Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What lies inside. . . ❯ A cry for help. ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Oh....great..." Anzu groaned.

"That was unexpected..." Isis said softly, she looked towards Anzu, even though she couldn't see her through the dark. "Now what?"

"We have a generator out back in the lawn house." Anzu said standing up, she flicked on a small pocket flashlight and hauled on her coat. "I guess I should go out and turn it on, it has enough power to make the lights come on...that's it."

"Is that the same one that leaks gas?" Isis asked. "I'm going out with you, that thing ain't safe."

Anzu rolled her eyes and passed Isis her jacket. "Come on then." Anzu lead Isis out to the back door and opened it. Large chunks of hail flew in at them, stinging their faces.

"Shit!" Isis hollered over the noise of the wind and hail as she followed Anzu out to the lawn house.

"Yeah, just hurry." Anzu yelled back opening the door to the lawn house. When hey were both in, she slammed the door shut and hauled the hatch over. "Phew..." she looked at the large generator.

"How do you start that thing?" Isis asked sweat-dropping. "A button...or something...?"

"You haul it over." Anzu said picking up a rope that was attached to the inside of the generator.


Anzu nodded and gave the rope hard tug, the generator rumbled and cut out. "Ah...fuck." Anzu groaned looking at the gas tank that was attached to the large machine. "There is plenty of gas... what the hell is wrong with it?"

"I told you it wasn't any good." Isis sniffed.

Anzu flicked her wet hair away from her face. "Where's the primer?"

"What's a primer?"

"It's the pump you use to pump the gas through the machine." Anzu explained moving her hands all over the generator. "Turn on the flashlight."

"I don't have it." Isis said holding up her hands. "I thought you did."

"I must have left it in the house." Anzu put her hand on the gas tank, she felt the wetness of the gas which was slowly leaking from it. She quickly hauled her hand back and began to poke around the generator for the primer.

The generator was bigger than the two girls, but it still only had the energy to light up the house. Not to work the tv or anything. That was because of its rapid gas lose.

Lightning cut through the sky, lighting up the lawn house. Anzu nearly jumped out of her skin and she shot her hand up, flicking up a switch. Sparks flew from the generator as it rumbled. "Oh shit! Isis get back! Get out of the shed!" Anzu turned to her friend and gave her a shove towards the door. Frightened, Isis fell backwards, and hit up against the door. She flew through it, for the door was rotten, making a large hole in it.

Anzu turned back to the generator, which was still sending sparks everywhere. She watched in horror as two, small sized sparks dropped on the gas tank, bursting it into flames, she knew that when it burnt through the plastic, and got into the fuel...the whole lawn house would explode.

Anzu turned quickly to the door and shouldered the part that never had a hole in it. She fell forward, out into the storm, almost landing on Isis. She turned back and looked into the shed, the generator was now a large fireball, and the gas tank was melting away. "Isis! Go!" Anzu yelled turning to her friend.

"I...I can't!" Isis yelled frozen in fear.

"Oh, Jesus." Anzu groaned and shoved Isis flat on the ground and lay on her, as soon as she did, the lawn house exploded, sending glass, nails, and shattered pieces of wood everywhere. Anzu screamed in pain as she was hit with the shattered items and flame.

"Anzu!" Isis yelled, she looked into Anzu's pain stricken face crying, she then looked at the fireball that sat where the shed was once standing.

"Ah..." Anzu cried again, tears dropped from Anzu's eyes, to Isis' face. Anzu shutter between her sobs and her face sunk down onto Isis' shoulder, her shoulders heaving.

Isis reached up to put her hand on Anzu's back, her hand met the backs of nails, and sharp pieces of wood and glass, she quickly hauled her hand back. She slid herself out from under Anzu and lifted her friend up to her knees. "Anzu..." Isis sobbed. "Anzu look at me..."

Anzu slowly lifted her head, but quickly shifted it down again when the hard hailstones and rain hit her face. "I...I want to go inside...please...help me..."

Isis looked down the road as a fire truck raced down the road towards the house. "You'll get inside, Anzu...very soon...."


Isis watched from the Mazaki's kitchen window as the firefighters put the raging fire out. She then looked back into the livingroom where Anzu lay on the couch, shirtless, and on her stomach. Her back was patched out, and the paramedic walked out the door.

