Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Raine ❯ A Dragon's Cry ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcomed Raine

By: Dark_Wolf

Disclaimer: Don't own the characters of Yu-Gi-Oh. I don't own the Shadow Realm or the duel monsters, even though I did name them. I don't even think I own Dark Eyes Silver Dragon, I think I got the monster from another fan-fiction author, but I could be wrong. If someone knows of an author who used the DDSD before I came on scene, please let me know so I can officially ask to use their idea, because I know what its like to want recognition for something good you did: Also, in the last chapter I made reference to a band called the CruxShadows. It is a real band, they are based out of Florida, they play goth music and they are awesome. I had the opportunity to work one of their gigs last Tuesday and I loved the music and the band! So on the really amazing coincidence that one of the band is reading this story, You guys rocked and I can't wait to see you all again!

Chapter Thirteen: A Dragon's Cry

Summary: After a wonderful day off, another storm blows into town and the group prepare to head to the Shadow Realm.

A/N: Once again, thank you so much to the readers on Fanfiction.net, Mediaminer.org, and Adultfanfiction.net. I am so pleased at all of your wonderful reviews and can only ask that you all keep it up, and for those of you that don't leave a review, please, take pity on an attention hungry author and let me know how I'm doing. Gypsy, Ruroni_agra and Yami Kitsune, please don't forget to let me know who you want your scene to be about, and I'll try to work it in. The scene can be anything, even a lemon, just let me know. Right now, I'm sorry that the story is not living up to the NC_17 and R rating that it has, but it will soon, if my muses start to work right, it should happen by chapter 16, after the group takes care of some unfinished business. And Gypsy, don't worry; we haven't seen the last of either elder Wheeler, they will get what's coming to them. Raine seems to think Jail is just to good for Marus. Oh well, I better get on with the story before I destroy the whole plot. Oh yea, and Ruroni_agra and Yami Kitsune, just to let you know, I really did appreciate the information on the duels, but since I've already fudged up part of it, by making forming Exodia not an automatic win, I'm going to continue to do so; just so I can set up duels in the future how I think they should be played out. Also, there will be some spoilers for Odian and Joey's duel later on in the next couple of chapters. Rashid is going to talk to Raine about something to do with Merrik. Also, on a final note, which should have been done a long time ago, Shadi, Isis can speak mentally with Raine, they will be set aside like the ^yami to Raine^ .=)


<Yugi to Yami>

<<Yami to Yugi>>

(Ryou to Bakura)

((Bakura to Ryou))

{Malik to Merrik}

{{Merrik to Malik}}

\Raine to any yami or hikari\

|yami to yami|

~hikari to hikari~

^yami to Raine^

=hikari to Raine=

#Raine to any duel monster#

@the duel monsters to Raine@

"is regular speech"

'this is thoughts'

* flashback*

%This is lyrics%

The group arrived back at the Mansion at six that evening, they had found the furniture for all three houses, and had spent the rest of the day shopping for fun. The girls each had four bags from different shops and they took off from the two limos and ran inside, leaving the men to follow with the rest of the packages. The men grumbled but everyone was in a good mood. The second Seto walked in the door, having been elected by the men as Raine's personal servant for the day he looked for her only to find her in the midst of a really big yawn.

"Raine, go to bed. Take a nap and we'll wake you up in a few hours. I'm pretty sure we can wait that long to go into the Shadow Realm."

Raine shook her head, and yawned again, "I'm not tired. Really."

Eric chuckled from his place next to Noel, the two had their arms wrapped around each other's waists, "You have been saying that for the past two hours. And I've caught you almost asleep on your feet twice. Go on Raine, Dark-Eyes can wait a few more hours. You and I both know that he's not that hurt, he's just a big baby."

