and cried. Aria and Aten were cared for, but Malik…..Malik was in the hands of Joey's father. Joey spoke of his father rarely. His father was so immensely abusive, it shocked Ryou how Mr. Wheeler could be considered a potential guardian for Malik. If Marik got to him in time, he knew Marik would not let Joey's dad place one finger on Malik's body. That was…If he got to him in time.

Ryou heard a twig snap and an Egyptian curse under his window. He ran to the window and saw Bakura climbing up the side of the building with precision. Ryou opened the window and pulled Bakura into the room. Ryou shut the window and threw himself into his yami's arms whimpering.

"The kids are at KaibaCorp, yami! They're gone….I can't hold them anymore. My babies."

Bakura caressed his hikari's hair and rocked him. "I know. I know. I'm sorry, Ryou. We'll find a way to get the kids back. I promise."

"I've never been separated from them before."

Bakura held Ryou close to him as his hikari trembled. "Ryou, please breathe, love."

"Those kids are my air. I love them."

Bakura kissed Ryou's head gently. "I know, Ryou."

From downstairs, the shrill, squeaky, annoying voice of Anzu pierced through the air. "DINNER'S BEING FRIENDLY!"

Bakura jumped out of Ryou's grasp and began to shake himself. "What in the name of Ra was that?!"

Ryou sniffed and blew his nose on a nearby tissue. "Anzu's parents are my foster parents."

Bakura stood there, his mouth agape, his eyes wide in terror. "…………"



Ryou waved his hand in front of Bakura.


"Say something!"

"WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS KIND OF AFTERLIFE???!!!!!" Bakura fell to his knees and tugged at his hair with frustration.

Ryou sat on the bed beginning his sobbing again.

"I'd rather spend eternity locked in that cold, hard, jail cell in ancient Egypt and be tormented daily with whips, chains, starvation, and insults rather than stay in this Ra-forsaken house one minute longer!"

Ryou looked down at Bakura. "Don't leave me, yami. Please don't leave me alone."


"Promise me you won't leave me."

Bakura sighed. "Ok, but I am not to be held responsible for the loss of life while staying in this house, human or otherwise."

"Ryou, dinner's done."

Ryou stood up and took his heart medication. "You're coming with me, yami."

"I'm going to stay in the Ring. But, I reserve the right to come out and make an ass out of you whenever I feel like it."

"Don't bother the mother and father. They are being tortured by Anzu enough."

Bakura growled low in his throat. "Fine. I'll TRY to limit my torture to Anzu, but I promise nothing." Bakura disappeared in the Millenium Ring.

Ryou ran downstairs and sat at the kitchen table. Barbequed chicken, carrots, and rice with biscuits steamed on the table. Anzu at the table with the mother and father on either end. Ryou sat down timidly.

"Ryou! Look at the friendly dinner! That chicken was friendly! It gave its life for us so we can eat it! YEAH FOR THE CHICKEN! And the carrots are orange like friendship! And the rice are like tiny bits of friendship on my plate! You know, the biscuits really need to be taught how great friendship is!"

Anzu's dad rolled his eyes. "Anzu, nobody cares about friendship. Shut up and eat before we make you eat under the table again."

"But I LOOOOOOOVEEEEE eating at the table! OOOO!! Daddy gave me a chicken bone."

"Now, honey," Anzu's dad said happily. "You see that chicken bone?"


"Grr….Yes, the friendly bone. Now…eat that as fast as you can and remember, swallow it whole."

Ryou watched as Anzu took the legbone and shoved it into her mouth.

"Chocking on a chicken bone is like friendship! I can't breathe! I'm getting the warm fuzzy feeling I get when I talk about friendly things!"

Ryou chewed on a carrot and heard a bang in his soulroom.

/Yami, what's wrong?/

\\ I'm trying to knock my head against the wall until I fall into sweet unconsciousness! \\

/Yami, don't hurt yourself! Don't make me come in there! /

\\ Not even swallowing a chicken bone kills that idiot! That proves it….she is not human.\\

Anzu fell off the chair and the family sighed in relief. Ryou ate quietly as his gaze shifted from the mother to the father.

"We're sorry if our daughter scared you….we wanted you to settle in before you met her."

"I know Anzu….though I always wish I didn't."

"I wish I didn't know her either. God, I don't know what I took when I was pregnant with her…"

Ryou sighed. "I wish I knew what could have caused her ….to be the way she is."

