Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What is Sex? ❯ What is Sex? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: “What is Sex?”
Author: Yuski Kira
Pairing: Seto/Mokuba
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Mokuba asks Seto about Sex. What is the answer?!
Warnings: Yaoi, Incest, lemon and OOCness for both. If you don't like this paring or are underage DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER!
Feedback: desired. Flamers will be laughed at cause it proves your not capable of reading warnings. It also means you secretly like this parining but prefer to flame and pretend you don't.
Archived: Also on Seto-Kaiba.com and adultfanfiction.net
A/N: This was initially going to be one time one shot but after reviewers begged for more I did more. More may come depending on mood and story line details coming up.
Also I am only doing this format for this chapter. All the information except the title holds true for all chapters. I will not include anything except warnings and a summery cause it's a waste of space. If you don't already know the above info by now you shouldn't be reading this.
Disclaimer: I still find disclaimer's a waste of time, space and energy. You think I'd be writing this if I owned it? But I wish I did own it. I'd love it. Yu-Gi-Oh! Is the sole property of Kazuki Takahashi.
Summery: Mokuba is 12 and one day asks Seto a question he'd been dreading to hear. But what happens when Seto lets his own feeling for Mokuba he's been trying to squash get ahead of him. So what will Mokuba think of this? Will anything become of this?
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As Seto sat at his computer he couldn't rid himself of those annoying little Spam emails. All saying view my web cam or come fuck me or the most popular enlarge your penis. All these made him hot! He'd had strange feelings for a while now but a cold shower always managed to squelch those emotions. But the problem is those emotions were all aimed at his little brother! Every time Mokuba insisted on sitting in his lap or sleep with him he found it hard not to just take him then and there! He so badly wanted to tell Mokuba to sleep in his own bed but then he was torn. Part of him knew it'd hurt the kid's feelings and he couldn't exactly explain why. Another part of him wanted him near him to feel him there and then the big brother in him wanted to be there for him, to comfort him! Then the day he feared most happened.
“Seto, can I ask you a question?”
Kaiba turned to face his little brother. “Sure Mokuba what about?”
“What's sex?”
That wasn't what Kaiba had wanted to be asked! He took his brother's hand and sat down in a chair and had Mokuba face him.
“Why do you want to know little brother?”
“Well I don't know I heard some of the kids at school talking about it. But I didn't know what they were talking about, so I thought I'd ask you.”
“Well you see little one when people are in love they have what is called sexual intercourse. It's where you put your member inside of your partner.”
“Really? Does it hurt?”
“Well yes and no. You see kiddo it will hurt like hell at first. But then again there's also pleasure that will greatly override the pain.”
“Is it fun to do?”
“Would you like me to show you?”
“Um I don't know.”
“You don't have to. I've just wanted to for a long time. But I'm not going to force you to do this kiddo.” Kaiba said giving his little brother a long kiss.
Mokuba gasped and as he did his brother took the advantage of it and put his tongue in and deepened the kiss. At first Mokuba just let him do what he wanted in shock but then started to enjoy it and kissed back. It was the first time he'd ever been kissed before. Then he broke the kiss and stared at his pants.
“What's wrong with me Seto?”
Kaiba laughed a little, pulled his little brother close to him, and hugged him. “It's nothing to worry about little one, it's perfectly natural it just means you're aroused.”
“Really what does that mean?”
“It's your bodies way of saying it's ready to have sex.”
“Oh I see but I'm not sure I'm ready. Do I have to decide right now?”
“No Mokuba you don't have to decide now. You wait as long as you want to.”
“Um ok can I go to my room now big brother?”
“Sure thing kiddo.”
Mokuba sat in his room trying to figure out what exactly to do. `I want to make Seto happy and it looked like he was disappointed when I didn't agree. I'm so confused. I mean I really enjoyed Seto's kiss. It was the first time I've ever been kissed before. It felt nice and I found myself craving more!'
Mokuba decided to go see what his brother was doing. He heard him in his room but then he thought he heard him crying. That was impossible though, his big brother never cried. He crept up to the door and opened it up just enough to hear but hopefully not enough that his brother would know he was spying.
“How could I have been so stupid? He's just a kid! It was a question I knew he'd ask me someday and I should have left it at that. I shouldn't have told him my desires, my need! God how could I have been so stupid! He probably hates me!”
