Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Sins of the Father ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'll do review responses next chappie….which will be a RYOU X BAKURA LEMON NEXT CHAPPIE!

Sins of the Father

Bakura ran through the darkening streets towards KaibaCorp. The thought of Aria in Seto's custody relieved him. at least she was with someone who would care for her and love her. If Child Services wanted proof of his age, so be it. `Where did I put that stupid thing?' he thought to himself as he darted down an alley.

He climbed up the fence and jumped down leaving the alley. Bakura saw the tall building at a distance and paused in front of Yugi's Game Shop. He briefly looked in the window to see what the pharaoh and his lapdog of a hikari were doing. Yami and Yugi were playing a game of Twister. Yami fell over as he tried to put his left foot on the green circle. Yugi burst out into laughter.

"That's six in a row, Yami! You can save the world from destruction, but you lose at a game of Twister? HAHAHA!!!!"

A bright light shone in the room and the Twister game disappeared. Yugi looked around for it.

"Where did it go?"

Yami folded his arms and lifted his nose proudly. "I sent it to the Shadow Realm."

Yugi tugged at his hair. "That's the third board game of mine you sent to the Shadow Realm this week!"

"Well, the Scrabble game was not in hieroglyphics!"

"It wouldn't be, Yami!"

"Battleship deserved it! And Monopoly just took too damn long!"

"So you sent it to the Shadow Realm?" Yugi sighed. "Grandpa isn't going to be happy if you send another one of my games to the Shadow Realm."

Bakura watched the scene of Yami losing and burst out in mental laughter. `King of Games, huh?' Bakura ran to the steps of KaibaCorp. Security let him in hesitantly and Kaiba was called downstairs.

Kaiba stepped out of the elevator with Aria by his side. Aria held her Dark Magician doll tightly when she saw her father and squealed happily. "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! Daddy, you found me!"

Aria ran to her father with open arms. Bakura fell to his knees and brought his little chibi into his arms. Bakura kissed her cheek and squeezed her tightly.

"I missed you, daddy!" Aria looked behind Bakura and around the lobby. "Daddy, where's mommy?" Tiny, brown eyes shimmered with moisture.

"Mommy is…..with a family now, baby girl, but he is doing fine. He misses you very much."

Aria brushed back her hair and cuddled her Dark Magician. "When…when that lady took me in the car, I was sad."
"I know, baby. We'll do everything we can to get you back to us."

Aria smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck in a bear hug.

"You be good for Joey and Seto."

Seto heaved a sigh. "Puppy had to leave. I couldn't have Joey be here with me and the kids."

Bakura growled. "Morons, the lot of them."

"I had to take the kids, Bakura. If Joey were here, they couldn't be here. I couldn't see them with someone they didn't know."

Bakura picked up Aria and rocked her in his arms. "At least she isn't in Malik's position."

"Malik? What about him?"

Bakura looked Seto in her sapphire eyes. "Malik is with Joey's dad."

Seto's jaw dropped and he pointed at Bakura. "That's not funny, Bakura."

"I didn't mean it as a joke, moneybags.

Seto shook his head and took Aria into his arms. "If these kids could have gone to that creep, then I just saved these kids' lives."

"What do you mean?"

"Joey ran away from home. He vaguely talked about his life at home and his dad. All I know is that his dad used to beat him. To what extent, I don't know."

"How could he convince Child Services that he would be a good foster parent then? It makes no sense."

Seto rubbed Aria's back. "Joey never reported the abuse to anyone. He was always quiet about what happened. Joey told me he'd been on the streets for about one year before I brought him into my home."

Bakura stepped towards Aria and kissed her on the forehead. "I have to know what danger Malik is in. Where is your puppy, anyway?"

"I sent the mutt to Yugi and Yami's place. It was the only place I could send him. I know Yugi will watch over my puppy."

Bakura looked down at Seto's ankles and around the lobby. "Where's Aten?"

"Aten's by the window in my office. He hasn't really moved much."

Bakura took Aria from Seto and kissed her on the cheek. "I want to see him. It may make him feel better."

Seto lead Bakura to the elevator and to his office. Aten stood by the window holding his toy monkey in a white sleeping gown without decoration. Two armed guards stood by the child watching him sigh and look over the town. "Mommy Malik……"

When the door opened, he turned and immediately smiled. "DADDY BAKURA!!!!"

The little boy ran to Bakura and wrapped his arms around Bakura's neck as he kneeled. Aten covered Bakura's neck is quick, gentle kisses just like Ryou used to do. When he stopped he looked behind Bakura. "Mommy? Mommy Malik?"

Aten ran into the hallway still holding his toy monkey. "Mommy Malik?" Where's mommy and Mommy Malik?" he asked when he returned into the room and found only Bakura and Seto present.

Bakura continued to kneel down as Aten sauntered up to him. "Where's my mommies?"

