Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ You Never Told Me ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

sliderkta: I'm glad you love the Story and I think that Seto is an ok kind of guy. He's misunderstood sometimes, just like Tristan. But, you know, if you ever need to talk to someone, don't hesitate to email me or AIM me on bakuralove. I'm always willing to help my reviewers any way I can…even if it is just an ear or a shoulder to cry on.

happy yaoi lover: Both me and Dragondreamer Yami Dragon are both girls…and yes, we are happily married to each other and our husband. Dragondreamer Yami Dragon is my wife. HORRAY FOR DRAGONDREAMER YAMI DRAGON!

The Insane Otaku: Seto has to come rescue his puppy. WE LOVE JOEY!

Pharaoh Yami's princess: Hope you had a good b-day.

Angelic Mouse Girl: Aww…you're so cute. I'm glad I didn't scare anyone away..amazingly, the last one was one of my most popular chappies.

Shadow of Light: I try to make my stories deep, but not deep to the point of not being able to comprehend the stuff. Gotta love symbolism, such as the toybox.

Evil MJ: Yes, I did chop off part of my finger by chopping soap, but I chopped off part of my LEFT hand…not my writing hand. And ha ha ha….i tripped over the handicap ramp…not the computer cord!

Dragondreamer: Did I make up for torturing Joey yet, Yami Dragon, or do I have to do more…….umm…….."making up?" Did I make up for it yet?

You Never Told Me

Seto put Joey in the limo and held him tightly. Joey panted heavily and closed his eyes tightly. Seto was careful to cover his lover's ears from hearing the screams that came from inside the house.

"Seto…I thought you wouldn't come for me."

"Why wouldn't I want to look for my lost puppy?"

Joey squeezed onto Seto tightly. "Because you would be angry with me…that I didn't tell you where I was going."

Seto heaved a sigh. "We'll discuss that later, puppy. In the meantime, I am not angry, ok? What I saw in there was not your fault."

Joey nodded and looked up. The guards came out of the home cracking their crimson covered hands. The guards casually entered the limo and began to drive away.

"Wait! You're going the wrong way! Marik and Malik are the other way!"

"Mark, turn around. We're going back for the others. Where are they, Joey?"

Joey wiped a teary eye on Seto's shirt. "I left them where I used to stay out of the rain."

"Where's that?"

"Just up ahead."

Seto looked out of the window and narrowed his eyes at the dilapidated houses, graffitied and boarded up. Litter lined the streets and the sidewalks were covered in muck and grease.

"Down the next alley."

The car was too narrow to drive through so Seto stepped out of the car and unknowingly into a puddle of slime. Cursing mentally at the mucky, slimy ooze, he helped Joey gingerly out of the limo. "Joel, come with us."

The guard led the way into the alley with his hand on his concealed weapon. Seto looked at the alley, wet and damp. Small rainfalls of water pat on the cold ground. Litter covered the alley and graffiti lined the brick buildings on either side of them.

"This is where you used to live?" Seto asked as he looked at the pile of used syringes on the ground. A stray cat sifted around and jumped out of a garbage can. A cough was heard further down the damp, cold, crisp alley.

"It was better here than living at home with my dad." A puddle of sludge formed among the melted milkshakes and mud.

Marik turned and saw Seto helping Joey down the alley with a sheet around him.

"Joey, what the hell happened to you?"

Joey shook his head. "Nothing. I don't wanna talk about it."

Malik coughed and shivered under the balcony. Joel ran over to Malik and felt his forehead. "May have a fever, Master Kaiba."

"Bring him," Seto ordered sternly to his guard.

Joel grabbed Malik's arm and the boy gave a whimper. Marik grabbed Joel's arm.

"Nobody touches what is mine, mortal."

Marik helped Malik to his weak feet. Seto turned around to head back to the alley's entrance. Seto found two rats fighting over a piece of stale and hairy bread crust.

"Joey, did you honestly live here?"

Joey shrugged. "I lived all over the city's alleys and corners. But I lived here when I wasn't lucky enough to get jail time. When they would return me back to my father, I would end up here. This was my home."

"Jail time?" Marik asked. "Why is that a good thing?"

"Free tv, a roof over your head, 3 meals a day….that was paradise, Marik. When I was returned to my dad, that was hell."

Seto held Joey tighter watching the squealing rats intently. Malik whimpered in Marik's arms as the cat returned chasing the rats that were literally as big as the cat.

Seto closed the limo door and ordered the limo to return to KaibaCorp. Seto was on his cell phone talking to Dr. Zira ordering him to get to KaibaCorp and drop whatever it was he was doing. Seto called Mokuba to track down Bakura.

