Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To Slavery ❯ Welocme To Slavery ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well here is chapter 15 to "Welcome To Slavery" I hope you like it! ENJOY!!! I know this chapter is a little short but I can only write so much and this story is not working well with me so I hope you'll enjoy it anyway.

Bakura had drifted off to sleep but near the morning, a soft whimpering woke him up and caught his attention in the cell next to him. He listened closely and realized it was Ryou who was crying, he reached his hand outside the bar to reach into the other cell.

"Ryou? Is that you?" He asked

A small hand entwined itself with his "Bakura? What are you doing here?" Ryou asked sniffling slightly.

"Never mind that, are you all right?" Bakura asked concerned

Ryou paused a moment "…yeah, I'm fine niisan." Ryou said softly

Bakura knew that he wasn't fine but decided not to pressure the subject more than it needed to be…not now when they were in such trouble.

"Bakura? What are we going to do…they think I tried to kill Yami, but I didn't! I swear, and now he's hurt really badly and doesn't know I'm down here…I…I'm scared niisan." Ryou said tears in his voice.

"I know ototo don't worry I wont let them hurt you anymore I swear, I've gotten out of the dungeon before, I'll do it again." Bakura swallowed a bit nervously

"Niisan…there're going to execute us, that's what Seto told me after…they are going to kill us both." Ryou said sadly

Bakura squeezed Ryou's hand reassuringly trying to tell him everything would be okay. He was about to speak again when someone kicked his and Ryou's hand apart painfully causing him to wince. He growled at Marik who was looking rather smugly at the two of them.

"Nice to see you two are awake, although it's a good guess you didn't sleep much at all Ryou." Marik said going down to his knees to be eye level with Ryou. "I hope our priest wasn't too rough with you, it would be a shame if you're broken." Marik said mockingly

"Damare!" Bakura screamed at Marik who simply glanced at him uncaringly

Marik grinned at Bakura maliciously "Did you consider my offer at all Bakura?"

"I will never subject myself to something like that!" Bakura screamed fuming

"What about Ryou will you take him down with you?" Marik asked glancing at Bakura who winced slightly at the remembrance of his brother, he was about to speak again but Ryou's voice cut him off.

"I will go wherever my brother goes Marik!" Ryou yelled in equal volume "I'd much rather leave this world with him than without him!" Ryou said strongly

Bakura looked at Marik angrily, "You have my answer and it's not going to change Marik, I will never be yours" Bakura said venom practically dripping from his voice.

Marik grew cross, he didn't want Bakura to die but he obviously wasn't going to do as Marik wanted. "Fine!" Marik said angrily "You two better say your goodbye's you'll be dead within the hour." Marik said before storming off

Bakura swallowed and reached over to grab Ryou's hand again, "Ryou…you didn't have to say that, I would do anything for you…you know that right?" Bakura said softly

"I know, I love you niisan…it'll be okay, it'll all be over soon and we can live together happily in the afterlife." Ryou said squeezing his brother's hand

Bakura scoffed slightly "I'll probably be going somewhere much different than where you are ototo but don't worry, you'll be happy I assure you." Bakura said returning the squeeze.

Yami opened his eyes with a groan and sat up painfully slow unable to speed up his movements. He looked around realizing he was in his bedroom, he tried to remember what exactly had happened…the last thing he remembered was riding back to the palace, something was wrong and he needed to go check on Ryou. Yami paused,

"Ryou?" He said aloud but no reply came

Where is Ryou? Yami asked mentally as he scanned the room but didn't even see a trace of him. Yami became really worried at that moment as he stepped out of bed and went to his doors and opened them to meet one of the attendant's head on.

"Sir!" The attendant quickly said bowing to him "What do you require?" He said

"Where is Ryou?" He asked quickly using the wall for support, needing help to maintain his vision and balance.

"I believe he is with Master Seto's slave, Malik…do you wish for him to come to you?" the attendant asked

"Yes, both of them." Yami said feeling dizzy as he placed himself back on the bed and waited for Malik and Ryou.

Yami felt a little better than before and he had barely enough time to see the face of his attack, he gritted his teeth, Ryou's brother had been the one to attack him why Yami still didn't know, but he would surely find out soon enough. Yami's thoughts were broken when the attendant came back with the rebellious Malik at his side but Ryou was not with him and that worried Yami.

"Leave us." Yami said wanting to stand but not feeling up to it

The attendant left and Yami looked at Malik noticing his bruised face and arms, Yami beckoned him to come closer and Malik reluctantly did as he asked.

"What happened?" Yami asked gently touching the areas of bruised skin

"I angered Master Seto Pharaoh." Malik answered meekly

"Does he hit you like this often?" Yami asked concerned

"…Y-yes." Malik said low not really wanting to admit he was weak and he couldn't do anything about what Seto did.

"I'll put a stop to this for you…" Yami said pulling away his hand "Where is Ryou?" Yami asked

Malik looked at him shocked for a moment, he was going to take him away from Seto? "Sir, really I no longer belong to master Seto?" Malik asked

"Yes, but answer me Malik where is Ryou." Yami repeated

"I…he, he was placed in the dungeon sir, they mistook him for his brother and he's to be executed…soon." Malik looked up at him "You must stop them! They'll kill him!" Malik said helping Yami to the door because of his wounds.

"The time has come." One guard said dragging both Bakura and Ryou from their cells and to the execution platform. There was no audience, and Bakura was thankful for that mainly for Ryou's sake. He would spite the pharaoh in the afterlife for condemning his ototo to death. Marik and Seto were the only ones present besides a few guards and an executioner. They grabbed Ryou tying his hands behind his back forcing him to lay down while the killer approached him slowly axe raised high ready to decapitate the young boy below within seconds.

MWAHAHAHA! Cliffhangers rule! Although I am sure you don't appreciate them ^_~ anyway I hope you liked it!