"They can't be here, Aten. Sorry. But they wanted me to tell you how much they love you." Bakura drew the tiny, thin chibi to his chest.

"I want my mommies back…Where's my daddy?"

Bakura sighed. "He couldn't be here either, baby. Tell you what. Tomorrow night, I'll bring Mommy over to tuck you in before you and your sister go to bed."

Aten's brown and purple eyes lit up. "REALLY? YOU MEAN IT, DADDY BAKURA?"

Bakura nodded. "I mean it. Tomorrow night, I'll bring him with me and he can even play with you a little bit."

Aten and Aria jumped up and down excitedly and ran to Seto wrapping their arms around his legs. "Unkie Seto! Mommy is gonna come over to tuck us in bed tomoorow night!" Aria said happily with her trademark chibi squeal.

"Mommy's gonna pway with us a wittle! Yeah!"

Seto raised an eyebrow at Bakura. "I hope you come, Bakura."

"I've never disappointed my kids and I'm not about to start now. I have to go see Joey and I have to get my birth certificate from inside my Ring."

Seto's eyebrow raised with disbelief. "They didn't have birth certificates in your time."

"Maybe so, maybe not, but I do have mine for some reason. My mother was exceptionally proud of my birth. I was the first born son. So, my mother told my father to commemorate my birth with a stone carving. My mother and father were poor, but they did this for me."

"Stone carving?"

"The only difference between my birth certificate and yours is that it weighs about…..two tons more and is a bitch to photocopy. Well, enough chatting. I have to get going."

Aria held onto Bakura's jeans. "Daddy?" Bakura looked down at his daughter. "Daddy, can you tuck me in bed?"

Bakura smiled and picked her up. Seto carried Aten in his arms and into the chibis' bedroom. Bakura put Aria on her side of the bed. Seto laid the drowsy Aten on his side of the bed. Aria laid back and held out her doll. "Kiss Jessie, daddy."

Bakura kissed Jessie and tickled Aria's stomach. Aria threw back her head and grabbed Bakura's wrist weakly. "Stop it, daddy, that tickles!"

Bakura pressed his lips to Aria's stomach and blew causing her tiny body to convulse with laughter. Bakura finally stopped and kissed her cheek. "Be good, my little girl. Seto, don't spoil them too much."

Seto caressed Aten's hair. "Better spoiled than tarnished, Bakura."

Bakura raised his eyes to Seto. The kids could have gone to Joey's dad. But, Seto saved them. "Thank you for taking them, Seto. Aria and Aten mean everything to us….everything to me. Thank you."

Bakura left the room as Aria curled up beside her brother hugging her doll.

As he ran to the Game Shop, he felt a drop of rain fall. He hated the rain; It made his hair flat. He didn't like his hair flat. Spiky was better. He made it to the Game Shop and Yugi answered the door in his Gaia the Fierce Knight boxers. He opened the door for Bakura and the soaking wet yami (authoress pauses to drool incessantly) walked in. He shook off the water like a dog. His white locks lay clinging to his shirt and his shoulders (authoress passes out from hotness overload).

"Bakura, what are you doing here at this hour?"

"I came to see the puppy you adopted."


"Joey Wheeler. Seto's lapdog."

"He's in the kitchen. Why?"

Bakura headed to the kitchen. Joey was eating a bowl of chips looking at the "KC" sign of KaibaCorp. Joey looked at Bakura and sighed. "I miss Seto."

"Let me say that I appreciate what you and Seto are doing for Aria and Aten."

Joey shook his head. "We didn't have a choice. I didn't know who would get to adopt the kids. They've been through enough already. Seto will take good care of them."

Hopefully this won't take too long and we can get on with our lives."

Bakura sat beside Joey at the table. "At least our kids are safe. But, they separated Ryou and Malik."

Joey dropped the chip in his hand and his eyes went wide. "They what?"

"They separated Ryou and Malik. They put Ryou with Anzu's parents."

"Now THAT is torture. Where's Malik?"

Bakura shifted in his chair. He folded his hands on the table. "Joey, he's staying with your father."

Joey jumped off the chair so fast, the chair fell backwards with a crash. Yami and Yugi ran into the room startled. "WHAT? My dad has Malik?"

"Afraid so. At least that is what Ryou told me."

Joey picked up the chair and sat down holding a bunch of his hair in his clenched fists.

"Joey, why didn't you tell anyone about your father?"

Joey released his hair. "I couldn't. If my mom found out about my dad's abuse, she would feel bad for keeping me with him."

"So you kept quiet for your mother's sake? Joey, you should have said something! If you said something, then maybe Malik wouldn't be in the position he's in!"

Joey rubbed the back of his head. "I felt like I couldn't, Bakura. She never told me why she left me with dad and took my sister away with her. After she left, she never spoke to me. She never left so much as an address. Every Christmas, there's a letter for me at the post office. There's always an envelope with $100.00 and the post office never tells me who it's from."