Raine nodded, agreeing with Eric, but she also knew the true reason Dark-Eyes was making such a fuss, the little female Blue Eyes White Dragon didn't have much time. She needed to get into the Shadow Realm and heal her before midnight, if Raine failed to do so, the little female would die. And she could feel Dark's concern., she would help her partner, just as he always helped her out. She owed him anyway, he took the blast meant for her. She was prepared to ignore Eric and Seto's wishes when Shadi and Bakura put their two cents in.

"You are going to heal for the first time in quite a while, Raine. Do you remember how draining healing in the Shadow Realm is? You need to rest well before you do this, and you need a decent meal. I suggest you do as Seto and Eric say." Shadi crossed his arms over his chest, giving her a stern look that was reminiscent of the look her grandfather gave her when she misbehaved as a child.

"It's really simple, Storm Cloud. You either sleep, eat, and then enter the Shadow Realm, or you don't go at all." Bakura smirked at her, an arm casually flung around Ryou's waist. Now that the yami's and hikari's were finally together, the yami's seemed more human, not so staid and impersonal, the group had been shocked to hear Bakura actually laughing without a sadistic tenor to it.

Raine growled, she knew she had lost this argument, and there was nothing she could do about it. She sighed, "All right. I'll go take a nap like some five year old. Wake me up by nine pm and have a decent meal ready. I have to be in the Shadow Realm by ten thirty, or I'll run out of time for what I have to do."

Seto nodded and gave her a gentle smile, he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her in a gentle embrace, when she looked up at him, questioning if he was really ready to admit their relationship to everyone, he bent his head and kissed her. The silence in the room was so thick one could cut it with a butter knife. Then Malik, Joey, Mokuba, and Serenity, the four who would be most affected with the relationship and the whole reason that Seto and Raine hadn't shouted the fact that they were together from the roof-tops, all started to make gagging noises.

"Jeeze! I may not hate Seto anymore, but Raine!!" Joey laughingly shouted, "Get a room you two, you're making us sick."

Serenity bopped him in his good arm, "I think its sweet."

Malik and Mokuba both spoke at the same time, "As long as they're happy."

Raine broke from the embrace and smiled at her babies, including Yugi and Ryou in the smile, "I'm as happy as a coon caught in a full trash can."

Everyone laughed at the twisted image she wrought, and the 'babies' of the group all rushed to hug Raine. She finally found herself tucked into her bed about five minutes later, being told from a resolved Serenity that if she so much as got up to go to the bathroom in the next three hours, that Serenity would personally kick her butt. Raine closed her eyes and with a warm heart, she fell into a dreamless sleep.

She awoke shortly before nine to find Malik curled up at her back, and Joey curled up at her front. She sat up somewhat to discover her little sister sleeping next to Joey, they were all tangled up together in the bed and Raine couldn't move without waking one of them up, so she gently shook Joey first.

"Hey, Jo-Jo. What's wrong?" She gave him a gentle smile as he opened his eyes and yawned.

"Can't younger siblings worry about their older sister?" Joey whispered.

"You three were worried about me? What for?" Raine gently ruffled his hair.

Malik answered, giving her a squeeze from behind, "The Shadow Realm isn't the most wonderful vacation spot. We were worried that you might not come back."

Raine sat up fully, and made sure that all three sets of eyes were on her, "Hey you three, listen up, cause I'm only saying this once. There is nothing in this lifetime or the next that will take me away from you. I'm here to stay. I might not have done a good job of protecting my family in the past, but there is no way by Ra that I will fail again. I love you all, and I'm not going anywhere. Get it?"

Malik looked at Joey, and then at Serenity and they all smiled, "Got it." Raine barely had time to say, "Good." before she was ambushed by a three person hug. Seto and Eric walked into the room to find chaos, Raine was laying spread over all three younger people and had been tickling them while at the same time, being careful of Joey's injuries.

"Well, it's good to see everyone happy. The yami's have discovered a way for everyone to go into the Shadow Realm tonight, so we'll all be there. They thought it was time for everyone to meet their monsters face to face. Are you ready, Raine?" Seto asked, sitting on the side of the bed. He smiled gently at the family, Raine's love for her brother and sister and Malik reminded him of his love for his younger brother Mokuba. He knew that both Raine and he would walk through the fires of Hell to rescue their loved ones, and now those loved ones were the whole group gathered under the roof of the Mansion.

