Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ We Could Have Danced All Night ❯ It was him ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-gi-oh! I wanted to but when I tried, I got arrested for borrowing without asking, even though I was thinking on returning them.


--Get you to know who his boyfriend was.
--Try and not be told. I have no GRAMMER or SPELLING checker.

==It was him==

Yugi sighed, walking into the police station. I want to see you in a good position when I do return Yugi smiled, his angel wanted to return. His heart lifted as he stared around the main office of the big police station.

"Can I help you lad?" A soft, masculine voice asked, making Yugi jump.

Yugi nodded. "Y-Yes."

"With what?" The guy asked politely.

"I-I want to turn somebody in..." Yugi whispered.

"Who and what for?"

Yugi took a deep gasp of air, looking around one last time. He knew when his love found this out he was going to be so dead. "My lover, Hiroto Honda. M-must I tell what for?"

"Well if you want us to take this boy away, you are going to tell what for."

Yugi sighed, looking at his feet. "H-he has been a-abusing me for a long time." He whispered only part of it.


Honda walked into his apartment, tossing his work jacket on the floor. He looked at the junk that still sat on the floor from earlier, snarling he began walking the home.

"Yugi, get your ass in here and clean this mess." He snarled, pushing open the closet. He slammed open the door, looking around again. Damn the boy was gone, after the last five years of having him wrapped around his finger. It was like killing his grandfather wasn't enough, or the small kitten Yugi found abandoned.

Slamming a chair against the wall, Honda sat on the couch, watching closely at the door. Yugi and him would have a little talk when the boy returned.

He remembered the lust he had for the boy when they first started 'dating', but Yugi never acknowledge what he wanted, so Honda had to force the boy to give in, but Yugi was never alone. He remembered that day like it was yesterday.


Honda overlooked Yugi's cheerful state of mind. Why shouldn't the whole group be happy, it was the last week of their senior year of high school.

Jounouchi smiled at Yugi, laughing at the joke the small tri haired boy told them. Honda nodded, when asked if he understood. He just stared at Yugi's lips, wanting to lick them.

Holding his hand out, Yugi touched Honda's shoulders, making the boy return to the present moment.

"Honda, are you coming to the senior prom?" Yugi asked, smiling lightly.

Honda nodded. "If you guys are." He whispered.

Yugi smiled. "Of course we are. Jounouchi is going with Seto, aren't you Jou!" He laughed, making the blonde laugh shaking.

"Yea." The blonde rubbed his head. "He asked, had to be polite."

Grunting, Honda went back to his thoughts on Yugi, he had a plan to make Yugi his, but just in case he had to ask. "You going with anybody Yug'?" He smiled.

Yugi shook his head no. "Nope, just going for the fun. Why?"

"No reason, just didn't want to feel like the only fool without a date." He nodded, looking over to some of the other boys.

Yugi nodded in agreement.


Honda over looked the crowd at the party, he couldn't spot Yugi. He had seen Jounouchi walk in, Seto next to him. Anzu had come in a little while later, being with one of the football player, she always had the jocs for she was their bitch and cheerleader, or whore as Honda would say. He never would say so out loud, but he didn't care if anybody beat the shit out of her, he was looking for a tri haired boy.

Yugi walked in, no date as said, just to enjoy himself. Honda waved to the boy, walking over where Yugi had stopped.

"I'm amazed you didn't ask anybody out." He whispered.

"Nah, to shy. Nobody in here has my heart anyway." Honda sighed, hearing those words, that only meant Yugi didn't feel for him as he did for him.

"Hey, Yug, lets ditch this place, go some place cooler." He pulled Yugi's arm.

Yugi looked around. "Honda, I can't leave, my grandpa knows I am here, and if I go somewhere else I might scare him."

Honda shrugged, pulling the boy along. "He'll never know com'on." He laughed pulling Yugi out the doors and into his new car. Yugi sat in the passenger seat, over looking the street lights as they pulled out of the school parking lot.

"Where are we going Honda?" He asked, looking around as they started to drive towards the hills. Yugi knew they were where most teens went to make out, but he never thought of going there, especially not with Honda. "Why did you take me here?" He looked up at his brunette haired friend.

"Yug, I love you." Honda mumbled as the wind began to pick up outside the car.

Yugi's eyes widened briefly. "W-what do you mean Honda?" He overlooked his friend's smile, his eyes were closed.