Malik opened his eyes to see Joey weeping beside his lover. A large scar attested to something very bad. Malik struggled from Marik's possessive grasp and sat beside Joey. The blonde boys held onto each other in the car, nuzzling and hugging each other tightly.

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Seto helped Joey up the front steps of KaibaCorp while Marik and Joel supported Malik. Security helped Seto to the elevator with Joey.

"Joey, what happened to you?" the guards asked the sad puppy.

Seto turned to the group of concerned guards. "Nothing happened. Make sure it stays that way." Before the doors to the elevator closed, Seto turned to his guards. "Joey Wheeler is NOT here. Do you all understand? If anyone asks, Joey is not within a thousand miles of this building. Malik also isn't here. He's no where near this place. Got it?"

The crowd of security nodded and the elevator closed. Seto helped Joey to the bedroom that they shared. He directed Marik to put Malik in the next room until the doctor arrived. Seto slowly removed Joey's shirt and Joey wrapped his arms around Seto suddenly.

"It's me, Joey. It's just me." Seto kissed his lover's neck gently. "It's ok, puppy. Just relax."

Seto helped Joey into the bathroom that was attached to the bedroom. Seto couldn't remove the sheet. Seto drew him a warm bath and slowly helped the blond into the water. The part of the sheet that stuck to him by dried-up fluids peeled free from his body. Seto washed him looking into Joey's brown eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Seto whispered with tears in his sapphire eyes.

Joey looked up at Seto's jeweled eyes. "I'm sorry, Seto. I don't know why. It's…..it's hard to talk about."

Seto watched the soap lather Joey's warm skin. Joey reached up for Seto's cheek and cupped it lovingly. Seto looked down at his lover's red and purple wrist where the rough rope dug into it.

"Love you, my dragon."

"My puppy…why couldn't you talk to me? I cannot believe you would keep this from me!"

Joey cringed. "I couldn't talk about it. My father always told me that I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone about it. I tried telling my teacher once and my father kept me locked in my room and didn't feed me for days. I couldn't walk for days because he made love to me constantly, stopping only to eat and take a piss. I learned my lesson the hard way not to tell anyone or even try to."

Seto wrapped his arm around Joey. "I would never treat you like the way that monster treated you. I'm sorry, puppy. I just want you to relax."

Marik interrupted their moment by bursting into the bathroom. "Why the hell won't Malik let me undress him? What happened to Malik before I appeared, Joey?"

Joey shook his head. "My father made me….he tried to make me make love to Malik."

Seto and Marik snarled angrily. Seto hugged Joey even more protectively.

"I hope your guards killed him, moneybags. If not, I'll finish what they started," Marik snarled gripping the Millennium Rod and stamping out of the room.

Seto helped the trembling puppy out of the tub and wrapped a clean towel around him. He brushed Joey's hair and helped him back to bed.

Joey sighed weakly and his eyes closed.

"Puppy, will you be ok alone for a few minutes? I want to check on Malik. I'm sure they're both anxious to see Aria and Aten."

"I forgot to tell them that the kids are here, Seto!"

"I'll let them know. Are you going to be ok here for five minutes?"

Joey shrugged. "I lived with this for nine years. I can wait another five minutes."

Seto nodded and kissed his puppy when Mokuba ran in with Aten in his arms cuddling up to his chest. Aria was clinging to his leg as he walked.

"That's it, big brother! No more M&M's for Aria!"

"UNKIE PUPPY!" Aria and Aten squealed. Aria ran to the bed and tried desperately to climb onto the mattress. Aten couldn't run as fast as his sibling, but waved his arms excitedly.

"Aria. Aten. Puppy needs his sleep. You can say hello for now, but someone else here wants to see you, too." Seto helped the chibis onto the mattress. Aten climbed up on Joey's stomach and leaned forward putting his head on Joey's chest to hear his heartbeat. Aria ran to her Unkie Puppy and kissed his lips, eye, forehead, and cheeks.

"You stay here, puppy. I'll be right back."

Seto left with Mokuba. "Any luck with Bakura?"

"They're not home. Besides Anzu answered and I couldn't take her annoying speech about how rocks were being friendly to her."

Seto rolled his eyes. "Well, Ryou usually comes here at night to tuck the kids into bed. We will have to have him stay tonight."


"Because I found Malik and I know Ryou misses him. Ryou won't want to leave if Malik is sick like this."

Seto looked at his little brother. All he could see in front of his eyes was Joey under his father. Mokuba was the only family he had. To think that anyone could do that to their own family members made him quiver. He kneeled down to Mokuba and hugged his little brother.