Raine scrambled off the bed, being helped up by Eric, who pulled her into a bear hug, she stood on her tippy toes to whisper in his ear, "You trust me right?"

"With my life, why?" Eric whispered back.

"Then when I ask something from you that you might not be completely ready for, just accept, no questions asked. Please." Raine looked into her surrogate brother's eyes, hers silently pleading for him to put his fate once more into her hands.

"Done. You know that I will always do as you ask, you always have a good reason when you ask me if I trust you." Eric hugged her again and then let her go. She turned to everyone else and smiled, "Well, it looks like we'll all get to party in the Shadow Realm, so, let's go!"

The family walked down the stairs, Raine holding onto Seto's hand and also onto Joey's. She needed all the support she could get. Once they reached the kitchens Raine took her seat at the table and Yugi brought her over the plate they had set aside from dinner.

"Raine, you know tonight will not be easy, don't you?" Bakura asked, gently placing a hand over hers as she sat it on the table. Raine grasped his hand and squeezed.

"I know that Tomb Raider. I'm prepared. When you and Merrik open the portal, I want you two to go recover the ring, the rest of them will go about their own business. I want everyone to be separated, and for one person familiar with the Shadow Realm to be with them. So Joey, Tristan, Serenity, Seto, Mokuba, Noel, Eric, Malik and I will go to track down the hurt dragons, Yami, do you and Yugi think that you can guide Isis, Rashid, Tea, Mai, and Ryou around? Introduce them to some of the more friendly monsters, and we'll meet up at Nygun's cottage by Doom Lake. Solomon, I want you with Shadi, wherever he decides to go."

Yami nodded his head, "It will be no problem, but don't you think that Ryou and Malik will want to go with Bakura and Merrik?"

Ryou forcefully shook his head, "I love Bakura, but my last experience in the Shadow Realm was at his hands, and it was not pleasant. I'd rather go with Raine's group, to be honest. Malik will be there, and truthfully, I would like to see you heal the dragons, Raine."

Bakura winced at Ryou's remembrance of what happened to him the last time Bakura banished him to the Shadow Realm. Ryou caught the wince and so did Raine, they both rushed to comfort him, Raine squeezing his hand once again and Ryou giving him a hug, Ryou whispered only loud enough for Bakura and Raine to hear him, "'Kura, I forgave you a long time ago. I was only beaten, and we both know that the headless horseman could have done a lot worse. It's okay, someday I'll go with you into the Shadow Realm and you can show me around, I just think that I'm not ready to adventure to the Graveyard again, and I know that's where you hid the Eye. For now, I'll be better off with Raine."

"Okay, Rabbit, you can go with my group. Raider, you and Psycho need to get the Eye asap and meet at Nygun's house. Got it?"

Bakura nodded and Raine turned to Merrik, "I know that you haven't been in the Shadow Realm since Yami and Bakura released you from it, will you be okay? You will be most likely going to the graveyard."

Merrik paled and Raine was out of her seat and had him wrapped in her arms in no time, "Merrikai, I would not ask you to go back if I did not think you could handle it. If you are that worried, I can send someone else with Bakura and you can go with us."

Merrik returned the hug, drawing strength from Raine, "No, it's okay Storm Cloud. I can handle it, The Graveyard is not the most wonderful place, and someone will have to contact Hutch to let him know that he is not to send out Gilgy, and we are not grave robbers."

Raine nodded, and concentrated, she made contact in the Shadow Realm with Cicily, the Mystical Elf, and relayed the message, "Cicily said that it would all be taken care of. As soon as I finish eating, we can go. Shadi, which group will you be with?" She turned to the Guardian.

