Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ Q. Wild Cards and Black Dice Part 2 ( Chapter 34 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Part 2- Arguments and Tears

When I, thought I knew you

Thinking, that you were true

I guess I, I couldn't trust

'Cause I've had enough

You were, there by my side

Always, down for the ride

But your, joy ride just came down in flames

'Cause it makes me that much stronger

Makes me work a little bit harder

It makes me that much wiser

So thanks for making me a fighter

Made me learn a little bit faster

Made my skin a little bit thicker

Makes me that much smarter

So thanks for making me a fighter

On a good thing before I realized your game

I heard, you're going around

Playing, the victim now

But don't, even begin

Feeling I'm the one to blame


Otogi watched as Serenity dueled and eventually won. He never grew tired of her laughing and smiles as she faced off against arrogant, cocky, unsure, and annoying duelers and came out on top. He could see that she was getting closer and closer to facing off against Mai Valentine, seeing her brother and his friend were illuminated the first three rounds.

"You seem to be in a trance, Otogi." a familiar voice stated from behind him as he turned to face Yugi Motou, for once in baggy clothes with semi-tangled hair.

"I forbid you to teach any more people how to play, Serenity is doing rather well for her first time." he stated with a laugh as they turned their attention back to the duel. Weevil Underwood was down to his last heart point as Serenity still held two with two powerful creatures on the field- Pumpkin King guarding her hearts and a Rouge Doll in position to take out Weevils last.

"That isn’t it, is it?" Yugi asked with some amusement creeping into her voice as she crossing her arms over the Millennium Puzzle as he blushed a bit. "There is more." she declared in triumph as he bowed his head to hide the fact that his face was redder then a rose. "Come on, Black Dice, tell me what makes you blush when I press the subject about Miss ‘Kawaii Mystical Elf’." she stated as cheering when up from Serenity’s victory. She spun him to face her as he met her determined violet eyes.

"I’m falling." he stated as she released him and then let her stone face crack into a blinding smile and a laugh. He let out the breath he was holding, hoping she wasn’t going to do anything against him because he said- well admitted- that.

"Well then, that explains it." she stated letting out a whistle as Serenity glanced at them, before smiling brilliantly at them. She gathered her things and got off of the platform and ran towards them.

"Yugi!" she let out tackling her friend in a hug as Yugi let out another round of laughter, shocking a few to her side. "Thank you, thank you so much." she stated as the Game Queen patted her head.

"No problem, Renity." she replied and then patted Otogi on the back. "How about lunch? My treat."

"Seeing your offering..." Otogi stated draping an arm around Yugi’s shoulders and the other around Serenity’s. "How about joining us?" he stated to Serenity as she giggled.

"Of course!"


Mai Valentine, without her boyfriend and his posse, watched as Otogi and Serenity Wheeler were heading into a nearby cafe with Yugi bringing up the rear. "Ice Princess!" Mai shouted as the tri-color haired teenage girl paused and glanced back at her. "Not in the mood for skin tight and leather today?" she taunted, jogging to catch up, picking at the black shirt she wore.

"I got dressed in the dark." she replied as Mai smirked. "Lunch on me, wanna join?"

"As long as your buying, but what’s with Joey’s sister and Otogi?" she asked as they walked in. Mai glanced and seen that mischievous smile on the Ice Princess’s face and knew something was about.

"Matchmaker, matchmaker, make a match for me..." she sang under her breath as Mai blinked and then seen the couple. A second later she looked curious and then grinned. "I can’t get involved on you side, but a partner in crime would be good."

"Your saying we get her and him together officially?" she asked as they sat down, the other two deep in their own conversation.

"They’re so kawaii, it would be worth the trouble." Yugi replied with a pout as Mai twitched.

"Okay, okay! Just don’t ever give me that puppy dog look EVER again."


Mai frowned as she lost to Serenity to face Otogi in the final battle, but she seen t he look on Joey’s face and seen that he wasn’t at all pleased with his ‘darling, little sister’ dueling. She could sense that this would be a problem, she glanced to the one side and seen Yugi and Mokuba cheering from the sidelines.

Otogi stepped up for the duel as Joey was growling. "Joe, relax." Mai stated as he was still fuming. Tristan was also fuming as Tea was flirting and ignoring them.

She could see problems brewing even at the beginning of this duel.

‘Damn it! Can’t he just trust his little sister for once? They make such a cute couple.’ Mai mused angrily as she waited for the end to come so that she could drag her boyfriend off for a nice little talk. She wasn’t going to stand for a teenage girl being treated like a five year old! They had their independence and no one could take that away from them!

‘Come on Serenity, do good against him.’ she mentally cheered, smiling when Otogi got his first heart point knocked away yet laughing at his shocked face. The duel got interesting, both seemed evenly matched as the crowds got bigger as more voices joined the cheering. "Come on Serenity!" she called out as others echoed her call, Joey turning to glare at her as she returned it at full force.

He wasn’t to happy with that.


Otogi won in the end of that adrenaline pumping duel. People were congratulating Serenity on one of the closets Dungeon Dice Monsters duel they’ve seen as Otogi presented her with a medal and check for winning the tournament. That was before getting rather embraced.

Serenity hugged him and kissed his cheek, causing the Dice Creator to turn red in embarrassment. Catcalls went up from a few as Mokuba laughed from his perch on Yugi’s shoulders. He snapped a picture of them as Otogi glared at the laughing boy. "Meow! To bad the cat can’t attack the love birds." she stated as both blushed.

"SERENITY LILLIAN WHEELER!" Joey nearly screamed as he marched towards his sister, who was still standing by Otogi. They had made plans within a few minutes for dinner one night... then she jumped and faced her mad brother. "What da hell do ya think ya doin?" he hissed seizing her arm, but then found Otogi stopping his hand before he could.

"Having a civil conversation, it isn’t that hard." he replied dryly as Serenity watched. She frowned as her brother proceeded to yell at Otogi about something she knew about, seeing Bakura told her the interesting story of her brother that she never knew.

"Joey, will you shut ut the hell up for once and let your little sister live a little?" Yugi butted in as she stepped between the two, helping Mokuba from her shoulders so he could stand by Otogi and away from the line of fire. "Your making another scene and trying to control her life a bit much. So what if you lost a bet with Otogi and had to wear a dog suit? If he does anything to Serenity a few of us, would no doubt, try to kill him."

"Thanks for that vote of confidence, Chemy." he stated with a frown as Serenity giggled.

"Step out of this, snob! Just because your dating Kaiba---" he didn’t get the last part out due to a hand connecting with his face and a foot with his shin.

"Last time I checked I wasn’t dating Kaiba and babysit Mokuba, but if you dare say that to me again they’ll have to pick you up off of this cement floor with a huge spatula!" she hissed as he glared at her. Mokuba had the camera in hand and smirking as a few gawked. "Quit trying to control people and sticking your foot in your mouth." she finished and glanced at Mokuba. "Come on kid, Ice Cream?"

"Yeah!" he cheered as they went off.

Joey dragged his protesting sister off as Otogi sighed and glanced at Mai. "Don’t worry, dear, you got myself and the Ice Princess behind your future relationship with her." she stated as he twitched. "See ya!" she went off as her words sunk in...




‘Why do I feel screwed?’