Mokuba sat by his brother's door listening. `Seto thinks I hate him? Oh after all theses years of raising me, taking care of me, rescuing from whatever trouble came along. He protected me from the bullies at the orphanage, he made sure Gozaburo never laid a hand on me, given me a roof over my head, food and clothes, all the toys I want, could ever want, given me unconditional love and devotion, never once asking for anything more than my love and support. Now he's asking for something and I'm here turning him down! What kind of brother am I! My big brother has been willing to sacrifice his life for me and I've given him nothing in return!' With that, Mokuba stood up, opened the door and walked in. He saw his brother sitting on his knees when he started ranting again!
“I'm no worse than Gozaburo! That bastard forced me to screw him whenever the urge hit him! I hate it! I hate him but I had no choice I couldn't let him touch Mokuba! I'd have sooner slit his throat than let him lay one finger on him! But then again isn't that what I'm doing forcing Mokuba do what I want. Instead of waiting till he's older to decide for himself what he wants to do?”
Just then Kaiba felt small but strong arms around his neck.
“M-Mokuba what are doing in here?”
Mokuba sat down straddling his older brother but keeping his hands firmly behind his neck. “Your wrong Seto.”
“What are talking about Mokuba?”
“You said I hate you that you're no better than Gozaburo. You're wrong Seto! You're all wrong! I don't hate you big brother I love you I could never hate you, and you're nothing like Gozaburo. You said Gozaburo forced you to have sex with him, you kissed me Seto that's all.” Mokuba said kissing his brother. “You aren't forcing me to do anything I don't want to do big brother.”
“But I-I don't want you to hate me or do something you might regret later.”
“Do you love me Seto?”
“Of course I do what kind of question is that?”
“You told me that it would hurt but that there would be pleasure too. If you were like Gozaburo, why would you have bothered to tell me the truth? Wouldn't it have been easier to just lie and make me do what you want?”
“I - I never thought of it that way. I suppose you're right.”
“Can we do it then Seto?”
“Are you sure kiddo? I told you I don't want you to regret it later.”
“I want to do this Seto! I promise I won't regret it later or ever as long as we do it together I'll be happy.” Mokuba said kissing his brother and opening his mouth to allow his brother entrance.
`I want to see you smile again big brother! I want to make you happy and though I'm scared to death of doing this I know this will make you happy and for once I'm doing what you want instead of the other way around.'
Kaiba broke the kiss. “If your absolutely positive about this little brother, we will. Are you positive?”
“As positive as it gets big brother.”
“All right then. We'll make this a small game to try and dispel your fear a little.”
“Who said I was sacred?”
“I can read it in your eyes little one.” Kaiba said kissing him. “But if it makes you feel any better I'm a little scared too.”
“Really. Ready then.”
Mokuba smiled he was still a little sacred but his fear wasn't as great as it was before.
“Ok kiddo the way this works is we each start by taking off a piece of the others clothing.” Kaiba said removing his brother's vest and laying it aside. “Your turn.”
Mokuba liked this game he ran around, removed his brother's ever-present trench coat, and laid it aside. They continued like this till they were both down to their boxers.
“Okay Mokuba this is your last chance to back out. I'll be as gentle as possible but it's still going to hurt, a lot.”
“I understand big brother, I want to go through with this.” Mokuba said reaching over to his brother's boxers and looking at him for permission. Kaiba nodded his approval and Mokuba pulled them down. Then his brother moved back and sat down so that he could finish taking them off. Mokuba nearly fainted at his big brother's size, remembering that that was going inside of him. “Are you sure you'll be able to go all the way in Seto?”
Kaiba kissed him and distracted him while he pulled his boxers down. “Don't worry little brother, I'll get it in it may take time but it'll happen all right?”
Mokuba nodded though now was even more terrified than he was before all this started.
“Okay kiddo now crawl up on the bed and lay down on your stomach.”
Mokuba was terrified but did as he was told. Kaiba went into the bathroom, got some lube, and brought it out. He coated his fingers with the stuff and then slowly pushed one finger inside Mokuba's tight entrance. Mokuba whimper a little but Kaiba continued by adding a second and then immediately a third. Mokuba let out a big whimper of pain closing his eyes tightly.
“It's ok little one this is just to help loosen you up a little, it'll only hurt a little okay?”
Mokuba simply nodded and bit his lip to keep from screaming as his brother started to stretch him slowly. He couldn't help the few tears that flowed.
`Great I can't even stand this pain how in the world am I going to stand it when Seto really goes inside me? If I can't take the pain of a few fingers then I'll never survive the other.'
After a few minutes, Kaiba pulled out. Mokuba whimpered he had just gotten used to it.
“Mokuba, I'm asking you one final time if you're sure you want to go through with this. We don't have to, we can stop now.”
`I can see it in his eyes he wants this more than anything. How could I possibly refuse him!'
Mokuba smiled, turned, leaned up and kissed his brother. “It's okay Seto. I want to do this.”
Kaiba brushed the bangs from his brother's eyes he could see the pain and torment in them but also saw love and devotion and willingness to do what he wanted. He wanted to just tell Mokuba no that he refused to do this refused to take advantage of the situation. But the throbbing pain between his legs said don't you dare! You've wanted this and now you have it you can't turn back now!
“All right then, you get to chose here. You can lay on your back facing me or on your stomach. What do you say?”
Mokuba thought he wasn't sure exactly what he wanted to do. After a minute or two, he decided.
“I'd like to face you big brother.”
“Are you sure you're ok with this Mokuba?”
“I'm fine Seto.”
`I'm still scared beyond words but this is what Seto wants and I think a part of me wants it too.'
Kaiba then slicked up his own manhood. He moved down and positioned himself at his brother's entrance. He was scared too he didn't want to hurt his little brother.
“Ok kid here we go.” Kaiba said slowly pushing himself inside. Mokuba yelped softly and winced biting his lip. It really did hurt like hell. Tears stung his eyes he couldn't stop them from coming. Kaiba stopped then caressed Mokuba's cheek rubbing his thumb gently over his cheek.
“Mokuba? Are-Are you okay?”
Mokuba only nodded upset that he wasn't strong enough to take it and not cry out. His brother did warn him it'd hurt but a part of him never thought it'd hurt this bad! Still he didn't want his brother to think he was weak. He also didn't want to upset his brother.
“You want me to stop? We don't have to do this.” Kaiba asked his voice was so soft so sweet and so loving.
“N-No, no, Please Seto…I'm-I'm okay honest, I - I just…didn't expect…you know…”
`I just didn't expect that the pain would be this great.' Mokuba thought.
“I'm sorry.” Kaiba whispered, leaning forward and giving Mokuba a loving soothing kiss.
“Your not mad?”
Kaiba kissed his nose getting a giggle from Mokuba. “How could I be mad at you?” Kaiba kissed him deep challenging his tongue to a battle. Mokuba thought it was funny as they started battling. Kaiba took the distraction and slowly slid the rest of the way in getting a gasp from Mokuba.
“You okay?” Kaiba asked kissing his nose.
“Yeah, I'm fine Seto. It - It doesn't hurt much.”
`I can't tell him the truth of how much this really hurts it'd crush him!'
“I'm all right Seto, besides you're kissing my nose if funny.”
“Oh really?” Kaiba asked kissing his nose again.
Mokuba giggled and wiggled a little, “Don't Seto that tickles.” Suddenly he gasped all his wiggling caused him to change position and made Seto hit his sweet spot.
Just as Seto had said the pain soon turned into pleasure. Seto moved his hips just a little more to the side, causing Mokuba to screamed as he saw white when his sweet spot was hit roughly because of his brother's large size.
“Are you ready?” Seto asked, he'd shifted to get into a better position and then was holding still enough to allow his brother time to adjust.
Mokuba nodded, he knew his brother told him there'd be pleasure but this was well worth the pain he thought.
Seto pulled out so that only the tip was still inside of his brother. He slowly thrusts back into him. Kaiba had to resist the urge to just pound into him mercilessly. It wasn't easy he so wanted to but didn't want to hurt his brother. Especially being the boys first time, he didn't want him to hate it. After two or three times of doing this Mokuba couldn't take anymore.
“Seto… go faster I want you to go faster.”
“You sure about this?”
“Yes just do it!” Mokuba said.
Seto obeyed and soon started to thrust faster and harder into Mokuba, hitting that certain wonderful sweet spot repeatedly over and over. Mokuba found he was actually enjoying this more than he thought he would. Then Kaiba reached one of his hands down and began pumping Mokuba in time with his thrusts. After a few times of this Mokuba couldn't handle it anymore he'd never felt such pleasure and pain all at the same time. This sensation finally took its toll on both his mind and body. His body tensed and he let out a final scream and covered both their chests in his essence. Kaiba thrusts a few more times, till he happily filled his brother with his own essence.
Kaiba slowly pulled out of his little brother and laid beside him. “So you ok little one?”
Mokuba slowly calming his breathing snuggled up against his big brother. “Yeah I'm ok big brother, a little sore but I'm fine.” Mokuba yawned and laid his head on his brother's chest.
Kaiba smiled and sighed pulling the blankets around them. Then he wrapped his arms around his little brother and fell into a restful nights sleep.
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A/N: Well what do think like it love it hate, what? Be gentle this is my first attempt to actually write Lemon!