"I will remain here. Since Seto will go with you, and he is not ready for the Scales, I must stay behind to anchor you all to this world. Especially you, Raine, Dark's injuries will not drain you too much, but I know you are going to attempt to heal the injured Blue-Eyes, and from what everyone has explained, her injuries, while heal-able, will drain you tremendously. You will need an anchor."

Solomon nodded, "I agree with Shadi, I am an old man, and you all have said that the Shadow Realm drains energy, it will be better if i stay here and help Shadi with the anchoring."

Raine walked over to the usually silent Guardian and bowed, Shadi was eternal, while he looked like he was twenty-five, he was actually 5025 years old. He had been around in Ancient Egypt. That was the curse of the Millennium Key. She always felt odd about just rushing up and hugging him, even though she did consider him a part of her family, so she was mildly surprised when he pulled her into a hug.

Raine disengaged herself from the hug and resumed her seat, eating the Terraki noodles and stewed beef. After her dinner was finished, everyone proceeded outside to the back yard, that was when Bakura remembered what season it was in the Shadow Realm, "Everyone go grab a heavy jacket. The nights in the Shadow Realm are extremely cold this season, its winter for them." So they all rushed back inside and were shortly back, all wrapped up in their favorite coats. Bakura, Merrik, and Yami all exchanged looks and them assumed a triangular formation around the rest of the group, with Yami at the head and Bakura and Merrik at each side, they concentrated and with a little help from the other Millennium Items, a portal descended upon everyone and they ported to the Shadow Realm. When the portal opened in the Shadow Realm everyone found themselves falling from the sky, The yami's had overestimated their landing and the portal opened 900 feet above the ground, Raine didn't think, she sent out a distress call to all monsters.

#Any monsters by Doom Lake please assist us! We are falling and we need help!# Raine hoped that there were those who would answer her call.

@ Don't worry! We're on our way!@ Nygun, Yugi and Yami's Dark Magician and several other monsters were rushing to help, the flying monsters were there first, with Seto's alpha Blue-Eyes and Joey's alpha Red Eyes reaching them before any other. Raine could feel herself falling, and she refused the help of all the flying monsters until she could see that everyone had been safely rescued, at that time, Raine spotted Julian, her Fire-Wing Pegasus, and called to him, "Julian!"

Julian flew over to her and Raine landed safely on his back in the correct riding position. Raine looked over at all her family, Yugi, Yami, Tea, and Mai were all safely seated on Horashio, Yami's Curse of Dragon. Ryou, Bakura, Malik, and Merrik were seated on Kunla, Seto's beta Blue-Eyes and mate to the alpha male, Dios. Isis, and Rashid were safely clutched in the un-burning claws of Uray, Raine's Dark-Fire Dragon., Joey, Tristan and Serenity were cuddled together on Joey's Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Paige mate to the second male Blue-Eyes, Slash, and Seto and Mokuba were seated on Dios.

@ Hello Raine, so good to have you come here. @ Julian sent a laughing message to his master.

#Very funny,Julian. Remind me to kill the yami's. Even if we had landed in Doom Lake, I wonder if I would have had time to let the Sea Monsters know that everyone was friendly.#

@ That might have been a problem, Aquas, the Man-Eating Shark has a tooth ache, and he's been in a bad mood all day. It's really pissing off the other monsters. Do you think you can help him, later. You know he doesn't trust land-walkers so refuses to let the two-legged healers help him, and the Sea healers refuse to go near him. He's tried to bite them already. @ Julian flashed her an image of Aquas with a sour look on his face.

#I'll see what I can do.# "Nygun! Where are the two injured Dragons located?"

By that time, everyone but Raine and Julian were all safely on the ground, Julian took the initiative and landed next to Dios. Nygun pointed to the west, "Dark has taken the injured Blue-Eyes and moved her into his cave about thirty miles from here. The group who will be going with you can ride Kunla and Paige. Dark refuses to let any male dragon near his cave, I think he's afraid that the little one will be taken from him."