"Anzu...are you okay?" Isis asked walking in and sitting on the floor in front of her friend.

"...he never came..." Anzu muttered. "Everyone knows that this happened...and Malik...he never came..."

"Its okay, Anzu..." Isis whispered, she reached up and brushed Anzu's brown hair out of her friends eyes.

"No...no..." more tears ran down her cheeks. "I was wrong to think I could change him...and I'm going to let Yami Malik down..."

"Don't beat yourself up over it, Anzu..." Isis said, tears welling in her eyes as well, tears of sadness for Anzu, and hatred for her brother. "Its not your fault..."

"I...I want him h-here..." Anzu stuttered. "I don't want..."

"Shh..." Isis said. "I'm going home now...I'm going to go home...and he is going to come here..."

"No..." Anzu cried. "Don't. He...he's going to be mad..."

"I don't care..." Isis said. "He's going to get a mouth full when I go home."

Anzu gave her friend a small smile. "Thank you, Isis..."

"I should be thinking you." Isis said with a small smile. "If it wasn't for you, I'd be there on the couch flashing my boobs to the world." they both laughed.


"Malik." Isis said barging into her brothers room.

Malik looked at her from his bed. "What?"

"Did you hear what happened over to Anzu's??" Isis asked.

"Yeah." Malik said. "Why?"

"What?! Why the hell didn't you go over?!" Isis yelled.

"Why should I have?" Malik asked.

"Malik...she was crying because you never came...she is over there...in her livingroom...almost bleeding to death." Isis screamed, she picked up one of Malik's lamps and threw it at him, he ducked and it hit the wall, shattering on impact. "She put her life in danger for ME, Malik."

Malik just looked at her, a blank expression on his face. Isis looked at him in disbelief. "I don't believe you! how can you act like this towards her, Malik? She loves you! And I know that somewhere down in that twisted, blackened heart of yours you love her too!"

Malik's eyes narrowed. "Get out of here, Isis." he shouted. "OUT NOW!" he took a small knife out of his pocket and fired it at her, it hit the door, inches away from her face.

Isis' face was horror struck when she backed away from her brothers room. "What happened to you?" she asked shutting the door and walking back down the hall.


Anzu's eyes twitched under her closed eyelids, she was dreaming...or was she? It was more like a flashback...


"Malik." Anzu said walking but behind him, they were both dressed in old, Egypt clothing. "Malik where are you going?"

"Away from here." Maoik answered looking back at his love.

"Please...Malik don't go..." Anzu said grabbing his arm. "Malik...I love you..."

Malik just looked at her sternly. Anzu's eyes trembled. "Don't...you love me?"

Malik never answered, he just looked down at her, the expression never left his face. "I see." Anzu said letting him go. "Go on then!" she turned on her heel and walked away.


Malik kissed Anzu's lips soundly. He hauled away and looked at her. "You mean the world to me, Anzu." he said softly.

"I love you." Anzu answered smiling.

"I love you too." Malik answered.


Anzu's eyes shot open, she looked around the livingroom, it was still dark, the power never came back, and she could tell that the lawn shed fire was put out. She was scared. 'Did...did that really happen in the past...?' she thought. She rolled over on her back, pain shot through her whole body.

"Ah..." she looked down at her bare chest and sighed. She reached up and grabbed a blanket that was strung over the back of the couch and covered herself over.

"Oh please, don't cover yourself...I really enjoyed it." Malik said walking in the livingroom from the kitchen.

Anzu's breath caught in her throat and she looked at him sourly. "What do you want?" she grumbled.

"I came over to see you." Malik answered walking up to her and sat on the floor. "How are you feeling?"

"How you think I'm feeling?" Anzu snapped.

"Yeah...I deserved that..." Malik looked at her. "I deserve a lot more than that..."

"Your damn right you bloody bastard." Anzu said looking away from him.

"Anzu...I'm sorry."

"How the hell can you be sorry?!" Anzu said sitting up, the blaket fell down over her, a shot of pain flowed through her back. "Ah!"

"Anzu..." Malik touched her arm.

"No! Don't touch me!" Anzu screamed. "Get away from me! Go! I don't want to see you ever again!" Anzu sat back down and covered her face over with a pillow and cried.

Malik opened his mouth to answer, but stopped, let out a low shuttering sigh, and left.