Honda faced him, his face filled with anger. "Don't you understand I love you? I've always loved you!" Honda yelled, leaning forward and capturing Yugi's lips.

Yugi's eyes widened as he stared at Honda, pushing himself away. "I don't understand."

Rubbing Yugi's face, Honda removed his seat belt, as well as Yugi's, pushing Yugi's seat back. "I love you, I've loved you since I first laid eyes on you." He kissed Yugi's cheeks. "I love your innocence, and I want to be the one to take the innocence from you." He rubbed Yugi's chest through the school jacket the boy.

Yugi began pushing back. "Wait Honda, please...I want to save my virginity for somebody I love and... you're not the one I love." The tri haired began to push away, trying to get away from Honda, his eyes filled up with tears as Honda slapped him. "W-why..." He whispered.

Honda removed the tri haired boys shirt, tossing it upon the pile of other clothes, removing his tux as well. Yugi looked up at him, wincing as Honda slid his tongue over Yugi's chest, biting the nipples. his hand began to rub the other nipple, Yugi began to cry, knowing what was happening.

"Honda, please." Yugi cried. Honda's hands wandered down to Yugi's thighs, cupping his hard-on.

"Please what Yugi..." He laughed. "You're enjoyin' this, so why stop." Yugi started crying as Honda began to bite the boys lips. "Tell me Yugi, what do you taste like, has anybody told you yet." Honda bent down, hit mouth engulfed Yugi's hard-on, making Yugi cry out.

Yugi didn't want the pleasure he was feeling, he felt violated, all he could do was cry, but Honda seemed to enjoy every moment of Yugi's struggles to be let go.

Honda pushed Yugi into him, lifting Yugi's hips and inserting his finger into Yugi's entrance, looking up to see all the air be taken out of Yugi. He smiled, he was accomplishing this, accomplishing taking Yugi's virginity his heart. Yugi cried out as he began to move his finger up and down, pushing in another after a short period of time. His tongue, still wrapped around his balls, licked up all the pre-cum that he could. Yugi cried out, gripping Honda's hair, trying to stand up. Honda pulled Yugi's hips down with his free hand, sucking hard on the boy.

Yugi's face began to flush through his orgasm. Honda smiled, pulling his fingers out of Yugi's entrance, inserting himself. Yugi's face widened, tears flew from his eyes as he began to move around, seeking for a path away from all of the pain.

Thrusting deeper into the boy, not caring of his partners pain, Honda's eager mouth took over Yugi's lips again, sucking on his tongue before exploring the nevers of Yugi's mouth. Yugi's hips buckled, as blood began to lubricate over Honda's dick, making Yugi's eyes roll behind his head as Honda hit the right spot in his next thrust.

"Oh god Yugi, you're so fuckin' tight!" Honda hissed. Slamming deeper into Yugi. Yugi looked up, after closing his eyes. Tears filled his purple orbs as Honda released his seed deep in the boy.

Pulling out of Yugi, Honda tossed the boy his clothes, getting dressed himself again. Yugi nodded getting redressed as he watched Honda put up the passenger seat.

"Sit." He instructed, Yugi nodded, sitting next to him. Honda smiled, licking Yugi's lips, the boy didn't respond. "I love you so much Yugi. You're now and forever mine, nobody else's." He licked Yugi's neck as he started up the car. Yugi sat in a daze, staring out the window as they passed the high school.

"I'll see you again this weekend." Honda kissed Yugi's cheek dropping him off at the Kame Game shop. "Just remember Yugi, this is our little secret. Nobody else's. 'Til next week." He opened the door. Yugi pulled himself out, watching the car drive away before walking into the shop, not even noticing his grandpa wave to him.

Yugi laid in bed, his eyes closed, falling asleep. He didn't want to let anyone know this anyway. He heard the light come on, but didn't respond, feeling his grandpa sit next to him, cradling him softly.

"Did somebody pick on you?" He asked.

Yugi nodded, giving a decoy to his real problem. Just enjoying his jii-chan's company.


Honda smiled lightly. He had done so much, Yugi was his nobody else's. He heard the door bell ring, sighing he got up to answer it.

"Hiroto Honda?" The police officer at the door asked. Honda nodded. The police officer pulled handcuffs out, cuffing him up.

"You have to right..." They mumbled, Honda stood there, confused, yet angry realizing that Yugi had told their little secret again. He was going to kill the boy when he saw Yugi again.