"My sister sleeps fitfully, she knows what is going on around her, but she doesn't want any other male but Dark near her. She thinks that they would only make fun of her, even healed, she will have a scar where the card was severed. Can you help her, Healer?" Dios bent his regal head and stared Raine hard in the eye. Raine gently placed a hand on his nose and smiled up at the protective older brother.

"Of course, Dios, I wouldn't be here otherwise. But first, Julian has told me that Aquas has been causing some problems, therefore, I better heal him. Uray, can you stay a moment, I will need you to dry me off quickly. Sorry, Nygun, I know you are good at spells, but remember the last time you dried me off? I would like to remain here, thank you very much, and not find myself in the Wasteland again."

Every monster laughed, remembering the search party they had formed to look for the Healer when Nygun's spell went wrong. Even though he was reduced to a child's age at the time, Anakzana never let him forget it, they were glad that Raine had accepted her past. The group from Earth followed Raine as she walked to Doom Lake, which was more like an ocean, she stripped down to her undergarments and dived into the water where she was met by Neila, the Red Archery Girl, and Delight, another mermaid, they formed an air bubble around her and with a wave of Raine's hand, the three disappeared underneath the water on their way to Aquas to heal his tooth-ache.

Seto watched in amazement, and turned to his dragon, Kunla, "Will she be okay?"

"Yes master, no monster would dare to hurt the Healer. She is safe no matter where she goes. As are all of you. The Pharaoh has declared it thus. She didn't have to go right now, Nygun's cottage is only just over there," she pointed to a mansion with her left wing, "But she decided to give us all time to get to know one another, I think she forgot that we are all going to be here for a while." Kunla gave a dragon's version of a smile.

Seto shook her head, "That woman, always thinking about others. Please, do not call me master. I hate the title, my name is Seto. I wish to be called thus, I am no one's master, just a friend."

Kunla bowed her head, "As you wish, Seto. It is good to see that you have grown. Now, do you have any other questions for me?"

"Yes, are all four Blue-Eyes mine? And what of Raine's Dark, and the five Red-Eyes?"

"In ancient times, the high priest's family controlled all Blue-Eyes White Dragons, the control was passed down from eldest son to eldest son. The same went with the Red-Eyes but they belonged to the High Priestess's family. Paige is mated to Slash, my brother, who is Dios's second in command. She is the only Red-Eyes not mated to another Red-Eyes, having fallen in love with Slash. The Healer's Dark-Eyes Silver Dragon is basically put our king. He is the strongest Dragon in existence, and that is without assistance, like when Slash, Dios and I form the Ultimate Dragon. Dark has fallen for timid Ariel, your youngest Blue-Eyes and the one that your evil shadow hurt. Ariel doesn't know what she feels for Dark, but she will be forever grateful to him."

"So all dragon's are mated?" Seto asked, looking around at the Dragons that were assembled, Dios answered for him, "Most are. Take Uray over there, he is mated to Joy, the little Meteor Dragon owned by Tristan, The one's that aren't, like Mai's Slyion, the Harpy's Pet Dragon, are interested in a dragon and are waiting for the mating season to make their move. Almost all monsters that are beast or dragon type have mating seasons, and they are all what you would call straight. The humanoid monsters, like the spell casters and warrior type monsters swing both sides of the fence, they fall in love whenever they please. There are no inter-racial pairings, no dragon is in love with a human, and so forth, now some beast-warriors are mated to regular humanoid warriors, but they are happy, so we leave them alone. The Healer back in ancient times also performed bindingceremonies along with the Pharaoh and the High Priest, they are much like your human vows of marriage. We hope, with your return, that can take place once again"

At that time, there was an unearthly scream as Valentino, Raine's Aqua Dragon took off from his spot on the beach with a shout of "I'm going to kill Aquas!"

Julian and Uray took to the air, explaining to the others assembled on the ground, "Aquas attacked Raine! He didn't mean to, but when she was hunting for the tooth, she pressed to hard and he bit her, prepare a medical bed! He took most of her shoulder off!"

