Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Raine ❯ An Ordinary Day ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcomed Raine

By: Dark Wolf

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Yu-Gi-Oh, or any of its affiliates. I do not own any songs that may be mentioned, but I do own the works of poetry that will be dispersed through out this story, I also own the characters that do not seem familiar to those familiar with the YuGiOh universe, also the names of the monsters are also my doing, I can't just call them what they are, it'd be kind of weird.

Chapter Fourteen: An Ordinary Day

Chapter Summary: Bakura and Merrick are in the Graveyard, the others are at the cottage, and everyone is having a good day.

A/N: I'm back!!!! I'm listening to the radio and I'm having so much fun today that I decided to write, it also helps that I got my computer working again!!!!! Yay! Well, not much to say, I'm real happy with those that have reviewed, for those of you that haven't, (I am kidding) shame on you! Oh well, on with the next chapter.


<Yugi to Yami>

<<Yami to Yugi>>

(Ryou to Bakura)

((Bakura to Ryou))

{Malik to Merrik}

{{Merrik to Malik}}

\Raine to any yami or hikari\

|yami to yami|

~hikari to hikari~

^yami to Raine^

=hikari to Raine=

#Raine to any duel monster#

@the duel monsters to Raine@

"is regular speech"

'this is thoughts'

* flashback*

%This is lyrics%

Bakura and Merrick came out of the portal at the entrance to the Graveyard, they were met by Hutch, The Reaper of the Cards and Gilgy, the Great Mammoth of Goldfine, the two monsters bowed to the yami's and Hutch motioned to the Graveyard, "Cicily told me that you were on a mission for the Healer, please continue, we will not attack you. What you seek, Tomb Raider, is in the furthest crypt from the entrance. It has been safe since you left it here."

Bakura nodded, "If I had not thought so, I would not have left it here. Thank you Reaper, for all the assistance. We will go and retrieve it. Have you made sure that we will not be attacked?"

"I have not been able to locate Mammoth Graveyard, but he shouldn't be much of a problem, just watch out if he charges you." Hutch and Gilgy evaporated into the mists.

Merrick took a deep breath as he stepped into the graveyard for the fist time since he was released from the Shadow Realm two years ago. Bakura looked over at his friend, "Will you be okay?"

"Yea, I think I will be. It's just been a long time since I've been here, can we hurry it up? I don't want to be here any longer than I have to." Merrick smirked at Bakura. "The Graveyard isn't one of my most fondest memories. I'm shocked that everyone has forgiven me for my actions at Battle City. But now that I look back on it, all of us have been through so much together, Battle City, the trip into the Shadow Realm, Noa Kaiba and Doom, it's really made us all grow up. I'm proud to call all of you my friends, and am so grateful for that friendship. I'm beginning to see why Raine is always ready to lay her life down for her family and friends."

Bakura chuckled as they walked to the crypt, "Yea, that Storm Cloud sure is something. I'm glad to have met her again. I remember walking into Anakzana's room and finding the body turned to sand. I hadn't known the Healer that long, but I felt like I was accepted. She treated me like part of her family and I was finally at peace with my past and my present. Then that day came, I had gone to awaken her since the Pharaoh wanted to speak to her, but she wasn't there. I guess I never really realized that no matter how hard her death hit us, her death hit the Pharaoh and the High Priest three times as hard."

Merrick nodded, "Imagine what it would be like now. I'm glad Raine seems to have nine lives, because I don't know what we'd do without her. She makes me sane, and she's shown me so much to live for."

"With luck, Merrick, we won't have to imagine that. But only time will tell. Come on, here's the crypt. I'll go in and get it, you watch out for Mammoth."

Merrick nodded and took up a position at the door to the crypt, trying to watch for Mammoth and to make sure that Bakura was all right.

{Merrick? How are you?} Malick's voice sang out over the personal mind link between yami and hikari.

{{Just fine, koi, just fine. And what of you? Has Raine completed the task?}}

{Yes. It was touch and go for a while. She's sleeping now. Did you feel the energies she was putting off?}

{{Somewhat. Just a moment ago, right? What happened?}}

{She disappeared. We could see her ethereal form, I think that's what Paige said, go into Ariel, that was the dragon's name. She hasn't appeared yet, but Kunla said that it was normal, Ariel's injuries will take a lot out of Raine, I'm nervous, but Dark said that everything was going okay.}

{{That's good.}}


{What! What's wrong?}

{I gotta go, Raine's back and she's not doing too well. We have to do an energy exchange, or we'll loose her. I'll get in contact with you later!}

Merrick felt the mind link close swiftly, he hollered out for Bakura, "Tomb Raider, hurry it up! Raine's hurt and I want to get back to Doom Lake to meet them!"