Mokuba shifted his eyes. "What's that for?"

"Do I need a reason to hug my little brother now?"

"No, It's just…..kinda unexpected now."

Seto shrugged. He just needed to hug his brother. He would always keep his brother out of the hands of people like Joey's dad. Mokuba followed Seto into the other room. Marik had tucked Malik into bed. Seto and Mokuba walked to the bed and looked at the sweating, moaning boy in the bed. Seto sat beside Malik knowing that Marik was watching his every move with a careful eye. He touched Malik's forehead.

"Hot. He has a fever. The doctor should be here soon."

"Fever? He can't have a fever!"

"He does. The doctor won't be too much longer. I told him to get over here in fifteen minutes or I'll find myself another doctor. Come into the next room with me. He'll be fine here."

"I can't leave my hikari alone when he is sick."

"This will make both of you feel better."

Marik turned to his hikari and kissed him. "I'll be back, tenshi." Malik didn't even look up at his yami. He laid there limp and sleepy. Marik left the room biting his lip.

"How could he get sick so easily?"

"That alley was a disgrace. Wouldn't surprise me if he caught more than a cold there."

Mokuba opened the door and Marik gasped.


Aten raised himself off of Joey's belly and turned to see his father running towards him. Aten smiled and squealed uncharacteristically of him. He crawled off of Joey.


"Daddy Mawik!"

Marik scooped Aten into is arms hugging him and pressing his lips to Aten's cheek. Seto and Mokuba heard a sniffle as Marik's lips remained fastened to Aten's cheek.

"Marik?" Joey turned to the yami whose face was drenched in tears and turning red from lack of breathing.

Aria hugged Marik's chest. "Don't cwy, Daddy Mawik."

Seto pulled Mokuba close to him. "Marik, are you really crying?"
"I never thought I'd see my child again," Marik whimpered crying into the tuft of white and blonde hair. Aten placed his face on his father's chest and nuzzled into it.

"I thought I lost you, Aten," Marik said kissing Aten again and he picked up Aria.

"Aria, I missed you so much, baby girl."

Aria hugged Marik tightly. "I was a weawwy good girl while you were gone, Daddy Mawik! I pwayed tag with Unkie Mo-uba and…OOO….DADDY! I was pwaying in Unkie Seto's woom twying to find my shakey sword. I wen unner the bed and I found a dancing egg! It also shooked and danced for me!"

Seto turned red. "Uh….Aria, I don't think Daddy Marik wants to hear this."

Marik smirked. "No..that's fine. What else did you find, baby girl?"

"I found a weather bwacewet! It was pwetty! It snapped awound my wist. The stones mashed Unkie Seto's boo eyes! But, Unkie Seto took it away and gave me M's intead!"

Joey turned red at the mention of the "weather bwacewet." Seto knew this is the last thing Joey needed to hear.

Marik turned to Seto. "So, moneybags, who gets to wear the "leather bracelet?"

"……Who do you think, Yami Marik? Aria, I don't think this is something to talk about…"

"And den, Daddy Mawik, I found bawoons! I towed it to this wady and I assed her if she would bwow it up for me. I think she liked bawoons because she couldn't top waffing! She couldn't beathe like when Aten needs his mecication. I went to Unkie Mo-uba and he waffed and waffed and waffed and waffed and waffed. He boo it up for me."

Seto turned to Mokuba. "You blew it up for her?"

"Big Brother, you should know to put away your toys when you're done playing with them. Now maybe you'll keep them hidden away where no one can see them."

Seto narrowed his eyes. "That better have not been my strawberry flavored condoms, Mokuba."

"It smelled like tawbewwy, Unkie Seto. Mo-uba bought me a stwing and I towed eweyone my pwetty bawoon! They tolded me it was vewy pwetty. I pulled it behind me and towed eweyone I tee."

Seto rubbed his temple. "Aria, condoms are not balloons. Nor are they something to be showed to the staff. Didn't we have this discussion before?"

Aria looked down sadly. "Yes, Unkie Seto."

"What did I say about the toys you find in Unkie Seto's room?"

Aria played with her hair avoiding his eyes. "Dey are not toys for wittle girls to pway wit."


"And……they are sposed to stay in the bedwoom."

"And? What are you supposed to do when you see something that doesn't belong to you?"

Aria paused and looked up at Seto. "I'm torry, Unkie Seto….I only wanted to pway wit it."

Marik held Aria closely as she rubbed her eyes. "Moneybags, if you want to keep toys out of their hands, then lock your bedroom door. Aten can't get to any of the stuff me and Malik use."