From the west, a shadow descended on the crowd, "Uray! Julian! Desist! You cannot enter the water, your flames will burn out! I will go for her!" Dark flew over the water, about ten miles from land and dived. Shortly after, Valentino, with Aquas clutched in his massive jaws flew straight out of the water, Dark with Raine holding onto his back was directly after him.

"Valentino! Quit! Put him down, it was a mistake!" Raine's shout carried back to land.

"He hurt you! No one hurts the healer! He knows this! He deserves to pay." Valentino started to bite down on Aquas.

"Dark, you control all dragons, make him stop! Aquas acted instinctively, I've gotten hurt before, you know this. He did not mean to do it! It was my fault." Raine pleaded with her partner.

"You wish to spare his life, very well." Dark let out a roar that shook the ground, and Valentino glared at him, "Val, I am the King of Dragons, hear me and obey! Let Aquas go, he will live with the guilt of what he has done. He has nearly killed the Healer, and even though it was an accident, he will live with that nightmare for the rest of his days. Let that be enough. I have spoken!"

With abelligerent nod, Valentino released Aquas and Aquas fell back to the water. The two dragons flew to land and Aquas followed after. Valentino landed first and resumed his glaring at Dark. Dark landed and laid down as much as he could so someone could get Raine off his back. Nygun levitated Raine gently over to the medical bed and Joey, Serenity, Eric, Seto, Mokuba, and Malik were the first to her side. Raine's skin was soaked in blood, and there was a great big bite taken out of her left shoulder.

"Oh Za!" Serenity cried, Cicily pushed her way into the crowd and immediately with the help of Lady, the Spirit of the Harp began to chant. Raine smiled at her family, "It is okay, Wren. Don't cry. I'll be fine, Lady and Cicily will take care of me. I'll be just as good as new in a moment. Rial, the Magician of Faith arrived as well and when she saw that the other two healers were taking care of Raine, she asked "Healer, would you consent to let me heal your brother of all injuries, you know I can not remove scars, but I can heal his broken bones."

Raine nodded and Rial pulled Joey aside, Tristan followed, not wanting to let Joey out of his sight. Rial called on her healing magic, and soon, Joey's two casts disappeared and he felt no pain. "Thank you, Magician of Faith. I am indebted to you." Tristan bowed to the girl.

"Please, young master, my name is Rial, and no you are not indebted to me. I just returned a favor from Raine. We all are indebted to her for all the times she has risked herself to heal us."

"Will someone please tell me she is okay!" Aquas shouted, tears in his gruff voice, "I didn't mean to bite her. Is she okay?"

Serenity walked over to the Man-Eating Shark that was about to beach himself in the sand so he could see what was wrong with the Healer. Valentino moved to block his master's youngest cub from Aquas, but Dark turned from where he was facing Raine, and growled, Valentino moved out of the way and Serenity, with Mokuba following along behind her smiled at both Valentino and Dark, appreciative of the fact that they were so protective of her. She squatted down so she could look Aquas in the eye, "She says she will be fine. Do not worry so much."

#Aquas, let Rial heal you. I am not asking, I am commanding. After this I will only have enough strength to heal the little Blue-Eyes.# Raine's calming voice sounded out over her mind link.

@ All right, Healer, I am sorry. @ Aquas motioned with his head towards Rial and soon he was healed, "Thank you, little healer."

Rial nodded and walked back to her friends, Misty and Stormy, the Gemini Elf Twins. Raine's healing was over and she sat up to regard her partner Dark.

"Why you little liar! You are not hurt at all!" Raine shouted, a smile on her face. Everyone turned to Dark, and indeed, he seemed to not be injured at all.

Dark grumbled, "I let Cicily heal the worst of it, because I knew you would be too exhausted to heal Ariel otherwise, but I'm still bruised!"

Raine fell back onto the bed, she was laughing so hard, "You big baby! You were hardly hurt in the first place. You know that you absorb your own energy especially as a defense against reflective powers."