Anzu sat back on the chair sighing. "Heaven was friendly to me! Heaven said that there was already too much friendship, so they told me to go to Hell! Hell is like friendship! At least they told me that Hell needed lots of friendship, so they told me to go there! YEAH THERE IS FRIENDSHIP IN THE AFTERLIFE!"

\\ I CAN PERSONALLY TELL HER THAT IS A FRICKING LIE! \\ Bakura raged from his soulroom.

/ Yami, please./

\\ I can personally send her Crab-loving, Friendship-talking, immortal ass to the Shadow Realm! PLEASSSSSSSSEEEEEEE????????????????? \\

/ Bakura…….please./

"Anzu, if you do not behave, you're going to sleep in the broom closet again!" Anzu's mother yelled.


Bakura fell down in his soulroom wretching, his back twisting in pain. \\ GAH! I CAN'T TAKE IT! Ryou, it's been a long time since I done this, but I have to do it! \\

Ryou felt himself lose control of his body as he was placed in his soulroom. "Bakura!" Ryou jiggled the doorknob to his yami's adjoining soulroom. The door was locked. "Bakura! Let me out! Please! Don't lock me in here again!" Ryou stopped his futile effort. Anzu had a talent for infuriating his yami. When Bakura was pissed enough, Bakura would take over Ryou without permission. It had been a long time since Bakura took over his body.

Bakura brushed his spiky hair back and growled at Anzu. Her parents didn't seem to notice the change. "If dead brain cells were money, you'd be freakin' rich, you pain in the ass." With that, Bakura got up from the table and ran back upstairs to his bedroom slamming the door angrily. Bakura separated himself from Ryou's body leaving Ryou to fall back on the bed.


Bakura looked at the trembling hikari. "You…you threw me in my soulroom…and locked the door."

Bakura kneeled before Ryou. "I'm sorry, Ryou. I don't know what came over me." Bakura brought Ryou into a hug. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. It just happened."

Ryou kissed Bakura's neck. "It's ok, yami. You just scared me a little."

"Well, Anzu could scare any sane, normal person."

Ryou clutched onto Bakura. "Yami, Aria and Aten are at Seto's place."

"Marik went to find Malik."

"If I could communicate with you, Marik can communicate with Malik. They took him to Joey's dad."

Bakura looked Ryou in the eyes. "Joey's dad? That punk? How could an *pardon my language* asshole get custody of a foster kid? Joey ran away from his dad."

Ryou hugged Bakura. "I know, yami..I know."

"Well, Marik won't let Joey's dad put one finger on his hikari. You know Marik…nobody touches Malik without his permission….nobody."

"Well, you touched Malik and I did, too. We didn't ask permission."

"Well…we're different. I mean, remember when Malik's dad carved into his back? Marik killed Malik's dad. They never did find out where his torso went to. They came close a few times to finding his arm."

"How do you know this?"

Bakura's eyes shifted uncomfortably. "No reason."

The door was knocked and Anzu's father came in. Bakura gasped and disappeared into the Ring. "Ryou, are you ok?"

"Anzu just….got on my nerves."

"Imagine living with her all the time. Look, if you need someone to talk to, Diane and I are here for you. ok?"

Ryou nodded. "Thank you."

"Come back down when you are ready."


The man left and Bakura reappeared. "Why didn't Child Services let you stay with me and Marik?"

"You couldn't prove how old you were."

Bakura groaned and went to a small ornament with sand in the center. In the sand was drawn the word "Friendship." Bakura put his fingers in the sand. The tiny grains fell through his fingertips.

"You see this, Ryou? This…..is all that is left of my mortal body. I'm nothing more than a spirit now. I can prove how old I am, but she would never believe me."

"What are you going to do?"

Bakura sighed and brushed the sand off on his shirt. "I'm going to prove to her how old I am. Ryou, I will be gone for a little. I'll be back tonight."

Ryou took Bakura's hand. "Don't leave me."

"I have to go get my…proof. And then I want to go visit the kids. I'll be back afterwards."

"Promise you'll be back?"

Bakura nodded. "I promise."

Ryou hugged Bakura and the yami headed back downstairs. Ryou cringed when the piercing cry of "YEAH FLUFFY!" echoed through the house.

Updates: Thursday or Friday.