Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Weapons Of Mass Seduction ❯ HW Nazis Free For Once! ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hi! Me again! *WITHOUT* my muses! I swear! Hiei & Bakura need to loosen up my chains a lil! Anyways, this is the 3rd chappie of Weapons Of Mass Seduction! *dun dun dun!* Anyway, on with the fic! Summary of the plot so far: Ryou & Kura have the hots 4 Otogi. So they attempt to use lollies (which are my fav candies by the way) to get him all worked up (and I know this works because I've used this tacttic before. If you look suggestive while doing it, it drives guys *INSANE*). Then when Kura sends a messege via mindlink, Otogi somehow hears it! How did this happen? I honestly don't know. It was an unexpected plot device! Let's see what my mind was thinking when it came up with this!

"I don't know. I just could," Came the response from the black haired bishie.
"Well, this is unexpected...." Ryou said softly.
"Yeah, but who cares?" Bakura replied. "Now let's get back to what we were doing! I'm all hot and bothered now, and I have no intention of stopping what we just started!"
"I agree!" Otogi said before tackling Bakura's mouth once more.
Ryou shrugged before finishing off Otogi's belt and thrusting his had through to brush his hands against the hardening flesh underneith, earning him a loud moan from the teen above him.
"Damn it, Ryou!" Otogi gasped. "Don't tease me!"
Bakura smirked at Ryou while trying to communicate his thoughts without the link. It didn't work, so he decided to use it anyway.
::Ryou, I have an idea. Just follow my lead.::
Ryou looked confused, but realized what he was talking about when Bakura walked into their bedroom. He lead Otogi down the hall, keeping his back to the door while making out the entire way.
When they got into the room, Ryou peeked over at the bed to see Bakura with his set of fuzzy handcuffs and smiled widely into the kiss. Bakura walked back up behind Otogi and began tugging him towards the bed with his hands groping everywhere (AN: I love that word, groping. Doesn't it sound funny to anyone else?).
Once at the bed, Bakura flipped around and pushed him onto the bed while swiftly handcuffing him to to post. By the time Otogi realized what the hell was happening, Ryou had his pants almost completely off and Bakura was trying to figure out a way to get his shirt off with riping it.
"What the fuck?!"
"We want to have some fun with you," Ryou replied. "And Bakura has a bondage fetish."
"Ryou has got your pants off, now I'm trying to get your shirt off, but I won't be able to without either undoing the handcuffs, or riping the shirt. Which do you think I should do?" he asked Ryou.
"Ummm... Just rip it. We'll buy him a new one later. It makes things easier."
"Alright," came the reply before the muscle shirt was torn in two. "There, much better!"
They switched places so that Ryou was placing licks, nips, and kisses on his throat, and Bakura was working agonizingly slow from his chest down.
"You both are fucking teases!" he complained before practically screaming. Bakura decided to use a sneak attack and swallow his member after his sentence.
"You were saying?" Ryou asked.
"Oh just shut up and kiss me!"

Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha! I'm so fucking evil! Cliffie! Gomen, but I can't think of anything else to write. I'll write more once my muses get back. *sigh* KURA!!! HIEI!!! COME BACK!!!!