Dark grumbled some more and took off, "I must get back to Ariel. Rest quickly. You only have a few more hours to heal her." he disappeared.

Raine tried to get up on her feet, but Joey and Malik prevented her from doing so, "Rest a bit. You nearly died."

They were amazed as they viewed Raine's completely healed left shoulder, there were only faint scars where the teeth had originally sunk in, but the skin was intact and there was no gaping wound where there once had been.

Raine shook her head, "Jo-Jo, Malikai, I am fine, but if you insist, I will rest until everyone has gone where they were going to go. Raider, Psycho, are you two ready to go?"

Merrik walked over to Raine and bent down to kiss her cheek, "Yes, Storm Cloud, I am, but quit calling me Psycho!" Bakura nodded and with quick goodbyes to Malik and Ryou, respectively, the two men ported to the Graveyard. Yami caught Yugi's eye and they along with those that were going with them followed Nygun, Cicily, Rial, Stormy, Misty, Lady, and the other monsters except for Paige, Kunla, Slash who had just arrived, Dios, Julian, Uray, Valentino, and Aquas, to Nygun 's cottage. The ones left, Serenity, Eric, Seto, Raine, Mokuba, Joey, Malik, Tristan, and Ryou all turned to the west. Raine addressed Uray, Dios, Slash Valentino and Aquas, "You all are free to leave, we'll see you at Nygun's house soon. Tell him to get help from all monsters and prepare a feast. We will celebrate the return of the Eye to its rightful owner, and Ariel's recovery."

The males nodded and took off towards Nygun's house. Raine started to stand up and Eric and Seto helped her. She turned to Joey and smiled, "It is good to see Rial has excelled at healing arts finally. How do you feel Jo-Jo?"

"Better than I have in a long time, Za. Thank you."

She hugged her younger brother, and turned to Paige, "Hello, Paige. Have you met your master yet?"

Paige bowed to Joey, "Yes I have, Raine. Thank you for returning me to him. He has asked that I call him Joey, I asked if I could call him Jo-Jo, but he said that only you and Wren could. Then he blushed and said that his boyfriend could as well. Who is his boyfriend, he seemed shy of telling me."

Raine laughed and motioned to Tristan, "He's the man who managed to capture his heart. Now, come on. Let's be off to Dark's lair. He's an impatient bastard."

@ I heard that! @ Dark shouted from the mind link, all the monsters and Raine laughed. Paige knelt down and Kunla helped Joey, Tristan, Serenity, and Mokuba onto her back. Seto, Raine, Eric, Malik and Ryou would ride upon Kunla's back and once everyone was seated, they took off. The reached the mouth of the cave in five minutes and everyone disembarked at the two female dragons led the way to Dark's inner sanctum where Dark was curled around Ariel. Raine walked towards Dark and Ariel. She turned to Seto and asked, "Can I have the card, please?"

Seto reached into his pocket and pulled out the torn card, Raine accepted it with a smile and turned to Dark. "Dark, create some glue, please."

Soon a tiny canister of glue appeared in Raine's hand, she sat down on the floor and placed the card on a rock, she held the edges together and used the glue on them, then she turned the card over and repeated the process. "Avec Amor, Repairo, Dulcor." the spell worked and the card looked as if it had never been torn in two. Raine handed the card back to Seto, and then crawled over to Dark and Ariel. She fell into a yoga position and started to concentrate, everyone was silent, realizing she needed the quiet to pin-point exactly what needed to be done for Ariel. With a flicker, Raine became invisible, she flowed into Ariel and proceeded to heal the injuries inside of the youngest Blue-Eyes. Raine was gone for fifteen minutes and finally, after the longest wait of anyone's life, Raine finally returned to normal, she sat in silence, resting her head on Dark's paw and one hand on Ariel's stomach, her breathing ragged and her body sweaty, she was still only in her undergarments, and was glad of that, she was exhausted, and could feel her hold on her wakeful state diminishing. Seto and Eric stepped towards her, but Dark spoke, cutting them off. "Don't. She is not completely done yet, She's drawing upon my energy to finish the healing process, if you touch her, you'll ruin what she's done. Give her a moment, when she stands up, be ready to catch her."