Bakura came running out, "I found it! Yea, I've been talking to Ryou. He was amazed at Raine's power. He told me what they were going to do, I told him we'd see to it that the others were informed, since the Pharoah's hikari went with him."

At just that moment the two heard a great roar coming from the end of the graveyard. Mammoth had returned and was charging them!

"Oh shit! We better run, we can't port out of the graveyard.' Merrick cried as the two took off running, they could feel the ground shaking as Mammoth bared down on them, they wouldn't make it to the entrance.

Suddenly, when it seemed that they had no options left, they could feel Raine's weak voice come over their mind link.

\Hold on you two. Help is on the way.\

^Raine, what do you mean?^ Merrick asked.

|I think she means that| Bakura pointed up in the sky where Julian, Raine's Firewing Pegasus was flying towards them, they ducked as he swooped to a landing right in front of them.

"Did someone call for a ride?" Julian laughed as the two scrambled upon his back. He took off and turned to Mammoth.

"Na na nana na. Can't fly, can you, you big galoot?"

"Julian, quit pestering Mammoth and get us out of here!" Merrick laughed and Bakura joined him, the three took off for Doom Lake.

^Thank you Raine. As always, you protected your family.^ Merrick sent.

\Always will, Merrickai, I love you two. Never doubt that. Now, I'm going back to sleep.\

It took them fifteen minutes as the crow flies to get back to Nygun's cottage, and once they landed, they were bombarded with questions from the remaining humans.

"What happened? Have you heard anything from Raine's group?" Yami asked his fellow spirits.

"Malick and Ryou said that Raine was wiped out and they had to do an energy exchange to stabilize her. The little Blue-Eyes, Ariel is her name, she's okay now. They should be on their way. We almost got trampled by Mammoth Graveyard, but Julian heard Raine's cry for help and saved us. What have you all been up too?"

"Not much. Nygun's been introducing everyone and we've basically helped with the feast. Are you sure that the others are okay? I felt a disturbance in the Shadow Realm just a few moments ago."

"Yes, Pharaoh, they are fine. The disturbance was either Raine healing the little dragon, or the energy exchange. Ryou assured me that everyone was fine, and that Raine was just really exhausted. She's probably going to sleep for a while, and she has to remain here in order to do so, Dark told him that if we attempted to port back to home now, we'd knock her into a coma, because we were depending on the magic of the pendent to stabilize our power structures, or something like that." Bakura reassured the spirit of the millennium puzzle.

"And what of your quest? Were you two successful?" Yami asked.

"Yes. We have possession of the ring, now all we have to do is wait for Raine. And speaking of which, here they are." Bakura pointed to the west and everyone looked over to see Kunla, Paige, Ariel and Dark descending. The second that the three female dragons landed, Dios and Slash came forward to help the humans dismount.

"It is good to see you, little sister." Dios nodded to Ariel, as he set Mokuba, Malik and Ryou on the ground.

"It is good to be seen, big brother." Ariel smiled at her older brother as she helped Seto down from Dark's back.

The second Seto was on the ground, he turned to Nygun, "Is there a place where Raine can rest? She's still really weak and I don't want to leave her."

"Yes, there is. Should I levitate her down, Dark?" Nygun asked his oldest friend.

"Yes, I don't want to risk jostling her. You may want to send for Cicily again. Sleep will heal Raine, but Cicily's assistance couldn't hurt." Dark knelt down far enough for Nygun to see Raine still nestled against Eric's chest. Nygun cast a levitation spell and Raine gently descended into Seto's arms, Eric slid off Dark's back as soon as he saw that Raine was safe. He walked over to Noel who had opted to stay with the group at Doom Lake.

"Is she okay?" Noel asked, accepting a hug from Eric.

"She'll be fine. She's stubborn. Now, what did you do today?" Eric smiled at his girlfriend, and glanced over to see Seto following Nygun into the cottage, Joey, Serenity, Malik and Merrick joined him.

Eric called out to the four, "Hey guys. We know she's fine, and she won't sleep with you all standing over her. Let Seto take care of her for now, you'll see her shortly, okay?"

Joey nodded and the other three agreed, Joey walked back over to Tristan's side and wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's waist, "I know that Eric. I just worry about her. So, how were things on your guys' ends?" He addressed the last to Merrick.

"Fine, nearly got ran over by a rampaging beast, but we got the Eye. Now all we have to do is wait for Raine to wake up." Merrick smiled and everyone chuckled.

They could wait. Everyone felt that within the next couple of hours things would change. No one could be prepared for how much they would actually change.