"It was so pwetty, I just wanted to pway with the bawoon…..I'm torry."

Seto sighed and handed Aria another bag of M&M's. "Don't cry, Aria. I'm not mad."

Aria wiped her tears clean and smiled hugging the bag forgetting why she was crying. "Daddy Mawik! I got M's!!!!"

Dr. Zira came in quickly and headed right for the bed. "Joey, what happened?"

Joey turned away from Zira and curled up on the bed, drawing his knees to his chest. "Not in front of Aria and Aten."

Seto grabbed Aria and Mokuba followed him closely. "When you are done with Joey, there's another patient next door who needs you."

Seto carried the giggling chibi waving her bag of candy.

Aten looked up at his father. "Where's Mommy Malik?"

"He's in here," Marik said opening the door.

Aria smiled as she saw Malik. "I wanna hug Mommy Mawik!"

Seto put Aria on the bed and sat her down. "Mommy Malik is sick. Don't get too close."

Aria sat on the bed rubbing Malik's foot. Seto held her shoulders loosely making sure she wouldn't get too close to the coughing, sniffling Malik.

Aten looked at Malik in bed struggling with breathing. Aten fussed and Marik put him down. Aten crawled to Malik, but Marik pulled him back.

"Aten, son, you'll get sick."

Aten crawled over to Malik again. "I no care if I get sick, daddy," he said hugging Malik and kissing Malik's cheek. "I miss my Mommy Malik. I wove you."

Malik smiled and ran his fingers through Aten's hair. "Ryou? Ryou…is that you?"

Aten looked up into Malik's purple eyes. "I no Mommy. I Aten."

Malik gathered Aten into his chest. "Aten…..at last." Malik gave a sigh, oblivious to the cry that came from the other room where Joey was being examined.

Seto gave Aria to Mokuba. "I'll be right back. Don't let her get too close to Malik."

Seto ran into the other room. Zira turned to Seto as he approached. "I tried to be gentle, Mr. Kaiba."

"Did Joey tell…"

Zira nodded. "Joey told me what happened. He's going to have to stay in bed for a couple days if not more. There's excessive tearing and a lot of scarring. Many of these scars were inflicted years ago, and this recent assault just opened them up again." Seto sat on the bed and gathered his puppy into his arms.

"Old scars?"

"Many of them never healed. Joey, did this happen before?"

Joey nodded, turning pale. "Often…when I was growing up. My dad did it."

"I'm going to have to report this to the authorities, Joey."

Joey sat up suddenly. "No, you can't!"

Seto took Joey's hand. "We have to, Joey. This will protect you! Besides, I will already have Mrs. Flannery's job for this!"

"A criminal act has taken place, Joey, and we have to punish the one responsible."

"But what if he goes after me or my friends?"

"He'll be placed in jail, puppy. He won't go near any of our friends."

Joey curled up beside Seto shivering slightly. "What if he gets to me or my friends?"

"We'll let the cops handle it, Joey. Besides, Joey, you are scarred badly enough to warrant ten life sentences. I doubt he'll be out and about anytime soon. I'm going to notify the authorities immediately. Good day, Mr. Kaiba."

Zira left and Joel entered. Seto covered Joey's ears. "Did you take care of it? Is it done?"

"Yes, Mister Kaiba."

"Good. That bastard won't bother his son anymore. He deserved more than what he got, I'm certain. Dismissed."

The guard left the room and Seto turned to Joey. "Why didn't you tell me about this, Joey? Why? Didn't you trust me?"

Joey looked down at the floor. "It not that I didn't trust you. I just….I couldn't bring myself to tell you."

"But, we promised not to have any secrets between us. Why did you keep this from me, puppy? I could have helped you!"

"I'm sorry, Seto. This was hard enough for me to come to terms with. When I saw my father above me, I remembered everything. If you asked me a week ago to talk about my father, all I would be able to say is that he drank booze and beat me senseless. I didn't remember anything about his sleeping with me or using the toys on me."

Seto jumped off of the bed and went to a safe in the wall. He put in the combination into the safe and opened it. Joey looked over to see their toys being removed: the ball gag, the whip, the rope, the blindfold, the dildo. Seto cringed as he remembered Joey's clown-decorated toy box. The toys he and Joey used were the same as what his father used on Joey all his life.

"Seto, what are our toys doing up in that safe?"

"I installed this yesterday after Aria found the vibrating egg. I knew the tomb robber's daughter would be a handful."

Joey sat up in the bed. "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting rid of the toys. Every single one of them."