The two humans nodded and did as asked. A few minutes later, Ariel opened her eyes for the first time in five years. The little Blue-Eyes White Dragon blinked, and focused on first the hand placed upon her stomach, and then to the Healer who was now staring up at her, having raised her head from Dark's paw. Then Ariel gently whispered, "Thank you Healer. Thank you so much." Ariel turned to Dark and blinked, "You are quite handsome, my king."

Kunla, Paige and Raine chuckled as Dark's skin flushed a bit. Raine stood up, shaky on her feet and spoke three words before she fell into darkness, "It is done."

Seto rushed to catch her as she fell, "Raine!" the worry was evident in his voice.

^Raine! What is wrong!^ Shadi's voice sounded dim in Raine's head.

\Shadi, anchor me, I must rest, and I don't want to fall even further into the darkness.\ Raine struggled for her words, but Shadi understood and back in the earth realm, sitting in the kitchen with Solomon at his side put a strong anchor upon Raine to hold her ties with the living. Solomon knew without asking and lent Shadi his own support.

Back in the Shadow Realm, Raine's family gathered around her, and Dark addressed them, "The Guardian is doing what he can to anchor her, but her energy is gone, If I tell you how, can you all lend her some of yours. She will still sleep until her energy can sustain her in a waking state, but it will not take as long. There is no way she can survive a port to the Earth Realm in her condition."

Ryou was the first to speak, "I am the protector of the Millennium Ring, I gladly offer my energy."

The others all agreed quickly and Dark addressed them again, Ariel, Kunla, and Paige standing next to him, "Good, we will help also, but we must channel through you. Joey, do you think you can handle extra energy that Paige gives you? The same to Mokuba for Ariel's, Seto will channel Kunla's and Eric will channel mine."

When the humans agreed, Ariel continued, "What we are about to do is only done from dragon to dragon, I don't remember a time that it was ever attempted by humans, but she is close to you, which I think will help. Each of you place your hands upon her body, concentrate upon her, let your love and care for her flow through your soul and into hers. We will give you energy, and when Dark signals, Seto, since you were the High Priest, and that magic still lives inside you, you must say these words. Tulan, Grimore, Savante, Kaiz. Exactly those words and in exactly that pronunciation. Can you do that?"

Seto nodded, he had studied many languages. The family did as they were told and the Dragons started to feed Joey, Mokuba, Seto, and Eric their energy, At Dark's signal, Seto's smooth baritone rang out, "Tulan, Grimore, Savante, Kaiz."

A pale silver light shot from all those gathered and directly into Raine, it took half a second but each could feel the spell working, Raine's flushed face cooled down, and her breathing became regular, she was in a healing sleep finally and not lost in the darkness.

Dark shook his head, "This would not have happened if she had taken more energy from me before trying to heal Ariel. But oh well, we are both stubborn. Come everyone, Ariel, my queen, place Seto and Raine upon my back, we'll go to Nygun's house. She can rest more comfortably there."

Ariel stared at him for the my queen remark and Dark sent her a grin, "One day soon, you will consent to be my queen, so get used to it little one."

Ariel huffed,but did as Dark had requested. As soon as everyone was ready, the four Dragons took off and made their way to Nygun's house.

A/N: Well, there you have it. Chapter 13. Not much to say in the note, but just to let you know, I may not get a chance to update until Thursday night or so. So, please read and review, tell me what you think. Next chapter, will probably be continued in the Shadow Realm and it will be basically missing Raine and Seto since they will be resting, so for people who think I'm ignoring other characters, this is the chapter for you. All the characters get to meet their favorite monsters. And what was the result of Bakura and Merrik's foray into the Graveyard?