Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ P. Wild Cards and Black Dice Part 1 ( Chapter 33 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Part 1- Meetings and Means

... I feel like I’m being followed...

It was a voice that sounded like my own. A calling

that was stronger than instinct. A voice that

sounded like a million bolts of lightning running

through my bloodstream you try to fight it.

There are times I can’t sleep.

Times I wonder what would happen if I just walked away from it all.

But I don’t and probably never will.

And that is the reason it chose me.

Two beings equally strong... a powerful alliance but also,

the potential to be worst enemies. But I don’t walk away.

...I hit another wall, another wall ahead...


["Are you SUICIDAL?!" roared a brown haired, bordering red hair, young woman as she faced off against a teen with wild black hair and equally wild green eyes. Her blackish blue eyes were narrowed in anger and accusation as he laughed. "Just because your apprenticed to that THIEF doesn’t mean you have to follow through with this suicidal plan!"

"Lyrel, Kurage wouldn’t steer me wrong..." the boy stated as she crossed her arms over her chest and glared, causing him to get a bit nervous. A mad woman is never good... for a man that is. That always meant someone was going to get injured or worse...

"Kurage is a wanted Tomb Robber, Igoto. He’ll do anything to get gold, riches, and power... no matter what the costs." she stated grabbing his shoulders before moving her hands up to cup his cheek with a worried expression on her face. "By Bastet, can’t you just stay here and not go through with this idiotic plan?"

"Is an Amazon showing compassion for a man?" he mocked as she pushed him back, releasing his face and letting him fall back.

"Remind me why I bother." she muttered and went off, leaving poor Igoto to lay on the ground in a slight daze.]

Serenity Wheeler snapped awake, sitting up as she did to look around her neat little room in the apartment she shared with her mother. Her brother was Joey Wheeler, who had a friend named Tristan Taylor that had a crush on her. She stretched and glanced out the window to see a rather nice day ahead. "Serenity! Get up!" her mother shouted from the kitchen of the apartment as she smiled. "Come and get some breakfast before you head off to that Tournament..."

"Oh no!" she stated jumping out of bed and running to her closet to find something to wear.

She had met up with ‘Ice Princess Yugi Motou’ on a few occasions when her brother wasn’t in overprotective ‘should-be father instead of brother’ mode. She couldn’t figure out why her brother didn’t like her much, but then again she couldn’t figure out why he hated the people he did.

She had met up with Yugi a few times, which proved to be interesting for what she was about to get involved in...

[‘Hello, Turtle Game Shop. Yugi Motou speaking, what can I do for you?’ was the familiar bored voice of the teen that helped save her eye sight.

"Hi, Yugi. This is Serenity Wheeler, Joey’s little sister." she stated, rather nervously as the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds.

‘The one that was in the hospital?’

"Yes, that Serenity." she stated with a slight laugh. "I was calling to ask you a favor, if you wouldn’t mind..."

‘Depends what the favor is, Serenity, what’cha need that the Ice Princess can do?’

"Can you teach me how to play Dungeon Dice Monsters?"


"Please?" she asked sweetly as a defeated sigh was then heard.

‘Alright, meet me at the Turtle Game Shop in an hour and I’ll teach ya’.’]

That was how it started. A simple phone call had started the small friendship between the two girls.

"Mom! Where’s my black vest with the moon and star symbol?" she called out, pulling on a pair of black dress pants and a white dress shirt. She was buttoning it up when she emerged from her closet, pulling a pair of socks from the clean clothes sitting on her dresser.

The flashbacks she was having was amusing, considering the other one was after Yugi’s teachings and after beating both Malik and Bakura in a match. She let out a laugh as she pulled her socks on, realizing another thing. ‘Damn buttons!’ she mentally cursed, re buttoning her shirt on her way to her vanity to brush her hair.