Joey's eyes went wide and he put his hand out and jumped off the bed. He pulled on Seto's arm kneeling before him. "Wait! NO! You can't do that, Seto!"

"Joey, I can't bear using these now knowing that your father used them on you as a child!"

Joey squinted in pain. "You can't get rid of them! I need them!"

Seto pointed at Joey's chest. "You do NOT need them! You NEED air. You NEED food. You do not need sex toys like these that we used to torture you!"

Joey wrapped his arms around Seto. "But you use the toys to give me pleasure! You don't use them to hurt me like my father! My father used them for his pleasure."

"I can't, puppy! I'm getting rid of them right now! Now be a good little puppy and lay down!"

Joey watched Seto turn away with the toys in hand. "But, Seto….."

"Give me one good reason that we should keep these."

Joey returned to the bed looking down at the carpet. "Because….because….I don't know how to make love to you without them," Joey said with a tear in his eye. Joey collapsed on the bed shielding his face. "I don't know how to make love to you without the toys, Seto."

"Puppy…….we don't use the toys all the time."

"But when we don't…..I don't feel like….I'm making love to you. I only know how to make love using the toys."

Seto dropped the toys on the bed. "Joey, these are the cause of your pain."

"But for me, Seto….love has always been about pain….until you came into my life."

Seto's shoulders went limp and he looked down at the floor. Life had been the same for him…orphanage, being conditioned to think only of business, being conditioned to be cold and unfeeling. He suppressed his sensitive side, afraid for anyone to see him weak.

"Love always a condition to me. Love had a dollar sign on it. Love was something that could be bought and sold. But, Joey, after I knew you and learned to love you, love didn't have a dollar sign anymore. Love had nothing to do with money….love was greater than money. Just as my love for you is more precious to me than all the wealth and power I own."

Joey looked up at Seto. Joey brought his master into his arms this time. "Seto….you don't mean to hurt me when you use these things. You do it to make me feel good. This is all I've ever known! That is the difference. You will never be my father. But, please, Seto….don't do this."

Seto looked at the toys in his hands…implements of torture and articles of forced submission. "But, Joey, even the kids at the orphanage had a toy box. We had one that we all shared, but, Joey….puppy….." Seto held up the ball gag. "This is not a child's toy…nor should it ever be." Seto threw down the ball gag in disgust. "A child's toy chest is supposed to have children's toys, puppy! Not these kinds of toys! Sorry, Joey, but that is just sick! A toy box that doesn't have children's toys in it, but sick, twisted toys meant to take away your innocence."

Joey looked up to Seto. "You don't honestly think that you were the first one to take away my innocence, did you?"

Seto's eyes floated down to Joey's thighs. "No…but I was hoping that I was your first. You deserve to enjoy your first time. Not having it taken away as a child."

Joey hugged Seto again. "Seto, as far as I'm concerned, you were my first. You were the first person to take me because you loved me. You didn't want to use me as your personal sex slave only. My father…sometimes on the street…..I had to do things I never wanted to do…I did it to survive. But you, you loved me. You were and always will be my first love…the one who accepted me for who I was...and I love you for it."

Joey and Seto locked eyes. The blonde looked up at his lover and gently stroked Seto's cheek. Deep brown met crystalline sapphire. Seto leaned into Joey and pressed his lips against his puppy's. Joey squinted tightly at first, the recent memories of his father's booze-bitter kiss clearly on his mind. Seto brought a hand to Joey's face slowly cupping the delicate face in his hand. Joey's eye opened and watched the hand intently.

"I won't hurt my puppy," Seto whispered.

Joey closed his eyes fighting back the tears and the voice of his father. He wasn't Seto's whore. He wasn't there for Seto's convenience.

Joey parted his lips from Seto's neck and kissed the tender flesh. "I'm so sorry I never told you."

Seto put his hand on Joey's back and pressed him against his body. "It's ok, my puppy."

Their lips locked again, unwilling to let the other go. Their breathing became sharp. Seto broke his kiss with Joey and wrapped his arms around him. Joey let out a long, exhausting yawn.

"My puppy tired?"

"Zira gave me something to make me sleep. I guess it's working."

Seto pulled back the bedsheets and Joey slipped under them. Joey turned on his side and his eyes slowly closed. "Goodnight, pup." Seto covered Joey and kissed Joey's cheek. Seto left the room and closed the door.

Connell, Seto's secretary, called for him from down the hall.

"Connell, the puppy is asleep! What is it?"

"You have a visitor in your study."

Connell approached him and gave her the business card: Mrs. C. Flannery, Child Services.