"Is Malik in danger?"

"Not if Marik is with him."

"I'm not sure if Marik found the place yet."

Joey's hands fell on the table. "Marik isn't with him?"

"Marik and I were gone when Child Services came to take them away."

Joey looked at his empty bowl of chips. "I hope for Malik's sake my father has changed."

Yami walked up to Joey. "Can't you report it now?"
"No one will believe him. Child Services can claim that he's just saying that to get Malik out."

Bakura shook his head and stood up."Well, when Marik finally finds him, he'll be in good shape. I just hope Marik gets to him before your dad does, Joey." Bakura was passing Yami when he turned to him. "Even Marik can win at Twister, pharaoh."

Bakura left the room and Yami screamed after him, "It doesn't surprise me how he can contort his body!"

Bakura snickered and ran out of the Game Shop. Joey looked back towards KaibaCorp. "I can't believe my dad has Malik. I have to go see him!" Joey said looking at Yugi.

"Who? Your dad or Malik?"

"…Both." Joey ran upstairs to pack his schoolbag.


Bakura ran back to the house when he felt his hikari shrink back. The familiar feeling of a twisted stomach made him suddenly nauseous. He stopped without having the strength to climb the fence in the alley. He ran down the other alley and to the window of Anzu's home. Anzu was watching a familiar movie…his worst enemy of modern films...Happy Bear Jamboree.

Bakura held his head and grinding his teeth in pain as Anzu brainlessly sang to the song:

It's time for games

It's time for fun!

Grab a smile, everyone!

Put it on your happy faces for all to see!

Jump and jump and jump with glee

For the Happy Bear Jamboree!

Bakura fell to the wet ground as Anzu jumped around boring the hell out of her parents.

Happy slappy funny time!

Silly Willy Nilly Bunny time!

Let's laugh and jump and play and smile!

Fun with Friends is fun for me!

Especially with the Happy Bear Jamboree!

Bakura jumped up, growled, and kicked the side of the house in frustration. The blessed agony of a stubbed toe was much more agreeable than the pain from watching the Happy Bear Jamboree. Bakura limped to under Ryou's window. Ryou came to the window looking out at the night. His yami was gone a long time. He felt so alone, separated from his kids and his friends. "Yami…..please come home…..I miss you so much….yami…."

Bakura stepped into the light of the window. "I'm here, Ryou."

Ryou looked down and smiled. "Yami! Climb up!"

Bakura climbed up to the window. When he finally pulled himself inside, Ryou wrapped his arms around Bakura. "I missed you, yami!"

Ryou held Bakura's face and planted a kiss on Bakura's lips. The yami's eyes went wide with the sudden display of affection.

Ryou wrapped his arms around Bakura in a tight embrace. "How was Aria and Aten?"

"I said that I would bring you over to see them tomorrow night. They want you to tuck them into bed."

The hikari smiled and nuzzled his head into Bakura's chest. "I love you, yami. I love you and I missed you terribly."

The yami stroked his hikari's white mane gently, feeling the soft down under his sensitive palms. Bakura kissed Ryou's cheek and down to Ryou's neck, pulling the shirt collar away for better access.

Ryou gave a little whimper and held his yami's face in front of him again. Their brown orbs met, searching for some type of comfort….both had lost something precious to them…Aria. Ryou missed Aten deeply. He felt content knowing Seto knew how to take care of Aten's medical needs. Seto knew what pills he needed to keep his tiny heart beating. Without them, Aten couldn't survive.

Ryou bit his lip. "Yami?"

"Yes, hikari?"

"Will you make love to me?"

Marik ran through the pouring rain following his hikari's mental directions. The pain soaked his spiky hair and he cursed the God of Rain for doing this at such a bad time. Out of every day of the week, THIS had to be the day of downpour. Marik ran through the streets trying to get to the other side of town any way he could. He hid under a store's porch to escape the cold wind and rain.

Malik's desperate pleas for his yami forced him out of the shelter from the rain. It took him all day to get to Malik. Marik ran to the back of the house and saw the lights turned out and the form of his hikari hiding under a desk in the room. Marik lightly tapped on the window and Malik darted from his hiding place to allow his yami access.

Marik crawled into the room and his hikari backed him into the wall with frantic kisses. Marik inhaled the bitter scent of his hikari.

"Malik, what have you been drinking?"

Malik whimpered and held onto his yami. "Just hold me."

The boy's bitter breath brushed across Marik's skin as a deep growl emanated from him.

"How dare he touch what is mine!" Marik growled low in his throat. Malik suddenly went limp in Marik's grasp. The yami put his hikari on the bed and removed his hikari's clothes looking for injuries or signs that Malik had been penetrated. Malik had only one red mark on his shoulder. Marik tucked Malik into bed and looked at the desk under which his hikari had hid…..on the desk was an empty vodka bottle and two shot glasses.