Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When I Said Forever... ❯ History Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: KuraKat does NOT own YGO. *sniffle sniffle* sigh, maybe one day, when I'm rich and, yeah, that'll never happen.



Chapter 2: History Part 2


A year went by quicker than I could process all that had happened. Bakura had started searching for the Millennium Items, plotting to plunge the world into darkness. Granted, I wasn't opting for such a thing, I never tried to stop him simply because I was his wife and felt that I needed to support him. In all honesty, I was a woman and really had no say in the matter anyway.

Of course, his dark plots aside; at home he was one of the most caring and loving people in the world. Neci and I were the only family he had, and he protected us as such. He took Neci as his own, teaching him simple tricks in sneaking and pick pocketing. The boy took to Bakura easily, and always loved having him around. Bakura taught him how to "be a man," something I was incapable of providing.

Toward me, Bakura was gentle and loving. Often he would come up and wrap his strong arms around my waist while I was preparing the daily meals. He would nuzzle my neck playfully before removing the utensils in my hands and turning my around to kiss me passionately. I loved him and longed for him when he wasn't around. Of course, it was rare that he was not present; he was always home by sundown.

One day was different, however. Bakura had gone out as he did every day, searching tirelessly for the 7 Items, but at sundown, he was nowhere to be found. Neci and I had eaten our evening meal and I was piecing together a blanket by the candlelight as the boy prepared for bed. I was worried but didn't wish to frighten my little brother. As he drifted off to sleep on the cot by my feet, I grew more anxious. Where could Bakura have gone? I knew he couldn't have been seriously harmed or captured; he was very sly, a good thief, and he was strong and fast. As if the gods had heard my concern, there came a knock at the door.

"Hello," the peculiar man said, "My name is Malik Ishtar."

The man was rather attractive, with bleach blonde hair, lavender eyes, and a shimmering tan.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Ishtar?," I asked.

"You are the wife of Bakura Eru, are you not?"

"Yes, yes I am, but he's not here right now."

The expression on the young man's face changed. He had looked to be about my age, but now appeared ancient.

"I'm aware of that, miss. I often work with him, but tonight something went terribly wrong."

My heart sank, and the boy must have noticed the pained expression gracing my face, because he began to speak again.

"We found the Sennen Ring in one of the tombs, but the Shadow Magic surrounding it lashed out against us. Somehow, it managed to trap Bakura within it."

"B-but how?" I asked, not wanting to believe what I had just heard. I was only 16 and already a widow.

"No one is really sure. It's as if he was chosen for it. Everyone else picked it up with no effect, but as soon as he touched it, it consumed him. He had only time enough to say one thing."

"What did he say, Malik?" By this time, almost any words from my beloved would be comforting.

"`Tell Taide I'll love her for all eternity.'"

I couldn't believe it. He was really gone. All the sorrow I had been keeping inside until this point finally broke free. My knees gave out and I fell to the floor sobbing uncontrollably. Malik bent down beside me, trying desperately to calm me down. I was down to simply hiccups after about 45 minutes. I knew, though, that I could not dwell on my losses if I was to keep Neci and myself alive. Bakura had always been the one to keep food on the table, and now he was gone.

Time went on after that. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. Neci was now 12, and I 19. He had grown into a fine young man. Often, he would go to market for me while I tended to the house. He seemed to easily take Bakura's place in providing food; my beloved husband had trained him well, and I knew he would have been proud.

I, of course, also picked up a hobby to keep myself occupied. While Neci slept, I would study Shadow Magics, trying desperately to find a way to free Bakura from the Ring. Unfortunately, I had no luck in that matter. Instead, I managed to trap people in the Shadow Realm (don't get me wrong, it was rather amusing, but still, not what I was aiming for). I also noticed another oddity; I never seemed to age. Years went by, but I never grew older. Eventually Neci was in his twenties, but I was still young and beautiful as I was at 19, when I really should have looked 35 or so. It was unbelievable. I never thought to find what appeared to be the "fountain of youth". The discovery, however, would play a major role in finding Bakura again.