Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Weapons of the Gods ❯ The Bow of Apollo ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Dark days fall in Greece, and all that we once held as truth will soon come to ruin. The God Killer arises from the south, and the goddess of death is his companion. So soon they will bring terror and death to the people of Greece, but we will not stop it For the Gods will believe that they can control him. Flee, flee for your lives, and rue the name Kappe Neo.”
-The Oracle of Delphi, 2 days before Athena finds Kappa Neo in Greece.
Geno shook his head. “You are much to trusting in the rules of this game, Pharoah. I thought you, of all people, would see that this game never has a rule set in stone…everything can be broken.” He placed a card on his duel disk. “I activate premature burial, to resurrect my Blitzkrieg!”
“You can't!” Joey shouted. “Hey spirit in Raia's Heart, bring up the stats on Blitzkrieg again.” Kaikou shot him a look, but considering that Joey hadn't truly demanded it, she complied, typing into the computer the command. Joey let out cry of triumph. “I knew it! According to the stats, your monster can only be Special Summoned by fusion. That means…” He let out a slightly deranged chuckle, one he usually saved for when he saw a table full of food. “…you can't special summon him.”
Geno nodded. “Tell that to my monster.” The card flashed, and sure enough, a hand bust from the ground, gripping into the floor and pulling the great warrior out. He shook his head, flinging the virtual dirt from his body, and stood up tall and proud. (Geno-4500)
“That's not possible.” Yami said in shock. “Joey was right, that is an illegal move.”
“Are you sure you want to say that Pharaoh? I'll give you one chance to figure out what has happened before I embarrass you and show your friends how much of a newbie you really are.”
Yami frowned, trying to figure out what Geno could have done. IT wasn't the monster, there was no effect that would allow him to summon from the graveyard. And he knew the effect of Premature Burial, and it wouldn't bring out the Blitzkrieg if his effect wouldn't allow…
He glanced at Kaikou to see her stroking her chin, lifting her hand up to the side of her face…and mouth the word “fusion card”, before dropping her hand and flashing Geno a smile.
Yami raised an eyebrow, and puzzled over that comment, then it hit him. He realized that Kaikou was telling him what Geno had done…
“The card you used.” Yami said, snapping Geno out of his own thoughts. “The Fusion Dagger card…it has an effect other then just fusing, correct?”
“Correct Pharaoh.” Geno said in a slightly annoyed tone, glancing at Kaikou who gave him a coy smile. “The second effect of Fusion Dagger is that it negates all special summoning requirements for a monster it fusion summons for the rest of the game. As such, my Blitzkrieg can be special summoned back to the field, even when it seems death has claimed him.” He took out a second card from his hand. “Now, to help out my Commander, I will summon a second Getsu Fuhma in attack mode.” As the samurai appeared on the field, Geno was already pressing a button on his duel disk. “But he won't be here for long. You see, I am going to finish this match Pharaoh, once and for all. And to insure that you don't have a flip effect that can hurt me, I activate Blizkrieg Commander's special effect, to sacrifice my samurai to destroy your down face monster, leaving you open for the final blow. Getsu, destroy the down face monster!” The samurai nodded and raced forward, leaping upon the down face card and shattering it and himself. However, as this happened, Yami let out a soft chuckle. “What are you so happy about Pharaoh?”
Yami smirked as he pressed a button on his duel disk, his downface card appearing as a large hologram for Geno to see. “maybe because you assume only you can pull a trick. Do you know what this is?” The card turned, revealing the image of a brown fuzzball with green claws.
“A Kuriboh.” Geno stated.
“Correct. Now, when you killed my Kuriboh with your effect, you activated my continuous trap card: Hyper Kuriboh Multiplication!”
From the shattered bits of the Kuriboh, there slowly formed 5 little Kuribohs, each one letting out little cries and clawing the ground, floating all about Yami. The Blitzkrieg Commander raised an eyebrow at his new opponent, then looked down at his sword, as if wondering what a Kuriboh-kabob would taste like.
“That is your grand move?” Geno asked, raising an eyebrow. “An army of Kuribohs…I'm shaking.”
“You should be scared, because these aren't your normal Kuribohs.” Yami held out his arms, and the Kuribohs came and fluttered closer to him. “You see, when Kaiba helped create the new rules of Duel Monsters, the original Kuriboh lost it's explosive power…so a new card was made. Hyper Kuriboh Multiplication allows me to create an army of unstable Kuribohs, monsters that, if attacked, will explode, dealing 200 damage to you.”
Geno frowned. “A little damage to guarantee your destruction! Blitzkrieg, destroy one of those fuzzballs!” The Commander nodded, but instead of hacking one, he sheathed his sword and grabbed the nearest Kuriboh, squeezing it like it was a dog toy. It let out a squeal before it exploded in a blast of fur. “One down.” (Geno-4300)
“And a lot more to go!” Yami said as he held up the Giant Stone Solider card he had just drew. “By sacrificing one monster from my hand, I can reactivate the Hyper trap, refilling my field with the Kuribohs. That means, until I run out of monsters in my deck, your Blitzkrieg can't attack me!”
Geno frowned as he realized exactly what the Pharaoh was saying. With the Hyper trap, Yami now had an infinite army of exploding Kuribohs. Not only would he have to keep destroying these things until he drew the card that could destroy the trap, he also had to deal with each one taking chunks out of his LP. He was going up against a massive army…and he needed more men.
