Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When I Said Forever... ❯ 3,000 Years Later... ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: KuraKat does NOT own YGO (sniffle).



Author Notes:


"blah"- Conversation


`blah'- Thoughts


/blah/- Hikari to Yami


//blah//- Yami to Hikari


Japanese Words You'll Come Across in This Chapter:


Hai- yes


Iie- no


Konnichiwa- Hello


Koi- love (noun)


Other Random Made-Up Words in This Chapter:


Michka- no real meaning. Just a pet name that I created for Bakura to use for Taide



Chapter 3: 3000 Years Later…


Years went by until everyone I had known had passed on to the afterlife. Decades piled onto each other, as I remained a youth. I watched the progression of the world and finally, after 3,000 years, I had braved up to leaving Egypt. I somehow found the money for trips on the large steel bird that people called and airplane. I figured that I could go just about anywhere and exist fine; 3,000 years is a long time to study languages, so I knew several, including Russian, English, French, Spanish, and Japanese.

My traveling eventually brought me to Japan. Most of the people I spoke to were surprised by my knowledge of their language. Please remember that I still looked only 19. I found the city of Domino and fell in love with it; there was so much to do and see. I saw a school building and decided to investigate. I couldn't have prepared myself for what I would find.

I stepped inside and a thousand kids rushed through the halls. They were all busily hurrying to their next class; everyone except one boy. He was about 5'9", but couldn't have weighed more than about 120 pounds. He seemed hidden and unsure of himself, but he was incredibly beautiful. Silvery hair fell down his shoulders and big chocolate eyes held secrets within them. Suddenly, something sparked in my mind; he looked almost identical to Bakura, though a little gentler and lest tarnished in purity.

I walked up to the slender boy and nearly started speaking the Ancient tongue before I caught myself and converted to Japanese.

"Ye-konnichiwa," I said, trying my best at the language, despite my obvious, and rather thick, accent.

"Konnichiwa," he replied shyly. I could tell he was not a native speaker either.

"This is not your native tongue either?"

"Iie, I am English."

"Well then, may we speak English?"

He smiled faintly before responding, "Hai- I mean, yes."

I then introduced myself, but did not mention my age at all. He himself appeared about 17.

"It's nice to meat you Taide. Where are you from?"

"Egypt, if you'll believe it."

There was that smile again. My heart twisted and yearned to comfort him. The smile on his lips seemed almost sorrow-filled, as if something were ripping at his very soul. I didn't realize how right I was.

"I don't believe I got your name," I said after a pause.

"Oh, terribly sorry. My name is Ryou, Ryou Bakura," he said, blushing lightly.

Then he paused and looked at me. I hadn't realized that my jaw had literally dropped.

"Are you alright?," he asked in that sweet little English accent.

"Yes, I'm fine; its just that- oh, nevermind; it's a long story."

He looked at me for a moment before speaking again.

"Hey, are you going to come to this school now?"

"I don't' know. I haven't really been to a public school."

"Well, that's alright, I'll help you. Why don't you come to lunch with me and we can talk some more?"

I nodded and followed the peculiar boy to the cafeteria.


~In the Courtyard during Lunch~


"Now, you said you were from Egypt?"

"Yes, from a city as old as the sun."

He chuckled a little bit at that and asked the name.

"It was not far from a place called Kuru Eruna. It was named Hilai."

Suddenly I noticed that his face had turned ghostly pale.

*Ryou POV*

`Unbelievable. How could she possibly know of Kuru Eruna? According to my yami, Bakura, that place has been non-existent for 3,000 years. Could she possibly be an ancient one? Maybe Bakura would know.'


//What is it yadonushi?//

/There's a girl here who knows of Kuru Eruna./

//That's impossible! That city disappeared when I was a child!//

/But she told me that she was from a city near there, called Hilai./

//I still don't believe you; let me see here. She won't know the difference.//


*Normal POV*

"Hilai, huh?" Bakura said, as a smile crept onto his face. His eyes of course, had been closed as if deep in thought, so he hadn't seen what this Taide girl looked like.

"Yes," the Egyptian girl responded.

At this Bakura looked at her and his heart sank. It couldn't be her; not his Taide. She should have been gone millennia ago, and a reincarnation wouldn't have her knowledge.

"Ryou, are you alright?"

"Taide, we need to talk."

The girl was a little confused by this, but complied.

After a long pause, Bakura spoke again.

"You're an Ancient one, aren't you, Taide?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes, I am," she answered hesitantly, "How did you know?"

"Because I am one as well, Michka" (A/N: sorry, had to have a pet name for her, courtesy of Bakura. lol)

"Ba-bakura? But how? Why did you say your name was Ryou?"

"Calm down, love. I'll get to that," he said placing gentle hands on her shoulders.

After going through the intricacies of the story, Taide began to understand.

"So, when you disappeared, the Ring kept your soul and Ryou released you?"

"Something like that. Right now, we share a body and we're basically one person with dual personalities. But tell me, how did you come to exist so long, koi?"

"You had said you would love me for all eternity, thus binding us together; well, that and it probably helped that I was practicing shadow magics. So basically, as long as you exist in some form, so do I."

"Amazing," was all the ex-tomb robber could manage.



Sorry to end it there. But I'll update soon since its Christmas break and I've got all the time in the world. Please review!!!
