Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What lies inside. . . ❯ Yami Malik ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Anzu scraped her dinner plate off the table and dropped it into the kitchen sink. Her mother was furious that Anzu wasn't home the night before when she called. Anzu never cared too much, her mother was thousands of miles away, besides, she had more to deal with; Malik...

Yeah she was going out with him now, and it scared her. She didn't know how he was going to act when they went out in public together. Was he going to act like he did around that Canadian girl? 'I hope he don't...' Anzu thought with a shiver. They were only going out for a day and he already meant the world to her, did he feel the same?

The phone rang, and Anzu walked into the livingroom and picked it up, hoping it would be Malik. "Hello?"

"Hey." Yami answered.

"Oh..uh...hey...Yami." Anzu said getting over her shock.

"I heard about what happened....are you okay?"

"Um...yeah." Anzu shrugged, she sat down.

"Are you sure?" Yugi's voice squeaked as another phone was picked up.

"Yeah." Anzu sweat-dropped. "How many people are there anyway's?"

"We are all here." Yami said. "At Ise's and Honda's house."


"Yeah, so. Are you gonna come over?" Yugi asked.

"Well...I'm kinda expecting to hear from someone." Anzu said with a twitch. She switched the phone over to her other ear.

"Oh....." Yami said. "Okay, see ya Anzu."

"Bye." Anzu hung up the phone, not giving poor little Yugi to say anything. She sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Who else will I hear from today I wonder..."


Rain pounded down outside Anzu's house. Anzu just sat there on the floor, looking out through the window blankly. A streak of lightning shot through the sky, lighting it up, Anzu just blinked, she didn't care too much for storms. Thunder roared over head, making the pictures on the livingroom wall shudder.

"I didn't know the weather was suppose to be this bad." Anzu gasped as she watched a river of water about a centimeter deep flow down the road. "We are going to be lucky if there isn't a flood....I guess I won't be seeing Malik today..."

Anzu sighed and stood up, she took a look around her livingroom before walking out into the kitchen. She ran her fingers over the wall al she went, unknowing of the set of eyes that watched her. "Hmm..." Anzu groaned, she reached down and lifted up her shirt, and took a look at her side. "I guess I better clean it..." she said walking up the stairs and into the bathroom.

She slowly took of her shirt, and look off the path that was over her wound. It was ugly, a mix of purple and blue bruising around the deep redness of the blood that was crusted over the top. Anzu sighed and reached behind her to get a face cloth. Her hand landed on one, and before she could pick it up, another hand covered over hers. "Ah..." Anzu quickly hauled her hand away and spun around. "Y-Yami...Malik..." she stammered.

Yami Malik grinned. "You remembered me." he said.

"Yeah..." Anzu said, she didn't know wether to not to be scared of him...or to be happy to see him. He was still part of Malik...it was obvious, so...does it make them the same.

"What? No kiss? No hug for little old me?" Yami Malik asked with a small pout. Anzu crossed her arms. "Ohh." Yami Malik took the face cloth off the rack and looked at Anzu's side. "Want me to help with it then?"

Anzu smiled. "Thanks..." she said.

"Okay...up we go." Yami Malik put the face cloth in his mouth and lifted Anzu up on the sink counter. "So...what do I do with this?" he gently ran his finger over the wound.

Anzu slowly reached over and turned on the hot water tap. "You wash it." she said almost laughing.

"I could have guessed that..." Yami Malik said putting the face cloth under the water. He took it out and rung it out before gently pressing it on Anzu's side.

Anzu winced, then looked at him. "Yami Malik...."

"Just call me Yami." Yami Malik said lifting the face cloth up and pressing it down again.

"Okay...um...Yami...what happened to Malik?" Anzu asked. "Wh-why is he like the way he is?"

Yami Malik looked at Anzu. "He's scared." Yami Malik let the face cloth drop to the floor, then he took out a small towel and put it over Anzu's wound. "I don't know what he's scared of...but, Anzu I need you to help him."

"How will I?"

"I don't know...but...if he hurts you...don't give up on him." Yami Malik looked Anzu in the eyes without blinking. "Promise?"

Anzu nodded. "Yes..."

Yami Malik leaned closer to her and wrapped her lips in a warm, tender kiss. He then parted and looked at her. "Remember...if you ever need anything...I'm here..."


Anzu watched the rain pour down blankly from the livingroom floor. She was wearing her blink bathrobe, that was all. She was confused...there were now two men in her life, Malik...and now his Yami.

'I love them both.' Anzu thought with a blink. 'I will listen to Yami Malik...I have to...I want Malik to be normal again...' the words 'he's scared', ran through Anzu's head over and over. She couldn't think of what Malik had to be scared of.

'This is going to be hard...' Anzu thought closing her eyes and tilting her head back. 'Malik won't talk to me about things like this...how will I be able to get him to do so?'

She sweat-dropped as she watched Isis fight her way up the driveway through all the wind and rain. "What the hell...?" she mumbled not making a move to go open the door for the oncoming visitor.

Anzu felt the cold air flow through the house as Isis shoved the door open, then slam it shut. "Anzu? Are you home?" she yelled.

"No, I'm gone for a walk." Anzu yelled back.

Isis walked into the livingroom. "That was funny Anzu." she sniffed and sat down by her friend.

"Um...what are you doing here?"

Isis looked at Anzu. "I understand Yami Malik came to see you..."

"Huh?" Anzu looked at Isis surprised. "Yeah...why?"

"Anything happen?"


"Sure it never....Anzu he told me everything." Isis said.


"Anzu...I know its going to be hard...but...you can't go with both Malik and his Yami."

"Aren't they the same person at the time?" Anzu asked.

"...um yes..."

"Then don't worry about it."

Isis smiled. "I was just foolin' with you, Anzu." she gave her friend a small nudge.

"I know." Anzu smirked. Thunder rattled the house and the lights flickered. The two girls looked up as the lights went out, leaving them in total darkness.