["I can’t believe it!" Malik stated as he fell off of the bed, falling on poor Ryou who was playing solitaire as he waited for their hostess to return with snacks and drinks. He let out a squeak as Malik landed on his back, looking like a fish out of water as Serenity laughed out loud. Yugi entered with drinks, she seen the odd picture and walked over to look at the field.

"Congratulations Serenity, I think you got a good handle on this game." Yugi stated as Serenity smiled at her and took a drink and cookie from the tray she was carrying.

"Oww, I didn’t do this when she beat me." Ryou grumbled rolling so Malik hit the ground with a thud. "Baka sore loser." he grumbled standing up to get some food and drink from the tray.

"By the way, Happy Birthday." Yugi stated pulling a wrapped package from her bookcase and handing it to her. "Open it when you get home, that way the suspense kills you."]

She grabbed her purse on the way out of her room and into the main room of the apartment, greeting her mother with a kiss on the cheek as she grabbed the black vest speckled with small star shaped sequins with a crescent moon on the right side. She sat down and pulled her shoes on as her mother giggled at the sight she made. "Relax, dear, you’ll do fine." Mrs. Wheeler stated as her daughter glanced up at her and smiled.

"It’s the first time I’ve ever been in a tournament, Mom." she stated as her mother smiled and patted her head.


Ryuu Otogi glanced about, his green eyes scanning the crowd for any new faces, or familiar faces. His cheerleaders were still missing, but not mourned because they were annoying. He had met up with Ryou and Bakura earlier after his dream, both telling him he had no idea what he seen.

["Did you ever have a dream that was trying to tell you something?" he asked Bakura as Ryou cooked breakfast.

"Yes, but last time I listened to my dreams I ended up being chased down and tackled by a hyper active teenage girl." he replied as Otogi frowned.

"I guess that was my fault for not being more specific." he grumbled as Bakura smirked. "Did you ever have a dream about a girl that is telling you not to listen to you, Bakura, and then tossing you backwards. All that sticks out was the word ‘Amazon’."

"Otogi, my apprentice, I’ve been trapped in this Ra damned Ring for five millennia... if I remembered I would have been a millionaire for proving everything right and finding these tombs." he stated as he sat back and glared. "I’m not a millionaire, I have yet to rule the world, and I have no clue how to help you just short of asking the Pharaoh for help... but they aren’t in town today."

"Damn it."]

He sighed, the dream still fresh in his mind, but the face of the woman was still slightly blurred but for her eyes and the concern she held for his past self. He leaned on the railing as a familiar group was seen entering, causing him to groan. ‘Why the hell are THEY here?’ he mentally asked, seeing that three planned on entering as the third was a girl that was always flirting with him in class. ‘Someone up there must really hate me.’

Someone then bumped into him as he growled and turned to yell at the person...

That was then that he met the young woman’s eyes and froze.

... blackish blue eyes met green in surprise and amusement.

"Sorry." she stated as a embarrassed blush crept over her cheeks. "I didn’t mean to bump into you."

"That’s alright." he muttered, entranced by her presence. "Ryuu Otogi. Are you competing in this


"Serenity Wheeler, and yes I am." she replied with a smile, before it fell when she seen her brother. "I’m just trying to hide from my brother before he tries to make me quit."

"Don’t worry, it’s actually refreshing to meet a new dueler." he stated leading her into the crowd, she just followed him without hesitation. "How’d you get involved?" ‘Why am I being nice to her?’ he asked himself as Serenity was silent for a moment.

"I asked a friend to teach me, seeing the game seemed rather interesting. She also talked me into trying this tournament." she replied as they paused at the stacked TV monitors.

"Who taught you?" he asked, curious as she cocked her head to the side to glance at him.

"Yugi Motou." she replied as he was in shock, she pulled away as he laughed.

"So that’s why Malik was down in the dumps, your the one he called the ‘Kawaii Mystic Elf’." he stated as she blushed red, causing him to laugh at her predicament. "Don’t worry, the nicknames they have for each other are usually ten times worse."

"That’s nice to know." she stated with a smile.