`Or more firepower.' Geno realized suddenly. `And I have just the card. It's all a matter of drawing it.' He drew his next card, and being unable to summon his newly drawn Freed the Matchless General, simply had his Blitzkrieg attack another Kuriboh. (Geno-4100)
“Go Yugi!” Tea cheered, clapping her hands. “You have this one won! Just hold on and let him burn himself out of the match!”
Tristan pumped his fist in the air. “Geno doesn't stand a chance now Yugi!”
Joey was laughing, slapping Kaikou on the shoulder over and over as Yami discarded another monster to refuel his kuribohs. “Maybe you should stop switching sides Spirit Lady. Yug has this one in the bag, and he is going to take out your boyfriend…. OWWW!” Kaikou had grabbed Joey's wrist and twisted it into a very painful position. She shoved him away with a growl and turned towards Geno.
“Hurry up and win, would you? Because if you aren't, loss right now. I am getting tired of watching your banter.”
“And here I thought you loved my banter!” Geno said, wiping away a mock tear.
Yami had already drawn another card, and finding no monsters, had to leave his Hyper trap not active this turn. Geno also drew, summoning D.D. Warrior Lady. A vortex appeared behind him, and from it appeared the black latex wearing warrior from another world. Her glowing hatchet-like sword shimmered in the light, her strawberry blonde hair fluttering in the breeze as she looked around the field in wonder before turning to the Blitzkrieg Commander and bowing to him. He gave her a wave of his hand and she stood, both racing forward and striking down a Kuriboh each, one through the simple grab and toss, while the other performed a flying high kick, smashing the heel of her boot into the fuzz. (Geno-3900)
Yami drew his next card, and looked up at Geno. “You are building up quite an army…but it's time to get rid of your Dimensional girl. First, I send this monster card to the graveyard to refuel my Kuribohs. Next, I will activate Energy Culmination Blast.” On the field, a strange Ring appeared, a small antennae upon the top. “By sacrificing the attack power of each kuriboh, I can form a great 1500 blast that will destroy any monster with the that attack or less, meaning that I can get rid of your Warrioress and leave only your Commander!”
The Ring glowed as each kuriboh let out a yawn and plopped onto the ground, falling asleep. The ring bucked, and with a might blast, sent energy ripping into D.D. Warrior Lady, totally destroying her.
Geno drew his next card…and began to pant a bit, a slightly deranged smile gracing his face. From his body came a quick, choppy laughter, evolving into a wild, insanity base, full head back laugh that filled the room. Everyone, even Kaikou, stared at him in horror, wondering if he had finally lost it. If he had realized he had lost and had gone mad. He continued to laugh, a laugh that rattled the souls of all around him.
“Geno! Stave this madness!” yami shouted.
“Oh Pharaoh…” Geno replied, his laughter dying instantly. “I am merely happy that I have been granted such a wonderful gift. For you see, what better, what more elegant way to defeat you, then to use the very card you wish to obtain against you?”
Yami's eyes grew wide as he understood what Geno was telling him. “The Greek Weapon card…”
“YES!” Geno roared in triumph. “Behold the weapon that was your undoing in the past, and will be so once more. I activate THE BOW OF APOLLO!”
As the card hit Geno's duel disk, a blast of light shot from it and hit the very center of the ceiling. There was a pause, and the ceiling seemed to rip open as a great chariot lowered onto the field, being drawn by great swans. In the chariot stood the great god of prophecy, his golden curls billowing in the winds, under the laurel crown he wore upon his brow. However, something was wrong. He kept his head down, never looking at anything as he was driven up next to Geno. The duelist glared at him, and Apollo seemed to shrink back as if struck as he lifted his bow and handed it to the Blitzkrieg Commander. But to Yami's horror, as well as all those in the private viewing room, the god's wrists were bound in chains.
“What have you done to him?” yami whispered softly, as if speaking any louder would be a sin.
Geno turned towards Yami, an evil glint in his eye. “The great god Apollo refused to listen to his master…he refused to…how did you put it Apollo?”
The god glared at Geno. “…aid the god-killer.” There were some startled gasps, awe and surprise that the card had actually spoken…that it seemed…alive.
“Ah yes, God-Killer. I rather like that name. Well, he refused to submit what was now mine, so I bound him in chains.” Geno said, inspecting his fingernails and talking with a rather bored tone
“You stole his freedom!” yami shouted.
“He has no more freedom! If it were not for Pegasus, he would remain in the Realm of Light, forever locked there. He is called out by a card, and if he refuses to do as the card commands, his life is forfeit!”
“You're a monster.” Tea hissed, Tristan and Joey nodding in agreement.
“Geno…what have you done…” Kaikou whispered. She stood up, in a rage. “You never told me you did this!”
“What does it matter?!” Geno shouted back at her.
Kaikou growled. “You act as if you are still a god! That you never casted off your godhood! No one but the gods can do what you have done to Apollo!”
“I am greater then the gods! And so are you, or have you forgotten?” Geno roared in fury.
“I have not forgotten.” Kaikou said quietly. “But I will not stand by while you imprison the gods for your own use! I will release him myself!” The Millennium Heart began to glow, and a blast of pink light shot from it. Geno raised his dagger and sent a beam of silver energy to counter it, both gritting their teeth. Finally, it became too much, and Kaikou flew back into a wall. Joey and Tristan ran to her side, lifting her up and holding her steady. “You are not the man I know…the man that trained Raia…”
Geno shook his head. “I have always been who I have been. If you are too blind to see that, then it is your fault.” He turned back to Yami. “but enough of these petty fights.”
“This isn't petty!” kaikou cried out desperately. “You are only making things worst! You don't understand what is going on!”
“You and I both know that I do.” Geno said calmly. “Now make your move Pharaoh.”