Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To Slavery ❯ Welcome To Slavery-Chapter 16.doc ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Huza! Chapter 16 of "Welcome To Slavery" is here and at your service, I hope I didn't make you wait to long! ENJOY!!!

Ryou felt tears spring to his eyes, as they freely began to flow down his cheeks. Ryou looked at the executioner helplessly and he saw the axe as he turned his gaze away form him closing his eyes waiting for oblivion to take him.

"Stop!!" Ryou's eyes shot open when he heard Yami's scream from across the way "Release them both immediately!" Yami screamed

Ryou looked at Yami in shock, he was beaten up pretty badly from the looks of him and Malik was helping him stay on his feet. Bakura's restraints were removed and another helped Ryou to his feet. Yami began to approach him but was suddenly tackled by Seto, who began to beat the living hell out of him. Yami was still hurt badly so his attempts to fight back were useless. Ryou tried to run to him but was grabbed from behind and Marik covered his mouth as he began to drag him away from the scene. Ryou thrashed with him making it difficult for Marik to maintain his hold, Ryou managed to scramble away when something heavy hit him in the back of the head. He felt himself fall to the ground, saw Bakura run over to Yami and Seto, and pulled Seto off of Yami before he lost consciousness.

Yami gasped for breath when Seto was lifted up off him. As he tried to stand but only fell to the floor again. He looked up seeing Bakura and Seto fighting until Bakura landed a blow on the priest, which sent Seto into unconsciousness. He looked to see Malik run to his side as he helped him up. Bakura breathed heavily.

"You…you were the bastard that attacked me…" Yami growled

"And I just saved you're ass from being kicked again so we're even." Bakura said venom lining his words. He knew he shouldn't be but he was still angry with Yami for leaving Ryou all, alone which caused him to be raped by that sadistic bastard.

Bakura's eyes went wide…where was Marik, where was Ryou.

"Ryou?" Bakura said

Yami looked about him and didn't see his white haired koi anywhere either. Malik looked around as well as he ran over to the platform where Ryou was last seen.

"M-Marik's gone too…" Malik stuttered slightly. "While we were distracted he must have taken Ryou!" He said frantically

Yami closed his eyes tightly cursing himself for being so blind. Why could he never be there when Ryou needed him the most? Bakura ran over and grabbed Malik by the shirt.

"Where would he take him?!" He barked

"I…I don't know." Malik managed scared at how angry Bakura had become

"Who would?!" Bakura yelled

"Yugi, he was his slave…" Malik managed "But he's not here right now, he left with the healer Joey earlier this week." Malik said wrenching himself from Bakura's grasp.

"When will he return?" Bakura said

"I…I don't know…" Malik said

"Ra Damn you!" Bakura screamed, "Do you know anything!" Bakura yelled even louder

"Stop Bakura! Yelling at Malik won't solve anything!" Yami said as one of the guards went to his side and helped him stand up.

Bakura glared at the guard "Did you see which direction they headed in?" He asked

"No." The guard simply answered

"You really have reliable people working for you Pharaoh…your trusted council member Marik raped Ryou while you were away, Seto your high priest collaborated with him and then took Ryou as well. Your Ra Damned guards thought Ryou tried to kill you so they threw him in the dungeon shortly after I was taken into custody…and to save your ass from being beaten to death I helped you instead of helping him! Marik has just kidnapped Ryou, while your fucking guards stood by and did nothing! I sacrificed my brother to save your sorry ass!" Bakura screamed and ranted

Yami was about to say something back, but stopped when he realized the flood of tears streaming down Bakura's face.

"He love's you so much…more than I ever could hope to understand, so I helped you." Bakura said looking at his feet.

"…Joey will return soon Bakura, with Yugi and I know they can help us find him." Yami said feeling tears rise in his eyes but pushed them away.

Bakura looked at him helplessly "I feel this is all my fault…Marik did all this to get to me." Bakura said regretfully

"It's not your fault!" Malik spoke up as he placed a hand on Bakura's shoulder. "I'm sorry your highness but we must return you to your chamber and await the healer to arrive before anything can be done." Malik said bowing slightly

Bakura, Malik, and Yami went to his chamber and discussed what was to be done. They threw Seto in the dungeon and sent guards to search the city for Marik but all they could really do was wait and chances were slim upon them finding Marik.

Ryou opened his eyes slowly, and groaned when a splitting headache brought him back to the real world. He remembered what had happened and tried to get up but found his hands and ankles to be bound together, he struggled with the restraints as much as he could but it only proved to rub his wrists raw and they were already bruised and cut form the previous night. He whimpered slightly, he was so close to Yami he wanted to be held again for Yami to hold and caresses his cheek like he always would and tell him how beautiful he was when he blushed…but now…he had been taken away from that comfort and thrown into the arms of a devil. He whimpered slightly pulling his knees to his chest trying his best to comfort himself as much as he could. He was grabbed violently from behind being brought to his knees by Marik who pulled roughly upon his hair.

"You'll pay for this you worthless slave." Marik spat throwing him to the floor harshly only to bring him back to his knees by his hair again. "I'll make sure that you never see Yami again…or Bakura…you'll live the rest of your life pleasing other men." Marik said before slapping Ryou across the face as hard as he could sending him harshly to the floor.

Ryou bit back a scream of pain and waited until Marik had stopped tossing him about like a rag doll before allowing himself to cry freely.

"Bakura…Yami…onegai save me…I love you…both of you." Ryou said softly in prayer until he drifted off to sleep on the cold stone floor all alone.

Poor Ryou, I know I hope you liked it so with cherries: