Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What is Sex? ❯ What is Sex 5? Seto’s Dilemma ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: “What is Sex 5? Seto's Dilemma”
Summary: Mokuba's feeling better, but since Seto was so rough the night before what's next? Will they get over it and play?
Warnings: Yaoi, Incest, lemon and OOCness for both. If you don't like this paring or are underage DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER!
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The next morning Mokuba looked around but didn't see his brother anywhere. He found him in the family room.
“Hey Seto, are you okay big brother?”
“What, oh hey kiddo.”
“What's wrong you look upset?”
“It's nothing Mokuba.”
Mokuba walked over and kissed his brother's cheek. “Tell me what's wrong Seto.”
Kaiba sighed. “I - I know I was rough on you last night and I shouldn't have been.”
Mokuba climbed into his brother's lap. “It's ok Seto. Yeah it really hurt but it wasn't all bad.”
“I don't know what happen.” Kaiba said squeezing the boy tight.
“It's fine Seto honest.”
“I know sweetheart but I still feel bad.”
“Then let me show you I'm fine.” Mokuba said getting up and pulling on his brother's hand.
“But Seto…”
Kaiba got up kissed the kid's head, “I can't Mokuba.”
“Seto, wait where are you going?”
“Out, I'll be back later.”
“Oh, yeah Seto was a little rough, ok a lot rough. But why is he so upset? I'm fine, still a little sore but I don't want him to feel bad about it. But what can I do?”
Kaiba didn't know where to go or what to do. He just kept walking.
`What happened to me last night? Yeah I was a touch upset at Mokuba but I've never ridden him so hard. He was crying and begging me not to do it so hard. I did stop but still…' Then a thought struck him like lighting! `Wait a minute whenever I cried out in pain like that Gozaburo loved it! He liked to see me in pain. No I take that back he loved it when I was in pain. It only served to turn him on that much more! He was usually drunk then but even when he was sober it wasn't any better. I can't believe I've turned into Gozaburo! I swore to myself when Mokuba agreed to have sex with me the first time that I'd always be as gentle with him as I could. Until yesterday, I never broke that promise. Yeah the kid did enjoy it some, forgave me and even wanted to do it again. I'll admit unlike Gozaburo I did stop when Mokuba asked me to. But how can I ever consider doing it again knowing that I could revert back to doing the same horrible things to Mokuba that Gozaburo did to me! There have been times I've been so mad at him that I've had to get a punching bag installed in the basement so that I could beat on it and not him! I swore to myself I'd never lay a finger on him like that. But I've enjoyed our sessions together and so has he. However, I'm not sure we can do anything like that anymore. I mean what's to stop me from channeling Gozaburo again? Next time whose to say I'll be able to stop when he begs. I was able to this time but next time I might not.'
“Where's Seto he's been gone for hours! It's almost 10 where could he be its been raining for over an hour!”
Just then, Kaiba came in soaking wet.
“Seto! Are you all right?”
“I'm fine.”
Mokuba did his best to help his brother upstairs and get him into some dry clothes.
“Where have you been Seto? It's been raining for over an hour?”
“I was just out thinking.”
“Oh, I'm - I'm sorry Seto.”
“You've got nothing to be sorry about Mokuba. I'm the one who did something wrong.”
“No, it's my fault I - I shouldn't have complained. I know you didn't mean to be so rough. I'll be fine don't be mad at me, please Seto!”
Kaiba pulled the boy close and hugged him. Mokuba hugged back just as tight. Then he jumped at a loud crack of thunder.
“Can we go to bed now Seto?”
“I think you should sleep in your own bed tonight Mokuba.”
That surprised him ever since their first time together Mokuba had almost always slept in his brother's room.
“Please Seto! I don't want to be alone in this storm.”
“Fine but sleep that's all.”
“But why!”
“Look Mokuba I'm - I'm not sure we can play any more.”
Mokuba was in shock! “Why Seto, what's wrong big brother?”
“That's part of the problem there.”
Now the boy was confused. “What you mean by that?”
“Look Mokuba you've often questioned me as to why we have to keep this a secret, right?”
“Yeah you said that if social services finds out I'd have to leave why.”
“That's the biggest reason but…”
“But what Seto? You told me that when two people love each other they do this.” And with that, Mokuba kissed his brother on the lips.
Kaiba was still at first he wanted this so badly and Mokuba was making it even harder to break this off. He knew he had to stop this or he'd take the kid then and there. So, he broke the kiss. “If you want to sleep in here from the storm then go get dressed.”
Mokuba sighed and nodded his head. `I wish I could figure out how to help Seto get over whatever is wrong with him. If he'd talk to me, tell me what's wrong maybe we could work through this together!'
That night Mokuba did what he always did when it stormed he snuggled closer to his brother. Kaiba however wasn't feeling to hot he'd been in the rain too long. His fever was causing him to have nightmares. One particular nightmare came to mind. The first time Gozaburo raped him! It well hell on earth! It left him stiff, sore and bleeding. It felt like it went on and on forever. Every time he tried to get away and move away he'd pin him down and call him his special little pet. But if he didn't do exactly what he was told to do no matter what it was, Gozaburo threatened that he'd just go do this to Mokuba. Suddenly there was laughter and he felt someone shaking him. Then a voice over rode the laughter…
“Seto, Seto wake up big brother, your having a nightmare.”
“Wha, where?” Kaiba was a touch confused.
“You don't look so good big brother. Are you feeling all right?”
“I'll be fine.”
Mokuba sighed he really did look awful. “Seto, why can't we play? That's how you took my mind off being sick.”
Then the nightmare popped into his head again and he started to shake his head violently! Mokuba was worried and wrapped his arms around his head.
“It's okay big brother, there's nothing to worry about. Gozaburo's gone. He won't come back.” Then he sat down and looked at his brother. “Is that why you don't want to do this anymore Seto? You're afraid your becoming like him?”
Kaiba sighed “Yeah, Gozaburo loved it when I was in pain or showed signs of weakness like tears.”
“So is-is that what you think happened last night?”
“Yeah it is, somehow, when you were so aggressive wanting it so badly last night, it somehow triggered something. Though when you begged me to not be so rough I did stop, where as Gozaburo wouldn't have. He used to do things kind of like what we did last night but what you experienced was nothing.”
Mokuba was shocked. He was still sore from what happened. Plus it did really hurt he'd never had it so rough and here his brother was telling him that that was nothing!
“It - it was really that bad Seto?”
“Are you sure your really ready to know the truth?”
Mokuba thought about it a minute. “Yes, please Seto. Tell me what happened help me understand. I want to help you Seto, but I can't do that unless I know.”
“It's not pretty Mokuba, you may never want to look at me again much less ever do it again when I finish.”
Mokuba cuddled up, rested his head against his brother's shoulder, and wrapped his arms around him. “I don't believe that. Please tell me.”
Kaiba sighed. `I'm not sure I should tell him but he does have the right to know.'
“First, he never used lube for anything, he loved and enjoyed every moment of pain, I was going through. I'd scream at him to stop and don't do it but he just ignored me. He'd usually quite my screams, by kissing me roughly. I'd beg him not to, to just leave me be! But then he'd...”
“He'd what? Please Seto tell me.”
Kaiba sighed, “He asked me if that's what I really wanted, if I really wanted him to leave me alone.”
“What did he say when you said yes?”
Seto swallowed, “He told me he'd get what he wanted one way or another. That if refused him then he'd just go to you. You were still little I couldn't allow you to go through the same hell I had to do every night!”
“I'm sorry Seto.”
Kaiba squeezed him tight. “There's nothing to be sorry for little one. It was his fault not yours. Even if you hadn't been that little I'd never have allowed him to touch you! I'd have killed him before I'd let him lay a hand on you.”
“But you could have tried to fight back if it wasn't for me.”
“No Mokuba it wouldn't have made a difference. He was bigger, stronger and heavier than I was even if I tried to fight back it wouldn't have done any good. I remember our first night he tore off my clothes and when I screamed he tell me `Hush my little pet, it's going to be a long wonderful night' Then he'd removed his own clothes and rubbed up against me. Then he'd start kissing his way down my jaw line, and then he'd start biting my neck here and there. Being none to gentle about it. I'd beg and plead with him to stop. I'd do everything I could to push him off of me but I never had any luck. Plus on days, that he was drunk it was always ten times worse. He never even gives me time to heal from the previous assaults. On those days, he'd push me on my stomach and though he always said he hated it. I think he secretly loved it that it drove him mad when I whined and cried. He'd start by shoving two fingers into me then stretch, then two more then eventually his whole hand loving my screams of pain as he stretch and sometimes…”
“Sometimes what? Please tell me?”
“Sometimes he'd stick his hand in as far as it could go just for fun. I tried not to scream tried to hide my face in the pillows to the point I couldn't breath. He wasn't stretching me to prepare me or anything nice like that he was doing it to hear me scream though he'd have denied it. Other times I'd try to get out from under him which did no good. I wanted to feel relief when I felt his fingers leave me but I knew what would happen next, he'd start by rubbing my butt and then he placed the tip of his erection at my entrance. I'd whimper knowing what was to come next. What happed was without warning he'd shoved into me and without giving me time to adjust would start pumping in to me as hard as he could. He'd slam into me again and again, moaning and panting, lead only by his sick twisted lust, desire and need. The harder he did it the more I screamed which I think only turned him on more making him go impossibly faster, till he was at the climax. However, when he was drunk it didn't stop there. He'd come but he didn't stop he just start up again, going faster and faster. Then started going farther and farther till he hit that certain spot.”
“You mean like my sweet spot?”
“Yeah just like that only since this wasn't a pleasurable experience it did nothing but cause me to scream in pain and agony. He knew by the fact I was screaming louder he'd found it so he didn't even try to control himself. He'd just start to thrust harder and faster making sure to hit that spot again and again. Then he knew he went to far.”
Mokuba gulped afraid to ask. “How did he know that Seto?
“I don't think I should tell you.”
“Oh but it might make you feel better if you told me.”
“I'm not sure Mokuba. It's not pleasant.”
“Please tell me.”
“I started bleeding.”
“So he stopped right?”
“No Mokuba I told you he was drunk he didn't care. We both knew he was tearing me apart both inside and out. Nothing seemed to stop him, not my cries not anything. I assume he was too drunk to notice the fact that his body was trying to tell him he was going beyond his limitation. Finally, he released one last time into me which made me scream even louder and it hurt really badly. At last, it was over, but he never pulled out of me he'd collapse on top of me. After it was over, I just wanted to die then and there. I tried to get him off and out of me to get as far from him as I could. I'd manage to get out from under him it felt like he was crushing me but then he'd feel me trying to leave and would pulled me closer. He'd then say `You're my pet, no one else can have you, you're staying right here with me.' Then he'd kiss and sucked at my neck till he fell asleep leavening me to cry. The next morning he groaned waking up then he slowly sit up. He gazed down at me and caress my cheek and tell me, `You were wonderful last night pet. See you tonight, I might even have a few new things for us to try. You'd like that wouldn't you.' Then he'd kiss me again and even deepen it. I'd cry then he'd grab his clothes and got dressed; at the same time telling me to get ready for my lessons.”
“Lessons, after that; How did you ever manage big brother?”
“It wasn't easy kiddo, believe me.”
Mokuba sighed snuggling closer. “I'm glad you told me Seto and I don't hate you. I'm sorry you had to relive that.”
“No it's ok Mokuba I think it helped a little to talk about it.”
“Yeah really now let's get some sleep.”
“Then maybe later do you think we could play?”
“You still want to after everything you just heard!”
“Seto what happened last night has nothing to do with what happen between you and Gozaburo. I am glad you told me though. I think I understand you better. But I could never hate you for that.”
“Thank you Mokuba.”
“So can we play?”
“I - I'm not sure. I'm sorry Mokuba but after having to remember all of that I'm even more scared of hurting you than ever.”
“Then may I do you?”
“Seto you've always done me. Let me do you. Give you a chance to experience pleasure from it.”
“I don't know Mokuba.”
“I know your scared big brother but please?”
“Are you certain you want to do this?”
“Yes I am.”
“All right if you're sure.”
“I am please?”
Kaiba sighed he wasn't so sure this was a good idea but he rarely had the heart to resist Mokuba.
“Can I? Please?”
Kaiba was still a little unsure about this. “Okay kiddo if that's what you want.”
“Ok Seto, could you please get on your hands and knees for me. I really want to do this.”
Mokuba took the lube his brother always used on him and coated his fingers with it. He pressed one finger in first, Seto moaned making Mokuba grin and added two more fingers. He wanted to stretched Seto just enough, not wanting to hurt him, even though he wasn't a virgin anymore no thanks to Gozaburo. Mokuba then removed his fingers, and Seto whimpered, making Mokuba giggle. Then Mokuba quickly coated his member and pressed the tip against Seto's entrance. He then slowly pushed himself inside his brother. Mokuba waited for his brother to adjust but didn't have long to wait as his brother started pushing back against him a minute later. Seto cried out in pleasure as Mokuba slowly started thrusting into him.
“Hard-harder, Mokuba f-faster.” Seto had managed to say.
Mokuba quickly did as he was told, and started thrusting harder and faster into his big brother. Mokuba wanted to wrapped his hands around Seto's member and pump him like he always did him but quickly decided not to as he realized he couldn't do both. He wasn't tall enough or strong enough. Mokuba soon came nearly passing out as he did so, it was too soon for his taste though he had wanted it to last longer. He couldn't fill his brother completely like he did him. But he was satisfied and his brother seemed to be also. Mokuba then slowly removed himself from Seto. And fell backwards on the bed nearly falling off. Seto noticed this and was able to quickly catch him. Then he placed the now exhausted kid on his pillow. Seto pulled the covers around them and pulled the boy close.
`Wow its been so long I'd almost forgotten what it felt like. That was different. I'm not sure what to really make of it. I can't tell Mokuba I didn't totally enjoy it. I'd break the poor kids heart. Actually I have to admit I did enjoy it, I didn't think I'd be capable of it after what Gozaburo put me through. I know he wants things to go back to the way there were but I'm still not sure. I'm not sure we'll ever do any of this again. I'm just so confused!'
With that, Kaiba pulled the covers around them and held the boy close, wanting to enjoy this feeling that he may never feel again. As much as he wanted to continue, he just couldn't handle the thought of ever hurting Mokuba. He'd come to close to it last night and his great fear was he wouldn't be able to control it next time.