Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ A. Ghost Story ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



A cloak I borrowed

We kept your distances

Why should it follow that

I must have loved you?

What is the force that binds the stars?

I wore this mask to hide my scars

What is the power that pulls the tide?

Never could find a place to hide

What moves the earth around the sun?

What could I do but run and run and run?

Afraid to love, afraid to fail

A mast without a sail...

That this indifference

Was my invention

When everything I did

Sought your attention...

If this was all correct

The last thing I’d expect

The prosecution rest

It’s time that I confessed

I must have loved you...


School was always boring, especially seeing Yugi Motou wasn’t your typical girl. Many flirted, joined the cheerleading squad, gossiped with their friends, squealed, were emotional...

She was the complete opposite.

Barely any friends, never flirted, hated the cheerleaders (no offense, goes with the Anzu/Tea thing- you’ll see), didn’t speak with anyone in less she had to, never squealed about anything, nor expressed much of her emotions. That brought out an interesting thing for the Domino High School Junior in the school newspaper, other then Chess Champion and her upcoming seventeenth birthday.

‘Junior Classes should be/already are couples:

Tea Gardener and Tristan Taylor- 30% YES, 70% NO

Joey Wheeler and Rei Anei- 25% YES, 75% NO

Seto Kaiba and Yugi Motou- 90% YES, 10% NO’

That was only three out of the ten, but people kept on telling poor Yugi about the ‘cute couple’ her and Kaiba would make. Then again Kaiba was always followed by the Cheerleading Squad that fawned over him like willing servants. She didn’t know about going out with her best-friend, then again the debate about her feelings on him always turned in to a internal war.

That was never good, but she couldn’t make up her mind on him and never tried to settle that dispute considering everything they had gone through. She shoved the stapled newspaper in to her black binder, which was littered with drawings of vines and ongoing figures that formed seven varying objects in a odd arrangement. ‘Well, better shove off before the Barrage of Bimbos decides to cause some more trouble.’ she mused heading off towards the school building, seeing the lunch period only had five more minutes.

Any ways, she had to finish up a few questions.


The pale haired Ryou Bakura glanced about the empty room, or near empty he dully noted as he seen two people did occupy the room he was hoping to find empty. The brunette named Seto Kaiba in his blue trenchcoat and dress clothes was sitting at one of the desks as a girl he didn’t recognize sat on the desk with a book in her lap.

He squinted and realized she had layered tri-colored hair- the bulk of the back was black with crimson zigzag tips and blonde bangs. She wore a black high collared coat that fell past the desk and looked rather petite. "Your absolutely no help, Seto!" she stated whapping him on the head with her hand as he smirked.

"Well, Yugi, maybe if you asked the right questions..." he trailed off as she glared at him.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold, Kaiba, remember that." she stated pointing her pencil eraser at him as he rolled his eyes.

"Any other delightful phrases?" he asked cocking his head to the side as she gave him a mischievous grin.

"Payback’s a bitch." she replied and started to scribble something down as he sat back with his laptop.

[So those two are rather closer.] Ryou mused to himself as a small voice snickered and he frowned.

"So, kid, what’cha standing in the doorway for? Come in and introduce yourself." she stated, sitting her book down on the seat part of the chair and turning to face him. She had one, boot clad foot braced against the floor as her semi-tight pants were black. "Hallo?" she asked as he blinked and blushed in embarrassment.

[[Wake up, you idiot.]] a voice hissed as he wanted to scowl, but didn’t.

"My name is Ryou Bakura, I just moved here from England." he stated entering the room as both watched him.

"Welcome to Domino High. My name is Yugi Motou and this is Seto Kaiba. " she stated with a nod as Kaiba nodded to him and went back to his work. "The place where barely anything interesting happens, apart from the random acts of boredom namely we then start Dueling. Is that right, Daddy Warbucks?"

"Of course." Kaiba stated as she smirked.

[So the Ice Dou of Domino has humor, more then most think.] Ryou mused as he sat in a desk near the two.

"Wait a minute." he growled glaring at her as she crossed her arms. "Are you making references to that damnable musical again?" he growled as she lifted her chin in defiance.

"What if I am, Mr. Kaiba? What would you do about it?" she asked he his eyes narrowed.

"What happened to the shy, innocent, sweet kid you used to be?"

"She left her answering machine in complete control." she replied sticking her tongue out at Kaiba as he raised a elegant eyebrow in question just as the bell decided to ring. "Sorry we didn’t get to talk much, Ryou, gotta head off to history." she stated shaking his hand and going off, slipping back in to character and disappearing around the corner.


Thankfully the rest of the day went quick as Ryou waited outside to find Yugi, mostly because one of the teachers stated that the notes he needed she had kept as opposed to everybody else who weren’t going to give their own up because of the test. She then appeared with a black bookbag slung over one shoulder and headphones over her ears with the wire leading to a pocket in the jacket.

[[Well? What the hell are you waiting for? I would love to get out of this damned ring for awhile.]] that same voice snapped as Ryou rolled his eyes and approached her.

"Hey Yugi!" he called out as she blinked as her wide violet eyes showing her amusement as she removed her headphones, letting them hang around her neck.

"Hey Ryou, what’cha need?" she asked as some of the music she was listening to drifted to his ears.

"Mr. Miller said to get the history notes off of you, seeing no one else would give up their notebook." he stated as she nodded and slipped her bookbag off of her right shoulder and opened the flap up.

"Of course." she muttered and pulled a green notebook from it’s depths. On the front cover was a elaborately drawn oasis with a odd edging. "Just give it back to me tomorrow in first period or whenever your done with it, come to think of it."

"Thanks." he stated as she smiled and put her headphones back on, waving good-bye to him and heading off down the sidewalk.

[Nice picture.] Ryou told the voice in his mind as he glanced at the drawing before shoving the notebook in his backpack and heading off in the opposite direction. The annoying little voice in the back of his head was complaining and it was giving him a headache.
